
By TheMilotic

549 47 23

Three light beings volunteer to be sent to Earth and quickly learn to adapt to humankind so they can retrieve... More

Part 2: Student
Part 3: Hunter
Part 4: Transgender
Part 5: Bodybuilder
Part 6: Fighter
Part 7: Brother
Part 8: Child
Part 9: Witch
Part 10: Lover
Part 11: Prisoner
Part 12: Hero

Part 1: Vessel

82 6 4
By TheMilotic

Consciousness has no doubts. There are no fears or insecurities, no interests or identities. You are just simply there, existing as non physical energy. Consciousness only has troubles once given physicality, but those troubles can also be exciting. Trouble is an experience, and it is exciting to experience. 

Our vessels were already chosen for us, predetermined by the being who arranged this mission and sent us. One beaming ray of blue light parted into three shot down to the Earthly plane inhabiting the adolescent bodies below.

I opened my eyes, shakily stood up and looked around as I inhaled oxygen for the first time. My eyes weren't sure what they were seeing. Every sight, sound, and smell was unfamiliar to me. I looked down at my hands to see that I have them as well as an entire body. The body was slender and pale in color. I raised my hand and felt a cool breeze of air caress my palm as it slipped between my fingers. I turned over beside me to see two other humans lying on the ground slowly beginning to move, these must have been the other two vessels. The one with dark hair and a warmer pigmentation than my own stood up and began fumbling around in a state of what appeared to be confusion. The other one slightly less pigmentation of the hair and skin stood up as well in a calmer demeanor. The three of us looked at each other for a short while and I felt it was necessary to close my eyes so I did so. I opened them again and after a short moment the feeling returned but this time I did not keep them closed as long, it felt more natural once I noticed the other two doing the same. 

We seemed to be in a clearing of nature. The three of us walked along a pathway until we reached an area with a wider variety of colors and sounds. Machines were moving very fast as we continued to walk and the other humans stayed far away from us holding back the smallest ones as they covered their eyes. Could they sense we were different? Have our vessels already failed us? 

"Sir." Asked one of the nearby humans. What was this sound it was creating? "Sir." Repeated the human louder as I felt light pressure on my shoulder. "You three can't be here like this someone is going to call the cops." It kept making unfamiliar sounds as the three of us stared at it.

Another human walked by who seemed to have a more authoritative presence. "Alright any reason you three decided it was a good idea to walk around the city naked?" It asked. I still just stared with confusion, I wanted so much to understand and communicate sounds back. I opened my mouth just like it did and tried to force it out but my sound didn't sound the same. I kept forcing it until I felt an unpleasant feeling and some sort of liquid substance came out that left an acidic, bitter taste on my tongue. I love the feeling of taste, a new experience. This was the most exciting moment yet and immediately I could feel the sides of my mouth lift up in a curve. I felt a sense of joy.

The human leader stood and looked unpleased as it looked down at it's feet. "Alright." It said sounding a different tone. "You three come with me, let's get you some clothes."

We arrived at a place with fences and sad faces. The human led us into the large enclosure where material of different colors were handed to us. I noticed the mildly pigmented vessel that arrived with me began to attach them to it's body so I did the same. The three of us were dressed and brought to another room with many other humans present. I tried to make sound again.

"Sir." I mimicked the first sound I heard. The woman officer looked displeased and my mouth curved the opposite direction. 

"What did you just say?" She asked menacingly.

"You three can't be here like this somebody is going to call the cops." Repeated the black haired vessel. She turned to face him and his mouth curved widely. The three of us walked away and sat at a table. There was a container holding liquid near by me so I grabbed it. I dipped my finger in it and it was cold, I did not like that. I noticed others with containers holding it up to their mouth. I mimicked what I saw and poured it into my mouth as well instead but only some entered while the rest spilled on to me. 

"What the hell are you doing with my drink man?" Asked another displeased human approaching us. 

"What did you just say?" The black hair vessel repeated matching the last human's tone.

"You looking to fight or something?" The angry human asked walking closer to him.

I picked up the container and faced it in the human's direction. "My drink man, my drink man." I reminded it of the container as I did not want the unpleasant emotions to continue to linger. It grabbed the container angrily.

"Fucking weirdos." It said walking off. I felt a sound come out of my mouth on it's own along with the mouth curve again. It went on for a few seconds and the other two vessels did the same. It seemed involuntary unlike the other sounds. We walked outside to see a group of humans bouncing an orange spherical object that seemed to defy gravity. As we walked further there was a lot of light. It felt warm and familiar, I liked it. I turned around to see that same human from before. 

"Hey! That's the one that stole my drink." It shouted to another nearby human. It then walked back up to me. I was happy to see another familiar face but a pressure below my waist was bothering me. "You have a problem?" I was asked. It seemed the human was waiting for me to respond. I didn't know what to say so I just repeated words I had heard it speak earlier.  

"Fucking weirdos." I said as I curved my mouth widely to present my feeling of joy. Then I saw one hand being lifted followed by a closing of the fingers into it. The hand pulled back and it impacted me. I fell to the floor. The dark haired vessel I arrived with seemed very displeased by this action and repeated it back to the human. I barely noticed the discomfort on my face because something had flipped inside me and I began to feel wonderful. It felt as if the drink had spilled on me again but the cold feeling was replaced with a pleasant sensation of warmth. I wanted to continue the experience. When it ended I looked up and the lighter hair vessel held out it's hands and I grabbed them and pulled myself up. 

The human that brought us here took away the human that attacked. The three of us walked back inside and another human approached us. This one's hair had no pigment at all. It reminded me of the light, I enjoyed perceiving this color very much. 

"You three," The human said pointing at us and holding up three fingers, emphasizing each word slowly. "come" now two fingers were held but in an upside down positioning as they were crossed over one another in repetition. "with me." The last part was said with a wave of the hand gesturing towards another room. I somehow understood everything it was saying. It was clearly a superior communicator. I wondered why others chose to speak so ineffectively. This one was my favorite so far. 

"So where did you three come from?" Asked the human we were led to. We just stared as the two humans looked through a pile of paper.

"There is no information on them at all." Said the one with the unpigmented hair as it scattered through the pages until there was no more. "We can't even get a name from any of them."

"Well do you know how old they are?"

"We have no clue, we're guessing around 16."

"Alright I'll look further into this, in the meantime make sure they stay here, keep them occupied." Stated the other one walking away. The one that led us here held up a small device and pointed it to a larger one. Suddenly moving pictures appeared making me not want to look away. It became apparent that the three of us all felt this way. As buttons were pressed on the device sounds became closer. The device was handed to me and the human walked out. I feared what may happen if I were to use it so I handed it to the vessel next to me who then proceeded to press buttons and the pictures changed but they did not disappear. So many sounds became registered as the pictures played out situations. I looked over to the both of them and mimicked the sounds.

"Kill the germs that make your family sick with Lysol disinfectant spray. Lysol is approved to kill over 50 germs including the cold and flu viruses." I finished. The other two vessels made that involuntary sound again that went with the mouth curving. They seemed pleased and so was I. 

We took note of how the humans in the situations on the screen interacted and decided we should mimic them. The dark hair vessel chose first and decided to be the human previously referred to as the husband and I chose the wife. The lighter hair vessel began to walk around on it's hands as well as it's knees and decided to be the animal. We walked out into the room as our chosen situation and acted it out. The dark haired vessel and I held hands as we walked in and as we sat down acted out reading the newspaper while I acted out the cooking of an omelette. The third vessel jumped up and repeated the sounds that the dog made and proceeded to lick us. This act seemed to not be appreciated as we were quickly removed from this room. 

"Maybe they're on the spectrum." Stated the human that first left the room. 

"Regardless whatever it is we can't just leave them here. This isn't a daycare who knows what these three will be pulling out of their ass next?" Responded the light haired human.

"I'm in highschool." Repeated the lighter hair vessel from our moving picture situation we observed. 

"Ok see we're getting somewhere now." The human crept in closer. "Where do you go to school sweetie?" It asked in a gentle tone.

"Northshore high." Repeated the vessel from the picture show.

"Perfect we will take you back there now." The human said gesturing for the three of us to follow. It looked up the directions to the school and said that school wasn't in this state. 

The human took us to the nearest highschool available for us and registered us. 

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