Dance, Even When No One Is Wa...

By Redsoxrulemysox

25.9K 427 54

Vivianne doesn't have a very interesting life. She is tired of anything school related and there isn't much t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

1.4K 25 1
By Redsoxrulemysox


I watched him hesitantly, sitting on the side of my bed. He looked so out of place in my girlish room. I smiled inwardly, watching him glancing around skeptically. He must have been really desperate to come here. No guys I know would dare come inside a girls domain on purpose.

I sighed, looking around distractedly. The room was silent as we each tried to find something to say. I didn’t want to stay in here for much longer, I didn’t like having people in my personal space. I got up, turning to face Carter.

“Alright well we aren’t going to stay in here so we can either find something to do downstairs or head out to eat seeing as my parents aren’t the best cooks ever.”

He looked at me, shrugging.

“Whatever, I mean dinner sounds good. I don’t care though.”

I rolled my eyes at his attempt at politeness. I could tell that he didn’t want to stay in here for any longer than he had to. He was begging to get out of this house. I nodded, grabbing my bag hanging on a chair and motioning for Carter to follow me.

I walked down the stairs calling for my mom, making sure Carter was still behind me. He was walking awkwardly, still not sure how to place himself.

I could here my parents talking in the kitchen, probably arguing about my mom’s decision. When I called out to them their voices hushed and my mom came through the doorway.

“Where are you guys going?”

I continued to get my jacket on, not looking at my mom. Carter stood behind me, already dressed and ready.

“We are going out to eat, so can I have some money?”

My mom hesitated, looking in between Carter and I skeptically. She turned around and called out my dad, asking him to come here for a minute. I inwardly grimaced and glanced at Carter. He looked slightly panicked, staring at my mom like she was an alien. I smirked, laughing at his expression. I wouldn’t have thought that he was capable of making an expression like that, he was too ‘manly’ or so he claimed.

My dad came up beside my mom, scrutinizing Carter carefully. I watched them, rolling my eyes before my father finally replied.

“Yeah sweetie, but you two need to be safe ok?”

I blushed slightly, glancing at Carter quickly. He nodded seriously, apparently taking this whole conversation seriously. I shook my head and looked at my father, my eyebrows raised. He ignored me and handed me a wad of bills. I glanced at it and looked back at my dad, giving him a small smile.

“Thanks dad, we’ll be home in like 2 hours.”

I turned around without waiting for a reply and walked outside. I turned around, waiting for Carter, but apparently he was too much of a gentlemen to follow my lead.

“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Whitely. I’ll make sure we are home on time.”

I groaned inwardly, Carters sentence sounding too much like something a boyfriend would say to his girlfriend’s parents. My parents smiled at him widely, clearly absorbing his polite manners and enjoying them. They weren’t used to this type of thing, so they didn’t know what to make of it. I grabbed Carters hand and dragged him outside shutting the door behind me.

“Don’t be such a suck up Carter.”

He looked at me, rolling his eyes at my immaturity before strolling ahead of me, glancing around.

“So where is your car?”

I rolled my eyes, walking past Carter and shouting over my shoulder.

“Get used to it pretty boy, not everyone has a car at the age of 16. We are walking.”

I could tell Carter wasn’t used to this idea, it took him a few moments to finally start moving his legs. At least he didn’t reply and just caught up to me quietly. I glanced at him shaking my head slightly. He was so different then me, so much more spoiled. But he was missing so much.


We walked into the pizza parlor, Carter glancing skeptically around before hurrying up to catch up to me. I doubt he had ever been to a place as rustic as this, and I was planning to show him my side of the world.

I walked up to the counter, nodding to the cashier. I ordered a sub and rattled off a list of ingredients to put on it, not even making sure the cashier was keeping up. I finished my order and turned to Carter, signaling for him to say his order. He gulped and stepped up, careful not to touch the counter. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

“Could I please have a slice of pizza with anchovies and spinach.”

I stared at Carter slightly disgusted at his choice and surprised that they thought they actually had anchovies here. I thought he was at least a little smarter than that.

“Umm... sir, we don’t have anchovies here.”

I pushed aside Carter’s confused face and smiled apologetically to the cashier.

“I’m sorry about my friend, he is not used to this type of restaurant. He will have a pizza with just pepperoni.”

The cashier nodded, glancing down to type into his cash register. I glanced at Carter, shaking my head. He shrugged, his face slightly disgusted as he glanced at the greasy pizzas making their way out of the ovens.

I thanked the cashier and grabbed our food, moving to the back of the restaurant, pulling Carter with me.

I pulled out my sub, passing Carter his slice of pizza. I dug in immediately, stuffing my face. I looked over at Carter, my mouth full. He was sitting still, staring at me, then glancing down at his pizza.

I gave him a questioning look before swallowing finally and wiping my mouth with my napkin.

“What’s the matter? Dig in!”

He looked at me like I was crazy, staring at my hands. I looked down, confused, wondering if there was something I had spilled. I didn’t see anything. I looked back up at Carter’s face, confused.

“I need a fork.”

I stared at him, then burst out laughing, leaning back and dropping my sub. He glanced at me angrily, clearly not liking my outburst. I shook my head, eventually catching my breath.

“A fork? Have you always eaten pizza with a fork? Wow, you really are a richie.”

He looked down, confused. I laughed, shaking my head before grabbing his hands and wrapping them around his pizza. Carter protested, but I ignored him, determined to show him the real way to eat pizza.

“You have to eat pizza like a normal person, with your hands.”

Carter hesitated before glancing at me, skeptical. I nodded encouragingly and he slowly brought the pizza to his mouth. He took a small bite and chewed slowly. A small grin appeared on his face and he sighed, satisfied. I smiled at him, picking up my own food and eating myself.

We sat in silence, stuffing food down our throats. Finally we were each stuffed, leaning back on our chairs and sighing, satisfied and stuffed.

“Now you know what it’s like in my world to eat out.”

Carter smiled, his eyes closed.

“Now I have to show you how to go out in my world.”

Oh boy.


Hey guys!

So decided to have another non-dancing chapter. Got to see a little bit more of Vi's life and what Carter is like outside of dancing and his world. Next chapter you get to see his world, probably from both point of views. Haven't really done a lot of Carter's point of view in a while...will get to that.

Anyways so yea Carter really has no experience with middle class/lower class restaurants and I'm not actually sure if that is really realistic but wtv stories can b non-realistic every now and then =) Adds a little excitement. 

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! 

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