Blurry Bond Between Us

By dexonclouds

524 138 88

A simple story that follows the love triangle between Adil, Suhani and Tiya and their journey of love, hate... More

Chapter I: The Introduction
Chapter II:Dance Competition
Chapter III: New Year's Eve
Chapter IV: One Sided Date
Chapter V: Marriage Invitation
Chapter VI: Snakebit
Chapter VII: A Weird Advice
Chapter VIII: Concealed Truth
Chapter IX: Apology
Chapter X: Proposal
Chapter XI: A New Phase
Chapter XII: Plan Execution
Chapter XIII: Escape Plan
Chapter XIV: Hospital To Home
Chapter XV: Four Day Stay
Chapter XVI: A.R.T
Chapter XVII: Life At USA
Chapter XIX: The Truth
Chapter XX: Aditi

Chapter XVIII: An Unsolicited family

18 1 0
By dexonclouds

In that following week, I took my flight and reached happily to Kolkata. The whole Journey I felt so excited for various reasons like meeting Suhani and Tiya, getting to taste the Indian food and many more but the main reason I was feeling so excited was that I could meet Mimi finally.

The next morning I reached Kolkata and within a couple of hours, I was present at Suhani's place. At that moment Suhani was watching tv with Mimi and Tiya was at her office busy with her professional life. Suhani would go to her Academy at noon after Tiya would return home.

On reaching Suhani's place, Suhani welcomed me happily and flew towards the kitchen to make some tasty snacks. Mimi was giving me a weird gaze with her fluffy face coz I was completely a stranger to her. She was just a year old baby at that time so she was unable to walk and would move from one corner of the house to another corner by efficient sliding.

I kept my luggage in the store room and went for a bath. After the bath, I came back to the hall to taste the snacks Suhani was preparing. She came out of the kitchen holding so many plates and bowls containing cookies, chips, bhujia, mangoes and tons of sweets.

Seeing that I said, "you planning to kill me by indigestion."

"No, I am just completing your two years quota, See you have already become so skinny," Suhani replied

She served them and I started having some bites of them, Mimi was staring to the plates and also to my face. After a few minutes, she gathered a little courage and came beside me and started pulling some food bowls from the table with her small hands. She was looking so cute doing that. I pulled her up and made her sit on my lap and gave her a cookie from the plate. She sat comfortably and started eating that.

In my life, I never had any experience with small kids as I didn't have any siblings or any neighbours having small kids and, to be very honest, I would always feel discomfort seeing a small kid around me but that wasn't the case with Mimi she was so adorable that even satan would fall in love with her.

After the snacks, Mimi became quite friendly with me and we started to play peekaboo with each other. Tiya came back from her office around 2 pm and Suhani exited for her dance academy.

Tiya was still the same her character, her aura, and her emotions were still coinciding with that old Tiya I met last time.

After refreshing herself she served lunch and after lunch, we had a ton of conversation. I would generally enjoy talking with Tiya coz she was kinda a philosophical girl and a conversation with her would never feel like a conversation it would always feel like a debate and therefore the conversation would go for hours without any conclusions. That day after a long conversation about debateful stuff I remembered that I need to find a place for spending my next two months so I asked her

"Will I get a flat for two months in Kolkata around my office region?"

"Getting a flat for a couple of months will be tough but you can certainly find a room for rent." She replied

"Do you know somebody who can help me find a room?" I asked

"I will tell Suhani she would certainly know someone" she replied.

In the evening when Suhani returned from her academy I asked her about it. She replied that I will easily get a room but it will take 1-2 days to find a suitable one.

I didn't have any issues with that coz I had to join my office on Monday and Mimi was always there to make me giggle with her innocent actions.

The next day I and suhani went to lookout some rooms that were insisted by her colleagues. After checking out a few places I found a room that seemed cool to me, it was on the first floor, and a park could be seen from its window the room was well furnished and was in good condition also. We finalized the rent with the owner and then returned to Suhani's home.

The next day after breakfast I started to pack my things for shifting to that room. It was Sunday so Suhani and Tiya both were on holiday that day. Suhani was busy putting the clothes in the washing machine and Tiya was in the kitchen making baby food for Mimi.

While I was exiting suhani wished me "best of luck" and said-

"Hope you enjoy working in Kolkata's atmosphere. Visit us during the weekend we four of them will hang out together."

"Haha! Sure! I will try to visit" I replied

Listening to our conversation Tiya came out of the kitchen and asked-

"What have you thought about the food? Do you gonna cook by yourself?"

"No, I have planned that I will do lunch in the office canteen and dinner in any hotel or mess," I replied

"Alright! Then you should definitely visit us on Saturday night after your office if you wanna enjoy a delicious dinner. As a bonus, you will also get a chance to meet an angel named Mimi."

I turned my head toward Mimi, she was looking at me with her innocent face and it brought a smile to my face.

I laughed and said –

"Ok ladies I agree to the deal but I am gonna cook the food by myself."

My cooking enthusiastic soul cannot stop me from demanding that.

Tiya agreed to it and I departed from there after telling them goodbye.

For the next two months, I had a beautiful journey of work, enjoyment and social interactions. Being the technical manager I had to give more time in the office but being a manager I would also get a few extra amounts of respect from the office people. I would wait impatiently for Saturdays coz spending Saturday evening at suhani's place was just like a pill of serotonin for me.

On Saturday night I and Tiya would cook dinner together and that bunch of hours will always be inscribed to my heart coz during that time I would accomplish the hobby which was so close to my heart and with a person who was also very close to my heart. Someday she would teach me any Indian dish and someday I would teach her some Italian and we both would cook together mixing all our effort and love with it. During cooking, we would even talk about a lot of bullshit and keep on giggling every other minute. During our cooking time, Mimi would engage herself with Tv. Around 9 pm Suhani would come from her academy and around 9:30 pm all of us would sit at the dining table to complete our dinner.

Generally, I would complete my dinner within 30 minutes but that wouldn't happen on Saturday dinner. We would spend two hours finishing a plate of food.

I know that might sound weird but that was the reality. The dinner for us that night was not about only having food . We would make jokes at each other and enjoy that delicious food slowly slowly. That moment would always give me a euphoric vibe. The vibe that every man on this planet wants when they reach their 30s and start their family life. That vibe for me was so enchanting that I could spend my whole life like that without complaining a single word.

The next morning it would be Sunday so Tiya and Suhani would engage themselves in sleeping. I would wake up a little early, freshen myself, eat some fresh fruit from the refrigerator and then I would take Mimi to the park which was located just behind their house. We would play for a couple of hours together. When she would become tired I would purchase her favourite mango-flavoured Ice cream and then we both would come back home.

The next few hours we would spend talking about our lives and our future plans and after completing the lunch I would return back to my place.

Simon Rich has said, "Good Times are Short-Lived Yet Leave a Huge Impact." After passing Those two months I also felt the same. The day I got the mail stating that I had to join the Delhi office next week I felt so heartbroken.

I know I should certainly feel happy because now I would get the opportunity to meet mom and dad and live the rest of my life with them but still, I was experiencing heartache in one of the corners of my heart.

Somewhat I kept my all pain aside and made my heart understand that life is all about meeting and detaching with people we love. We can never keep a person's body in our hearts we can just keep the memories of good times we had spent together and at that moment, I had an ample amount of memories with them to cheer me my whole life.

The day I was departing for Delhi Tiya came to the station with me. While we were waiting for the train I said to Suhani-

"Gonna miss you people so much."

"Yeah man, I will also miss your presence. Now the weekends won't be that fun and I guess our little princess gonna miss you more," she replied

"Right, I will also feel the void of Mimi, the cute girl with a cute name," I said

"Yeah! Her name is definitely cute like her. I had another name in my mind but I couldn't say no when Suhani said it was her mother's name." She said

"What name you thought of," I asked surprisingly

"Aditi, the initials of Adil and Tiya," she replied

Listening to that I felt a little quirky so with a bizarre look I replied: "No I think Mimi was a better name."

She didn't say any word after that or she wanted but didn't find that situation right to speak anything.

I also kept quiet thinking about how innocent soul she possessed and that was the reason she was happy even after leaving all her family and past. It's said that "we live our life until our soul is a child and the day it gets matured we start existing". Tiya was a perfect example of it.

The train arrived at the platform after a few minutes and after saying her goodbye I departed for Delhi.

The next day I reached Delhi. I felt so warmhearted seeing Dad and Mom after so long days and they also had the same feeling. After having some chit-chat with them I went to my room to keep my stuff and then I freshened up myself. After bathing while I was changing my clothes my eyes fell on my guitar that was kept in the corner of my room covered with dust and spider waves. Without any second thought, I picked it up, cleaned the dust and started to play my favourite melodies. I felt so pleased that I kept on playing it until my fingers wore out.

In the evening I received a call from Nasim and he informed me that he was also in Delhi for a week so we decided to have dinner at one of our favourite restaurants during our college time.

Around 9 pm I reached the restaurant. Nasim was already present there. Seeing him I was puzzled coz his look was now changed completely. His beards were now well trimmed and his muscles were now more popped out. I hugged him saying "yo my macho man! You are a different thing now."

During dinner, We had a lot of conversations that night. Nasim was a person with whom I could talk about anything. He always had a unique pov which would influence every decision in my life.

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