Somewhere in the Gray- A Star...

Bởi highlandelf29

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The gray Jedi were few and far between but there is one family who keep its ideals alive. The council allows... Xem Thêm

The Phantom Menace Cast
Mood Boards
The Beginning
The Arrival
The Jedi, The Boy, and the Sith
Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's
The Cast of: Attack of the Clones
A Father Lost and Another Found
Ghosts, Children, Jedi's, And Mandaloriens!
Let the War Begin
Cast of: Clone Wars
The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo
Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Clone Wars: Unfinished Business
Revenge of the Sith: Cast
Turn of Tides
The Fall
The Cast of: Obi-Wan Kenobi


78 1 0
Bởi highlandelf29

On the planet of Mustafar in his dark palace Darth Vadar stared down at a halo link of one of his Inquisitors "Where are they?" He demanded, "We have probes out." Third Sister informed him "We're tracking all possible exits. He will pay for the Grand Inquisitor's..."

"The Grand Inquisitor means nothing. Kenobi is all that matters now. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my lord" She bowed her head and Vader began his manipulation "I have been watching you, Third Sister. I know what it is you seek. Prove yourself, and the position of Grand Inquisitor is yours. Fail me, and you will not live to regret it."

With that the connection was cut and Vader looked up as a tall figure exited the shadows coming to kneel before him.

"You sent for me Master?"

Darth Vader looked down on his apprentice, so full of hatred and anger, so ready to kill any who stood in his way. And yet, there was still light in the boy,a light that Vader was working hard to destroy.

"The father and mother of Qui-Gon Kenobi have killed the Grand Inquisitor." He left this hanging awaiting a response from his young apprentice, the boy said nothing for a moment before he voiced "Do you wish me to finish them master?"

"Meditate and prepare yourself, but for now your old friend will find them for us."

Qui-Gon's anger burned hotter as he remembered the one who faked her death when his companions fell "Please Master, allow me to kill her, has she not been a thorn in our side and a waste of supplies long enough?"

"Patience my young apprentice, when the time comes it will be by your hand that she falls. And then Darth Revan you shall fell the woman who birthed Qui-Gon Kenobi."

Darth Revan stood to leave the room knowing this was his sign of dismissal, he entered his ship where his droid waited on him. Reaching out he laid a hand on the droid and closed his eyes slowly, "Lets go R-7, we have a lot of work to do, and a lot of pretending to be less than we are."

He growled at the thought of having to obey the orders of Third Sister, but this was his Masters orders and he would follow them.


"Are we almost there?"

Ember laughed slightly turning her head to watch as Obi-Wan had mental flashbacks to another child saying the exact same words. "Can't you make this thing go any faster?"

Ember raised an eyebrow waiting and letting Obi-Wan take care of this "It's a trade route, Leia. I'm not in control of it."

"Can't you use the Force on it or something?"

Ember smiled "Have I not told you before little one, the force is not simply for making your life easier."

Obi-Wan nodded "Besides that's not how it works."

"How does it worked?" Leia asked glancing between the jedi curiously "The Force. What does it feel like?"

"Have you ever been afraid of the dark?" Leia nodded "How does it feel when you turn on the light?"

"I feel safe."

Obi-Wan nodded staring into the distance "Yes, it feels like that." He reached outhanding Leia her small robot that he had been fixing "Lola! You fixed her. Thank you."

Ember smiled wistfully remembering a time where she took had a droid that she loved. R-7 had been her companion since childhood, but she had lost her too during the war.

 Obi-Wan stood "We better get ready. We're on approach."

The three fugitives snuck off the shop skirting around several storm troopers "What is this place?" Leia asked as they walked across the planets plains, Ember shrugged having not really been sure where they were heading. Obi-Wan answered "Mapuzo. It's a mining system. Coordinates say the meeting point is further north. That is if our new friend was telling the truth."

"Why would he lie?" The child asked in consternation making Ember smiled, she reminded her so much of Oriana. Obi-Wan sighed voice edging on irritation " People are not all good, Leia." An elbow to the ribs calmed him down and Ember glanced around, remembering a visit she had made her before the war "It wasn't always like this here. There were fields and families. I came here once, long ago."

"And then the Empire came in" Obi-Wan continued "and ravaged it all."

"Thought the Empire was supposed to be helping us" Leia said with curiosity in her tone, making Obi-Wan and Ember glance to each other. "Well, there are some, like your dad, who are trying to. Seems like a losing battle these days."

Obi-Wan stared into the distance, Ember followed his gaze, seeing nothing she took his hand in hers. They all had their demons to face, and sometimes it was the ones in the past that bothered them most. Leia though did not understand"Ben? Ben?"

He shook himself glancing to his wife who squeezed his hand "Stay close." He muttered to Leia, and the three continued on their journey.


Darth Revan or First Brother as he was called by the rest of the Inquisitors watched as the others argued "He's in one of the mining systems." Third Sister informed the others her voice laced with superiority.

"You do not know that." Fifth brother voiced his opinion like it actually meant anything, Revan rolled his eyes and slung a leg over the side of his chair, how he hated these fools.

"He could be anywhere." Fifth Brother continued and Third Sister spoke back haughtily  "I traced the manifest. We should send out all remaining probes now."

 "You are not in charge here."

Finally Revan could take no more he didn't bother standing as he spoke "You are correct Fifth Brother, by all technicalities "that seat is mine, not yours. I am the next in line."

Fifth Brother and all the other Inquisitors present including Third Sister recoiled slightly at the voice that so rarely spoke. Revan smirked under his hood at this but continued "However, Lord Vader informed me that as of now Third Sister is in charge.. So unless we should follow your orders instead of our Masters, than I recommend you be silent Brother."

Fifth Brother closed his eyes and growled out "I will get what I deserve, Third Sister. And so will you."

"I hope so. I certainly hope so." Third Sister muttered and Revan rolled his eyes finally standing to leave. As he exited the room and entered a corridor he was shoved against a wall by the force.

He didn't fight as Fifth Brother approached with his lightsaber ignited.

"You have far to much freedom when you speak First Brother... Your closeness to our Master is concerning, you should watch yourself."

Revan chuckled to himself and then with little effort broke the hold on himself sending Fifth Brother flying backwards. He stepped forward each step like that of a panther, and reaching up he removed his hood revealing his yellow eyes "Perhaps, it is you who should watch themself, Fifth Brother, after all, it appears you are simply too weak to fight back."

With that he turned walking away causing Fifth Brother to fall in a heap sucking in oxygen.

Unseen by either of them they were surrounded by Force Ghosts "Soon, he will face his greatest trial."

"Will he pass it?"

"The better question is, will she?"


"Now, remember, if anyone asks, we're farmers from Tawl. You're our daughter, and you don't talk."Obi-Wan was coaching Leia and Ember couldnt help but realize how much he sounded like his former master. Dear old Qui-Gon, he had always been so patient and yet bordering on having a mental breakdown.

"I can't talk, or I don't like to talk?"

 Obi-Wan frowned "You don't talk."

Leia nodded "Got it." Ember chuckled pretty sure that Leia's got it, would last 10 minutes at the most.

They finally came to a stop and looked around "This is it. This is where he told us to come to."

"Maybe they're just late?"

"Maybe it was a lie. I knew it! I never should've trusted him."

"We don't know if maybe..."

"No one is coming here, Leia." Obi-Wan interrupted the young princess with a harsh tone making Ember reached out to her husband through their bond "Calm yourself husband, everything will work out."

Obi-Wan took a deep breath before they all turned hearing a ship approach this made Leia grin " Well, if we're on our own, we're gonna need some help."

The girl ran forward waving her arms to make the transport come to a stop but Obi-Wan tried to stop her "What are you doing?"

""Maybe they can give us a ride to the spaceport."

"But it's not safe."

Ember smirked in amusement "When has that ever stopped us before?"

Obi gave her an annoyed look as Leia said "He seems friendly."

 Obi-Wan gave a long suffering sigh "Leia. Well, keep your head down. And remember, you don't talk."

Embers smirk grew as Leia stepped forward to introduce herself to the moleman "Hi! I'm Luma. This is my friend... my father. This is my father, Orden and my aunt Oma" Ember raised an eyebrow at that one. "We're farmers from Tawl."

"Hey, there. I'm Freck."

Ember tilted her head at the creature, she could tell he wasnt as trusting as he pretended to be, but they needed transport.

Leia looked to Obi-Wan "Father, aren't you going to say hello?"

"Hello. We were going on a trip, and we got a little lost in this field."

The moleman considered them "That's a weird story."

Ember stepped up "We got a bit turned around. We're looking for the nearest port. We need to get home."

"Well, I'm going that way. Jump in."

Obi-Wan shook his head "Oh, no, that's all right. Thank you. We just need directions."

Ember shot her husband a look that said to calm down before walking to the back of the transport grabbing Leia's hand  "Come on Good Brother, we've walked long enough."

"Thanks, Freck." Leia called out to the moleman who nodded "My pleasure. Hop in. Don't worry. I'll get to the port in no time."

"Now, where'd you say you're from again?" The moleman asked causing Ember and Leia to look to Obi-Wan who answered "Tawl."

"Tawl. Oh, good people out in Tawl. They pay their way, listen to the Empire."

"Absolutely." Leia called "We love the Empire."

The words were sour to Embers ears even as she nodded in agreement, she had fought so long and so hard only to have to hide her true feelings.

 "Nice to meet like-minded folk. Nothing wrong with a little order, right?"

 A little while later they came to a stop in front of a group of stormtroopers "Transport late again?" Freck asked, causing Obi-Wan to tense up, he relaxed when Ember took his hand in her own as they listened.

"As usual."

"Well, hop in. Meet my new friends."

"Thanks, Freck."

As the stormtroopers loaded onto the back of the transport, Ember released Obi-Wans hand and the jedi and the child gave large smiles.

"This is Orden, Oma, and Luma. They're hitchin' a ride to the port. Where are you all comin' from?"

"They're movin' us around," One stormtrooper answered "Looking for a Jedi."

"A Jedi? Out here? I hope we're not in any danger."

"Ah, no, we'll find him. We always do."

One stormtrooper turned considered the group before him "You two miners?" He asked Obi-Wan and Ember who shook their heads "Farmers from, uh, Tawl."

 "What are you doin' out here?"

"That's a long story." Obi-Wan told him making the Stormtrooper give a testy sounding "It's a long way."

It was Leia who answered "He brought me here to see the place where he met my mother before she..."

"My sister, she's not with us anymore." Ember informed them and Obi-Wan nodded "Been a very difficult time."

"What about you? You have any information about a Jedi?"

Obi-Wan shook his head "I wouldn't know one if I saw one."

"You haven't heard anything?" The Stormtrooper pushed.


"Are you sure he's even on this planet?" Leia sassed making Obi-Wan gave her a look of caution "They know what they're doing, Leia."

Ember heard the slip but she had been trained for this and she quickly shot a look of surprised towards Obi-Wan.

 "You called her Leia." The Stormtrooper interrupted "I thought her name was Luma."

"That was my sisters name." Ember easily supplied "My Good Brother he gets confused."

Obbi-Wan nodded looking down sadly "Like I said, it's not been easy. Sometimes when I look at Luma, I see her mother's face. We all miss her very much."

Ember felt tears enter her eyes, because Obi-Wan told no lie, Leia looked so like her mother, and acted so like her father.

 The Stormtrooper obviously became uncomfortable with their emotions "Well, just keep your eyes open. Report it if you see anything."

"Of course. Of course."

Finally they came to a place that made on Stormtrooper stand follow3d by his companions "This is us! Thanks, Freck!"

Their were sighs of relief from the three fugitives before Leia looked up at Obi-Wan with a look of awe. Obi-Wan frowned "What?"

"You knew her, my real mother, didn't you? "

"It was just a story."

"The whole time I've known you, you've been hiding something. Lying to me."


"Are you my real father?"

Ember raised an eyebrow glancing to Obi-Wan who shook his head "I wish that I could say I was your father and Ember was your mother, but no, I'm not."

Leia sighed and looked down "Sometimes I try to imagine what he was like."

"I know that feeling." Obi-Wan quietly whispered making Ember reached out through the force with soothing vibes.

"As Jedi, we're taken from our families when we're very young. I still have glimpses, flashes really, my mother's shawl, my father's hands. I remember a baby."

"A baby?"

"Yes, I think I had a brother. Really don't remember him. I wished I did. Then I joined the Jedi, and I got a new family just like you."

Ember suddenly felt more life forces and stood looking ahead to find a roadblock. She sat back down and whispered to Obi-Wan "Stormtroopers and officers, a lot of them."

Obi-Wan turned to their driver" Freck? Freck? Can we get off here?"

Ember knew the answer before it was given, "Oh, it's a standard inspection. Don't worry, won't take long. I know these fellas."

There was a few moments where Freck got out and spoke to the troopers, Ember gave Ovi-Wan a shake of her head signaling that Freck would betray them.

The two Jedi silently prepared for a fight, as the Stormtrooper approached "Not a lot of reasons to be in the outpost today. Where are you headed?"

"Uh, back to Tawl. We have family here we were visiting."

"All right, step out of the vehicle. Initiate protocol 23."

Ember saw the face scanner that would give them away and quickly lowered her head making the Stormtrooper step towards her.

"Raise your head. I said raise your head."

Ember and Obi-Wan moved as one, Ember igniting her lightsaber and cutting down a storm trooper as Obi-Wan shot the scan bot.

As they fought the others Ember called out "I thought blastwrs were uncivilized!"

"Oh, shut up!"

Just as victory was imminent a storm trooper stepped out holding Leia "Hey. Put it down! Put it down!"

Ember was about to continue but Obi-Wan grabbed her arm "All right, we're putting it down. We're putting it down. Just... Let the girl..."

"Come on."

That was when Ember felt it, a light, goodness, she turned her head to find a transport approaching with a young female officer.

Ember knew instantly and suddenly both she and the female attacked, Ember rasing her hand to pull both Leia and the troopers gun from his hand while the woman shot him.

The female looked to the two Jedi "They'll have sent a transmission. We have to hurry. I'll take you the rest of the way. Mapuzo. It's a mining planet. Mid-Rim, Type Two."


"You were right. He destroyed the probe. Signal came through before impact."

Lord Revan listened while staring out the window, he knew they were getting closer and it worried him. He didnt know whether he had the strength to do what had to be done, for everyone.

"We have a presence there?"

"Full battery. It's a strip operation. Vintrium."

"I'll inform Lord Vader." Said Third Sister haughtily making Fifth Brother smirk "He's already been informed. He was most appreciative."

"You wanna take the credit, you go right ahead. But we both know who'll be standing by his side when this is over."

Revan finally snapped raising both hands to take Third Sister and Fifth brother in force chokehold. As they gasped reaching for the invisble hand that held them he turned "You bicker like children whilst our enemies get further from our grasp." Moving forward he stopped infront of the two letting them fall gasping to the ground "Get your priorities straight."

As he walked away Revan couldnt help but hope that the time to kill Third Sister came very soon, honestly he would like to kill both those fools but for now the traitor would be enough.


"He gave you the right coordinates." The woman who rescued them snuck them through the town"I was on my way when the probes arrived, but you'd already gone."

"I hadn't expected anyone to come." Obi-Wan explained making the woman nod "The Empire's gone into high alert. They've locked everything down."

"Can we still get out?" Ember asked the woman looked to her and shrugged "I can get you to the port. There's a pilot who's agreed to take you, but he's not scheduled to leave for a few hours, so we need to lay low."

 "Wait here. Wait here. I'll make sure it's clear."

As she walked away Obi-Wan looked down to Leia and saw that the young princess had tear in her eyes "Everything will be all right, Leia. We'll make it out."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Leia told her two guardians "I didn't mean to run away. I used to do it all the time. I just... It was just for fun."

Ember knelt down "Leia, honey, it wasnt your fault."

Leia gave a look of disbelief to her aunt before glancing to Obi-Wan who nodded "She's right Leia, none of this was your fault."

"I miss home." The young girl whispered causing the two jedi to look at each other, both missing their own home as well. "You'll be home very soon."

Suddenly the woman reappeared and motioned for them to follow, she finally led them inside a small maintenance shop. Inside a large droid began to cover the door with boxes "Come on. Droid maintenance. It's all automated. No one ever comes in here."

Leias eyes were big as she stared at the large droid making the woman smiled "Oh, it's all right. He's on our side. Designation's NED-B."

"Hi, NED-B. This is L0-LA59." Leia sweetly introduced the two droids causing Ember once again to miss her dear old friend "Lola, say hello."

The small droid beeped at the loader droid causing Ember to smile sadly, she knew that the droid would not respond.

 The woman gave Leia a sad look "Uh, he's just a loader. They don't allow them to communicate."

Leia frowned "But what if he has something to say?"

"Actions speak louder than words."

A hidden door was opened leading them to a small room covered in writings and drawing, both Jedi looked around in awe.

 "What is this place?" Obi-Wan asked causing their rescuer to smile proudly "We have safehouses like this throughout the galaxy. Trying to link the systems. Some call it the Path. You're not the first Jedi to come through here. It all leads to Jabiim, and from there, we give them new identities and get them out. There's a lot of good people risking their lives out there."

"Are they all Jedi?" Leia asked as Obi-Wan and Halo began to read the different names on the wall, their rescuer shook her head "Not all. These days, the Empire hunts anyone who's Force-sensitive. Even children."

"What happens to them?"

"We're not sure. But no one ever sees them again."

Obi-Wans eyes landed on a name he knew well "Quinlan was here."

The woman nodded "Yeah, he helps now and again. Smuggling younglings."

"What does it say?" Leia asked pointing to the words written beside Quinlans name"Only when the eyes are closed can you truly see."

"See what?" The girl asked curiously causing both Jedi to answer "The Way."

A sudden pounding on the door broke them from their thoughts and the voice of a Stormtrooper called out "Open up in there."

As the stormtrooper entered Ember felt a presence behind her, turningshe looked into the blue eyes of her best friend. The one she had lost so long ago, she said nothing as he watched her "You need to run... Now."

With that he disappeared leaving Ember to stare at the spot he had been as the Stormtroopers searched for her hiding place. Finally the troopers left and the woman entered the room "Someone must have seen us. We're moving up the timeline."

Leia looked to the woman awe clear in her eyes "Is it scary? Having to pretend?"

The woman smiled "Yeah, sometimes. But it's worth it if I can help people." As she put on her holster Ember smiled "You wear it on the other side?"

She nodded "Gives me a faster draw."

"Can you teach me how to shoot?" Leia asked causing Ember to laugh in amusement, oh how Bail would kill her when she got back.

Ben turned to the girl "Leia, come and get ready."

"She'll make a good fighter one day." The woman stated causing both Jedi's to nod "Yes, I think you might be right."

 "Why do you do this?" Ben asked "Risk everything?"

The woman closed her eyes for a second before she spoke "I joined up when the Empire stood for something. By the time I realized what they really were, it was too late. I made some mistakes."

"We all did."

The woman looked between the two in disbelief "I can't imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ember Starr doing anything wrong."

"It's just Ben these days. "

"Well, Tala."

Ember though was staring at the newly named Tala in confusion "You know who I am?"

Tala smiled "Everyone knows who you are, the woman who commanded the best strike force in the galaxy. The General who bested Count Dock in battle. Aye, everyone knows you."

Ember blinked tear in her eyes as Tala turned opening another secret door "Come on, this will take us out."

Suddenly Ben gasped and beside him Ember frowned in pain both turning to where you could just barely see out of the building.

 "Ben? What is it? Ember?" Leia called out to the two as they looked out eyes watching as Darth Vader approached. Beside him another figure cloaked in black, both striking fear into the hearts of those they passed.

Ember took Bens hand in her own as they watched Darth kill his way through the village as innocent people screamed in agony.

"Let's get back in the room." Ember muttered, though her eyes drifted to figure beside of Vader. She shook herself and turned away as she grabbed Leias hand and took off running down the tunnel beside Ben and behind Tala.

They ran for a awhile before the Jedi couple came to a stop eyes meeting and in that moment they both knew what they had to do.

Ben leaned down "Leia. Go with Tala."

Leia shook her head and Ember gave her a smile "We'll be right behind you."

They looked to Tala "Get her to Alderaan. Promise us. Promise us."

Tala looked between the two war heroes and she nodded "Okay."

"We'll lead them away."

With that the two took off down the tunnels, when they finally made it to the surface they made sure some of the Stormtroopers saw them and led them away. As they ran the two held hands praying that they would meet with the enemy.

Ember knew that Obi-Wan was not ready to face a Sith, and for her she didnt know if she could take on two at once plus any Inquisitors.

Their hopes however were dashed as a figure stepped out before them, Ember turned her head as another figure moved in behind.

The two Jedi looked around both pulling their lightsabers from where they sat at their sides. Ember would have ignited hers but Obi-Wan grabbbed her hand and pulled her behind him. The two ran as fast as they could but the sounds do Darth Vaders breathing followed them as did his taunts "You cannot run, Obi-Wan. You know this Ember.,

The two drew to a stoptheir sabers igniting, blue mixed with purpleas Obi-Wan asked his former Padawan "What have you become?"

"I am what you made me."

Suddenly two red lightsabers attacked causing the two Jedi to go on defense. Ember growled as she fought against the apprentice who had attacked her, the Sith silent as they fought.

As they moved Ember felt her husbands struggles as he tried and failed to defend himself against Anakin. Managing to get the upperhand against the Sith she fought, Ember kicked him away. Then she turned running towards Obi-Wan she raised her hand sending Darth Vader flying back.

Grabbing Obi-Wan the two took off into the night, Ember knowing that she could not beat both. The two ran through the shadows, and suddenly Ember felt a presence reaching out to her "You run so quickly when there is danger, but then thats the way you've always been hasnt it?"

Ember frowned feeling like the pres3nce was familiar and yet unable to place it. Choosing to ignore it she continued to run beside her husband, but the voice continued "Tell me, why will you not abandon him and yet you abandoned your children so willingly?"

Ember stumbled slightly the pain in her heart that she tried to keep buried resurfacing with a vengeance. Obi-Wan paused grabbing his wifes arm "Are you alright?"he whispered causing Ember to nod. They were about to move again but Embers distraction had caused her to miss the fact that their enemies were near. They attacked again with more fervor than before and Ember realized they had been playing. 

Ember moved faster then a viper, her body easily falling into her skill set, every move she made carefully calculated as she fought Vaders apprentice. She was sure that this one was no Inquisitor, he was far to skilled, she should know she had killed Inquisitors before.

However, as skilled as he was, he was no match for the older jedi whose strength had been compared to both Yoda and Windu. The fighter she fought was obviously unused to defending against the Juyo form. Finally he met his downfall as she struck him across the face and kicked him sending him flying to the ground.

Ember stalked forward towards her enemy prepared to strike the killing blow when he once again spoke in her head "You would kill your only," his next words was spoken aloud "son?"

With that he lifted his head causing Ember to gasp and take a step back. Staring at his face she shook her head in disbelief "It cannot be... You, you..."

Standing Qui-Gon Kenobi glared at his mother his Sith yellow eyes piercing her very soul "Hello Mother, miss me?"


Authors note: Dont kill me! I just felt like this was the best place to end the chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

Let me know what you think!

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