šŸŒƒ Eruleum's King

By army_girl3

2.8K 183 31

After defeating Lilith and escaping Edom, the TMI gang finally returns to their common lifes in New York, rea... More

ā€¢ Prologue ā€¢ Metallic kingdom ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 1 ā€¢ Red Code ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 2 ā€¢ Bat out of hell ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 3 ā€¢ Butterflies ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 4 ā€¢ Autumn leafs ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 5 ā€¢ Ten ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 6 ā€¢ Music box ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 7 ā€¢ Hidden lovers ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 8 ā€¢ Bonds ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 9 ā€¢ Gate to love ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 10 ā€¢ Sharp edges ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 11 ā€¢ Crystal hearts ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 13 ā€¢ Before the storm ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 14 ā€¢ Under the moonlight ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 15 ā€¢ Faerie Tale
ā€¢ Chapter 16 ā€¢ Partners in crime
ā€¢ Chapter 17 ā€¢ Hide and seek ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 18 ā€¢ Race against time ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 19 ā€¢ Bronze gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 20 ā€¢ Silver gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 21 ā€¢ Golden gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 22 ā€¢ Until we meet again ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 23 ā€¢ Love shots ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 24 ā€¢ Boarding ticket ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 25 ā€¢ Burnt memories ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 26 ā€¢ Twin moonlights ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 27 ā€¢ Eruleum's King ā€¢
Chapter 28 ā€¢ Bird hunting ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 29 ā€¢ Unfair fairness ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 30 ā€¢ Memento Mori ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 31 ā€¢ Riddle ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 32 ā€¢ Eerie reality ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 33 ā€¢ Abyss ā€¢
Chapter 34 ā€¢ Hope and uncertainty
Chapter 35 ā€¢ The Shadowhunters Academy
Chapter 36 ā€¢ A matter of pride ā€¢
Chapter 37 ā€¢ That rune ā€¢
Chapter 38 ā€¢ Him ā€¢
Chapter 39 ā€¢ Silent Promise ā€¢
Chapter 40 ā€¢ Timeless ā€¢
Epilogue ā€¢ Burning love ā€¢
ā€¢ Author's note ā€¢

ā€¢ Chapter 12 ā€¢ New Paragraph ā€¢

66 4 0
By army_girl3

It was obviously true that they scaped that horrible cave, that they all woke up outside the museum, touching the cold and wet floor, not knowing how could they got out.
However, Matt's mind seemed to still be stuck there, hearing those voices, watching those scenes.
Even when his world stopped due to seeing Alec like that: bleeding and unconscious.
He couldn't help but think about what would have happened if they didn't get out of there.

The morning had come and he remained awake in his room since the previous night.
He wished he could feel something, he wished he could go to Alec's room and embrace him so tight that the world cracked.
But that wouldn't happen, not for the moment, the boy needed to find the strength, to move on from those hallucinations, and the first thing might be to get rid of that crystal shard he found on his jacket and which he refused to throw away.
Actually, his hazel eyes stared how those lights changed with the ones coming from the sun and wondered if those scenes would be projected again on that small piece.

Maybe that knock on the door was the only thing he reacted to, so he put the crystal shard inside his pocket and reincorporated, now sitting down on the bed, back against the headboard.

-Come in.

Matt's heart finally started to unfreeze a little when Harry came in.
The hazel-eyed boy could swear that once again, there was something moving inside his chest, that little by little he could clear the fog around him.

The other boy was that ray of sunshine in the dark, smiling, spreading peace and joy.
When he sat on the bed next to Matt, his grin turned even brighter.

-I thought you would be sleeping... I didn't want to wake you up last night.

-It's okay... -He wouldn't tell he didn't sleep at all, he refused to worry Harry. -Is everyone awake already? Alec?

-They are inside their rooms, we are all exausted. And Alec should be fine, Magnus stayed with him the whole night.

And instantly, a proud grin formed on Harry's face, sure that his twin took good care of Alec.
For Matt it was also a relieve, despite being concerned for his little brother, he trusted Magnus.
It might be easier to feel something else, something stronger when those intrusive thoughts left his mind.

Harry noticed the other boy was kind of zoned out and didn't hesitate to leave on the bed that object he brought with him, convered with a piece of cloth.
Afterwards, he came closer to Matt, slowly, as if he was afraid of startling him.

-Is everything alright? Do you need something?

Not even Matt knew what to answer to that, so he did the best thing he could: take Harry's face with one hand and break the little distance between both of them.
Their lips met in a soft kiss, neither of them moved much, the thing both most wanted was to taste each other, to savour again their lips and feel their lungs full of oxygen.

Harry's hands travelled to Matt's arms, which he caressed as the Shadowhunter put his free hand on Harry's lower back, his fingers caressing it, sending shivers through his spine.
Kissing after going through such adventure was a reward for Harry, he wasn't conscious of how much he would miss those lips, the way the other boy made him feel special with every touch.

-What's troubling you? -But he wasn't so naive, he noticed certain and eerie insecurity in Matt, as if he was trying hard to get drunk with kisses and forget about that thing that bothered him.

Between soft and tender kisses, the half warlock patiently waited for an answer, as Matt pressed his lower back with his fingers instantly.
Couldn't they just kiss and forget about everything?

-Not now... -Muttered the hazel eyed boy, his hands now taking Harry's wrists, making him approach even more. Then, he took his face between his hands and deepened the kiss.

It was the only way to feel reassurance, to warm his heart and try to escape those nightmares.
Was it too much to ask for a kiss, to hold him tight?

It might not be, or maybe Harry was too generous, since he accepted every single kiss while caressing Matt's back.
Then, he rested his head on his shoulder, the Shadowhunter embranced his body with one arm, his free hand caressed Harry's chin, tracing it smoothly, as well as his neck, cinnamon-like skin warmed by the morning sun, tingling due to such soft caresses.

Even when they parted, the dizziness that kiss caused was still present.
They couldn't understand how such a calm and tender kiss could be at the same time so passionate and capable of making them lose track of time.

-And now? Will you tell me? -Harry's soft voice and the way he touched Matt's nose with his was so adorable, so sweet and loving that the Shadowhunter couldn't resist.

Slowly, his hazel eyes opened until meeting the brown ones, shining with the sun, with the light of love.

-You're insistent, aren't you? -Matt raised his eyebrows, his fingers tracing Harry's jaw.

-Just a little... -He laughed, making himself comfortable next to the other boy, his head still on his shoulder as he hugged him.

-Fine... -What else could he do? That boy definitely put a spell on him.

Leaving a kiss on Harry's nose, the Shadowhunter got ready to expose his thoughts.
As he did it, his foreread rested on Harry's, both shared an intimate moment where one talked and the other patiently listened.
It wasn't a pleasant thing to talk about, the Shadowhunter found impossible to describe what happened without details. Like permanent runes, those events remained inside his head.
Several times he silently thanked for having such confidence with Harry and being able to talk to him, knowing he wouldn't judge.

The fact that Matt had to go through such thing alone, that the place was capable of torturing his strong mind, was something that shattered Harry's heart into pieces.
He wanted to turn back time, to be there and shield him, but since he couldn't do that, his best option was staying by his side, helping him to stand up once again.

-Magic is complicated, even for me...

Once that Matt was finished, Harry took a moment, just for both to relax before speaking. The story gave him goosebumps, even more when thinking about Matt there, alone, praying for help.

-That cave made everyone of us see different things, I'm sure about that... -His gloved hand took Matt's, starting to play with his fingers. Just small touches were enough to ease their sorrow. -It wanted to play with our minds...

-But it seemed so real... -Matt watched their hands, sighed. -I knew it wasn't... But at the same time I doubted... I saw everything cleary...

The thin line that separated reality from fiction was totally blurry inside that cave, Harry could perfectly understand and Matt knew, he knew he could be completely honest.
And the half warlock didn't need to read the other boy to be sure of his pain.

-What if that thing was right? What if someday I get you all killed?

Just the thought pressured the Shadowhunter's chest in a way that even the other boy could feel, so he intertwined their fingers, looked directly into his eyes.

-What will happen is a mistery but I have no doubt that you could never do that... I told you, your soul is beautiful, and a beautiful soul could never cause harm... -His honestly, his kindness and loving words, every soft touch, every fond stare left no space to doubts.
Even if Matt did such thing, Harry would stay with him, he would never leave his side.

-But I'm selfish... -And Matt's heart hurted when knowing that was a fact. He was selfish, Harry the most selfless and purest person he had ever known.

-Everyone is... But do you think it makes me love you less? -Harry stared directly at him, not even a bit of hesitation in his voice. -I'm a prince of Edom... Well... King... But you love me... I know you do, I feel it... -Matt's love filled his heart with emotions impossible to describe every single day, the ones that made him want to be trapped in their little world forever. Harry wouldn't want it another way.

-You're not just the king of Edom... But the king of my heart...

At that moment, Harry blushed, so intense that he even laughed in quite a shy way and rested his forehead on Matt's shoulder. How could that boy be so good with words? He should ask Magnus for some flirting tips.

With a smile full of satisfaction, Matt took the other boy's chin in order to make their eyes meet once again.
Again, he was starting to feel like himself, a little more capable of forgetting and, as usual, focus on what really mattered.

-I love you, you're that love I've been searching for my entire life... I'm not going to be so stupid to lose you.

-You won't lose me... That's as impossible as the World spinning in the wrong way...

-Careful with your words, the world is crazy...

Both of them bursted into laughter, hugged and kissed each other several times. Good moments brought people together, but the bad ones too, and they both proved they would be there for each other even in the middle of the darkest storm.
What else could they do? They were helpless romantics, they were madly in love, bonded to each other for life.

Harry almost forgot about that object that was next to them, so as soon as he had the opportunity, he took it.

-I wanted to show you this... I found it, Matt...

As Harry took off the cloth, the music box was revealed, and it wasn't until that moment that Matt remembered about it.

-No way... -He widened his eyes, took the object from Harry's hands and carefully watched it. Not that the box itself was the one catching his attention, but the fact that it really existed. -Is it the real one?

-I don't know... With all that happened I haven't shown it to Ten yet...

-Don't do it. -Those words came out without hesitation, as he kept holding the box. -Not until we get to the Institute...

Watching Matt curiously, Harry waited for him to keep talking. What happened inside that boy's mind, sometimes was a mystery.

-If you give it now to Ten, she will run away for sure... Now she has no reason to stay with us... And that will piss Izzy and Jace off... Even more... And Alec needs to rest. -Alec was his priority. Of course he cared about Ten, but he would do whatever it took to protect his family.

The way he cared about his twin, the way he thought about Alec in first place wasn't proper of a selfish person and Harry couldn't help but show a sweet smile.
Just for that, he would keep the secret. After all, he had a twin too, he would do the same for Magnus.

-You're a sweet boy...

And before Matt could reply, Harry kissed him once again, but the other way wasn't so determined to lose.
Smiling against the half warlock's lips, the Shadowhunter carelessly left the box aside and took Harry's waist.
Both competitive, both elated, both together.


And there he was, the moon bathed by the sunlight, black hair as charcoal spilling on the pillow, his chest raising and lowering with no hurry.
Just as happened with the reflection of those crystals, Magnus could clearly see his Alec, his angel right next to him. Peaceful, covered in runes and scars, each of them equally beautiful.
The warlock considered himself lucky for being the one able to caress every of those marks.
Alec Lightwood needed to be appreciated more from Magnus' point of view.

How he wished for more moments like that, where Alec seemed so relaxed, no pressure, no plans, no schemes, just their love.

Every word kept spinning in Magnus' mind, every caress, every trace of Alec Lightwood won his heart and no remedy was possible.
Love was cruel for chaining people in such way, without a possibility to escape.
But then, how could possible Magnus would want to escape?

Soon, there was no place for his thoughts, those ocean eyes were starting to open, slowly, but already shining.
The warlock never thought he would see Alec smiling so bright due to them sharing the bed.
Being loved by Alec Lightwood was something different, you knew his feelings were real, that there was no pretending.

-What do people normally say after a night like ours? -His voice still sleepy, as he turned around, directly facing Magnus. The warlock could swear those pale cheeks had a faint red color staining them.

-It depends... One person once told me he had to water his plants. -Magnus rolled his eyes. Probably the worst excuse someone could tell. Mostly because that person was allergic to plants. -He never came back.

-I'm glad he didn't... -Alec just muttered that, smiling to himself, then, his eyes were on Magnus' cat ones. -I guess we should get ready... And go back to the Institute...

That was the least thing both wanted, even if they knew it was what they had to do.
However, they wasn't nervous or frightened, they were ready to face what came next.

-Yes... I can't wait to talk to your parents.

The sarcasm was so obvious in the warlock's voice that Alec couldn't help but chuckled, as he shook his head.
At least, sense of humor made everything easier, or maybe he was still under the effect of their kisses.
But who cared? Love was something new to him, he could have never portrayed himself being loved by someone.

-Let's get ready... If not, I'm not going to let you go... -And Magnus wasn't kidding.

Actually, he unexpectedly placed a hand on Alec' cheek and then, he pressed his lips against the others.

Maybe the Shadowhunter was a quick learner, maybe he just followed the warlock, but he didn't hesitated, he placed his hand on top of his, interlaced their fingers and he followed the kiss.
There was something in Magnus that he couldn't describe, even when he didn't knew, his heart already screamed for the warlock's.

They both had the foreboding it would be a busy day and they wanted to taste each other as much as they could until they had another opportunity.
In fact, Magnus placed himself on top of Alec, feeling that smile against his lips, as  the Shadowhunter reincorporated, embraced Magnus' waist with his arms, pulling him closer, even feeling the necklace against his chest.

-A year ago I would be really mad for the result of our mission... -Muttered Alec, close to Magnus' lips, his thumbs caressing his back.

-A year ago you didn't know me... -Magnus couldn't be prouder, he even was smiling, as his ringed fingers played with Alec's messy hair.

-You're right... -The Shadowhunter bit his lower lip, unable to take his eyes off Magnus'. -What have you done to me?

-Oh, now it's my fault? You were the one searching for me at Pandemonium...

Alec rolled his eyes, laughed and hugged Magnus' body tighter.
He was definitely chained to Magnus and for the first time, he felt comfortable with his feelings.

-Shut up...

-Make me.

Shamelessly raising his eyebrows, Magnus' cat eyes challenged Alec and the boy needed no more, they might take some minutes more alone before leaving the room.

Little did they know about how awkward the day was going to be.
The tension between Jace, Izzy and Ten grew, even more everytime that Ten tried to ask Alec how was he feeling.
His Parabatai and his sister were being overprotective, refusing to let Ten talk to him or to the rest.
Everyone doubted they would forget her for involving them in such thing.
Harry felt quite guilty for keeping the secret of the box from them, maybe knowing that at least their efforts were worth it, would ease the tension.
However, they soon portaled back to the Institute, where things didn't seem to be any better.

-Really, I'm fine... -It didn't matter how much Alec insisted, they would ignore him.
Of course he was also frustrated for not having the box, for having risked their lifes so much, but it was done, they had to accept the consequences.

-But you could have died... -Jace's gold eyes were darker than ever. What if he lost his Parabatai, his other half?

He and Alec were sitting down on the infirmary's bed, where Jace was tracing some iratzes on Alec's bare torso.
His skin was so pale that it wasn't hard to notice certain pink marks.

-We were really worried... And you were having sex with Magnus... At least it's true that you're fine.

When Jace said that so simply, still tracing iratzes, Alec widened his eyes, his face turned completely red and his whole body tensed, not to mention how fast his heart beat.
Of course Jace wasn't afraid of speaking facts, and Alec was so glad to be alone with him. Yet, he looked everywhere, making sure no one was around.


-I do not want explanations, what you do with Magnus, is not my business... But buddy, at least you could have texted me... -Jace frowned, his eyes on Alec's. -I couldn't sleep thinking you were suffering, dodging dead and enduring your pain...

His Parabatai could be so dramatic, Alec even laughed and shook his head, then looked away.
Jace was not making a big deal, he accepted Magnus, he accepted the happiness he brought and Alec knew that, and was thankful.
There was no need to make long speeches, he was sure that the Parabatai rune was in charge of transmiting his emotions.

Nevertheless, he wanted to thank Jace, but soon, everyone entered the infirmary, including Ten, and all the peace Jace won during those minutes alone with his Parabatai, completely vanished.

-Mom is coming... -Isabelle sighed, sitting on a chair. -Dad is doing work stuff, I think it's better if he doesn't know about this yet...

-It's better if he never knows. -Matt rolled his eyes while leaning against the wall. Being honest, he was right.

-You know the worst? That we couldn't find my box...

Ten seemed truly dissapointed, her usual energy totally drained. For the first time she had the hope to get her music box back and now, everything shattered as those crystals from the cave.

Her words were a turning point, Jace couldn't contain himself anymore.
Soon, he left Alec's side and menacingly approached the faerie.

-We've done more than we should have done... We risked our lifes for your stupid piece of trash... My Parabatai could have died and all you care about is that box!

His yells full of rage weren't enough, despite they could be heard all around the Institute.
At that moment, he was unrecognizable, not even Clary or Alec were able to tame his anger.
Such was the frustration, the fury that Jace Ten by her neck, pinned her against the wall quite harahly and came closer to her face.

-Go and do not ever threaten my family again! Go!

-Jace! Jace, stop!

Clary ran to them, as everybody else, Simon and Matt instantly grabbed Jace in order to free Ten.
The faerie couldn't react, Jace's grip was threatening, but not strong enough, his yells totally freezed her, but not because she was frightened, but because she realized how strong was the love that boy had for his family.
Was that the love that every mortal kept in their hearts? Could she ever love in such a way?
Silver understood why people liked gold that much.

But she finally was conscious of the situation, she didn't want to be treated like that.
The girl pushed him with an incredible strength taking into account how short and slim she was, then, her silver eyes faced the golden ones before running away from the infirmary.
Everyone was completely astonished by Jace's reaction and the boy, agitated, was still being held by Matt and Simon, until Alec approached and they slowly let him go.
It wasn't a secret Jace's fierce character, his protectiveness, but that was something too unexpected, maybe he went too far.


-No, Alec. I had enough... Everything was good until she came... I won't let her destroy us.

Silently, trying not to be noticed, Harry left the room.
He promised Matt not to tell Ten about the box until they reached the Institute, now they were there, and it was time to be honest.

Luckily, he found the faerie on one of the corridors, sitting on the floor, embracing her knees and watching her bare feet.
Colorful lights from the showcases decorated her skin, but that wasn't what bothered her, the judging expressions from the Angel representations' were.

She wasn't upset, she wasn't afraid either. The faerie was used to escape danger, but she was lost at the moment.


When hearing Harry's soft voice, her silver eyes stared how he sat next to her.
Harry wasn't like Jace, he probably was the contrary, and Ten was glad that at least, the half warlock was someone you could easily talk to.

-I know you're not going to yell at me, so you must be wanting to cheer me up... But I don't need it, it's okay. -Jace and her had been fighting nonstop, it was a matter of time that a thing like that happened, she accepted it.

-I came to give you this...

And no waiting any longer, he placed the box on her hands.
The oxide on it, the lack of shine didn't matter, since that cold and heavy metal, so familiar to her, was finally touching her skin.
Her eyes widened, her pale lashes almost wet with tears as she stared the object, practically shaking.
The faerie couls swear her heart stopped for a second.

-How did you...? -Why him? Why was he the one who had her box?

-I found it on the cave... I should have given it to you before...

It was obvious he felt quite guilty, but he smiled as he watched the box and then her eyes, again reflecting hope.
She clearly didn't care about how Harry found it. Her precious box was back and that was all that mattered.

Harry wasn't expecting nothing in return, in fact, he stood up with the intention of going with the rest.


Maybe not yet.

She was proud to remember his name and with a smile, she stood up, embracing the box against her chest, as if it could vanish.

-You're a cool guy... I'm the black sheep here but... Some of you were nice to me... Thank you... -She showed a smile, placed a strand of hair behind her pointy ear. It was fair to at least thank him.

-I know how it feels to be different... -Harry smiled, thought of his runes, his magic. But as Matt said, he had the best of both worlds, he was proud of being different. -It's okay... I guess that now you're leaving.

-I should. -She nodded, caressed the box with her thumbs. -And I promised I would leave.

-If you ever need something, you can count on me.

Both shared smiles, stares, the faerie knew he really meant it, but it was her time to continue alone, so she just waved her hand as she dissappeared through the corridor, until she was nowhere to be seen.
That felt rare for both, somehow, they got used to each other.

It might not have been the best way of saying goodbye, but at least, they could get back to normal.
Even if it would be rare to not have Ten around, Harry was eager to focus on his friends, on Magnus, on Matt, on his training.

Little did he know that the storm was not over yet.
This was just a new paragraph on everyone's story.

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