Feel It Twice (Camren / You)

By camila0303lauren2706

3.8K 170 18

Your story, your life! Who do you think your going to end up with? Lauren, Camila or maybe both of them? Can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 29

56 3 0
By camila0303lauren2706

Lauren's POV

Today was the day that we decided to move my things from my old place to our new place, which was Y/N and Camila's house.

I loved my house from the design, but it never meant something when I said, 'I'm going home'. It didn't feel like home because I was always lonely. Now, when I say 'I'm going home', there is a meaning behind it.

My home is now with Y/N and Camila, and I couldn't be happier about it. I learned to love this place here.

I was up first. I decided to go to my place and start packing early, so by tonight we will have everything settled. The moving company is helping me, and they will get there at 8 p.m. to take everything over to this home.

I gave Y/N and Camila a kiss on the forehead and wrote a note.

I was getting ready in our bathroom, took a shower, and found some clothes from Y/N's wardrobe.

Ready, I went downstairs, took my keys and mobile phone, and left.

Your POV

I woke up with Camila laying on top of me. She had her head at the crock of my neck and was always clinging to me like a koala.

I turned my head and saw that Lauren wasn't with us. I was a bit disappointed because I love waking up and cuddling the both of them. I figured she was in the bathroom, or maybe downstairs.

I started stroking Camila's back. She was completely naked, and I enjoyed her body pressed to mine. I think there isn't a way to describe the feeling when someone you love is laying in your arms and you feel your bodies move in sync with every breath.

I felt Camila stir awake. She took a deep breath and then cuddled even more into me. She placed a kiss where her lips met my skin.

'Good morning, baby'

I heard her mumble into my neck.

'Good morning, gorgeous'

I felt her move, so I lifted my arms off of her to give her space.

'Nooo, don't stop'

I chuckled at her whining and continued stroking her back softly. She lifts her head, so I turn to look at her. She connected our lips with a sweet kiss.

'Where is Lauren?'

'I don't know. She wasn't here when I woke up.'

'Oh. Let's see where she is.'

We both got out of bed. Before we started searching, I found a note.

'Cami, come here. She left a note.'

Camila walked over to me and read the words Lauren wrote.

'Good morning, my sleeping beauties!
Waking up with you by my side is one of the best things of the day.
I'm at my old house and have started packing. Come over when you are ready! I'm really excited.

I love you!!

Your Lauren <3'

I smiled at the note. I turned my head and saw Camila smiling too.

'I am excited too. After today, she will be living with us.'

'Yeah, I know. The thought alone gives me butterflies. Having her here with us and knowing that she will stay.'

After a while, Camila and I were ready and making our way over to Lauren's.

When we got there, we rang the bell, waiting for her to open the door.

The door opened, and it wasn't Lauren who greeted us but a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She looked familiar, but I don't know where from.

She smiled at us.

'Helloo, come on in; Lauren is upstairs packing.'


I was confused as to why she was here.

'Hello Lucy'

I turned to look at Camila; did she know her? I was even more confused now.

'So how have you been?'

'Good thanks. I think we haven't met.'

She was reaching her hand out in my direction.

'I'm Lucy. Lucy Vives. I'm one of Lauren's friends.'

'Nice to meet you; I'm Y/N'

I said, shaking her hand, but I saw Camila roll her eyes in the corner of my eyes. I had a feeling Camila didn't like her, but I didn't know why.

We moved inside, and I decided to go upstairs to search for my beautiful girl. I've never been here, so I really had to search, but before I could, Lucy was showing me the way.


I stepped into a big room. There was a bed with a lot of boxes on it, and I heard singing from what I assumed was Lauren's wardrobe.

I stopped and turned around, signalling for Camila and Lucy to be quiet. I slowly stepped towards the room when I heard Lauren's voice even better.

She was singing my song. I smiled. It was a song about her. I wrote it when we were together back then.

'Warm me with your touch, pressure from your fingertips
Never be enough, I'll do nothing but submit
I just wanna feel a thousand hands from you, only you
Can you make me feel a thousand hands from you, only you?'

I stepped inside the room where she was. She turned around, surprised.

'That was beautiful. I always knew the song fit your voice better than mine.

'That's not the truth, but thanks'

I stepped closer to her, kissing her softly.

'Helloo babe'

'Heyy. I didn't hear you come in.'

I stepped away so Camila could greet Lauren too. I saw them kiss, and Lauren took Camila in her arms, hugging her.

'Lucy, let us in. I was quite surprised to see her here.

Lauren let Camila go and then looked kind of insecure. I was trying to figure out what was going on.

'Well, she's still a friend, and she offered to help because she will move in here now.

Lauren's gaze met Lucy's, who was smiling at her.

'Camila You really don't have to worry. She was never mine. She always had you two on her mind.'

Camila didn't really look like she believed her. I was watching the conversation confused, and then it clicked. Lucy. She was the one kissing Lauren at a party. The photo was leaked back then. Now I remember.

My eyes widened.

'Ohhh, now I remember you'

Lauren turned to look at me, but when I met her gaze, she shyly looked down.

'You guys, it's not like that we kissed that night. We were pretty tipsy, but after that, Lauren made it clear that she doesn't want to be with anyone but you. Don't give her a hard time. We are friends, and it's not like we were in love or something.'

'It's true.'

I believed them, and I wasn't having hard feelings towards Lucy, but Camila seemed like she did.


She left the room and walked away.


'It's okay, Laur. I'll go after her; don't worry, she will be okay. I don't know why she is feeling that way, but I'll find out.'

'No! I'm coming with you.'

We both went after her. Before I left the room, I turned to Lucy.

'I'm sorry; I don't know why Camila is like this, but it will get better.'

'It's okay.'

I went downstairs. Following Lauren.

'Camz? Where are you, baby?'

We saw that the door to the backyard was open, so Lauren stepped outside and saw Camila sitting on the porch.

We both sat beside her. Me on the left. Lauren is on her right.


She turned her head to look at Lauren.

'What is this about? Are you really like this just because of a kiss?'

'I don't know. I don't know why I am like this. But when this photo leaked of you two kissing, I was heartbroken all over again. You told us that you loved us, and then two weeks later, I see you kissing her.'

'It wasn't like this. I was kissing her, but there were no feelings. Lucy has been with me the whole time. We met at a party before that, and we hung out a lot of times. She was there for me, and I was thankful to have a friend like her. I still am.'

'I know now, but I guess seeing her just brought up some old feelings.'

'That's okay, but it would make me happy if you would give her a chance. She's a really nice person, and she was excited to meet you two.'

'She was?'

'Yeah, she said she wanted to meet the two people I wouldn't shut up about.'

We all laughed at that.

'Laur? Was there anyone you were with when we were apart?'

Lauren looked at me. Then she looked at the floor in front of her.


We didn't say anything about that. I didn't know what to say. I was kind of happy that we were the only ones with Lauren, but sad for her because I cannot imagine how lonely she must have been.

'But that's not important anymore. I'm with you now, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.'

I smiled at that.

'But if you keep sitting here, we will never finish packing your stuff.'

We all turned around to see Lucy leaning on the door. Camila got up, walked towards her, and pulled her into a hug.

You could see Lucy's surprise on her face.

'Just go with it. She loves hugs.'

Lucy nodded at me, smiling, and hugged Camila back. They pulled apart, and without saying a word, Camila left her standing there. She looked at us, confused. Lauren and I started laughing, and I shrugged my shoulders.

'Don't question it.'

So she didn't, and we all went upstairs, starting to pack all the things that belonged to Lauren.

It was now 4 p.m., and Camila was complaining that she was too hungry to do more packing.

Lauren decided to order some pizza for all of us.

Lucy and I were packing things from the living room while Lauren and Camila were in the bedroom.

'Y/N, can you come here for a minute?'

I went upstairs, leaving Lucy alone.

'What's up, baby? Where is Lauren?'

'She is in the guest room looking for something, but look what I've found. Lauren has some things that you'll like.'

I walked closer to her with a confused face. As soon as I saw what Camila meant, I felt my face getting hot.

'Cami! You can't just go through her stuff!'

'Yes, she told me I could. And she's our girlfriend; if someone can see this, it's us'.

I was looking at all kinds of toys. I could only imagine Lauren using some of them on herself. Fuck. I can't go there; I was getting turned on by the thought.

Before I could say something, Lauren came back into the room. I turned to look at her with a smirk.


She walked closer to us and saw what we found. She was now as red as a tomato.

'Oh, you found that.'

She was walking over to us, starting to pack the toys into a box.

'You have a lot of toys, Lo.'

'Well. I was alone and had needs. I'm human after all, so I had some help'

I chuckled at Lauren, but I was getting hotter at the image forming in my head.

'Well, I would love to see you do that'

I turned to look at Camila. She was always open about talking like this. I was too, but I still became shy and a blushing mess.

'Oh, would you now?'

Lauren stepped closer to Camila.

'Yeah, that would be fucking hot'

Camila stepped closer to Lauren. They were only a few centimetres apart. Lauren put her hands around Camila's hips while she put hers around her neck.

'Maybe you could use them on me. That would be even hotter.


My eyes weren't leaving them. I don't think I was blinking. I think they don't know what they were doing to me with this conversation. My imagination wouldn't stop showing me pictures of Camila fucking Lauren with one of the toys.

'Fuck. You two need to stop right now.'

They both turned to look at me, not stepping away from each other. They smirked at me like they were having the same thought. They stepped apart, but their hands found each other, and they were walking towards me.

'Or we could fuck you with them'

'Yeah, that would be even better; don't you think Y/N'

I didn't know what to do. It was like my body froze. I couldn't move; they took me into their arms, and with the hands that weren't linked, they started to roam my body.

'Wouldn't you like that?'

I wanted to say something. I opened my mouth, but in that moment, a hand was grabbing my butt, hard. The only thing leaving my mouth was a squeak. They were both laughing now as I stepped away from them.

'You are assholes. Both of you.'

They didn't stop laughing.

'Come on, baby, we were just messing with you.'

I squinted my eyes at them.

'You are mean. You turned me on, and now I can't do anything about it.'

'We will later; don't worry.'

That was it. I groaned out and stormed out of the room, hearing their laughter. I went to the living room to help Lucy again.

It was now 8 p.m., and we were waiting for the moving company. They should be here now. We had everything ready. Lauren didn't want to take everything with her, but only her most important things, which were a lot.

When they got there, we helped them load the big truck. When everything was inside, Camila and I started driving home to let them inside and get the boxes out. Lauren stayed behind to see if she missed something.

Camila and I had a surprise for her. We decided to clear a guest room since we had three of them. We bought new art supplies for Lauren because we knew she loved to paint. We also put a comfortable couch inside. That was a room for her to relax if she needed some time for herself. Camila and I had a room like that too. Because we spend a lot of time with one another, it was important that there was a space where we could go to spend some alone time.

When we got to the house, we started unloading the truck with the helpers. We were done with half of it when Lauren came and immediately helped. When everything was done, we made sure to give the workers a huge tip.

When we got inside, I closed the door behind me with a huge smile on my face. It's official; Lauren is living with us. I looked at the both of them and saw them smiling too. I walked closer to them, and we decided to take a short break and then start to unpack. Camila and I settled on the couch while Lauren was still standing in the living room.

I saw tears form in Lauren's eyes as she was looking around the room. I became worried.

'Laur, What's wrong, babe? Come here'

She did; she came over to us. I took her hand and pulled her towards me. She straddled my lap. Her hands started playing with my fingers.

'It's nothing. I'm just really happy.'

Camila leaned her head on my shoulder, so I leaned mine on hers.

'We are too, babe.'


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