
By TheMilotic

549 47 23

Three light beings volunteer to be sent to Earth and quickly learn to adapt to humankind so they can retrieve... More

Part 1: Vessel
Part 2: Student
Part 3: Hunter
Part 4: Transgender
Part 5: Bodybuilder
Part 6: Fighter
Part 7: Brother
Part 9: Witch
Part 10: Lover
Part 11: Prisoner
Part 12: Hero

Part 8: Child

21 3 2
By TheMilotic

As the sky grew darker we decided to go to bed earlier than usual as to not be scolded again when we arrived to school. As we slept I had another dream, neither good or bad. In this situation we were walking at night through the forest nearby. We found a pathway to follow which led to a larger space between the trees. As we stood there was a glowing figure that had no face but it was perceptible as a human shape. We decided to approach the being further sensing a familiarity to it. We then realized it was one of us.

"Hello." We heard a voice inside of our head as we stepped closer. I could feel a strong vibration flow through my body as the thought was heard. "You three are in danger as you fulfill your purpose here. Be weary of those in white as they are the ones who hold what you were sent here for." The being of light warned. "The three of you had individual lessons to learn  during your time here being that of zen, mind over matter, and manifestation. The experiences leading up to these lessons were mapped out pre accordingly. These lessons will come in handy as you proceed to retrieve a substance of ours. This substance has been being used for a variety of selfish and destructive means specifically to power machines allowing cellular rejuvenation of those in power over the majority. Once you retrieve the substance you are to return home. The three of you must decide together that you are ready and willing to part with these vessels and return or you will be unable to. Ingesting the substance directly will bring you back to us as well as the substance itself, replenishing itself upon arrival. It is important that the three of you return as one, you will not be able to arrive individually."

The beings authority over us was that of a father's in the logic of humans, making us the child.

After the being dissipated into the air I woke up. Dreams, especially those remembered, are a message for the observer. The subconscious was the most powerful way of delivering messages and programming the mind.

I awoken while Nikita and Bruce slowly did the same. As we walked along the path to school I told them about my dream in detail, explaining each word precisely as the entity did.

We got to school and as we arrived we noticed everything looked empty. No people or machines were present outside. We walked up to the doors and they appeared to be held in place by a force greater than our own so we decided to leave. We got back home and I immediately began the process of capturing and cooking food again. Bruce went back to the gym and this time Nikita stood with me deciding to help.

"Hey are these the woods you were talking about from your dream?" She asked gesturing ahead of us.

"Yes. We followed along a narrow path between the trees until we reached a wider opening." I explained. "It was right about here." I said as I stepped closer. I noticed the pathway was there and the two of us decided to make our way through the short path. We approached the larger space to see it looked exactly as it did in my dream. "This is where it was."

She looked around. "This is where we first arrived."

"What do you mean?"

"This is where we first entered our bodies, I remember looking around and seeing exactly all of this." She explained.

"Now that I think of it you're right, this is where we were."

"Yes, but other than that I don't see anything." She said confused.

"Well it's not going to be here again, I assume the being was only able to access us through dreams."

"Oh ok. Why didn't Bruce or myself have the dream as well?" She asked.

"I'm not sure." I replied. We began walking back the way we came.

After the process of hunting we returned inside and a few moments later so did Bruce. He was starting to look bigger each day. He looked tired and appeared to have perspiration formed on him.

"You're looking bigger." I said as he walked in.

"Thanks." He said out of breath as he walked in. He immediately walked over to the mirror to examine the progress for himself.

I noticed Nikita watching him as he flexed his arms at a variety of angles. When she saw me notice her she blinked and turned her head. She walked over to turn on the television. A show was on that displayed cars driving at fast speeds. One car was ahead of the other and the one behind flashed red and blue lights on top. The first car was going faster and as it went to turn at the last second it flipped over multiple times and landed on it's side injuring the driver.

I began the cooking process as the show played while the two of them continued to watch it.

"I need the herbs again." I said to Nikita. She got up and went outside to collect them. When she came back she handed them over to me and sat back down with Bruce who was still resuming the situation on the show.

We finished our meals and prepared for bed. This time I had a dream of the cars on the show. It appeared what you observed before bed would play a role in dreams that you have. This car was larger and drove much slower. I couldn't tell where we were but there were trees around us. Lights on the back of the large vehicle flashed just before it flipped over similar to how it did on the show. 

The next day the same situation took place at the school. Nobody was there and the doors were sealed so we left again. This time we decided to go to the mall since we were already out and it was nearby.

We got to the mall and Nikita immediately noticed a girl with long dark hair that she presumably knew from school. As the girl walked closer I realized I had seen her speaking to Nikita in class once.

"Hey girl." She greeted as she walked up.

"Hey." Nikita greeted back. "Girl." She repeated as the girl said.

"What are you guys up to?" She asked.

"Nobody was at school and the doors were sealed." Nikita replied.

"It's Sunday." The girl gigged.

I had heard days of the week mentioned by others before as another metric of time used.

"Yes, we forgot." Nikita said realizing it was something we should pretend to know about.

"My brother is coming to town and having a party next weekend. He usually only invites the other frat kids that he goes to college with but he lets me come too as long as I don't drink." She began to explain. "Would you guys want to come?"

"A party?" Nikita asked with sensed familiarity of hearing the word but not the meaning.

"Yeah you know like drinks, music, socializing." She explained jokingly.

The last word caught my attention. "Yes we will go." I said knowing this was the perfect opportunity for us to observe socialization more to further blend in with others.

"Cool." She said as she explained the directions and time in which to arrive there. She left and we proceeded on down the mall.

"We need new clothes." I said as we walked. "These are old and we need ones that are more fitting for us so that we look like we have some."

The three of us visited stores to obtain clothing and proceeded back home.

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