Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1

VOLUME 8 Chapter 1

201 9 1
By ArchiveOfStories

"For such a powerful and advance military in a fantasy world, the United Nations is surely fucking dumb. Who's the player leading them? I swear, another blackout and I'll be throwing mines at the nearby army base. Really, who let these players have so much power and control when they can't even properly manage a city? I swear, some of them have to be kids playing adults with their aged avatars."

Inserting a bronze coin into a vending machine out in the middle of a roadside stop in the forest, surrounded by mountains and the only proof of humanity, the road and the dimly lit vending machine accompanied by a pair of weathered tables and chairs. The young man was about to press the button for "Condensed Milk" when a bloodied gloved hand picked the Milk for him. Shivers are sent to his spine as he could feel heavy breathing from a tall person behind him. The Asian avatar of the player turns around and is met with a tall vampiric woman wearing a frilly purple gothic dress, full of blood and her face and golden hair tainted by it. The woman nonchalantly takes the milk and starts chugging it down.

"I'd leave if I were you."

The woman looks down on her mangled body, devoid of its beautiful complexion and waist line, with a large hole on it from getting shot with a Barrett and the milk spilling out of her large wound. Without question, the guy runs to his Toyota and scoots it out of the road as three vampires land around her. Throwing snow everywhere, from the violent landing.

"Pwah! Good drink, now. To continue our charade."

The three vampires are equally bloodied and wounded. Their bodies scratched and bleeding as it slowly heals from the amount of damage the Queen has unleashed upon them, Even though Elizabeth herself is just as severely wounded as them, she turned around, facing them and stood tall to her title as the Ancient Vampire Queen.

Panting heavily with a bruised pretty face and slouched down as her free hand held her left arm from completely falling to the ground, Havannah couldn't believe her eyes as the Queen still managed to smile and look even giddy from all the damage she took. "I guess they didn't make you Queen for nothing huh." She attaches her arm back and lounges at her.

Inside Alana's office and sitting next to her is looking at the pile of paper she has to work through. He himself is also working on his own pile, mostly reports and updates from the UN and the units that's under him. Even though he is still in Pajamas, he couldn't be more out of bounds with work and his mind, wandering from looking at so much text.

"Alana, how in the heck are you not bored yet? Looking at these papers makes me wanna cry. Argh! What's taking them so long? If the Queen is out there genociding some poor schmucks, I'll fire someone."

"Why? Is it that bad M'Lord? The Doctor said you have to rest as much as you can."

"Yes it's super bad, looking at all of these statistics, we're overstretched and undermanned already. Most players aren't signing up for the service and so, we're forced to replace them with the skeletons which aren't really known for their immense intellect nor durability."

"Even then, you should still have the upperhand with your machines and vehicles. It can't be that bad."

"Oh it is. Looking at the updated map, we've reached Vitas' borders and we still have no sight of the proper army and it's still just a bunch of proxies like the Rogues. Their smart, looks like the appearance of their King once is all it took for him to know how to slow us down."

"King Nergal isn't to be reckoned with, and this is proof of it. To think he managed to bring you to your knees even with all of your technology... and he hasn't even sent his proper army, correct? M'Lord, I think you need to do this like how we do it."

"Forced Drafting? Hell no, many players aren't already signing up voluntarily. Forcing them would only create an army that's degraded and of little morale. I'd rather have a small and contained professional one than a mass of bumbling idiots with guns and magic."

"Then how are you supposed to win this so-called war of yours?"

"Hell, it doesn't even seem like we're treating this as a war. Just something to tell the oblivious players living in the city that we're doing something. He was smart, he knew how weak our command structure is and inexperienced it is. Only a handful of Generals like me are actually on the ground doing things. The rest? Fuck do I know."

"Then if possible, I recommend maybe stopping the war altogether. You have the technology to just show that you're in a war right?"

"I mean yeah, but that means the Guilds won't be united as much anymore. This war to reach the Kingdom of Vitas, to so called reach them before they reach us, doesn't really hold anything other than a pat in the back and they're doing something while actual Scientists and Doctors are figuring out a way home... ugh."

"And that message you requested about Her Majesty?"

Alana then stamps the piece of paper right in front of her and tosses it neatly into the right side of her desk.

"None, just shows how little people are actually in this. If only there's more satellites for daily communications at least, but it looks like we can only use prebuilt ones, even portals we can't set up since we can't find any alternative to the Elven Birch Roots which is what is used in making portals."

"What's that? Sounds like something that'd be in limited numbers and hard to find."

"Not really... it's just that they're usually well defended by tree monsters to giant tree demons in Beginner Island. Rookie's are usually sent to get one as a way to prove their worth and move to the first continent."

The General then stretches his hands and arms, looking at the posted date which his message should come and marked underneath it in English is "LATE!". He then stands up and looks around her personal office. With all of the books scattered around and on her desk and the seemingly hidden books of Manga and Light Novels she bought way before she even met him.

"Aren't you... like... bored or anything? C'mon let's go out. It's killing me to be inside a place for too long."

"It's either this or going out there... and I do not want to go to the river, M'Lord."

"Why? Didn't that guy say something about one of your ships being overloaded?"

"Ugh, M'Lord, that river, on its otherside is owned by another family whom I've had disputes with and would rather not deal with its Lord."

"Eh, don't worry about it. Beats being stuck here."

"Haaaah... okay. The Doctor did say you need to move around more but after this. You must rest, rest for at least eight hours okay? Let us depart."

"And where the heck did Bahamut go? Even in her human form, that freaking lizard keeps disappearing like a child in a mall. I swear, I might need to put a leash on that dragon."

"M'Lord, did she say she wanted to eat something?"

"Did she? And again? But we just had lunch. I can't believe that even in human form, her appetite is still the same. Oh God... well it's easy to spot her now anyways. Those hips don't lie if I've ever seen one."

Paul walks to the hallway while Alana finishes up on her work. The smell of antiquity and perfume still caughts him off guard. The ancient red carpet with the porcelain walls truly gave the Manor a scary yet luxurious feel with an air of extravagance only seen in the current age. On the right wing, stood his sinister looking armor. Waiting to be put on again by its owner, missing its greatsword on its back. Going downstairs to the kitchen room near the back of the Manor. He asks one of the servants if he'd seen a tall lady in all black. He just points to the kitchen, solidifying his theory.

Arriving, the Chefs could be seen preparing Dinner while on the drawers, he could see Bahamut's well defined rear. "Damn, if I grabbed that. My hands would be more than full." it would turn left and right with her hips going outward from her thin waist, as she is seemingly trying to grab something that's deep inside. He walks up right behind her and squats.


"Wooohhh! Master!"

"Bahamut. What're you doing?"

"Trying to find... where is it?"

"Let me help you."

He opens the drawers next to her, and goes in. The two's heads touch each other. Bahamut completely blushing as her exposed pale face looks like a woman who had been lovestruck.

"Woah, sorry."

"It's fine Master."

"And where's your Crown?"

"On the Dinner Table."

"Well, I don't mind sitting here and admiring that pretty face of yours. Heh, can't believe you're the same little dragon that's used to sleep on top of my head or shoulders. Get up, we have a job to do."

This sends Bahamut into overdrive. Turning beet red and covering her face in embarrassment while Paul laughs at her and pats her head. "Ahahahahaha, alright. What're we looking for?"

"Lamb meat." she whispers as she hides her face. "Oh, lemme see." Alana then comes to the kitchen, looking at the two who are rummaging through her drawers and the Chefs just bow in silence. She then drags the two out and to the hallway. "Goodness. Can you two not be willy nilly here? Can't you see people are busy?" After sighing, she just smiles with her arms crossed. "Good to see you back at your usual self M'Lord. But please don some proper clothes. The snow is very bad this year so it seems."

He puts on his black business suit and long coat and fedora while Bahamut was already outside with her Crown on. Walking out, he is met with extreme cold. His breath was visible from his point of view, already shivering and holding himself. Bahamut comes along and puts her hand over his shoulder. Using magic to insulate him.

"Ohhhhhh... that feels... GOOD."

"Ahahaha, yes. C'mon now Master."

Inside the Minuit carriage, the Coach driver heads East. Passing through the snowy plains of Sang. Rolling along the road, they'd occasionally encounter vampires on horseback enjoying the snow. Everyone they met politely bowed and some even took out their handkerchief to wave at the crystal white carriage. High above them, Paul could see Dragons carrying large crates and objects, heading to the Capital.

"Man, what did I miss?"

"A lot, M'Lord."

"Yea, looks like you've been busy Alana. Very busy."

"Just preparations really, if we're really planning on going through with this. We must have leverage in the House of Lords."

"House of Lords?"

"Yes, it's where the Five Major Families convene with the King in making decisions. Recently, King Harold made his stance and he won't be blocking any of the Outworlders' attempts to negotiate with us. But, that's just him. You still need the approval of the Four Houses, being Dreyfus, Voltaire, Charlemagne and the Minuits. Though the Bartley's also have their own place, without a representative, they usually just loiter around listening to whatever."

"Wait wait wait, what did it cost us though?"

"Cost what?"

"Getting the King's favor."

"I think something about cleansing the Hybrid population."

"WHAT. Wait... that went from zero to a THOUSAND. Can you explain this more to me?"

"Of course M'Lord. King Harold has long been wishing to expand the Kingdom. Further down the River Dourvan. But he is unable to do that with the Hybrid population there, since the Rogues are willing to help any humanoid with visible fur and any military invasion with the Legions would spark problems with the Humans, Dragons, and Elves in Geraldia and Dragovh."

"So he used his position to not only use us as his killing machine to do the dirty work, pointing geopolitical charges and accusations to us, Outworlders, AND to forward the Kingdom of Roses plans to expand its borders?!"

"Yes M'Lord. I never did think of him to be that smart. That man is usually lenient for the last thousand or so years that he has been ruling. Quietly expanding our power and population, but to be this bold must mean that he sees an opening."

"Yeah, this is a golden opportunity, and we'll be gone in the near future anyways. So it's basically foolproof. But to commit such things..."

"Oh, could it be that you assimilate the population of the countries you take over in your world M'Lord?"

"Not that... Well yeah. That led to wars and conflicts that reached two decades in some spots in the Middle East. But we operate in a moral society, conquering properly like back then where you kill the population and bring forth yours is no longer acceptable."

"Gods be. That's wasteful M'Lord, absolutely wasteful. That'd prolong the conflict than finish it and also bring more pain and suffering than has to be. Two decades, for us vampires that may seem fast but for humans... I wonder how much of the country that did that was wasted."

"Trillions, that doesn't even get into the belly of it. But I kinda was in the same spot when World War Three broke out, good thing is. We went and left, not stayed so that's a plus. Can't imagine being a Colonel and forced to deal with the locals, even though we were on the same side, it still led to a lot of disagreements due to the differences of cultures and traditions."

"Yes, exactly that M'Lord. Though you could do it like how Her Majesty did tens of thousands of years ago. Before the Third Reset where she instead killed the men and left the women and children to live, to become food and cattle for the booming vampire population. That should be far more economical than killing everyone and replacing them with yours."

"You people scare me, geez. Just how brutal things are going to get, the fact that I can live in absolute bliss, riding in this expensive carriage surrounded by beautiful women while something like that is happening like it's a normal Monday gives me a vibe I cannot get used to..."

"Best not give it much thought. As you said M'Lord, it's a normal occurrence here, you should see the High Elves and what they've done to the Wood Elves who did not become cultured and liberal like them... or to unruly humans that they deem unfit to live alongside their Empire."

"Damn... that's just messed up though... this entire thing is messed up. It's like living in my world but ten times the brutality and ignorance. This is basically how it is with powerful Empires, its citizens living in bliss while the people up above perform acts like these. Even here, it's all the same but a bit more brutal to a degree."

"It is ironic, M'Lord. How it's the most civilized and so called advanced societies that are willing to carry out these acts. Such is the name of power and might. You must exercise it if you want to be taken seriously, it's just like in a business, you must project your wealth and might if you want to be taken seriously by a family or Lord."

"It ain't any different in my world, many do that too. At least here, there are Kingdoms that are not afraid to speak of their crimes. But in my world, it's all lies really. Lies built upon lies. Some were covered with so much many lies that you'll never know the truth and even if you tried, you might not even believe the truth anymore since it's been covered with so many lies."

"Hmph M'Lord. Our worlds aren't that different I guess."

"Yea... but here you all still have what we've forgotten. Family, community, respect, manners, discipline, and traditions. Such things are considered trivial to many now, the Twenty Thirties has been a big giant shift in human society where the devices we have have overturned almost everything else. Everything has a device connected to it and almost all of the wealth of humanity, within my hands. Don't you know? They only recently outlawed Androids due to the possibility of them overtaking humanity."

"I never did see humans drive for technology as anything other than their feeble attempts to make up for what they lack. Humans tend to be very inventive and just as creative as the Dwarven tribes in Central Geraldia. Weak as your species might be, it makes up for it in its sheer tenacity to overcome everything that isn't human. From flight to going underwater, many of the other species mastered it through natural means, with magic. Humans on the other hand, used machines, if not invented ways to do that without magic or requiring little magic."

"Yea... heh. That's how we do it, efficient and practical. Just wait till humanity here becomes more modern. Yea, Social Media, the internet, news, and mainstream media. I try my best to avoid those, so far my efforts have been fruitful seeing how I haven't gone fully mad yet from my stressful life in the city."

The man looks at the glass window of the carriage and sees a faint outline of a megacity with a rocket launching in the horizon as thousands of cars pass through a super highway that divides a city in the middle. Helicopters and planes clogged the skies as the bustling metropolis carried on its way without care.

"Coming here felt like a breeze in a clogged atmosphere. Meeting you Alana, and Elizabeth and the many people of this vast world you live in. It's such a good refreshing experience. Bahamut also seems to have turned in a new leaf. Seeing how she's so open and talkative now to others, brings a smile to my face. I felt like if I stayed longer in my office, I would've long become insane."

"Enjoy it all M'Lord, before you return to your world."

"I already am. Before I am tackled once again to return to my busy city life. My retirement is far too, so I still have a lot of steam in me to go forward."

Within the next hours, the carriage reaches the river. Following it, they encounter a Man-O-War with a ship just as large as the four floored wooden warship but without any cannons, along it was two smaller Ship of the Lines meant to escort it stopped by Rowboats and Tugs. The flags on the back of the stopped ships were flying the Kingdom of Roses' and the Minuit family's. Alana's driver opens the door for her and she walks to the Docks with her red gown standing out in the landscape that's covered with crystal white snow. Creating a beautiful scene of a clean river water surrounded by complete white.

Paul felt like he could just stare at the sight for all of eternity, as snowflakes fell from the sky. Slowly touching the ground with a sense of ease and calm with an inviting yet cold breeze of winter air. He then follows Alana with Bahamut in tow, and she approaches a man wearing a Tricorn Hat with a midnight blue coat and a white cravat with yellow colored ornate design. He bows and folds his Monoscope, tucking it neatly into his puffy pants pocket. He looked the part of an old European 18th Century Midshipman, with a sprinkle of Noble Posh and Arrogance.

"Lady Minuit, pleased to see you here."

"May I ask why you've stopped my family's ship?"

"It's due to overloading malady. Though I do trust your family's navy men and their skills of using Wind and Water magic in traversing Schon's dangerous waters, we've recently gotten a notice to not allow ships whose waterline is below the water here."

"And why?"

"We've recently gotten reports that the Giganthopyse has arrived looking for more prey before the full power of winter sets in."

"The hecks a Giganthopyse?"

Alana and the Sailor just look at Paul who is dumbfounded by the word.

"It's a seven hundred feet long snake. It's been roaming the rivers of Schon for a good thousand years now, ever since the Second Reset did its species existed, meant to stop ships from the main continents from just sailing into Vitas through the rivers and lakes. It's usually found in the middle part of the continent, right below the Kingdom. Pretty strange that it's been pushed to here, in the East..."

"I get the feeling we have something to do..." the General removes his fedora and puts it back on, then putting his hand below his in. "I think it's the patrol boats that have been roaming the rivers now in controlled areas that's pushed it into here. Since we have a working Airbase right below your Kingdom, something tells me we made it go here as we contested the open waters it used to roam."

"Either way, Sir Adelard. Please bring my ship over to this dock."

"Of course Lady Minuit."

He waves at the vampires in the rowboats and tugs, he then walks to the Dock House and hoists up a red flag. The men in the rowboats return it by raising a red and white and swinging it twice. The bigger ships also responded with its crew raising a white flag.

Soon, they brought the ship to the small dock. Its massive masts towering over the snow covered trees. The Captain of the ship, wearing the same crimson hue as Alana's dress was the first to step out of the Man-O-War and immediately knees and lowers his head.

"Captain Gaston of his majesty's ship, The Invaincus. How may I serve thee Lady Minuit?"

"Yes, may you tell me why your ship is overloaded even with the notice?"

"It is due to a mishap. Supposed to be, there'd be a fourth ship with the fleet. One meant for the extra two hundred barrels of Wine. But, due to a pirate attack and the appearance of the Druisvikings, she's been moored in for repairs far longer than expected."

"And what was this ship's name?"

"She's the sister ship of the Wine ship we have right now, Süße.'

"Mhm. Then how about this, divide it. Put it on two other ships you have."

"But Lady Minuit, that would expose them. We'd have to put the extra barrels on the decks of the ships. They have very little armor and would probably burn violently if ever a barrel was struck by an explosive object."

"Well, we can't do anything now can we? Do not worry, I give you my authority to perform this action. I am willing to take any repercussions if anything does happen. But I trust you Captain. You've been working for the family for almost five hundred years now, and only had a single infraction. Continue your due diligence to us."

"Of course!"

He stands up, and orders his sailors to start moving the barrels of Wine onto the other ships. They immediately threw ropes and with their bare hands alone, were able to bring the ships into each other's sides and mothball them together to start the transferring of barrels.

"So Alana, are you gonna deliver this to a Port or something?"

"Some of it, yes. But the Wine Ship will also drop some of its barrels on flowing rivers and lakes. We've already put our seal on it, so the towns and cities know it's their shipment to give to the nobles that's ordered them. The rest is up to our contracted Merchants and Traders."

"Wow, and how many bottles does that big one without guns carry?"

"About two hundred thousand."

"Wha-what? And yet you guys don't have access to the open sea?"

"We vampires have the luxury of time. We experimented and took our time perfecting our Navy. Though unlike the Dreyfuses who runs the Ship of the Lines, the Minuits are more on the logistical and trading part. Our ships are also armored due to the far more dangerous aquatic species that roams Schon. It naturally forced us to give it more armor."

"I see, but you guys still own some warships huh?"

"Not really owned, M'Lord. More so sponsored and built by our money and manned by our men. But altogether, their ships of Rose."

"The power and influence you guys have. So I guess relations between the families have to be kept stable through the House of Lords? Because you guys run around with your own Knights and warships."

"Yes, it is likely if a problem was to arise, armed conflict would be the only solution. Oh M'Lord, you should read the stories before the first King and Queen, there were more families and they would all declare war on each other. Most of them having the longest recorded conflicts in Threa next to our wars against the Werewolves."

After watching the Captain properly transfer the barrels to the other two ships with ease thanks to their powers, the Man-O-Wars water line raises above acceptable levels and it's been given the all go to set sail. She signed some papers and wrote down a report of her actions on that day and the people with her. The navy man also made Paul and Bahamut sign the document next to their names. Paul had to help Bahamut, as she never wrote before and also made her come up with a personal sign which she does, using the initials "BHDragonLady."

After finishing it, the group headed back to her Manor and in the courtyard was a Humvee with an M35A2 Deuce and a Half with it, having a big radar mast. Arriving at the Manors front lawn, Paul disembarks and salutes them. The soldiers quickly recognize him and salute back.

"What seems to be the problem here?"

"We have a transmission to you sir. High Command thought it'd be better to have you talk to them than keep you waiting for messages, we have direct contact with an Officer on the ground and a cop."

"Fucking finally, you know how hard it was to keep waiting? I've basically been restless, I even went outside because of the stress. So who is this Cop and why is a cop with the majesty?!"

"A Detective from the Greater Tokyo Police Department, Henry Tatsuya. He is in the Criminal Investigation Bureau sir."

"Ah yes, so that's the cop. He's with Elizabeth right?"

"Yes sir and we have a direct line to him right now."

"Alright, hand it to me."

"Hello, Good Afternoon. This is General Jackson from the Knights of Eldwood, commander of the Northern Army."

"Good Evening, you're the Lord of Elizabeth right?"

"Yep. What's happening with the Queen? Is she in combat right now? How is her hunger? Is she happy? Had she requested anything? Where is she staying? I haven't been able to do something that I planned due to circumstances."

"Uhm... Yes, she's currently fighting four vampires, in terms of her hunger. She said it's not needed as she can fight just as well without drinking blood."

"Only her?! Hey, send people to aid her. As powerful as she is, she cannot do it all alone. More so without blood, she's basically fighting at one percent of her power."

"We're trying, but they're so fast. Helicopters will reach them in twenty minutes and we have reports of a possible snowstorm coming."

"Fucking hell, do you want us to loose one of our most powerful assets?! Jesus, is there a UN officer there?! Get him on the line!" his face immediately turned into anger and distress, his feet tapping the snowy ground. "I can't fucking believe this! How incompetent can this people get?! To send her alone, that's like sending your superweapon to die out in the sea alone!" his frown gets more and more apparent as the seconds go by.

"Yes sir, yes. I'll get the Colonel here."

The Detective turns around and taps Rudentofts shoulder. "Eldwood General, very angry. Good luck." he takes it, stretching the long Cord as behind them.


"Who the fuck is this?"

"Ja, this is Colonel Adolf Rudentoft of the Fourth Reichs United Nations Expeditionary Forces."

"Good! Send your men! Eurocopters, NH Nineties, everything! The Vampire Queen needs support! I am telling you now! Do not leave her alone!"

"Jawohl OberGeneral."

"Okay you know what, create a magic circle within the day, I'll be there either in a few hours or tomorrow."

"Jawohl mein herr."

Covering the mic, he looks at Henry. "Prepare a magic crystal gem and a pen. Los!"

"Within the day, you got me? This is a shiity mess you've created boy! To call yourself a Colonel and send a woman to go fight an army all by herself?! Go! Stop wasting my time!"

"Oh-oh, of course mein herr. We'll prepare them as instructed. Jawohl."

He gives back the phone to the soldier and looks at Alana and Bahamut. "Both of you, prepare my armor tonight." his eyes and face are in soldier mode, in absolute seriousness as he then walks inside, to his room. The man rummages through his weapons and finds his Longsword and to his surprise, his scabbard has a sticky note to it.

"Me and the boys visited you while you were out. We thought you'd want your badass sword back in good shape so we mustered up some stuff and managed to get it fully repaired. Don't dull it out now in one day. - J.E. and T.

PS - Blacksmith told us it should last for the next hundred years, unless you start swordfighting a God. Bye bye.

Unsheathing the Longsword, he is in awe of its new look. "Motherfuckers upgraded it too." from its normal black and crimson look became darker and grayer. Its edge was also serrated like his greatsword and the hilt completely redesigned with a darker look and the entire thing etched with more enchanted engravings. The next morning, Alana and Bahamut barge in his room, and the servants are already taking apart his armor in the hall.

"M'Lord, you can't be serious with this, you're only recovering!"

"Master, I wish to advise you to stay here. We'll take care of it."

"Both of you... calm down. The Queen is in danger if not, already defeated, and I need the two of you to prepare to fly to Geraldia. This is not a time to worry about me, get going."

"Master, this is the exact moment to worry about you! Do you not know what I felt, the despair and damnation when you lay in my lap writhing in pain for days?! I know that you must fight, but at least calm it down!"

"Bahamut's right M'Lord. You mustn't do this yet, not when you've only been recovering for a day."

"It's fine. I am fine, that is why I am going to wear my armor. Didn't you tell me they polished it and everything? Pretty sure it's also newly enchanted too and I am asking the both of you to come with me. So right now, if you can, start packing. We'll be reinforcing her, that's one unfed vampire going against four probably fully powered ones. Bahamut, you should know."

"B-But Master, your health."

"We'll worry about that later. For now, let's get this done. If you need me, I'll be in my room preparing."

After a while, Alana finishes what she could in her office. Filing the last paperwork she has and the woman walks outside to get some refreshments. As it's the night, only a few of her servants are doing rounds. Prompting the woman to go to the East wing of her manor to find a maid at least.

Walking for a few minutes, she's annoyed that there's not one servant and the deafening silence of the large building at the dead of night felt uncomfortable. She continues on, going to the barracks of the servants only to find a bathroom door open. "What? Heavens be, what are my servants doing?" opening it, she's met with a mist of steam.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"Oh! It's you Alana!"


Hearing the soft and motherly voice of the Dragon lady. She walks to the tub in the small bathroom and sees the pale woman enjoying a bath in the porcelain tub that barely fit her entire body. Bahamut's long hair spilling out of it like shiny black tendrils and her naked body in full bare.


"Why're you here? You can use the main bathroom, you know?"

"I do. But I don't like big spaces like that. Small spaces like this makes it easier to face enemies."

"Enemies? Bahamut. We're deep inside the Kingdom. It'd be impossible for an intruder to merely waltz in my Manor without getting detected."

"You can never be too sure, bloodsucker. Now, let me enjoy this steamy bath. I've always done this when I am in this form. Though usually it'd be on a lake or a pond in the forest."

"Do you even wash yourself?"

"Hm? I don't have too. I'll always smell good and look good no matter what. Doesn't really matter."

"Still, you are aware dust and mud would still get onto you right?"

"I know. That's why I take these baths. Human bodies are far easier to clean too since its smaller."

"At least use some soap Bahamut."

"Ehhhhhh, I'm a Dragon. Doesn't really matter to me."

"Goodness." Alana just sighs. "Want me to teach you?"

"Sure. Doesn't really matter anyways, but I guess it'd be a good thing to learn. Master is usually the one that cleans me."

"Alright. Wait here."

"Oy, don't tell me you'll teach me now? I'm pretty sure we cannot fit in this tub."

"Don't worry, I'll be cleaning you. Be sure to listen carefully."

The Countess heads off the small tight bathroom and returns a few minutes later wearing only a towel and carrying a plate with wine and glass on it. She takes the sponge for the servants and a soap and starts making bubbles.

"Hays... I can't believe this."

"Ehhh.... You're pretty diligent aren't you?"

"How can't I be? I've been traveling with you for over a year now and seeing the Master take care of you has always been a pain. I might as well teach you something worthwhile so that in the future, you won't be so much of a burden for him."

"But you know... humans and dragons are different creatures and such..."

"Enough excuses. Straight back and grab all of your hair."

Bahamut does as she's instructed and Alana drops her towel and starts with the Dragon's long hair.

"I've always thought your hair would feel nice. But this exceeds my expectations."

Alana then sits on the side of the porcelain tub, giving her a perfect point of view of Bahamut and her entire body. Her pale skin wasn't only shiny, but squishy and her fingers seemed to slip down and long.

"Looking at you now Bahamut... I'm surprised you don't reveal your body more."

"Eh, it doesn't matter to me. Dragons don't particularly care as much about the beauty of humans. It's more with the power of humans, it just so happens that comes with beauty is power."

"I see. That might be why all of us vampires are good looking. We are powerful and beautiful by all means."

"Nothing beats the beauty of nature Alana. That's how I've always seen it, it is but natural for things to be beautiful. The other species might say otherwise, but beauty is not only beholden of one's eyes. It's also objective with what can take everyone's attention. Only a fool cannot enjoy a good sunrise or sunset."

The Countess then makes her way to the shoulders then to her collarbone. Which is clearly expressed and seen. Below it, her bountiful breasts that sat half underwater.

"Goodness me, even you make me insecure with my body."

"Really? I mean, I do take pride in these. Master seems to like them a lot."

"Men will be men, but it's impressive how your overall look is. It's far too alien, yet perfect in a sense of us who walk the physical world."

"Wanna know a fact about this body?"


"My skin is this pale as I made this human form of mine in the cold and dark abyss where no light exists. Molded by the spirits of countless souls that died heroically and naturally beautiful. I paid good attention to this and I'm still content with how it turned out."

"Mhm, though you should've at least consulted some humans before. Your beauty is far too good, any man would instantly know you're not one of them... though would it even matter?"

Bahamut then looks at Alana's waist and stares at her seemingly rock solid stomach. Out of curiosity, the dragon lady pokes it and it's as hard as concrete.

"Hey! Don't go touching me there!"

"Your body isn't that bad also, you're oddly muscled in this part."

"I am known as the best Ballerina in my University years. My flexible body is impressive even for vampire standards, you know?"

"That explains all the moves you'd do. Sometimes it seems as if you're dancing than fighting."

"My mentor taught me that. He's an odd man, but a good teacher. He always reminded me to sword fight with my favorite thing in mind."

"Huh." Bahamut then continues to poke at her stomach, rubbing her chin at how solid it is. Seeing this, Alana then squishes her stomach and is taken aback by how good it felt. Though scrawny, the Dragon lady's body still had a pint of meat on top of it and how it'd widened when going to her hips seemed almost as if every point of it adhered to the golden ratio.

"Uhm Alana... when are you planning on continuing to wash me?"

"Oh, sorry. I understand what Her Majesty said about your complexion. Goodness me."

The Countess then makes her away down to her stomach and then thighs. Scrubbing every nook and cranny with care and softy responding to Bahamut's reactions to certain spots.

"Also, tomorrow Alana. Be sure to not panic as I'll be using True Magic to get us there fast. Geraldia is far far away and for us to make it in time, I'd have to use some old magic that I also use to arrive in the physical world of Tur."

"True Magic you say? Hmph, I'd like to experience it myself first hand. True Magic from your world has been used here before, thousands of years ago. Compared to Real, Unrefined Magic. I wonder which is more powerful."

"Let's not dabble in those affairs. True Magic is also called that, you know? Real and unrefined. It's the true essence of using Mana to manipulate the atmosphere and create something specific out of nothing. So don-"

She then stops and Alana freezes, looking at Bahamut whose cheeks are slowly turning red as her hand and fingers clean her toes and feet. "Ha! So this is your weakness!" She then starts rubbing it more and Bahamut lets out a chuckle which then becomes a laugh.

"Goodness! I'm tickling a Dragon God!"

"Bwahahahahaha! Enough! Please! N-no! My pride!"

Alana gets a devilish grin and Bahamut's face completely goes cold realizing that she plans on exploiting this weakness fully. With the tip of her long slender finger, the Countess runs it down and up making the Dragon God burst out with laughter. Outside, Paul is in his pajamas looking at maps while drinking a cup of joe. He could hear the laughter of Bahamut which made him follow it.

Arriving at the bathroom door, he could see that outside it on the clothes rack is Alana's nightgown and took a peek inside the steamy bathroom and could see a faint silhouette of two magnificent bodies touching each other as laughter and loud splashes of water echoed into the outside. He just smiles and carries on, walking back to the West wing.

Back inside, Alana is panting heavily with Bahamut after tickling her and the two just smiled at each other.

"Now, you wash me. Let's see if you've learned anything."

"Alright, game."

The Countess slips into the tub, making the water flow out as she takes the Wine glass and pour herself some Wine, swirling it a bit followed by a quick smell, she takes a small sip and smiles. Her position, opposite of Bahamut as she lifts her right leg up above to the side. "So, how long do you plan on sitting in this tub with me?" The Dragon God then exits out and starts playing with the soap. "Remember, make it bubbly." Following her orders, the woman's pale hands are soon full of bubbles from the soap and she heads over to start washing Alana's hair.

"Op op op, slowly pull the hair and wash it from the head to the locks."

Starting a bit rough and tugging on Alana's hair a bit, Bahamut soon adapts and learns how to do it properly and slowly. Seeing the Countess' relaxed body, she heads off to her long neck and then shoulders. Her above average height towering over the vampire with her long hair casting a shadow over her body.

"Yours isn't that bad. Your arms particularly are just as solid as your stomach. You must've really liked sword fighting."

"I do, you know why I haven't gotten married yet even though the Lords are lining up to offer their hands to me?"


"Because I've long wanted my man to come to me in a shiny silver armor and on a mighty steed. A white knight on a fiery steed to come and save me from this monotonous life I am living."

"And yet what you got is a human wearing the most Devilish armor in existence and is literally riding a dead horse from hell. Isn't life such a comedy at times?"

"Heh, yes. Why is that? Bahamut, do you have an answer to that?"

"Ah, the answer is not that complex. It's merely how it is, most Heroes aren't that, thought of course they exist. They're mostly the most extreme type with a golden moral compass. Most Heroes aren't even seen as Heroes, many branded as villains too. I've met them all in the Abyss, their lost wandering souls unable to grasp their untimely but well spent death."

"I hope our Lord will die that way, a Hero and a human man that will be remembered."

"He will be, Master is a kind and understanding man. Though he may be brash at times, he is good at heart and he already is a Hero, maybe he hasn't seen it yet. But I do consider him as such."

"Mhm, he is. I wonder, when he saves the Majesty, will he be considered a Hero by my kin? A human hero in the vampire kingdom. Hmph, how ridiculous yet amazing that sounds."

"We shall see, but I am sure it will happen. From battling you alone seven months ago, I am sure you've seen it. That strike of will to fight and do his mission."

"Or that time he went and led an armored charge into those living four legged machines."

"And don't forget, him defeating the Queen with two other good men. I am sure he will be seen as a Hero. Maybe not by the masses, but I am sure you and me and Elizabeth will see him in such a light."

"Hm. I wonder what the future will hold, would M'Lord become a Legend amongst men?"

"I'm pretty sure he already is... but only fools would want to become Living Legends. It's better to be remembered than to be living as one. Master knows that well I am sure, the world he came from is far different than both of ours and there, man is no longer man. But an emasculated version of it that longs for violence."

"That explains the bloodlust of the Outworlders. I still remember the first month of the year when they first appeared. These strange people from another world coming out of the woodworks to suddenly interfere with the conflicts of this world. Bringing with them a strange culture and way of talking."

"I couldn't be there sadly, I was busy guarding Master inside their office and burning anyone that dared to come near the city. It felt good though to finally feel my true power given back to me, without the Twelve Pillars holding me down. I can unleash my full strength at any time."

"Oh! Didn't you know that in the second month, this strange Outworlder pulling a carriage all by himself stumbled upon the Kingdom and sold these books full of paneled art?"

"Ah, the manga as they call it."

"Yes! It seems to be a very popular form of entertainment for the Outworlders. I've been reading so much of them, though their interpretation of us vampires is... interesting and varying. The stories hold so many details and the romantic expression on them. It's so good!"

"I've never really dabbled much in human affairs and forms of entertainment. Maybe if I get the chance, I'll try assimilating a bit with the humans in this form. Maybe I could use it as a chance for me and Master to bond even more."

"I'm sure it's possible. Our Lord is seemingly knowledgeable about this piece of entertainment. What genre would you like?"

Alana then takes the wine bottle and pours herself more wine as Bahamut moves to her long supple legs. Lifting it up with one hand and the other scrubbing it.

"Oh my! Don't be too rough now."

"Heh, as if. Vampires will just regenerate anyways. Something that'll take months for us Dragons to do."

"Hey now, my legs are known to be certainly eye-catching when seen."

Squinting to see if she's bullshitting, Bahamut licks her thigh. Making Alana squeal in embarrassment. "EEEK! O-Oy! What was that for?" The Dragon God then looks up as if to analyze something.

"I see, it's interesting. So this is the composition of the vampires in Threa. Different yet similar to the ones in Tur."

"Exactly why did you need to lick me?"

"Would you prefer it if I ate you?"

Thinking of something completely different, Alana just downs her entire glass of wine and Bahamut just shrugs it off as the Countess being weird. Finishing up cleaning her body and putting her hands on her hips, looking victorious.

The two then dried themselves and finished. Alana starts doing yoga exercises on the tiles of the bathroom as the Dragon God walks around her multiple times playing with the brushes and ways to clean her long hair. "Bahamut, can you help me a bit? I need my hands to reach my achilles." The Dragon Lady looked and could see the woman flexing her immense suppleness and after a few seconds of thinking, decided to help her out.

"Exactly where do you want me to be?"

"Spread your legs in front of me and put your hands on my shoulders and slowly push it down. Don't break anything, as my healing would make this exercise useless."

"Alright. Prepare yourself then."

She then steps in front of Alana and leans down to start putting weight into her. Bahamut then could feel the breath of something deep in the middle of her breast and looking down, could see that the Countess' face was buried in between them.

"How many seconds exactly?"

Alana then put up five of her fingers and as the five second passed, Bahamut stood up and the Countess took a deep breath. "Goodness me! Those things could suffocate a bear if you tried hard enough!" Bahamut just grins and exits out to wear her nightgown. Alana soon followed and the two had a small chat before returning to their respective rooms.

The next day, Maids and Butlers start putting the armor on the General. With his extra clothes ready to go in a black suitcase. After an hour, his armor is fully fitted and properly tight to where he is comfortable and walks to the front yard. The sinister Death Knight shocked the UN troops who hadn't donned their fantasy armors for so long.

"I require a Medic and three blood bags."

"Yes sir!"

The soldier runs to the radio and calls in his request. Looking around, Paul's still in awe of the beautiful snowy landscape of the Kingdom as he awaited in silence at the big courtyard where the masterfully carved bushes are painted with a hue of white with snow. Hours later, a M997A3 Tactical Humvee Ambulance arrives at the Minuit Manor. The Doctor salutes to the General, carrying with him his First Aid Kit.

"Huh, no combat medics?"

"The two others with me are, sir. What're your orders, sir?"

"Fill those three blood bags with my blood and put it under ice. Enchanted non-melting ones if you have any."

"Just exactly what we use sir, the stuff we usually mine in the Piker Ice Mountain to preserve stuff in the cold is what we have here."

"Do we have that much in stock that all Guilds are using?"

"Yes sir, ice that never melts is pretty handy even in a virtual game. Good thing some of the Guilds went haywire in their mining and we have a lot."

"Hm, have we found a substitute yet?"

The Doctor brings out the needed medical equipment to carry out the transplant while one of the Combat Medics gives him a clipboard to fill out some paperwork.

"Uhhh... we did, these are called Ice Pikers by the natives. Their bones are non-melting ice. But way colder than these ones."

After a few minutes, the Doctor successfully performs the task and fills three whole 450ml transfusions into the blood bags. The General immediately drank the health potion as he sat with a straight back and eyes staring knives.

"Huh, your blood type sir is AB?"

"Never knew that one, but that's coincidentally my real blood type too."

"Better be careful if you're going to be using this sir, you're only compatible with other AB types."

"Oh don't worry, this won't be transfused to anyone."


Left with a baffled face. Paul goes to the garden behind the Manor and unsheathes his sword. Holding it with his two hands, he pours Mana into it. Making it push the surrounding molecules, instantly clearing a 10 meter hole around him of snow. He then proceeds to use the sharp distal plate to etch into the tile. Alana and Bahamut come out of the Manor approaching him with packed bags.

"Bahamut, bring me that Ruby you always bite into."


She quickly walks to the stables on the far left of the Manor's grounds. Opening a lockbox and returning the rare object to her Master. Paul then places it in the middle of the circle.

"Okay, Bahamut. I want you to go to the Airbase with Alana and get directions to Neo Tokyo. As usual, use your True Magic to get there fast. I'll be ahead of you and get to work immediately. Alana, take care of Bahamut and be ready when you arrive. Pretty sure it'll be party time when you get there."

The two in serious face nod, and start running to the front yard to board one of the trucks while Paul makes a small cross, but his player menu doesn't pop up anymore. In the heat of the moment, he calls for one of the radio operators to come to him.

"Hello, Colonel Rudentoft, is the circle ready? It's already been many hours."

"Jawohl OberGeneral. Good Morning, it is prepared but I also have bad news."


"Enemy has captured the Queen last night while you were asleep, she's currently in a castle on top of a mountain. We're currently besieging them ever since one in the morning but I think they're planning on something as they are well prepared. Stingers and Strelas littered everywhere with fifties on every window."

"Copy, where is the Magic Circle's position?"

"On a mountain adjacent to it. Temperatures are below ten here sir. Be sure to bring winter clothes."

"No need, I have my armor on."

"Copy, ready to send player name sir."

"Send it."

"Schindler One-i-Three-t"


Writing down the player name, the Magic Circle comes to life. But before he walks into its middle, Alana comes running back. Her heels making loud clacks as the woman lifts her skirt to get down the small stairs to the middle of the garden.

"M'Lord, your arm."


He gives her his arm and she wraps a red handkerchief over it.

"Just a tradition in this country. To wish their beloved husband or boyfriend who is about to go to war, make this as a reminder that someone awaits you back home. I also have one in front of my office but I think this is a good time to do it personally."

"I might not be a vampire." he puts his hand over hers. "But I understand the sentiment. Do not worry about me, it'll take more than a few hits to kill me." He winks at her and kneels down, sending a burst of Mana to the ground. His vision becomes blurry as he goes through a mind boggling tunnel and appears on top of a mountain with the snowy clouds just below them. The soil was mixed with ice from how low the temperature was getting.

He stands up and looks around and stares at the Colonel.

"Where is she?"

The UN Colonel just points straight, into a large castle that's been visibly been battered with rocket fire and artillery barrages.

"Are you guys going to perform another counter attack?"

"Yes sir, we're just waiting for you."

"I'll lead the assault with my horse, when I reach halfway to the castle. Do it, looking at the damage. You boys have been trying to punch through a literal fortress. That's not good, I'll go and redirect their attention to me while you advance behind. Got it?"

"Yes sir, we have multiple helicopters ready and the Mountain Brigades are prepared to assault the castle. And... your suitcase sir and that ice pack?"

"Take the suitcase, the ice Pack is mine."

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