
By Wildfire31

149K 7.1K 213

Riki is their Queen without a King and that makes her weak. Then she discovers her mate, Gabriel, is a werew... More

Standing: Warning Adult Menege Chapter 1: Twenty Lashes
Chapter 1.5: This is a naughty part
Chapter 2: News
Chapter 3: Lucas White Leopard Meets His Match
Chapter 4: Ash Discovers a Secret
Naughty!!!! Chapter 4.5: Naughty!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Dream Sharing: Warning Adult Situation in this Chapter
Chapter 6: Gifts
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 6.5:Naughty!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Fights
Chapter 8: Torn
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 8.5 Torn: Naughty!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Getting to know each other
Chapter 10: A little bit of courage
Naughty!!!!Chapter 10.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 11: Blood is thicker than water
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 1
Naughty!!!Chapter 12 Didn't See That Coming Part 2 Naughty!!!
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 3
Chapter 13: How do you know what to fight for?
Chapter 14: A voice in the Dark
Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 15: The G.A stands for WHAT!!!!!
Chapter 16: Testosterone
Chapter 17: Alone Time
Naughty!!!!Chapter 18.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 19: Freaky Friday For The Leopards And The Wolves
Chapter 20: Ooohhh Suki Suki!!!!!
Chapter 21: Stand
Chapter 22: All or Nothing

Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle

2.7K 174 9
By Wildfire31

A/N: Okay I'm starting from where Riki is kidnapped I might change a little of it around but not much of it




I wake up, my arms above my head, chained to a wall. I jerk, growling, when I can't get free. I freeze when Jarek fills the doorway to my cell and fight not to cower. His black eyes stare into me as he walks into the room. I can't see what lays outside of the room because all I can see is darkness. I'm startled when Phelan walks into the room behind Jarek. Our eyes meet and for a second I swear I can his eyes. I flinch and look at Jarek when I feel something cut into my wrist, and I see the knife in his hands. Jarek cries out as my purple shield wraps around me and flickers a few minutes before going out again. I eye Jarek keenly and I see that his arms are bright red with blisters on them as is the hand that he'd used to cut me with. I watch as blood slides slowly down my arm, leaving a trail of crimson red. I blink as Jarek curses and I wonder briefly what's wrong with me. I feel sluggish.

"I knew I should have given you more drugs. I still don't have enough in you system to negate their powers." I giggle when I realize he's talking about my cubs. It serves him right. If he wants to torture me he can work for it. My head jerks to the side when he punches me in the jaw. The shield flairs up briefly, and burns him before dying out again.

"Shit that hurts. No matter, I can think of other ways to play with you and when I get the right dosage of drugs I can get my baby back." He pauses and looks down at me as he clutches his fists to his sides. I ignore him as I try to call the guys through our bond but I can't even feel them. A sob escapes as Jarek chuckles softly. "Oh I have a spell to block their bond and they'll never be able to find you in time." I tilt my head to look at him.

"In time for....what?" Jarek smiles and leans toward me so I can see the laughter in his black evil eyes.

"I have a backup plan Riki. Even if I can't touch you right now all I have to do is hold you until the two weeks are up and your babies will die. But until I find the right drugs and spells to block out your little bastards I'll just have to settle with screwing with your mind." He snaps his fingers and Phelan walks over as Jarek speaks again. "Feed off her Phelan, play with her a little while I go get some more drugs. He turns and leaves the room as Phelan kneels in front of me, his shaggy black hair falling into his face. For a moment I think he means to help me until he reaches out and sticks his hand down my shirt as I scream in fury and fear.




His hands brush over my necklace as his eyes hold mine. Then he pulls his hand back out bringing my necklace with it, without touching me in any untoward way. He doesn't say anything as he keeps a grip on my necklace but he reaches out with his other hand and places it on my shoulder. But it doesn't send me into my fear like it usually does, instead it sends me into his past. I jerk in surprise at the pain but I realize the drugs are having an adverse effect on my powers. I just pray it won't harm the babies.



I watch as an older man and woman clutch my hands, feeding me/Phelan their fears, as they walk down the hallway. It isn't unpleasant feeding on their fears. It's kind of like sipping a milkshake. I wonder why Phelan forces everyone then? They stop in front of a black door. I shiver in fear as I recognize the door as the one to Jarek's office. Why are they bringing him/me here? Then Jarek opens the door and looks down at him/me as I realize Phelan/me is about ten years old. Jarek smiles at me/Phelan but I/we don't cower like the people holding my/our hands, I'm assuming there his/Phelan's parents. Instead I/Phelan lift my chin higher and stare into Jarek's twisted black eyes. Jarek smirks as we walk in and he shuts the door. Turning back he grasps my/Phelan's chin but I don't flinch.

"I think we can make an....arrangement but he'll have to stay with me." My/his parents cower and my mother speaks.

"Please don't take my baby. We just want to save his from this...evil...inside him." Jarek's eyes glow as his teeth elongate.

"Oh, I'm not going to suppress it. I'm going to show him how to embrace it." Mother shakes in fear but manages to speak.

"No, I won't do it. I won't let you make him more evil. You were supposed to be able to help..." Jarek leans forward and wraps his hand around her throat as he speaks.

"Do you remember what happens to Nightmare Breeds? Do you? If you leave them without someone to master them? They will execute him because I'll turn him in....or..." Tears stream down her face as she nods and Jarek lets her go, shoving her back. Father never says a word as they both turn and leave. Neither of them looks back as they shut the door behind them but I/we don't cry.

I/we push my thoughts of them down into that empty place inside me/us, where all the sadness goes. Then I/we turn and face Jarek, my/our new master. Because by giving me/us up my parents have essentially gave Jarek control over me/us and unless someone willing accepts me/us for who I am I would have to do whatever Jarek tells me to. Because the Nightmare Breed always had to have a keeper to keep an eye on them. It is their curse. I/we stumble as Jarek grabs me/us and shoves me/us into a small cage in the corner of the room. Then he turns off the light and walks out of the room. I/us will always be alone, in the dark, with the fear as my/our only companion.




I come back to myself to see that Phelan had flung himself backwards as if burned. His eyes meet mine and I see recognition in his eyes. He'd meant for me to see that. I look down, remembering my necklace, my necklace with a knife inside. Sighing I shift to get as comfortable as I can with my hands chained above me and I recall the message Cara had insisted I memorize.

'Just because he is in the dark it doesn't means he's bad. He's just a little lost.' I raise my eyes back to Phelan as I speak.

"Luke and Gabe are going to be so pissed." Phelan looks at me in puzzlement, not understanding what I mean.

"Earlier today I made a new decree as Queen of the leopards, I will not turn anyone away that wishes to join my clan whether they are leopard or not, whether they are whole or not." He still doesn't speak as he tries to understand what I'm saying. When he grasps what I'm saying he interrupts me, his eyes filled with regret.

"You should know something before you continue with that offer. Because of what I am I can't break out of any deals I've already made. Kade can still trade places with Liam but my....demon....will force me to carry out the bargain whether I wish to or not. I tried to give them as much time as I could." He shifts away from me and walks to the door, I'm assuming to make sure Jarek hasn't come back. When he looks back at me from the doorway, his eyes are filled with wariness as he waits for me to speak. I tell from his posture that he thinks I'm going to reject him but he doesn't know me very well.

"Phelan of the Nightmare Breed if you wish to be of my clan I will accept you as one of mine as long as you swear not to force someone's fear on them unless given permission from me, my mates, Liam, or Ash." I pause and lick my lips. "No past bargain you fulfill will be held against you." Surprise causes his eyes to widen as he walks over to me and kneels down so he can look me in the eye. His grey eyes are filled with disbelief and....hope.

"My Queen, I will do whatever you wish of me just please, when you escape take me with you." I smile at the fact that he seems to know I'm going to escape. Of course, I have escaped him before. I have a sudden thought and close my eyes as I hold up a finger for Phelan to give me a moment. Jarek had silenced my bonds to my mates and my people but what about my babies? I try once more to connect with my mates or my people but as I visualize the bond it's like it is coated in oil and my hands just keep sliding off when I pull on it. Biting my lip, I visualize my bond with the babies and I see six bonds bright and glowing, without anything coating it. Placing my hands on it I speak.

"Babies?" I feel love flow back to me and I smile when I realize it's the baby with 'Halo' shield, answering.

"Mommie?" Knowing I need to hurry before Jarek comes back, I struggle to focus my thoughts.

"Halo, I need you to do something for Mommie. I need you to use your shield to protect just you and the other babies until I tell you otherwise, please?" I feel his uncertainty. "Halo, Mommie will be fine but I need you to do this."

"Kay Mommie, I pwomise." I smile and release the bond with a whoosh of air, not realizing how much of my energy it has taken from me. I open my eyes to see Phelan staring at me. With the energy I have left I stare into his eyes as he remains kneeling in front of me.

"Phelan, can you pick which of my fears you use?" His eyes are wary as he nods. "Then feed Phelan, you'll need the strength and focus on my fear of Jarek. I want to remember it all." He shakes his head and starts to back up, horror written on his face but I give him a stern look.  

"NOW, Phelan! I need you to go along with Jarek a little longer and I need to know everything. I can't stand the not knowing anymore." His eyes are grim as he crawls back over to me. He freezes with his hand inches from my cheek. "Do it, Phelan." His hand settles on my cheek and I feel myself slide into my fear. However, it's different than before but I guess it's because I gave him my fear. I moan as my mind flashes to a black door.



I stand outside the black door, fidgeting. I'm about thirteen and I've just left Gabe and Ash behind in the library to see what Jarek needed of me. When he opens the door I force myself to stand tall even though I yearn to run away. He reaches out and grasps my hand pulling me into the room. He shuts the door behind me and gestures for me to sit down. I know he won't do THAT in here, at least. He only does THAT when we go to the red door. I shudder at the thought as I sit in the chair. My eyes follow his every move as he walks behind the desk and paces for a few moments. He stops abruptly and turns to me, slamming his hands on the desk. I jump as the flowers in the vase fall off the table, crashing to the floor. I flinch but don't turn my eyes from him as his black eyes bore into mine. I dig my nails into my palm, drawing blood.

"I notice you've been spending a lot of time with Gabe and Ash. Maybe I should have Gabe come to me for a visit or Ash?" Rage floods my senses as I leap to my feet, forgetting he was bigger than me. "Since you don't want me touching you anymore." His black eyes offer amusement as I growl at him, gripping the hilt of the knife under my shirt.

"Touch them and die a million deaths. I will rip your balls from their..." His eyes flash as he leans over the desk and backhands me across the face. I fall back into the chair my head spinning as he walks around the desk and leans over me. His hand slides down and covers my hand that clutches the knife. His other hand reaches out and grasps my neck as I choke for air.

"I let your attack on me slide but I will discipline you any way I wish unless you want me to take my needs...elsewhere." My hand clinches at the knife then I slowly release it as Jarek lets go of my throat. He smirks at me as he reaches out and with a smile on his face snaps my wrist. Biting my lip to keep in my screams I keep eye contact as my wrists throbs in agony.


I blink and I am on a rooftop staring out at the rising sun. It's my sixteenth birthday and as an early present, Jarek had decided to leave me with three broken ribs, a black eye, and a broken collar bone. I am hiding until they heal, not wanting to have to explain how I got like this. I hear a rustling and turn my head to see Ash sit down beside me. Her eyes meet mine but she doesn't ask. It's one of the things I love about her, Gabe would have raged until I told him. He freaked out if I got even a bruise but if he knew Jarek was intentionally hurting me because of him and Ash, well then....

"Happy Birthday sister." I nod and narrow my eyes as I look closer at her. She seems melancholy. I wonder if she's going through something similar to what I am but no her Dad would never hurt her. Still I look closer but detect no bruises or fading marks.

"Thanks sis." Ash bites her lip and pushes a small package at me.

"Gabe and I got this for you. He said I could give it to you." I giggle and take the present, tearing at the wrapping in glee. I gasp when I see the black cross on a gold chain. Ash reaches over and twists and pulls the cross revealing a knife. My eyes widen in surprise as she looks knowingly at my injuries.

"Just in case. Don't worry Gabe doesn't know the real reason for the knife." I put the necklace on as our moment is interrupted by a loud scream of agony that echoes through my mind. I recognize Noella's voice as we both leap to our feet just as a bright light engulfs me. I fall to my knees as bonds form within my mind to every person within our clan. I feel Noella's agony and Jarek's cold rage and I know. Slamming down the barriers in my mind I stumble to my feet and meet Ash's eyes.

"Noella had lost her baby. I am now Queen." Ash goes to bow but I reach out and grasp her arm. I realize blatantly that the rush of power has healed my wounds faster than normal.

"Don't bow to me Ash. After all you are now my Beta." Ash flinches but doesn't say anything as I cross lean over the side of the roof and swing in the open window, Ash follows behind me, as I land on my feet. "I have to go check on Noella and....Jarek. You should go and get the arrangements started. Get Gabe to help you." Ash nods and walks off.

Noella won't let me console her so I go and find Jarek instead. I find him behind the black door but this time no fear rushes at me. I know he won't touch me now. I open the door as he whirls to face me. I reach up and touch the cross as I shut the door behind me. When I turn around I am unprepared for the first that rams into my stomach. But when goes to hit my chest I grasp his hand, stopping it.

"No more. I am sorry Noella was given a mate like you but I won't do this anymore. If you place your hands on me or mine again I'll kill you and it will not be swift. I am Queen Jarek. You'll have to find some other way to get back at me." Jarek jerks his hand away as he stares at me in shock and pulls back.

"As you Queen." He says it with a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye and I am unable to suppress a shudder of fear.

I don't know how Phelan shows me these images but I slowly remember everything the blood, the agony, and the happy moments like with Ash on the roof. He gives it all back not just the fear and then he gives me my first kiss with Gabe and I know I have made the right decision by allowing Phelan in my clan.


I stand under the same tree I'd met Gabe at pulling nervously on the silver dress I'm wearing. I'm twenty six now and have been the Queen for ten years and I am tired of denying what I feel whether he's a wolf or not. I glance over at Liam, who watches me from the other end of the courtyard with a grin on his face. I blush and duck my head as I hear a rustling behind me as a hand settles on my shoulder. I whirl around my eyes meeting Gabe's as he smiles that boy-next-door smile of his. My mind blanks for a moment and I miss what Gabe says as I blush and shake my head.

"What did you say?" Gabe smiles wider and reaches out to grasp my hand.

"Liam said you needed me?"

"I...yes.." I pause and take a deep breath, then I lean forward and press my lips to his. Shocks course through me as I moan and clutch his shirt to pull him closer. He moans and wraps his arms around me, kissing me back for a moment before pulling away. His eyes are wary as I speak.

"Will you be my boyfriend." He blanches and his voice is wary as he speaks.

"You, the leopard queen, want a wolf for a boyfriend? What about your mate?" I scowl at his wariness before throwing my arms around him and pressing my lips to his.




I come back to myself, tears sliding down my face, only to see Jarek's eyes instead of Phelan's. Jarek smiles at me as he shoves a needle in my arm as I struggle to keep calm at our close proximity. I glance over to Phelan and see that Jarek must have shoved him to the side when he'd come into the room. I see his fists clench but I subtly shake my head. I look back to Jarek and realize he is grasping my arm in a bruising grip without my shield coming up. I meet his eyes and I feel Halo pulse in my stomach. I smile softly as I struggle to speak.

"Can..I get something a bathroom...please." The please is like acid on my tongue but Jarek seems happy with it as he waves a hand and my arms are released from the chains. They fall uselessly in my lap, asleep, as Jarek leaps to his face and glances at Phelan who manages to look meek.

"Take her to the bathroom and feed her. Then call me when you're done so the real fun can begin." He reaches out and grasping my hand jerks me to my feet. I fight back a scream as his grasp crushes the bones in my hand. He looks back and smirks at me before releasing my hand and striding towards the door. "I'll be in my rooms." As soon as he leaves I allow the tears to fall as I clutch my hand to me. My stomach rolls as the babies cry though our bond at my distress and I quickly soothe them before looking to Phelan. He walks over with gritted teeth as he pulls me to him so I can lean on him. I stumble and he rights me as a thought crosses my mind.

"How...are you touching me...without..." Phelan's voice is low as he leads me to another room with a toilet and shower in it.

"I use my power at will. I can touch people without it sucking them into their fears. Now use the bathroom while I go get some food." He sets me on the toilet and shuts the door. I finish and stay there for a moment as I come up with a's insane...and it depends on my mates finding us in time but I have faith.

Phelan comes back and leads me to the room then helps me eat the stew he's brought. When I'm done I look at him and smile.

"So Phelan how about we make a run for it?" He blinks and when he speaks I hear the concern in his voice.

"Riki he's a Warlock. This entire place is on lock down. We won't be able to leave the grounds." I weakly push at the hair in my face and check on the babies, assuring myself their safe.

"I don't want to leave. I just want to play hide and go seek."

"Riki, he'll find us eventually. Are you okay...are the drugs.." I giggle from the drugs as I lean back on the wall.

"Phelan my mates will find me in time, of that I have now doubt. We just need to stall. I just don't want to lose my cubs before they get here. Can you help me?" His eyes are calm as he reaches out a hand, grasps my good hand, and pulls me to him.

"Of course my queen." 


Coner's Club


My wolf claws at me in rage as I struggle to remain calm. It's harder for me to be away from Riki because we've been in each other's lives so long. I clench my fists to my sides as fight the urge to knock the hell out of Luke for losing her. I can't believe we can't find her and our bond is being kept from us. My body quivers and Luke pauses in his argument to look at me.

"Just hit me Gabe everyone else has. I would if it was you that had lost her." I clutch my fists tighter as I eye the black eye Ash had gave him and the broken nose Coner had given him. I shake my head.

"No. We are mates. If you fail then we all fail, just concentrate on finding her." Ash and Liam stand off to one side while Coner stares out the window. I glance back to Luke who is pacing again as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I have no idea where he would take her. I don't...."

"I do." We all turn to see Kade in the doorway, scowling at us.

"I know your pissed at me but I should have been guarding her today or at least been informed when she got taken." I have him against the wall before I think it through but he just looks at me as he speaks again while I growl softly under my breath.

"I can find her if you give me something of hers. It's one of my gifts as a G.A. I'm a teleportation tracker." Releasing him I rush through the doorway to our room. I return moments later with the teddy bear, 'Jak', that I'd given her on our first date. I thrust it at Kade who clasps it. All our eyes turn to him as his eyes go blank. When his eyes clear he nods.

"I've got a fix but I can only carry three with me." Ash starts to speak but I shake my head.

"No sister you will stay here with Coner. Your....mate will come with us." Her eyes widen at the word mate but she doesn't comment as Liam walks over to us. Luke and I each but a hand on Kade's shoulder as Liam puts his hand on my shoulder. Kade teleports us to the bathroom where she was taken, then to a room with manacles on the wall and Riki's blood on the floor. All of us snarl as Kade teleports us seven or eight more times. We're in the same building just different areas. Finally we appear on a roof. Riki is laying in the arms of Phelan and we all immediately run at them. Phelan ignores us as he stands with Riki in his harms and holds her out to us.

"She has been drugged but she said she has the babies protecting themselves. You should flush her system before the babies are harmed. Her hand is broken as well and it won't heal. I hope when you flush her system her beasts will help her heal." I gently take Riki from him and kiss her on the forehead before handing her to Luke as Liam leaps at Phelan and punches him upside his head. The cry of pain from Phelan wakes Riki.

"STOP!" Immediately we all freeze at the Alpha voice and stare at her in shock. She's defending her assassin?

"He....saved me....he is my clan....he is my brother...harm him at my wrath. I'll explain later....please?" Her eyes roll back in her head and lolls to the side as Luke thrusts her to Kade.

"You and Liam take her back and come back for us. We're going to find Jarek." He glances at Phelan who nods.

"I'll help any way I can. She has accepted me. She is my....master." We stare at him in surprise and Liam snorts.

"Lad ye better hope she still says good things when she wakes or I'll have yer bloody head on a pike." With that Kade, Liam and Riki fade out.


We scour the lands but Jarek must have had a spell to warn him of our presence because the entire building is empty. I growl in rage and smash my fist into the wall. Phelan tugs at his coat when I whirl to face him.

"She suffered for you and never told you. She loved you long before she knew you were mates." He looks to Luke, his grey eyes somber. "The reason she didn't want to forgive you is because she loves you so much." We both blink as Kade reappears. We hurry to him eager to see our mate.



I awake to a sea of faces hovering over me and I immediately check on the babies. I sigh in release when I see they're fine then I check my bond to my mates and sigh in relief when I see it. As my vision clears I realize I don't see Phelan. I struggle to sit up but Gabe presses me back into the bed.

"Where is Phelan?" Ash pales and looks at me with hurt in her eyes.

"So it's true you claimed him as clan and my brother." I meet her eyes and hold out my hand then open my bond to all of the clan. As Ash grasped my hand I show her and everyone else what he had shown me and told me, including the part about the bargain. When I'm done and close my mind again I look to Ash, who is still pale but holding my hand.

"I understand sister. We cannot turn away those that suffer. I'll go get him for you." Ash stands and leaves presumably to go get Phelan. I look to Luke and Gabe but they don't seem mad as the lean down and kiss my cheeks.

"We understand love." Which reminded me.

"Oh, the baby with the purple shield thing, their name is Halo, And Luke?" He looks at me in puzzlement. "I'm having six babies not five." Their jaws drop as I laugh aloud.

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