The lost triplets

By R3b3cca09

1.7M 55.6K 9.2K

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets. They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searc... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
the house
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 10

36.3K 1K 200
By R3b3cca09

Dinner was quiet that evening. The triplets didn't enjoy talking, Marco was sulking so he didn't have anything to say. As always, Lorenzo was quiet. He preferred to eat in silence. Leo was quiet because he didn't know what to say and Nico was also eating suprisingly quiet.

And Rafael was on a business trip.

Eventually towards the end of dinner, Lorenzo spoke up.
"You three will be taking a test at the end of the week"

All three triplets were panicking but put up their emotionless façade. They didn't like the idea of a test.

"Bet they won't even get in. They are probably dumb as fuck" Marco snapped.

He was pissed because he saw getting scolded as their fault. After they came home earlier, Leo had told him to be in Lorenzo's office by the time he got back.

Lorenzo had not been happy at all.

The triplets were a little saddened by this because they thought it to be true. They had never attended school before. Sure they could read, write and do basic maths but they didn't really know much.

"Some might think you are dumb for ignoring my little warning earlier "  Lorenzo said in his no nonsense business tone. He then turned to the triplets "I'm sure you will do well, it's just to see what level you're at, since you were homeschooled you might be learning at a higher or lower rate. Also you will need 70% to actually attend" he told them.

"What happens if we don't get 70%, sir" James whispered.

The brothers did their best to ignore the sir.
"Public school I suppose and you can try again next semester or even next year. We want you in school as soon as possible. Actually it works out well. You will be starting high school so you won't be the only new students" Lorenzo said.

"Don't worry though we have plenty study material in the library, Nico has all his old study books left in there. Unfortunately Marco burnt all his. But you are welcome to go and study anytime you like" Leo added.

"Yeah I can help tutor you all" Nico volunteered.

"Then it's decided. Nico will show you were his books are and if needed he will tutor you. Of course we are not forcing you to study so do what you will" Lorenzo said.

After dinner the triplets let Nico show them the library.

Even though Nico was only two years older than them, they found him just as intimating.

"You have a lot of books" James acknowledged looking around.

"Yeah we do. Do you like it" Nico asked.

The three of them nodded.

"That's good.  You can come here whenever you want. I don't often come here, I'm more interested in sports. As you can imagine Marco doesn't like to read. But Leo and Lorenzo, especially Lorenzo are bookworms. They read about boring stuff though. Well Lorenzo does, he reads about laws, finance stuff and other boring business related books"

The triplets looked at each other. Nico was a big talker.

"Anyway here are my freshman books. You guys can have them. Dad will obviously get you books of your own these can just be your study material until we know if you're going to this school"

"Thank you" Alex replied.

"You're welcome, want some help now or should we start tommorow"

"Can we start tommorow" Alex replied.

"Of course. I'll leave you guys too it" Nico said knowing they were probably overwhelmed.

Once he left the triplets began talking.

"We need to pass this test. We don't want to dissapoint them" James said.
"How? We don't know anything"

"We know the basics" Alex said

They only knew maths because they were taught maths in order to do the men's drug dealing. Well Alex was taught and he taught James and Skye.  At one point on his way home Alex had found some educational books, he thought they would be useful so he had taken from the trash they had been in. He wanted his siblings to learn.

"Tonight we will each try read them. We have our laptops too. We can look stuff up" Alex said

"We don't know how to use them. How do we even tell them that" James replied.

"Our foster family was against us using any form of technology. We were home schooled remember. We can say how they didn't believe in the school system, how we could learn from the world around us"  Alex explained. He had it covered.

"You're easily going to get in" James muttered.

"Are you okay Skye, you're not talking" Alex said ignoring his brothers comment.

"Im fine. I'm going to go read in my room" she whispered and picked up one of the books.

"Want us to join you" Alex asked.

"No it's okay" she replied.

It wasn't like she purposely shut her brothers out. She was just terrified of failing or worse her brothers passing and she failed. She would end up attending a school all on her own. She decided as she walked to her room, she had to pass.

Time skip

The next day was quiet.  Leo was busy studying as he was now going into his second year of law school in a few weeks. He also worked with Lorenzo's lawyers at his company.

Lorenzo was at work.

Nico had offered to help the triplets but they insisted on doing some studying themselves but asked if he could later that day.
Nico had agreed but had gone out with his friends for the time being.
Marco was grounded for his recent behaviour so he reluctantly was in his room.

The triplets were all in the library trying to get a grip on education. They had very little knowledge but eventually they soon discovered each of them favoured different subjects.
Skye favoured English
James favoured Science
And Alex preferred Maths.

Despite them having favourites they still really struggled.

"How about we take a break" Alex suggested sensing his siblings were fed up .

"Finally" James said.

"Fine" she reluctantly agreed.

The three of them were avoiding Nico as they didn't want him to know how little they knew.

Dinner was quiet that night, in the fact they all ate seperately. The triplets were reluctant to eat but Leo sent them downstairs to eat.
He had eaten earlier but now Lorenzo was back he had to go to work.

Lorenzo had eaten before coming back.

Nico had also eaten whilst out.

And Marco are earlier as he didn't want to be around the triplets.

After dinner they decided to do a bit more studying. Eventually deciding to call it a night. However Skye was determined to learn so once her brothers left she went back down to the library.

She quietly entered but couldn't help stop when she saw Lorenzo sat in an armchair reading. He looked up and was a little suprised to see Skye.

"Is everything okay Skye" he asked.

Skye nodded she was still very wary to be around Lorenzo. He hadn't done anything bad yet but that could easily change. It hadn't even been a week.

"Ill go. I didn't mean to disturb you sir" she whispered.

"You aren't distrirbing me Skye, grab a book and take a seat" he said.

Skyes fear of being separated from her brothers had her complying. She had to get in. She grabbed one of the study books, looking around she saw she would have to sit near Lorenzo but she didn't bother to much. She needed to pass.

She saw Lorenzo was back to reading his book. He did glance up when sat down, he took note of the study book but didn't say anything, instead he continued to read.

Skye was stuck on trigonometry, she didn't understand it. It was confusing and she wanted to give up.

"Would you like some help ' Lorenzo asked. He had noticed she had been struggling.

"I dont want to bother you, sir"  she whispered.

"Skye you know I'd prefer being called Lorenzo. May I ask why you insist on calling me sir" Lorenzo asked. He figured instead of just telling her not to, he would ask why.

"Umm...respect?" She whispered.

Lorenzo nodded "well as much as I appreciate it I don't want you to show me respect by calling me sir. I am your brother Skye, it's okay to call me by my name."

Skye nodded. She was still causious of him.

"Great. Now let's see what you're stuck on maybe I can help you"

Skye nodded "i don't get trigonometry" she confessed.

She expected him to shout, toinsult her, to call her stupid, to throw stuff at her and to beat her.

"May I" he asked and pointed to the space next to her. She nodded not wanting to anger him.
He then moved from the armchair and sat next to her on the sofa.

"It's okay if you don't get it, it's something you will learn these next few years. I think the questions like this are more bonus questions which determine if you need to be in a grade ahead. But here let me explain a easy way to do it"

So for the next half hour Lorenzo helped Skye with trigonometry. Skye was beggining to get more comfortable with Lorenzo. Sure she took a risk when they went shopping but they weren't alone.

She was very surprised that no matter how much she was struggling he was very patient and kept encouraging her.

She even relaxed being sat next to him.

To her Lorenzo had been a cold scary man but now he didn't seem so bad.

"I think that's enough for tonight" he eventually said.

"Are you sure because I think I can do better" she said.

"I don't doubt you can but you don't want to overwork. Come on" he said standing up and  then he held out his hand for her. She slowly took it and he pulled her up.

"Where are we going" she dreaded to imagine. Maybe he was going to punish her for taking up his time.

"Hot chocolate?"

She had never had it so she didn't know.
She didn't really know what it was.


He smiled and walked out, she followed vlose behind. Lorenzo didn't want to scare her however he did find himself moving his arm slightly as they headed downstairs. The arm movement was a gesture for her to hold his hand if she wanted.

And she did.

When they reached the kitchen he silently pointed to a stool. She got that he wanted her to sit so she did what he wanted.

She watched him prepare some sort of drink. When the kettle finished boiling she half expected him to pour the boiling water on wouldn't be the first time a man had done that.

"Here you are" he said placing the drink in front of her.

He watched as she took a sip, her eyes widening slightly. She thought it was one of the best drinks.

"Have you ever had hot chocolate before" he asked.

"no" she said.

"Well I'm glad you like it" he said smiling.

"It's amazing " she said

Lorenzo smiled and beckoned her to follow him. He stood by the patio style door that lead outside.

Tonight was a clear night and seeing the starts made him think back to when they were younger.

"You know night time was the only time you weren't with Alexander and James. You and Leo loved the stars, it was your special thing however you both made me to drive you to locations were you would get a better view" he said as he thought back.
Skye was stood next to him with the hot chocolate. She didn't know what to say but Lorenzo looked to be too deep in thought to care.

Several moments of them looking out at the night sky passed.

"Skye, you know if you ever want to talk about anything at all you can come to me. Whether it's about how you are feeling that day or your past"

Skye hesitated. Why would he suggest her past.

Lorenzo couldn't help it. He had so many thoughts running through his mind and didn't want to acknowledge them however he wanted to know if his thoughts were just him being paranoid.

"My past?" She questioned.

"Yes. Whether you lived a good life or a bad life I'm here to listen"

"I had a good past but I'm getting tired" she whispered.

"I'm glad and yeah you look tired let's get you upstairs yeah" he told her.

He didn't fully believe her but decided to play it off for now.

Again after finishing the hot chocolate and going upstairs she found herself taking his hand, even before he offered it her.

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