A Destined Operator

By LuckyAceHigh

56.8K 1.1K 215

"Ever been destined by two beings that proclaim themselves to be creators of the universe and been given the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

1.4K 27 11
By LuckyAceHigh

Winnower: Your civilization created mobile cities that can travel from nation to nation. Yet you continue on foot. Why is that?

Seraph: Because we can't risk having two nomadic cities crashing into each other, which can cause a Catastrophe level event. Plus, with the engines damaged, we're basically stuck. Heh, funny that the question is coming from a being that can cause an extinction-level event.

Currently, Seraph and the Reunion were at the edge of the city, Chernobog, seeing the city, Lungmen, passing by in the distance. However, due to being in Ursus territory and a target on their heads; they have to get out of the city and fast. 

Talulah: How long do you think it'll take us to reach Lungmen?

Asked Talulah, as she and Seraph see Lungmen coming to a complete stop. 

Seraph: Best estimate? Probably about a few days if we go on foot... That is if we don't get caught by the Ursus military.

Talulah: Oh... you probably heard about the news already...

Seraph: Correct, found a report about the attack in a ruined government building. They REALLY want your head.

Seraph stated as he tries to plan the fastest way to reach Lungmen in order to stop the other half of the Reunion movement from continuing on their attacks, but also insure that the Reunion he's with be able to escape Ursus territory without facing the might of the Ursus military.  

Talulah shivers, thinking about how her movement was originally used to shelter persecuted Ursine Infected inhabiting the Northern Tundra, to becoming a militant force that used acts of terror for the "Infected cause" it is currently. Not to mention being a high-value target for the Ursus military is a death sentence. 

Frostnova: Talulah.

Hearing the Frostnova's voice, Talulah was immediately snapped out of her thoughts, looking to the yeti ringleader who was approaching her. 

Talulah: What is it Frostnova?

Frostnova: My scouts reported that there's a Ursus military convoy heading straight for our location.

Talulah: That's indeed bad. 

Frostnova: Unfortunately, it's not just that... a Emperor's Blade was spotted amongst the convoy. 

Hearing what Frostnova just said, both Seraph and Talulah's eyes widen, panic starting to set in. While it's possible for the Reunion to escape the nomadic city. The inclusion of a Emperor's Blade has thrown a wrench into their plans. 

While panic sets amongst the Reunion, the Winnower was silent and calm. The mention of these "Emperor's Blades" interests him. 

Winnower: These... Emperor's Blades. Who are they exactly?

The Winnower asked, stopping everyone mid-panic. Before anyone could answer, Patriot steps in, answering the anomaly's question.

Patriot: They're the Royal Guards of the Ursus' military who answer directly to the Emperor of Ursus and carry out "the will of Ursus itself" with extreme prejudice. They shouldn't be underestimated for they're infamous for their horrendous acts whenever they go.

Winnower: Hmmm, it appears that you once fought along side with them.

Patriot: Indeed, I had... 

Patriot replied back, there was a long silence between the Winnower and Patriot before the wendigo speaks again.

Patriot: But not anymore. They earned both respect and fear from Ursus' people, as well as those who oppose them.

Winnower: Interesting, I must see them in action... against my discipline of course.

Seraph: WAIT WHAT?!

Screamed Seraph, shocked that the Winnower wanted him to challenge against a Emperor's Blade. That would be considered a death wish, and unfortunately for the liberi, he has no say in it.

Seraph: You can't be serious!

Winnower: Oh I am, my discipline. After all, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Such opportunity is hard to come by, so consider it as another trail, oh guardian mine.

Annoyance and anger kept rising within Seraph, but no matter what he has in mind he has to control himself, not wanting accidently lash against those who don't deserve it. Before he could speak, W walks up between him and the Winnower with a annoyed look on her face.

W: Hey, got any ideas on how exactly are we getting out of this mess?

Asked W, breaking the tension between Seraph and the Winnower.

Seraph: To be honest, the only solution I can think of is in the air.

W: Translation, four-eyes?

Seraph: It means flying stupid.


Seraph: OW!

In return, Seraph earned a slap from the annoyed W.

W: And how exactly are we gonna fly out of here smart-ass?

Winnower: By the Pyramids of course. 

Answered the Winnower, snapping its fingers. Suddenly, the same Pyramid that destroyed the Originium crystals in Chernobog appeared above everyone. As the Pyramid floats above them, a gravitational field suddenly activates below it. A few Reunion soldiers didn't move in time and were sucked into the field. Surprisingly, they were floating up towards the Pyramid. 

Reunion Soldier 1: Woah! Woah! Woah! What's happening?!

Reunion Soldier 2: Hehey, I'm flyin!

Two Reunion soldiers shouted before entering the Pyramid itself.

Winnower: Do not be afraid. I'm insure you'll find safety in your travels within the vessel.

Hearing this, Seraph sighed and looks at the Reunion forces.

Seraph: You hear the "God"! Get on board!

Seraph shouted, in a matter of minutes, everyone did what they were told, entering the gravitational field one by one to enter the Pyramid from below.

W: Wait, how exactly can we nav-

Winnower: There's no need. The Pyramids are under my control, they'll take you where you need be.

The Winnower interruptedly answers W. True to its word, the Pyramid started to move its structure, pointing towards Lungmen.

Seraph: Best you get going, ey?

Talulah: Wait, you're not coming?

Seraph: Unfortunately, yes. The Winnower has tasked me to challenge the Emperor's Blade.

Upon hearing Seraph reasoning, Talulah, W, and Frostnova eyes widen with fear and shock.

Frostnova: You can't do this! You'l-

Before Frostnova could finish her sentence, Patriot places a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

Patriot: I'm afraid what the boy said is true, Yelena. The anomaly has requested him to take part in a trail of combat. We can't do anything to interfere, I'm afraid. 

Listening to her elder, Frostnova was sadden, looking down in grief. Patriot could only pat her on the back, understanding her feelings while looking to Seraph, giving him a nod.

Talulah was silent, hearing the liberi's reasoning struck an arrow in her heart. Yet she can't help but understand what he had to do, for he is bonded to the Winnower. As if it was their final days, she walks up to Seraph and hugs him, tightly; the liberi remain still.

Talulah: Just... make it out alive... okay?

Seraph: ....No promises... but I'll try.

The two then separate, Talulah taking her Ringleaders to the Pyramid's gravitational field, one by one, they float up to the Pyramid's entrance, with W being the last. But the sarkaz didn't enter the field just yet as she looks back at Seraph.

W: Good luck, four-eyes. You're going to need it.

W gave her regard with a two-finger salute before the entering the gravitational field, following the others into the Pyramid.

Seraph could only sigh, seeing the last of the Ringleaders to enter the Pyramid, the entrance to it slowly starting to close. Looking to his shoulder, Seraph saw his Phoenix staring back at him.

Seraph: Can I ask you a favor, Praxic?

The Phoenix tilts its head, wondering why Seraph would ask a favor.

Seraph: Watch them.

Understanding its owner's request, the Phoenix lets out a screech before departing from Seraph's shoulder, flying towards the Pyramid at rapid speed before managing to enter right as the entrance closes.   

Seraph: You sure the Pyramids are capable to protect them?

Winnower: Of course, the interior of the vessels are able to house the occupants. 

Seraph: ....

Seraph didn't replied, staring at the Pyramid that begins to ascend to the clouds until it was out of his sight. He then sighs, using a nearby plastic chair as seat as he waits for the Ursus military to arrive, but most importantly, the Emperor's blade.

Seraph: I can't believe you're forcing me to do this.

Winnower: Do not be afraid my discipline. Perhaps these will provide some assistance? 

Suddenly, both of Seraph's arms were shrouded in Darkness. The liberi didn't panic, already used to the tremendous experience. After a few seconds, the shrouding Darkness embraces with the forearms, revealing a pair of unique gauntlets Seraph never saw before.

Seraph: What are these?

Questioned Seraph, looking at the gauntlets in front of him, noticing a green glow/mist emitting from them. 

Winnower: That there would Krill sorcery. Not what your people would consider "Arts" but... Try not to be on receiving end, it's going hurt. A LOT. 

The Winnower cautioned, but the mention of the "Krill" has gotten Seraph attention. However, before he could ask, he heard a object stabbing at the ground behind him. Looking back, the object in question is glaive of unusual design. 

Winnower: Consider it as a addition to your weaponry. Unlike your traditional glaives, these were crafted to able to fire concentrated blasts of projectiles, and deploy a powerful energy shield.

Grabbing the polearm, Seraph grips it strong and pulls it from the ground. Spinning it around before holding it with both hands. Inspecting it, he notices that the polearm is connected with two parts, remembering what the Winnower said, the energy for the projectiles and shield is located at the end half of the glaive.

Winnower: Just to inform you. This particular glaive is one of the few that was crafted with unique function. I'll let you figure out how.

Seraph: As expected...

Holstering the glaive, Seraph sat back down on the plastic and waited. It didn't help that a storm was slowly forming upon Chernobog, causing fog which reduces his visibility. It didn't take long until the sound of heavy footsteps alerted the liberi as he spots a single red glowing light.  

From the fog emerges the Emperor's Blade, weapon in hand as the small visors on his mask stare directly into Seraph's soul.

Winnower: That's a Emperor's Blade? Interesting....

The Winnower mutters to himself, looking at the Emperor's Blade from multiple angles, inspecting him. Seraph on the other hand remain still in his chair, gripping his resting glaive firmly. 

Emperor's Blade: You...

Seraph: ?

Emperor's Blade: Are you responsible for the terrorists that were once here?

The Emperor's Blade question, pointing the hilt of his sword at Seraph. The emptiness of Chernobog being the only answer he received.

Seraph: The Reunion? Sorry, sir, but you just miss them. Left a while ago in fact.

Answered Seraph, getting only silence from the Emperor's Blade.

Emperor's Blade: I have a question....

Requested the Emperor's Blade, surprising Seraph a bit.

Emperor's Blade: Are you responsible for the recent events..?

The question almost caught Seraph off guard, but retain his structure, guessing that the words of his exploits had reached the Ursus Emperor.

Seraph: Yeah, I guess I am... you're here to capture me aren't you?

Seraph guessed. Immediately, the Emperor's Blade unsheathes his word with one hand, emitting dark smog as the eyes of his mask glow brightly. 

Emperor's Blade: Dead or alive, the Emperor demands your presence. 

Seraph: If your Emperor wants me, then you'll have to challenge me.

Stated Seraph, standing up from his chair as he moves it aside, staring directly at the Emperor's Blade with no sign of fear.

Seraph: But you already know that.

Emperor's Blade: A trial of combat...

Suddenly, walls of statis crystals formed around Seraph and the Emperor's Blade, creating an area-size circle for the two to duel. 

Seraph: Alright...

Pocketing his glasses, Seraph firmly grips his glaive strongly, the blade giving off a dim green glow due to the interaction with his gauntlets. The elements of Solar, Void, Arc, and Statis flowing throughout his body. Readying himself in a combat stance, his eyes didn't take off from his opponent, waiting to see who'll strike first.

Seraph: Let's dance!

In just a flash, the duelist clash.


Deep within the underground of Lungmen city, two individuals of the Reunion looked upon the statue before them. Earlier, they were exploring the underground system of the nomadic city to plan out their next attack, before they sudden came across a abandoned facility. When they explored the facility it was mostly worn-down and withering with no signs of remnants that once stationed there. It wasn't until they came across IT, a statue that was emitting a unknown feeling. 

One individual, a liberi boy with white hair and white clothes with a orange armband showing the Reunion symbol, looks at the statue with gleam, a devilish smile on his face.

Mephisto: Hehehe, what secrets hides within the envoy that can help serve the Reunion cause.

The other individual, a pythia boy with light blue skin and dark teal hair, armed with a crossbow, looks at the statue with disbelief before looking to his friend with concern.

Faust: Mephisto, I don't think we're supposed to be here....

Mephisto: Nonsense, Faust! There must be a reason why we're here! This... statue, and the facility that was built here in the first place, it must be hiding research and secrets for us to discover! To help the Reunion! Talulah will surely praise me for such discovery! HEHEHE! Nothing will us! Not even the entirely of Terra itself! HEHEHE! 

Witnessing his dear friend laughing maniacally, the feeling of dread holds a grip on Faust as he turns his attention to the statue that his friend was so keen on focusing on. The statue in question is entirely covered in a veil, made of unknown smooth material that is entirely black, not to mention the strange glow it was emitting. 

The more Faust looks at the statue, the more he felt the chills up his spine, because he swore....

He heard whispers coming from it.


At the outskirts of Lungmen city, the Pyramid ship appeared from the skies above, slowly descending to the surface before stopping just a couple of feet. The bottom section of the ship opens, activating its gravitational field which allows Talulah and her half of the Reunion to descend safely back to Terra.

Once that was done, the Pyramid closes its entrance before ascending back to the clouds, never to be seen again. 

Reunion Lurker: Okay, is anyone going to bring up what the hell did we just saw in that Pyramid?!

Reunion Wraith: I got a better one. Why the hell is there a giant worm in it?!

W: Tsk... Four-eyes and Bath Towel have a lot of explaining to do once we see them again....

Frostnova:  I believe you should focus on the Winnower. I don't think Seraph has any clue what's in the Pyramid either.

While the Reunion was talking amongst them about what they saw in the Pyramid. Talulah was nearby, looking at the city of Lungmen which is just a few distances away. Surprisingly, the Phoenix was also sitting on the draco's shoulder while the leader tries to figure out how to get the remaining Reunion forces in the city out of there. 

Talulah: Just where could they be...

Talulah thinks to herself, trying to figure out where her Ringleaders' base of operations are located. It didn't take long when Patriot walks up to her with a answer.

Patriot: I believe Skullshatterer had reported that he and his forces set up a base in the abandoned mines just west from here.

Talulah: Then we must make haste. We can't have the rest of the Reunion set foot into Lungmen. But I can already tell that the others had their forces reeking havoc on the city's forces along with Rhodes Island as well.

W: But once that's done. What's going to happen to us?

W brought up, which raises a question among the Reunion; What will they do when they're free of Oripathy? Talulah thought the same, looking at everyone she bought along.

Talulah: Then.... we're FREE. The Reunion... was dedicated to the liberation and fair treatment of individuals with Oripathy infection. But now, we're no longer endangered by the very infection that had ruined the lives of millions, being rejected by the very society that treated us harshly. We can finally make our own choices, and live the life we wanted to have, but I had already made my choice. I chose to continue to fight because I owe my life to the man who saved us all, the one who is destined to forever change Terra. But for those who do not wish to fight any longer, I respect your choice and you're free to go.

After hearing their leader's speech, the Reunion forces were silent, thinking of the choice they were given. For some, they take this opportunity to start over or live the life they wanted thanks to no longer being infected. 

Reunion Soldier: I'm sorry friends, but I really wanted to see my girl back home.

Sarkaz Mercenary: Dammit, you really had to do that us huh, PJ?

Reunion Soldier: I guess so Pixy. But wouldn't forget you guy, I'll make words of this is spread around Terra.

Sarkaz Mercenary: Yeah, good luck on that.

For the rest of the Reunion forces, they stay, feeling that their fight is far from over.

Avenger: I didn't came all this way just to walk away! I ain't leaving until we the pay man who changed our lives! 

Heavy Defender: DA! Little man is credit to team!

Hearing her forces talk about Seraph, Talulah can't be smile, knowing their devotion.

Talulah: In that case, those who remain to fight. Let us set forth to save our friends from their immediate fate!

Talulah's forces cheered, ready to depart to save their fellow comrades in Lungmen city. Along the way, Frostnova looks at the direction where Chernobog was, the feeling of concern raising inside.

Frostnova: You think he'll be okay?

W, who was next to the yeti ringleader immediately knew who she was talking about.

W: You mean Four-eyes? Eh, the man basically has a extraterrestrial god by his side. But given the partnership between the two, it's.... questionable.

W states her opinion, earning a sigh from Frostnova.

Frostnova: I just hope... he survives his encounter with the Blade....

Talulah: I hope so as well...

Both Frostnova and W looked to Talulah who propped in their conversation, looking at them with a soft smile.

Talulah: But he'll overcome...

W: How can you be sure?

Talulah: Because... all it takes is the will of a single man.


Back at Chernobog


With one final clash, the duelist retreated back to their starting location. Both Seraph and the Emperor's blade suffering from injures along with wear and tear from their duel.

Seraph almost suffered the most, with signs of bruises and cuts throughout his body, not to mention that the black smog from Emperor's Blade also has taken effect within his body system.

Despite this, the Emperor's Blade has also taken some major injures as well. His sword arm becoming weaken due to the multiple cuts, slashes, and stabs he obtain from Seraph's glaive. As he slowly bleeds, the wounds strangely starts to glow green.

Winnower: I must say, you were quite the impression on this Emperor's Blade.

Winnower comments on the outcome of duel, which infuriate Seraph.

Seraph: <Tsk, as if you were the one dealing with him.>

Winnower: There's no need my discipline. This battle is already over. 

Seraph: <Over? Doesn't seem like from that Blade's perspective.>

Winnower: Worry not discipline. Once the poison takes affect, you'll see.

Seraph: Poison?

Emperor's Blade: Have you yield?

Seraph's thoughts when the Emperor's Blade demands his surrender. Looking forward, his harden eyes were the answer the Blade seeks.

Emperor's Blade: You still stand?

Seraph: ...I didn't hear no bell.

Replied Seraph, standing back on his feet with the support of his glaive. Despite his injures, he casts a healing orb in his left hand and drops it to his feet, healing his injures. 

Seraph: But it's already OVER for you.

Before the Emperor's Blade could question, the glowing green slashes on his body glow brightly. Suddenly, blood gushes out from mask as he fell to his knees, weaken from the sudden event. Soon the green glow was coursing throughout his body, slowly killing him from the inside.

Emperor's Blade: What....

Seeing that his opponent is finish, Seraph slowly approaches the Emperor's Blade, glaive in hand as he stops before him. 

Emperor's Blade: ....Do it then. Kill me. 

Silent, Seraph raises the glaive, ready to end the Blade's life, but before he could, the Winnower manifest in front of him, stopping him and surprising the Blade.

Winnower: Now, now. There's no need to end this so quickly.

Seraph: What are you doing?

Winnower: Don't you understand discipline? This is a opportunity.

Seraph: Opportunity? Opportunity for what?!

Winnower: For a new purpose.

The Winnower stated, looking at the Emperor's Blade with interest.

Winnower: I must say. You "Emperor's Blades" are quite interesting, only serving and responding to this "Emperor?" Hmph, remains me of another who "grow fat from strength"

Emperor's Blade: What are you....?

The Emperor's Blade questioned, never seen who or what the Winnower is or was as the atmosphere around the three begins to darken.

Winnower: Me? Such a question to ask, but for you my... "honorable guest" I am your....

Above the Emperor's Blade head, apertures begin to appear at command waiting for their prey. 


In a matter of seconds, the apertures above the Blade's head went forth, dragging the struggling the Royal Guard to the warp before finally ripping him from existence. 

And at that moment, Seraph knew...

A Emperor's Blade has been Taken

End of Chapter

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