The Grand Narrative: Aftermath

By Chaotic_Nights

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[Sequel to Adventure Forward: The Grand Narrative] The narrative is over, peace and reality restored in Everi... More

A little note before you read
Their past life
Shard's Past
The visit
Memories that linger
Sky Emporium
Creator and his creation
Middle of the night
Old habits
The Light Coliseum
A long forgotten melody
The Star and its Darkness
Father and son
A rose untouched by flames
A day in the emporium
forest home
The lost data
The third house
Frog child
Flower Garden
Sword fighting
Trail of petals
Family meeting
Confrontation (The End)

Star Sanctuary

53 0 2
By Chaotic_Nights

Clark steps into the portal and arrives in the sanctuary, it seemed peaceful. As he climbed up, he felt more tired than usual, he woke up so early today and couldn't fall back to sleep. Upon reaching the top, he was greeted by the angels and he smiled at them.

"Where have you been today? I didn't see you leave home, how early did you wake up?"

"A bit too early than I wanted it to be, but I'm fine"

He looks around but notices something different.

"Hey, uhm, where's Anshine and Stratosfear?"

"Oh! They went to see Signol for today, we're going to be watching over the sanctuary until their return"

"Alright, I'll go home now, I feel tired"

They nodded and he turns around to walk back to his house. He puts his hat and necklace away and collapses to bed, falling into a dreamless slumber. Hours passed and he woke up again, it was the late afternoon, without any second thought he got up and went to the kitchen to make a sandwich before heading outside again.

"Anshine, it didn't work much for Signol, what do we do now?"

"calm down. that's what I suggest, you shouldn't stress much about helping them remember, it's not an instant you can help shatter their symbols. Though yes Ploque and Arrolin were something but the others will take time before remembering anything, who knows, they might stumble upon a moment that reminds them of the past and leads to them remembering everything"

Stratosfear didn't respond, his face expression shows uncertainty and surprise. Clark watches as the two talk and decided to approach them quietly, though Stratosfear was quick to notice.

"Oh hi Clark, haven't seen you all day, where were you at?"

"with Clerical, though after that I went back home and took a nap"

"Hm, alright! Sounds interesting, I won't ask about it though, in case you wanted some privacy"

"Actually we kind of did something for Mino and Shallare, though it's just currently being figured out but it's going well?"

"For them? What for?"

"The thing about Mino's memories or something"


"Yeah, father asked Clerical if he could help in some way with everyone and their memories"

"That's nice, we do need some help for this, even if they necessarily don't remember much yet"

"Do you think Arrolin and Ploque would do something for this?"

"They might be able to help but they have other plans this week, they're going to their home town, to see what's going on there after hundreds of years"

"Oh! I heard from Verfection that you two were able to help them to remember themselves"

Stratosfear smiles and nods at him, before speaking again.

"Now, what are your plans for today, now you've waken up from your nap?"

"I'm not sure, there's nothing much to do at this time"

"Hm, would you like to visit Lumonis with us?" Anshine gazes at him, symbol flickering in surprise while Clark looks at him in excitement.

"Stratosfear what has compelled you to suggest this"

"I mean why not? We usually went to the same places so why don't we visit someone's dimension who isn't connected to the sky Emporium for a change? Aside from Decon of course"

"It's going to be dark soon Stratosfear, shouldn't we move this for tomorrow-"

"Yeah, but you know how Lumonis has a light themed Coliseum? Have you ever wondered what it looks at night when it's lights were turned on, showing the light aspect to it very well?"

"Well said, we shall go there, but when?"

"Now! And we're taking the Yawrail"

"What's with you and the Yawrail"

"Have I ever told you how fun it is to be in a train of some sort, it's calming to me "

"I- Okay I'm not questioning that further"

"What are you two standing there for still? Let's go!"

Stratosfear chuckled at Clark's words and nods, grabbing Anshine by the hand, they went out of Star Sanctuary and went by to Yawgate who happily greeted them as they got on the yawrail. Clark sat near to Yawgate, while Anshine and Stratosfear sat far back.



"Why did you actually suggest this for him? You usually don't do this for no reason"

Stratosfear looks at Anshine, he smiled a little.

"Well, he's been through a lot, being the hero of a shattering universe, then having to remember something that almost ended your life as a child. I just wanted to help him with all that stress, I just thought this will make him feel more better. Y'know, just to recover a bit from everything"

"Now I'm starting to wonder if you're his father instead of Celesteal, you care for him greatly as if he were your own"

"Hah, I would never, I never even had my own family. I have no interest in having a partner nor any children"

"Fifteen years, are you sure you really never considered to at least fall for someone in those years?"

Stratosfear didn't respond, seeming to look away from Anshine.

"I have, but I know they wouldn't like me back. I did like another person and have been together, but... They're gone, which was the reason why I came back to Maytown, aside from seeing you again"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Stratosfear"

"It's okay, it's all in the past now"

"How are you so fine with this, so much has happened in your life, including the reason why we're here today!"

"I don't know, I'm used to life falling into pieces, I just chose to hold on knowing you're there, along with the good times in my life, that's a good enough blessing to keep me going"

Anshine hugged Stratosfear, he only smiles at it, eventually the yawrail halts to a stop and the three got off. It was darker than earlier, the sun had almost set.

"You know, it's getting late, why did you three decided to come here at this time of the day?"

"Just look at it Yawgate"

Yawgate moves their gaze off towards the Coliseum, it was light up beautifully, making it stand out in the darkness. Though the place seemed almost empty, aside from there being a few points near it.

"Ohhh, that looks amazing, I didn't know this! Well I will go wait here then"

"No, come with us, it gets boring sitting back here, you need some time to enjoy things, aside from serving as a form of transportation to numerous dimensions"

"That's quite thoughtful, I appreciate it"

"Yeah, let's go now"

They walk over to the coliseum, Sterneedle was talking to someone.

"So yes, we will prepare for that event by about two weeks from now, but it's best we plan about it while it's ear-"

"Someone's approaching us, I think they're your friends?"

"What- oh, well you should go now, we'll discuss further tomorrow"

The point leaves as the others had finally reached Sterneedle, they noticed how unusually energetic the shard saviour was to which Stratosfear grins and speaks up.

"Hey Sterneedle, how's it going?"

"Hello! What brings you to Lumonis?"

"To see the Coliseum at night time, I thought it'll be a good time to get our minds off of whatever we were dealing with these last few days"

"Ah yeah! The reconstruction of some dimensions from the damages of the corruption and what I've heard- you helping your friends remember who they are?"

"That information spread so fast-"

"Oh don't mind, there's just happens to be some points who tend to gossip a lot. For instance, Morward can be rather laid-back and chill but she likes to talk about everything that's on her mind, most of the time, she likes to talk to people a lot, unlike her brother"

"Well, they've lived all their lives in a dimension unable to see beyond their pocket dimensions in years, only to be freed to know Celesteal died back then. Isolation, kind of, does things to a person. Though I think Pasless acts the way he is since he has the aspect of the past and well, you know how heavy the past can be"

"Hm yeah, now, why don't we go inside and have you explore within the coliseum?"

"Yes, thank you Sterneedle"

They nodded and escorted the group inside.

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