In the Middle of the Night (H...

By Hunters_Bitxh

75K 1.6K 2.9K

~These burning flames, these crashing waves, wash over my like a hurricane, I captivate, you're hypnotized~ Y... More

- Playlist! -
1. Hug me!
2. Are You Bored Yet?
3. Hidden In the Sand
4. Cotton Candy Skies
5. Teenagers
6. Last Friday Night
7. Mad Hatter
8. We Fell in Love in October
9. High School Sweethearts
10. Fly Me to the Moon
11. Hayloft II
12. Light Switch
13. Homage
14. Despair
15. Solider, Poet, King
16. The Record Player Song
17. Pity Party
18. Sweet Hibiscus Tea
19. Not allowed
20. Pumped up Kicks
21. Backstabber
22. Sports
23. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
25. My Strange Addiction
26. Masquerade
27. Two Birds
28. Mr. Loveman
29. Butterfly's Repose
(Extra) Blow My Brains Out
(Extra 2) Training Wheels
30. Ship in a Bottle
(Extra 3) Careless Whisper

24. My Ordinary Life

1.5K 36 23
By Hunters_Bitxh

"Because we have each other." I weakly smiled at him. I heard a knock at the door and I jumped. "Come in!" I shouted as I wiped my tears away. Luz opened the door and walked to the edge of my bed. "I had a nightmare. Oh hi, Hunter." She waved. "Hunter scoot over." I requested. He scooted over and Luz sat next to me. "We are going to finish Amphibia again, you want to watch?" I asked her. She nodded and brought the blanket up to her waist. Hunter wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we turned on the show.

-My Ordinary Life-

~They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the facade, six feet off the ground at all times I think I'm feeling odd~

I convinced Luz to let me tell Mom what happened. I told her while Luz drank her hot chocolate. I left out the part about me though. I was already uncomfortable telling her about everything else. I took a bite out of my pie while Mom looked at me. King and Hooty were also staring at me. "What?" I asked them. She inhales and covered his eyes. "This is just a lot to take in." She told me while making eye contact with me again. We don't have time to take anything in." Luz shivered.

"Luz..." I got up. "We have to stop Belos! I-I was a part of his plan!" Luz freaked out. "Luz, you're not alone. I'm still a part of his plan, remember?" I tried ignoring my emotions and hugged Luz. "But, I fell for everything!" She cried. "King, Hotty, you know what to do," Mom told them. Hooty wrapped around me and Luz and King hugged Hooty. "Well..." Mom got up. "One thing's for sure. People can tell when you've been inside their head. It's only a matter of time before Belos send his scouts over here. You need to hide." Mom advised.

"What? No, I can't hide!" I told her. "I need to stop him. How can I protect the people I love if I'm hiding?" I asked her. "Yeah, we just need to figure out how," Luz added. "Edalyn!" Lilith shouted. Hotty squeezed us. "Lulu!" Hooty shouted. "I came as fast as I could. Owlbert and P/n filled me in on the Draining Spell. Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what the Day of Unity was about this whole time. Ugh. I was such a fool, a dolt, a chump, a-" Lilith trailed off. "Hey, no pity parties in this house. Besides, Luz is upset enough as it is." Mom told her.

"You're right. I'll do anything to help." She offered. "Lulu! I'm so happy to see you, I could... I could..." Hooty started gagging and I got out of Hooty's knot around us. He threw up trash and I roll my eyes. "Ugh! Gross." Luz mumbled. "Oh, my word," Lilith commented. "Hooty you gotta stop eating garbage from the ground." Mom recommended. I laughed at their reactions. King jumped out of the trash and I jumped. "He's also been eating our mail. Look!" He opened it up and something fell out.

"What does it say?" I asked him. "Dear King Clawthrone, if you wish to know who you truly are come to the location and meet our warrior clan. P.S bring your sister(s) with you." He read. "I think they might be my family! And maybe they're an answer to all our problems." He concluded. I scanned the page and noticed they drew a map, what the place looked like, someone who looked similar to King, and a girl who looked like she was floating... Kinda like a god.

"That's incredible, but how is it supposed to help us stop Belos?" Luz asked. "They're a clan of warriors! How else do you defeat a tyrant with their own army? By making an army of your own!" King explained. "Well, it's not like we have many allies," Lilith told us. "Not to mention it's a chance for King to find out where he came from. I say let's go for it." Luz insisted.

"Well, I say you guys need a safe place to hide while the adults take care of this," Mom ordered. They both scoff and turn away from each other. "I'm actually in favor of this plan," Lilith admitted. "You are?!" Luz and Mom shouted. "It wouldn't hurt to check. Plus judging by King's map you three would be taken far, far away from the Boiling Isles and Emperor Belos." Lilith explained.

"What if something goes wrong?" Mom asked. "Hooty could accompany them. Their safety would be your responsibility my dear, brave Hootsifer." Lilith told him. He started to tear up. "I will protect these silly children with my life!" He looked like he was bowing. Lilith smiled and curtsied. "Yeah, well, how- how would they even get there?" Mom pondered. "I know a ship that might take us," Luz responded.

"I don't know about this..." I shared. "It's okay! You can just stay here and plan to defeat Belos!" Luz told me.

"I'm bored. When are we grabbing Y/n so we can finish the Draining Spell?"

"Uh, actually I think I'll come! It's a chance to try my charmed bag!" I ran to my room and grabbed my pirate outfit. I put that on and I stuffed a few other outfits in my bag. I charmed my bag so it can hold everything and it has no limit to storage. I just had to think about what I wanted and I could grab it. I grabbed everything I could need before putting on my cape and I put my bag on my back. I went back downstairs as I tightened my corset and adjusted my cape. I slid my ring on my finger.


I made a ring circle and the fire roared. "Doin' a lot of work there, Salty. Where's the crew?" King asked. "Well, I'm no longer working for the Golden Gaurd. So, me mates abandoned ship for greener, snailier pastures. They were like family to me too." He explained. "Aww, I'm sorry Salty." I frowned. "It's okay, mate." He smiled. "Land ho!" Luz shouted. She had Porta-Hooty on her back.

I walked to the front as King climbed onto my back. "Is that a finger? It's a long way from our Titan." Hooty noticed. "That's 'cause it's not from our Titan. This be part of a different beastie." He told us. We got into a "boat" and P/N suddenly appeared. "Oh, you little cutie!" I smiled. They turned into a staff and I flew above Luz, King, and Hooty. "Come back with a good story, sea squirts! If ye come back at all!" Salty waved. "Aw, he's so supportive," Luz commented.

They climbed the mountain as I flew there. "No fair!" Luz cried. I took the stone King got out of my bag as the wind whistled in my ears. "Is anyone here?" Luz asked. "Maybe we're a bunch of early birds," Hooty suggested. "Or maybe they got sick of waiting. That letter was over a month old." King held onto his collar. I landed on the floor and P/n landed on my shoulder. "You're such a good Palisman." I scratched my owl's head. "Now, move aside." I took the rock and slid it into the hole in the finger.

Blue and yellow light blinded me for a few seconds and the same colors spread through the finger. A circle appeared in the sky and thunder stroke. Blue surrounded us and I began to float. I looked around and Luz and King were floating too. I held onto my bird and King as we teleported. When the blue light disappeared we began to fall. I caught myself using a flower as Hooty protected Luz. The rock landed by me and I put it in my bag.

"Luz are you okay? Where's your other arm?" Hooty asked. "I only ever had two, Hooty. Did you think I had more?" Luz asked. "Luz look!" King pointed. I despawned the flower and look behind me. It was a completely different Titan. "That doesn't look like the Boiling Isles to me." Hooty pointed out the obvious. "That's because it isn't." Someone replied. I quickly turned around. A bigger version of King walked through the fog. "Welcome to the other side of the world." He told us.

"You dare trespass on this sacred-" He gasped. "By the Huntsmen, 'tis King! My name is Tarak. Hail and well-met." He greeted. "'Tis King!" King smiled. He gasped again and bowed. "Our Beloved Y/n. It's an honor to have you here." He stated. "Oh thank you..? It's a pleasure." I awkwardly smiled. I bent down to King's height. "Introduce us." I requested before getting back up.

"Right. Uh, this is Luz the human/friend/sister. And this is Hooty the, uh, door?" King told him. "Your warrior-ship." They bowed. "Did you send me that letter? Are- A-Are you my..." King trailed off. "Father? Alas, no. Nor is he here." He revealed. King bowed his head. "But I did send the letter." Tarak bent down. "And by the sight of you, I know he was one of us. He passed down that handsome skull of yours didn't he?" He tapped King's skull.

King giggled as Tarak got back up. "Now we celebrate! Everyone will be so happy to meet you. And they will be honored to meet Our Beloved Huntswoman." Tarak told us. "Who's everyone?" Luz asked. Tarak walked us up a hill to unveil a village and I gasped. "This is so cool!" I smiled. "Come on King!" I ran down the hill.


Everyone caught up to me and Tarak lead us. "Man I wish I had some fairy pie." I rubbed my stomach. Suddenly a bunch of people gathered around me serving me fresh pies. I smiled as I grabbed five. I gave everyone each (including Hooty). The people ran away squealing. "That was nice!" I commented. "Here!" A child gave us a few forks and I took them. "Thank you, darling." I patted his head. I handed out the silverware. "Why are they doing that? They are acting like you're a god." King ate his pie. "King, I forgot to tell you... But while we were in the Emperor's mind... He had a memory showing us I was like The Collector." I explained.

King dropped his pie and he froze. "You're the thing called, 'Our Beloved?" King asked. I nodded. "Yeah, that's why they are so nice. You are Our Beloved, Y/n!" Tarak explained. I smiled again as I took a bite of the pie. I looked around and people were waving and smiling. "Anyway... I've never seen so many demons that look like me," King commented and chuckled. "Look at them go!" He looked at a group practicing.

"We are Titan Trappers under oath to protect the world from giant monsters of death and destruction. But, uh, not many of us have seen a live one, of course." Tarak explained. Tarak cleared his throat. "Come!" He requested. I looked up and saw a sun symbol and a moon symbol. I shrugged it off and looked around. "Aren't Titans extinct?" Luz asked and the doors opened. We walked inside and saw a skeleton of a Titan. "Not all of them. The Grand Huntsman says one remains, so we sharpen our spears until the vile creature rears its head, and a new hunt can begin!" Tarak explained.

I watched people surround us. "And now, dear King, you can join us and become a Titan Trapper yourself." Tarak invited and everybody started to cheer. "Oh my, King! Doesn't that sound amazing!" I picked him up. Soon everyone got on their knees and bowed. "I'm so happy for you King." Luz smiled. "Well, we don't know any Titans but the world could definitely use your help," Luz told them.

"That about right. It's a lot to explain but can you guys help the people of the Boiling Isles?" I asked. "Of course Our Beloved. An enemy of yours is an enemy of ours!" A demon told us. Everyone resumed cheering. They started to take King away and I waved goodbye. "But we sadly can't make any vows. For that, you just beseech our elder, the wisest hunter of them all. Bill!" He announced. I waited for him to say something else but I got impatient. "Is 'Bill' an acronym?" I asked him.

"No you Grace, just Bill. He's so cool, he actually met your brother, the Grand Huntsman! He's my best friend. It's no big deal." He bashfully waved his hand. "Luz! Y/n!" King ran towards us. "Look what they gave me!" He showed us a scythe that tried biting us. Luz stayed behind me. "Oh... That's something, King." I chuckled. "Don't worry! It's mostly papier-mâché." The weapon dropped to the ground. "And bone." King told us. "They're gonna show me their Titan Trapper ways! I guess they're my ways too!"

"How about Hooty, Y/n and I go see the elder and in the meantime, you learn all you can about being a Titan Trapper?" Luz proposed. King's eyes gleamed and he ran to hug us. "This is a dream come true!" King squeezed us. Before he left I placed a kiss on his forehead. "Be careful!" I shouted. "I will!" He hurriedly ran away with the tool. "Are we really leaving him alone?" Hooty asked. "Yeah, he should spend time with his family." I looked back and saw them, applause King. "Besides we need to have a chat." I turned to leave.


I got there and I made sure I looked okay. "You look fine!" Luz assured me. "No, these people admire me, I have to look at least decent!" I panicked as I fixed my outfit. I looked next to Luz and Tarak was standing there waiting for something. "Tarak? What are you doing?" I asked. "Waiting for further instructions," Tarak told me. "Oh... Well, you're dismissed. Have a great day." I turned to the door. I entered and the walls were decorated with weapons. Luz and Hooty stayed behind to look at the tools.

I strolled until I saw a throne room. "Well look who is! It's an honor to meet you again, Our Beloved." A demon who I'm guessing is Bill walked toward me. He bowed and I stepped back. "Why do you think I'm her?" I asked him. "What do you mean? You look exactly like you did when you were a baby! Plus The Huntsman told me you'd have that scar on your face. Plus you name is Y/n, right?" He pointed out before turning away. I put my hand on my cheek as I nodded.

"Um, okay, but Tarak sent-" Before I can finish Bill looked at me. "Tarak sent you here? I swear Your Grace not everyone is like-" Bill got interrupted by me. "Tarak was nice," I told him. "Oh, well, of course, he was." Bill sat back down on his throne. "I believe Tarak said you were the wisest out of all the Trappers. And his friend. He asked me to tell you hi." I told him. "That's Tarak for you. Tell me, why'd you grace us with your presence today?" He asked.

"I request you to lead me your mighty warriors. Emperor Belos has threatened to wipe out the Demon Realm." I explained. "Y/n, he's no big deal." He waved it off. "But regardless about what I think, we will help. But if you think Belos is evil..." He looked out the window. Luz came and stood next to me. "You've never seen a live Titan. The children out there haven't either. Don't know a thing about their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries. Even their babies act like little monarchs. The last living Titan, I saw it once before it disappeared. Its hateful roar blew out my eardrums." He explained.

Out of my curiosity, I asked. "What did it sound like?" He turned to me "Weh!" He answered. My eyes widened. "So these Titans are always hungry, act like sovereigns and say, 'Weh'?" I summed up. "The Huntsman wants us to find the last one. Only a Titan's power can free him from his prison. But we've had no luck." He told me. "Y/n follow me." Luz tugged on my arm sleeve. I told Bill I'd be back and tailed behind Luz and Hooty.

They showed me a room filled with skulls and paintings illustrating demons killing a Titan. The shrine was one sun and one moon. I was a bit confused until Hooty shook something. I looked over at him and it had The Collector symbol on it. I connected the dots and looked for my own snow globe. I picked one up and it looked like the sun and it looked upset. "Why does The Collector have one so happy?" I asked myself.

"Their god is that collector kid too?" Luz asked. "Yeah, I guess we're some kind of package deal." I picked up a shirt that said, "I Love Y/n!" with the "love" being a heart. I took all the shirts (like 80) and jammed them into my bag. "Ah, you found the shrine to you and your brother. It's been my little DIY project for years." He pulled his fur to reveal it was a costume. "You like our disguises?" He took off his glove and wiggled his fingers. You gotta look like a Titan to trap one." He put his glove back on.

"But if I ever find that missing Titan, I'd hunt it down, tear it limb from limb, and mount its head in pride as we released the Huntsman! Then we can finally go from being Titan Trapper to Titan Slayers!" He calmed down. "Sorry, Your Grace. Can I request who made your companion's tailor? His costume looks so real!" Bill asked. Glass shattered and I flinched. "Um, it's been great but I have to do... Goddess things." I walked out of the room while fidgeting with my ring. Luz followed me. "Start running," I ordered. She nodded and sprinted away.

"But Your Grace, what about the Emperor?" He asked. "Oh, I'm sure I can solve it. Being a god and all." I uncomfortably chuckled. I left the throne room and I teleported to where I thought they would be by now. I felt something hit my back and I turned around. Luz got up and we started running again. "Run faster!" Hooty shouted. "We're trying!" I shouted back.


We got to the ceremony and they gave King a flame. "We need to get up there," I told her. "Okay, how about I turn us invisible?" I suggested. Luz nodded. I drew a circle and made us invisible. I looked back to see Bill cover King in a cloth. He tries to strike King but I grabbed him. "Uh, did you pull something, Bill?" Tara asked. "I can't move!" He said before I lightly threw him. He went far enough that I can make another circle and made King disappear. I gave him to Luz and I noticed her footprints leaving.

I followed and I made them visible after we found a huge rock to hide behind. "King! I'm so glad you're okay!" I took the cloth off him. "What're talking about? We were just about to play catch." King complained. "Hey, they just saved your life!" Hooty told them. King jumped out of Luz's arms. "These guys wouldn't hurt me. They get me! They know what it's like to be left behind." King told us.

"King, if this is about your dad-" Luz got cut off. "No! I mean yeah but, it's you too Luz!" King admitted. Luz backed away. "You'll eventually go back to the human realm. I know how it works. I've read your Azura books. You even promised your mom. I just thought I had to prepare for a world without you in it." He explained. "King..." I mumbled.

"But they won't help. King, you're not one of them." Luz told him. "Then what am I?" King shouted. "King... you're a Titan." I watched his eyes go wide. "Hark! 'Tis the wretched spawn of-" Tarak stopped talking when Bill started. "Shut up and get that Titan!" He ordered. They started firing shots and Hooty dodged them for us. I noticed they tried making King float to him and I held onto his hand. Luz threw a glyph at him and made him stop for a few seconds.

I held King tightly as we continued to run. We stopped when we notice they made Hooty unable to move. King jumped out of my hands. He leaped onto Harak's face and started hitting him. "Stop fighting! I'm one of you guys!" He pleaded. Harak pushed King off of him and with him, his skull fell too. King looked at him and back at them.

"You were never one of us." Tarak spat. "My brothers and sisters a new hunt begins today!" Tarak raised his fists as everyone took off their Titan skulls. "With this gift, the Grand Huntsman will return and I shall ride cloaked in glory above all others!" Bill started laughing. "You mean 'we' right? You promised the Huntsman would grant all of us glory." Tarak reminded Bill. "Are Titan even evil?" Hooty asked. "How much have you been making up?" Luz added.

"Uh, don't let the girl fool you! I'm totally not lying. Hand me my spear." He took off his skull. I got up and picked up King while glaring at them. We started running. Once we got on the platform I saw them chasing us. I drew a ring and made a border of fire around us. "Don't come any closer!" I warned. They stopped and backed away. I took out the stone and placed it on the ground. "Time to go!" I yelled as we started to float. We started to fall and I made us safely land.

"We can't let them get through. We have to destroy this thing." Luz told us. "Then step back." He walked in front of us and started to take deep breaths. He breathed in and screamed. The finger began to crack. "Guys let's get out of here!" I picked up King and Luz got into the tub. I set King inside and I pushed it off the shore. When it got into the water I hopped in and Luz paddled it away from the finger. I felt a strong wind push us and I looked behind us. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see King hugging me. "I wanna go home." He whined. I wiped the ink off his forehead and smiled. I went on my scroll and saw and saw a post.

It was Flapjack going through the trash in Hexside. "Hunter's at Hexside?!" I suddenly stood up, making the boat rock. "Sorry." I gave King to Luz and I put my hand in my bag. I felt my owl come out of my hair and they turned into a staff. "Are you guys okay going back with Salty while I check on Hexside?" I asked. Luz nodded. "Okay, when you explain the situation, you can mention the goddess thing. Also..." I pulled out the shirt and gave it to Luz. "Give this to Mom." I got onto the staff.

"Are you sure you don't want to give this to Hunter?" She smirked. I turned pink and laughed. "No, I took a bunch." I explained. King went to the edge of the tub. "I'll see you guys soon." I told them before waving goodbye as P/n started leaving.

[Word Count: 3984]

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