
By TheMilotic

549 47 23

Three light beings volunteer to be sent to Earth and quickly learn to adapt to humankind so they can retrieve... More

Part 1: Vessel
Part 2: Student
Part 3: Hunter
Part 4: Transgender
Part 5: Bodybuilder
Part 7: Brother
Part 8: Child
Part 9: Witch
Part 10: Lover
Part 11: Prisoner
Part 12: Hero

Part 6: Fighter

26 3 2
By TheMilotic

                                               (Lysol P.O.V.)

After Lunch and our final classes we made our way back home. Bruce immediately left and Number 3 walked down into the basement. I decided to watch television for the time being. A repeat of the show we liked was on again, we saw this one a few days ago but I wanted to re watch it, study it. I enjoyed observing the movements and strategies he integrated as he fought with his opponent. I knew this was something I wanted to do, I wanted to be like him, a fighter, and that's what I was now. Kung-Fu, Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, I was prepared to learn all of it, and master them. I memorized every intricate move he made and the positioning of each as this episode played out. The last move was a combination of him jumping in mid air and doing a triple kick by one foot following the other with intense speed. I stood up and cleared a large space in the room so I could perform the moves along with him, my new teacher. I tried doing too much too quickly and fell before I could release the third kick in the air.

"You must find your zen. " He said after he landed back to the floor with ease in a peaceful manner. "Focus your thoughts on not having thoughts, look inward and acquire peace of the mind." I sat down and crossed my legs just as he did. "Your insticts are all that you need." Instincts. I thought to myself. I relaxed and focused my attention sharply before I began again.

"Find your zen." I repeated to myself. I then picked myself up after a short while and mimicked the movements perfectly with the speed and precision at which he did so.

Number 3 walked up from the basement with a large book in her hand as I was in mid air. I landed to my feet and we just stared at one another for a moment, blinking in silence.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I continued to pause for a short moment. "Fighting." I answered.

She looked around the room. "Fighting what?" She asked confused.

"Ok, I'm learning. Learning fighting."

"Oh ok." She said walking outside with the book she held.

The greatest individual experience yet was that of acquiring new skills. Each skill I mastered became added to the collection. I began approaching more dangerous skills to master knowing that even if this vessel were to be harmed, I would not be staying.

I enjoyed this activity, but I wanted to incorporate more, I wanted to enhance it. Once the show ended I went to the kitchen and grabbed my knives, which were beginning to dull by this point. I brought them outside and continued my training. I performed the same movements registered in my mind but along with throwing the knives against a nearby tree simultaneously. I missed once or twice but once I scanned the area and calculated the projectory in which I should hold the knife from the distance I was at I continued again. The knife pointed into the tree twice before it began hitting the tree and falling to the floor after the next few throws. These knives were too dull to use anymore, I needed new and better ones. I noticed Number 3 walking back inside with parts of plants in her hand as she looked into the book.

"Hey wanna go to the mall?" I asked.

"Sure." She said as she headed inside to secure her belongings.

We walked down to the mall and I scanned along the walls of the shops until I found a store that I felt hosted what I required.

The store front read Cutting Edge on it beneath that in smaller text read Fantasy Knives, Daggers and Swords I knew this was where I needed to go. We walked inside and the scenery looked very old and antiqued, the smell of wood and metal ran through the air.

"Welcome." Greeted the shopkeeper. I nodded my head as we walked further along the store. There was a wide variety of weaponry, even what appeared to be armor but the largest and most menacing of swords and daggers were mounted up on the wall behind the counter.

"Number 3." I whispered as she looked through a selection of metallic oil stained knives.

"Yeah?" She asked still transfixed on the shining, colorful daggers.

"I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?" She asked turning to face me.

"Have the man behind the counter take down two of those large swords for me and have him give them to me. Along with the little daggers in the glass case."

"Which ones?" She asked looking over at the case.

"The ones with the black handles."

"Ok." She said walking up to the merchant.

"Hello." She said as she looked up at the man.

"Why hello there, and who are you?" He asked with hinted romantic interest.

"Can I have those two swords up on the wall?" She asked him as I watched from a nearby distance.

"Oh sweetie, I can't get you those, you'll hurt yourself. Those are for grown ups."

"I want them." She said as she gazed into his eyes. "They are mine and you are going to hand them to me." As she finished speaking he stood there in a wide eyed trance.

"Yes of course." He said unmoving from her eyes. He turned to grab the swords and handed both of them to her.

"Thank you." She said. "Those daggers are also mine." She continued as she pointed to the ones I described. He did everything she said.

I walked up beside her. "Get the scabbards for the swords too." Whispering as he was still tranced.

"The what?" She asked confused.

"The things you put the swords in to encase them."

"Give me the, scabbards, too." She said the word questioningly and looking over at me to confirm it's pronunciation.

He did as she instructed, she thanked him again as we walked out.

"That was perfect. Thanks for the help." I told her.

"You know I'm pretty sure you can do it too, you just have to try. Imagine what you want and just will it to happen, it's easy." She said. As we past down the hall she noticed her store she went in last time. "Oh wait, I want to go in real quick, there is something I want." She said walking inside.

"What could you possibly want next?" I asked following her in.

"An upgrade." She said scanning the walls. She picked up a packaging of nails with similarities to hers except longer and in a pointed shape rather than flat.

"I saw a girl with this nail shape, and I want them too." She said. She proceeded to do the same thing to leave with her nails as she did with the swords and we exited the building.

As we were on the way home we noticed Bruce walking in the same direction on the other side of the road just ahead of us, he seemed tired and out of breath. We caught up to him and the three of us walked back together.

"Are you two hungry?" I asked them when we got back.

"I'm way too sore to go hunting right now." Bruce responded.

"No I can go get it for us." I told him. "You Number 3?"

"Maybe a little." She responded.

"Well I am." I said going outside. The truth was I was more enthusiastic than I was hungry. I wanted to try out the sword and practice more. I had the scabbard crossed over my body so I could easily reach over my shoulder and draw the sword.

I heard a slight rustling in the leaves and turned over to see another deer like last time. I drew the sword which alerted the deer and it ran off. This time I kept it drawn and crept quietly into the woods. I enjoyed the feeling of holding the sword. Material possessions were fun to collect once you found ones you really liked, I see why Number 3 enjoyed it so much.

As the sun lowered and night grew darker I decided to go inside.

"No luck." I told them as I walked back in.

"It's ok, I found this." Number 3 said holding out a handful of berries and fruit. I walked up to examine them closer.

"Where did you find these?" I asked.

"I focused on the feeling of being hungry and over and over I thought to myself something to eat was coming my way. I just wanted it to happen." She replied.

"But that doesn't explain where you got them?" I asked with a squint of my eyes.

"I opened the door and they were right outside." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I just walked through the door twice and didn't see anything."

"Not right at the door, a little bit further to the left there was a small tree growing and I just picked them off. One of the books I have downstairs said they are safe to eat. Here have some." She said handing over some of the berries to me. We finished our snack and got ready to sleep.

"Lysol," asked Number 3 a moment later through Bruce's light snore.

"Yes, Number 3?" I responded quietly.

"I really miss home. Do you think we will ever get back?"

"Yes, as soon as we complete what we were sent here for we are going to be picked up and brought back."

"Alright. Goodnight." She said.


As we fell asleep I began to dream. This dream was not a good one like the others I had. Was it possible to have a bad dream? In this situation Bruce and Number 3 were unconscious and encased in some sort of glass tubing, seperate from one another. I walked up to it and went to strike the glass with my sword but the glass was very thick and was impossible for me to even crack.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I shouted out with no response. There was high tech machinery that was attached to the glass tubes through smaller metal tubes. I went over to the machine and there was a variety of buttons. I pressed the red one that stood out the most and and a gas filled up the tubes they were in, pouring in from the top.

"NO!" I screamed as I tried again with my sword to crack the glass. It did nothing so I dropped the sword and began punching and kicking the glass as hard as I could, I did it until my knuckles were bruised and developed small gashes on them. "NO!" I screamed again waking up this time. I saw Number 3 hovering over me.

"Are you ok?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah. Just a bad dream."

"Dreams can be bad?" She asked.

"Yes, this one was."

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Get some sleep, everything's ok." I said to comfort her, though I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

The next morning when we got to school I felt a little on edge still about my dream. I wondered if we were on the brink of being discovered. I overheard a small group of boys mentioning something about the sky. I walked closer to the group on my own, feeling it may look suspicious if the three of us were there.

"I'm telling you it was three shooting stars, not one, three." Mentioned one of the boys.

"That's impossible." Replied another. "It's rare enough to even see one."

"When was it?"

"About a week ago, maybe less." Responded the boy as he noticed me standing close by to hear. "Can we help you with something?" He asked in a hostile tone as he adjusted his glasses.

"I was just interested." I responded calmly.

"We aren't talking about girls, so you wouldn't be." He said presumptuously. Why would he assume I am interested in girls? Or really any other humans for that matter.

The bell rang I met back up with Bruce and Number 3 as we walked to class.

                                             (Number 3 P.O.V.)

It was lunch time and we sat at our table.

"This food is getting so boring." Lysol said to Bruce as he picked it up and placed it back down.

"We need to start hunting again and getting our own food, we'll get better at cooking it." Bruce added.

"What do you think Number 3?" Asked Lysol.

I still hadn't found a name of my own yet. I was eager to come across it but I also felt rushed now, being that the both of them had already found their names.

I finished my food quickly not paying much attention to the conversation. "I'll be back, or I'll meet you back in class." I told them.

"Where are you going?" Asked Bruce.

"I have to do something." I said as I exited the cafeteria. I walked through the halls and made my way back to the classroom. I looked through the window to see nobody was inside and I snuck in quietly. I went up to the teachers desk to look through the assignments we just handed in. I shuffled through the papers looking through people's names.




I couldn't find one that I liked. None of these names were calling out to me so I decided to create a new one by merging other names together. I stacked the papers over one another so that only the first two letters of each name would show and I read them merged together.


Nikita I thought to myself.

"Oh that's it, Nikita. What a beautiful name." I said aloud as I returned the papers to their place. The bell rang and I quickly excited the room and ran back into the hall. Students were already entering the hall as I slithered through them until I reached Lysol and Bruce.

"Hey where'd you go?" Asked Lysol.

"Nikita!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"What?" He asked.

"That's my name. Nikita." I said growing more fond of the name each time i said it.

"Oh that's what you were doing." Said Lysol.

"I like it." Bruce complimented.

"Nikita. My name is Nikita." I said to them colorfully mimicking a first time meeting.

"Ok it's good but stop saying it so much." Said Lysol with the slightest agitation.

"Why? I love the sound when I say it." I expressed turning to face them while walking backwards.

"Hi Nikita." Bruce played along with a playful smirk causing his eyes to slightly squint.

"No say it slower, like Ni-ki-ta." I said playfully.

"Hello Ni-ki-ta." He said in a joking tone smiling.

"Wow I love the way it sounds even more when it's said to me!" I faced forward again and kept my walking pace. The three of us walked adjacent to eachother. "What a perfect sound."

"Ridiculous." Said Lysol rolling his eyes as we made our way down the hall.

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