Son of a Lord

By JudeT56

108K 3.8K 881

"I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him an... More

Chapter one: Halloween Night
Two Meetings
The Murder
She Knows
The Meeting
Theo, meet Harry
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting
Friends, enemies, and ferrets
"I miss killing people."
Snakes, Potters, and Potions
"I'm a genius, did you know?"
Severus Snape
Such a Good Boy
Dark Magic
"I'm going to help you, little brother."
An intervention: Sirius Black
Lily's request
Suspicious James
Tom Riddle's good news
A Betrayal

The Duel

3.1K 129 27
By JudeT56


Potions had just ended, and Harry's goal to rush out the door without being called back by Lily were destroyed. Draco glanced behind his shoulder, sneering at Lily before offering Harry a concerned frown. 

"You go on Draco," Harry said wearily, "I'll be there in a second."

Draco nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind him and the other students. James stayed inside, eyeing Harry and Lily. 

"You can go James, I just want to talk to him," Lily said. 

James pursed his lips, "You have defence against the dark arts next Harry," he said before slipping out of the door. 

Harry steeled himself before turning around. His birth mother stood at her desk, hesitantly shifting her feet. Their eyes met and it was as though Harry was staring into a mirror. Their eyes really were similar. He'd been told by his father but had never gotten the chance to see the resemblance this close. The woman was smiling at him now, and although Harry had the skill to kill men twice his age, he didn't really know what to do. 

"The last time I held you, was the night you were stolen from me," Lily said. 

Harry froze. That was the last thing he would've expected. But apparently she wasn't finished. 

"I thought I lost you forever Harry, I mourned you," she said, her eyes shining. "But he took you. He took you and tainted you and made you into him."

Harry knew this whole speech was supposed to make him hate his Father, but his heart was beaming inside. He loved being compared to his father. 

"You look like him," Lily said, taking a step forward. "You would've looked like James, I'm sure of it. But you look like him. It's uncanny."

She took another step forward and suddenly Harry was cautious. The red haired woman was slowly walking towards him with a strange look in her eye. Perhaps he should call for Draco. 

"And you've killed," she went on, "Don't think I don't know about the murder. The people you've slaughtered for him." 

She was close enough to touch now, and although Harry towered over her, she held a presence that made him feel small; like a child. 

"Don't you see Harry?" she breathed, "It's all him. Voldemort."

She reached up her hands to cup Harry's face. Harry sneered and grabbed her by the wrists, ignoring her cry of pain. 

He leaned close to her face, "Voldemort made me," he hissed, "He is my lord and I am his heir and nothing that comes out of your filthy mudblood mouth will convince me otherwise." 

He let her go and Lily scrambled back, hitting the desk with a 'thump'. Her eyes were wide and frightened. 

"Leave me be while I'm here and I won't kill you," Harry said as he stalked out of the classroom. 

Outside, Draco was waiting with James nowhere to be seen. 

"What happened?" Draco asked, concerned. 

Harry flung his hand out, casting a wordless silencing spell and continued to walk to his next class. Draco tugged at his hand as they walked. Harry turned to look at him, Draco's face was red and blotchy, his eyebrows turned down. 'Let me speak' me mouthed furiously. 

Waiting a moment longer, Harry sighed and broke the spell. 

"What the fuck was that?" Draco almost yelled. 

Harry glared at him, "That was an attempt to stop questions from coming out of your mouth. If you'd like me to silence you again, by all means keep talking." 

Draco went to open his mouth. 

"I'd remember my place if I were you Draco. Let's not forget out respect." 

Draco recognised the threat and bent his head. "Sorry." 

Harry turned and kept walking, "Good. Now hurry up, we're already late."


Harry hadn't even been in the defence classroom for two minutes and he already knew he was going to love this class. Not because he excelled in it. Oh no. Because he gets to fuck with Severus Snape for an entire hour. 

As soon as Harry and Draco walked in, the greasy man went to yell at the both of them, but stopped, staring at Harry, who had a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Partner quickly, the both of you," was all the telling off they got for being fifteen minutes late. 

Harry knew he could do practically anything in this class and get away with it. Snape's fear of the Dark Lord was more than his hate for the Potter name. 

Harry had thought of telling Snape to tell his father where he was, but he had come to the conclusion that Snape was probably forbidden from doing that by Dumbledore. Snape couldn't give up his place as a spy, and Harry would relish in a few months of torturing the Professor until Christmas. 

To Harry's utter delight, they were duelling. They had walked in to find the class divided into pairs, working on duelling mats. The smell of magic filled the air and made Harry's hair stand on end more than usual. 

Draco and Harry found a spare mat between the Weasel and Granger. 

"Go easy on me all right?" Draco said, his voice shaking. 

Harry flicked his hair out of his face, drawing his wand and settling into a fighting stance. "Not on your life Malfoy." 

"Hang on!" 

Harry straightened and sighed when he saw James rushing towards them. 

"What do you want Potter?" 

James skidded to a stop, "Don't you think you aught to sit the duelling out?" he whispered. 

Harry frowned and flicked his wand around, "You think this thing can do any damage with the spell work Dumbledore's done to it? Just sit down Potter, we'll be fine." 

James looked like he wanted to argue as he turned and walked away, defeated. 

Harry turned back to a terrified Draco. 

"Harry, never have I wished that you would listen to him more than right now." 

Harry laughed, "Stop being so dramatic." He lowered into a fighting stance, Draco slowly doing the same. "On three. One, two three!" 

"Expelliarmus!" Draco cried. 

Harry flicked his wrist, creating a shield instantly. 

"Flipendo!" Draco shouted again, and again Harry's shield went up. 

Draco dived for him, but Harry turned swiftly to the left, his foot catching on Draco's causing the boy to tumble face first onto the mat. 

Harry snorted as Draco sprung up, his face flushed and his hair almost as messy as Harry's. 

"Aren't you going to fight back?" Draco barked. 

Harry laughed again, "Not until you start giving me something worthwhile to fight back to." 

At that, Draco's eyes narrowed, "Petrificus Totalus!" he yelled, once again missing Harry. 

"Confringo," Harry murmered, pointing his wand straight at Draco's chest, watching as the boy flew backwards, hitting the wall with a bang. 

Draco groaned and pushed himself to his feet, glaring at Harry flipping his wand expertly through his fingers. 

"Locomotor Mortis," Draco said viciously, 

Harry ducked, felling the spell flying over his head. He sprung up, casting, "Incarcerous!" and smiling as ropes conjured themselves around Draco's body, forcing him to the ground. 

The blond boy writhed and struggled on the floor for a moment before Harry stopped the spell and helped him to his feet. 

"Nice try Draco," Harry said, smirking. 

Draco sighed, "Yeah, I suppose." 

"Mr Potter." Harry turned to see Snape looming over him. "That was an impressive effort from the both of you." He turned to Draco, "You need to work on your reflexes Mr Malfoy, they are utterly abysmal." 

Harry laughed, and Draco scowled. 



Right so the plot should kick in next chapter. I'll do a little time jump and we'll be all set to see Voldie again soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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