Chapter 14

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I read the letter slowly, at first feeling the disbelief. I thought they disapproved of me? Didn’t they know about my injury?

I glanced at Vi, sadness and guilt taking over my emotions. I had dragged her into this, now what could we do? I had to make it up to her. I couldn’t just tell her we couldn’t do it. She worked too hard for this.

Vi looked back up at me, hope peeking its way out of her eyes, despite the regret clouding her vision. She wanted to do it, I could tell.

“What do we do?”

I sighed, closing my eyes and thought. There was only one thing they could do.

“We are going to go to rehearsals next week. “

A big smile spread across Vi’s face, despite the obvious confusion.

“What about you?”

I smiled weakly. I had to face them.

“I have a couple of worried parents to visit.”



I sat on the smooth floor of Cravens, my eyes shut and my feet tapping the wood in front of me. The sun was setting, sending streams of orange rays into the room. All I could think about was Carter.

When did I become so involved in all of this? How did this all happen?

I got up slowly, spinning in the setting sun. I needed to relax, to forget about it. I shouldn’t worry so much.

I spun faster, slowly pushing my toes up until I was balanced neatly on my points. I stopped spinning, and pulled my right leg up behind me, still on point. I slowly bent down as my leg went higher, trying to maintain my balance. I held that position for a couple minutes before dropping to the balls of my feet once more.

I dropped my leg slowly, passing my other foot and gaining momentum. I leaped outwards, my legs stretched into a split and my arms stretched over my head and in front of me. I landed and continued to twirl around the room, rising, falling and them rising again as I moved to the music of sunset. I didn’t need music. I just needed the inspiration.

When the sun had set completely, I stopped, breathing hard. I stood in the center of the room like that for what seemed like forever. 

I was supposed to have heard from Carter by now.


I walked up the last few steps of my porch, taking a deep breath. If Carter had something important to tell me, he would’ve by now. He was just still working things out. Whatever it was that he had to work out.

Carter had refused to tell me what he was doing. As soon as he read the letter, he had gotten this weird look on his face, as if he was giving in to something, but was determined to do so.

I thought he was mad at his parents? Now he wanted to see them? What did this have to do with anything?

I started to question him, looking for answers, but before I could get them out, he shook his head, giving me a pleading look before they could come out. I sighed, frustrated.

He told me he would call me as soon as he could, hopefully by tonight. I nodded, worried about what he was going to do. I watched him walk down the stairs, giving me one last look before heading off in the direction of his house.

And now, 9 hours later, I still had not heard from him.

I unlocked my front door, wiping my feet off on the doormat before stepping in. I trudged into the kitchen, grabbing the plate of food I knew would be there before I walked up the stairs and into my room, dropping my stuff off in my closet before collapsing on my bed, resolved to wait for a call from Carter.

I waited and waited. My eyes felt heavier and heavier, and sleep started to look like a good idea.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed beneath me, shaking me out of my exhaustion. I grabbed it quickly, not even bothering to look who was calling in my rush to answer it. I knew who it would be.


“Hey Vi.”

“Carter! Where are you! What took you so long to call me?!”

“I’m in the hospital Vi, I just had surgery.”


Hey guys!

So as mentioned in my profile, I have been sloowllyy starting to write again, althought I can't promise any updates. I've just been rereading a lot of the stories myself and well you know. They are kind of hard to resist after its been a while =)

So I'm starting to reach a possible end, it could be coming up soon. Idk, we'll see. 

Hope you guys liked it!

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