
By TheMilotic

549 47 23

Three light beings volunteer to be sent to Earth and quickly learn to adapt to humankind so they can retrieve... More

Part 1: Vessel
Part 3: Hunter
Part 4: Transgender
Part 5: Bodybuilder
Part 6: Fighter
Part 7: Brother
Part 8: Child
Part 9: Witch
Part 10: Lover
Part 11: Prisoner
Part 12: Hero

Part 2: Student

41 5 0
By TheMilotic

We were all officially registered as students in highschool. The interactions and variety of words used in the class helped us to decipher language and socialization at a much quicker rate. We were now much more comprehensive of most of the interactions and situations we were in.

We learned that humans refer to themselves as people, not humans. There are boys and girls, boys grow into men and girls grow into women, or so that is what they have informed us. It became obvious that not all people were treated the same. Multiple factors took part in the decision of who was treated the best, the clothes you wear, the size of your body, the amount of people you walk with, and most importantly how you look. Your face, your hair, these things seemed to be of the most importance to the people. We figured if the three of us walked together we would blend in more and have no problems fitting in so we walked together whenever we had the chance. As I noticed others, I quickly began to realize I no longer liked my vessel, I wanted a different one. There were others that appealed to me much more and I wanted that to be me. The dark haired one shared a similar opinion but not as strongly.  

We began referring to ourselves as numbers, it felt easier to communicate with each other that way. The lighter haired vessel was Number 1, the dark haired vessel was Number 2, and I was Number 3. We recognized Number 1 as the leader being that he understood things the quickest and helped us to act accordingly to his observations. Number 2 also wanted to be the leader and so he tried to learn as quickly as Number 1. I did not want to be the leader, it gave me a sense of anxiety and emotional pressure that I did not like to to feel.

"We need names." Stated Number 1 as we walked down the hall. "We can't keep referring to each other as numbers, it's not normal. People will begin to notice." 

"You're right. Where do we get them?" Asked Number 2.

"I'm not sure." Number 1 said scratching the back of his head. "I think we just make them up ourselves."

"Sounds pretty natural to me." Responded Number 2. "I guess we just wait until we hear one that we like and use it." 

We retrieved a tray of food and sat down at a table in the cafeteria together. Words were spoken all around us though I didn't understand them all. The eyes however speak a more precise coding of language through their narrowing, blinking, brow arches, and the asymmetrical closure which I hadn't yet deciphered.

"What is this?" Asked Number 2 holding a milk carton upside down.

"I think" Number 1 started as he took the carton and flipped it right side up. "it goes this way." He looked over at a nearby boy opening his own. "Then you open it like this." He said opening the carton.

"Hey I saw that too." Said Number 2.

"It's not a competition, we just have to blend in and get accustomed." He said opening his own carton. I followed along and did as he did.

"Hey check out that guy." Said Number 2 as he was eating, referring to a boy larger in size. The boy took a smaller boys biscuit from his tray and kept on walking without interference from the boy, even though he saw him do it. "He's big." Said Number 2. "But not big like round, he looks muscular." He added with hinted admiration. "I want to be like him."

That was the difference between Number Two and I, he wanted to be like someone else he saw, I wanted to be someone else I saw. I only saw this person from the back but right away I knew it was for me, that vessel was calling out to me in a way that this one did not. 

I watched Number 1 bite into his biscuit. "It's not even that good." He said as he finished chewing. "Not worth the steal."

Most of our time was spent trying to lessen the pains of life. I was about to learn how to quash hunger. I followed along as Number 1 did and bit into the biscuit placed on my tray. I then proceeded to do the same with a rounded green fruit on the opposite side of the tray along with a thinner biscuit with mushy brown spots in it. This one was of a harder, crunchier coating. Every taste and texture made my senses explode.

The bell rang and we returned to our classes, after school we were not sure where to go to so we asked the principal to contact the woman who registered us so we can be picked up. She stated that we were not her responsibility and would not come get us, so we decided to go on an adventure outside. There were so many things and places to explore, so many experiences waiting to be had and I wanted to experience them all.

We found our way to a small house that seemed to not be in use. Number 2 decided to throw a large rock at the window as Number 1 was checking the vicinity to see if anyone was inside or around. We all climbed inside and noticed there was not light like there was at the other places we had been and for some reason that made me feel unsafe. I wanted so much for the light to be on and as I stared at the unpowered light bulb I went to touch it and the light turned on.

"How did you do that?" Asked Number 1.

"I just wanted it to be on and touched it and it happened." I responded without knowing much more. 

"I wonder if it'll work if I try." Stated Number 2 curiously. 

"Well it's already on, let's just use it." Number 1 replied.

There was a large reflective glass in the house, I hadn't yet seen my face except for this moment. It looked bland. Nothing about it seemed to really excite me besides the color of hair which was of a paler pigment.

"Hey check it out." Number Two said walking up to the mirror. He flexed his arms and looked at himself.

"Yeah you're not that guy." Responded Number 1. "You aren't built like him."

"Well not yet." Replied Number 2 sounding offended. "I'll figure out how that works and I'll be even bigger than he is, watch." He said that last word with resentment.

It seemed Number 2 being perceived as second to Number 1 gave him a huge inferiority complex and a short fuse. Number 2 constantly felt the need to prove himself. Though he didn't like to show it, I could sense he also had a softer, more sensitive side too.

I faced myself in the mirror again and still felt just as unpleased as the first time. I did not have something I intended to do to like myself like Number 2 had planned. I was starting not to like this physical experience anymore. Number 1 came and looked at himself in the mirror when we were done. He examined multiple angles of himself and then just walked away. 

"Woah check these things out." Stated Number 2 as he held multiple kitchen knives in his hand. "Sharp." He described as he pressed his finger lightly against the tip of one. 

"Put those down before you hurt yourself." Said Number 1. "Theyre called knives, they're for cutting." 

"I know what they are, I've just never seen one physically before." Responded Number 2 with an annoyed tone. "And they're for anything." He added.

They continued arguing as I proceeded to explore the rest of the house. I noticed a door and opened it revealing a staircase leading down to another room. As I walked down there was no source of light until I reached an opening of the room and I flipped on the lightswitch. There was a large bookshelf before me holding up a variety of old, dusty books. I picked one up and looked at it.

The book cover read "Glamour Magick" beneath it in smaller text read "The witchcraft revolution to getting whatever you want."

I flipped through the pages and saw it was only words, no pictures like in our school textbooks. 

"Number 3?" I heard Number 1 yell out from the top of the staircase. I put the book back and made my way back up the stairs shutting the light behind me.

"Oh there you are." He said. 

"I noticed a door and wanted to see where it led to." I replied. 

"Anything interesting?" 

"Just some old books." 

The amount of light outside began to lessen. 

"I'm hungry." Said Number 2. 

"Yeah we haven't eaten since lunch time." Replied Number 1 looking through the kitchen making his way to the fridge. "There isn't anything to eat here." 

"I remember seeing a male hunt for food earlier today on one of those T.V. shows the cop played for us when we first arrived. Maybe we should try that." Number 2 added.

"Yeah I remember that too. We should go before it gets too dark out." Replied Number 1.

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