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By ThaliaMornn

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(REWRITING) Everything in her life feels like hell until she meets the one who caused it, a guy who she finds... More



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By ThaliaMornn

Social Night Party

»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

"Alright, talk to me soon and have fun with your school bad boys!" Sherry squealed in the end.

"Ugh, don't say that."

"That you like those guys, Cam and Daniel?"

"What? no no, not Daniel."

"Oh? So, just Cam, then."

"Oh my god,—"

Randy interrupted my phone call as he knocked on the door to remind me that my fifteen minutes were up, and I groaned and said flatly, "Okay, my fifteen minutes have passed, so go keep shipping us like a crazy fangirl and—"

"Aha, you're too easy to make fun of when it comes to boys, you're too serious," Sherry chuckled under her microphone.

"Sherry, byeee. Love you." I said with my mouth closer in the microphone purposely.

"Aw love you tooo, (Y/n)!" Sherry's loud voice boomed in the speaker.

"Oi, your time is up! Don't you have class at this hour?" Randy appeared in the doorway, students walking behind him were heading to their classes.

I hung up the phone and looked at the clock on the wall above him. Oh shit, I'm late for Miss Sophia's class. "Right, I have to go."

And there I was, rushing downstairs to the other building where the class was. I ran into someone else in the doorway as they opened the tall two doors.

I looked up and saw Cam, who looked down at me in awe or unexpectedly.

"Where have you two been?" Miss Sophia stood in the middle of the class, the school chairs arranged in a circle, and the projector reflecting half of her body. Her brows arched in sass as she crossed her arms. "You're both a little late."

Cam and I both looked away, and we shared a word;

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

"We aren't together, ma'am." I said and pointing to Cam with my thumb and shaking my head like a child telling the truth that seem hard to believe.

"Ooh ouch," I overheard Roland huff in the back of the class, saw him stab himself on the chest dramatically with an invisible knife, and Molly and Arriane laughed. Cam mocked Roland, his eyes squinting and shaking his head slightly.

I almost laughed along with them.

"I, I was in the library." I explained, well, yes I was there before calling my friend in the phone booth.

"So, was I?" Cam purposefully gave me a puzzled look.

I blinked in confusion, widened my eyes, returned my gaze to Cam, Wow, really perfect choice of words, you're making it believable.

"-too," Cam added, and shrugged childishly.

Oh, he's absolutely joking with me.

"What were you two doing in the library?" Miss Sophia slid her reading glasses down on her nose bridge, giving us a judging look.

"What?" I said irritably at Cam and I looked at Miss Sophia "No, Miss Sophia, we weren't together."

"But we were in the library together," Cam said calmly but jokingly.

His word choices were extremely unhelpful. I gave him a stern expression.

Molly's voice echoed throughout the room, "Oh la laa." She sniggered, and Arriane nudged her arm, but she was holding her laugh as well, eventually giving Molly a warning look with a hush hand gesture to quit it.

"Huh?" I looked back again, glaring at Cam, "Yeah, but I wasn't with you, we're not together."

Daniel shook his head as his friends laughed along with Roland and Molly's jokes.

"Ooh that's harsh." Roland muttered.

"Ro." Cam wanted his friend to shut up but he seemed still find this funny about a misunderstood situation we were having as he was shaking his head.

"Lovebirds are fightiiiing." Arriane murmured at Gabbe, who let out a giggle.

"All right, that's enough," Miss Sophia said, holding her finger up as a final warning. Roland, Molly, and even Arriane all snorted.

"It's the truth." I exclaimed calmly, my eyebrows raised, and I noticed Arriane amusedly smiling at me.

"Now, go find your seats." Miss Sophia commanded us, managed smiling sweetly.

I looked up at Cam, who was smirking and softly biting the tip of his thumb in amusement. I groaned slightly then turned to him "See you later, stalker." I smiled sarcastically before walking away and leaving him in the doorway.

I placed my books on the desk and sat beside Daniel in the only unoccupied seat I could find. Daniel leaned in little to ask "You good?"

I just nodded and muttered under my breath, "Yeah."

Daniel nodded politely and smiled, "Are you coming to the party tonight?"

"Well, there's nothing else to do later. So, yeah, I will come." I pursed my lips and nodded again.

When I saw Cam walking to the end of the row, where he sat next to a shy boy wearing a band t-shirt named Todd and Luce's behind. Cam leaned against the chair before noticing me and gave me a flirty wink.

I scoffed, amusingly shaking my head as I placed my elbow on the desk and rested my chin on my palm before rolling my eyes and looking away. I could feel Cam chuckling quietly behind his history book from my expression I gave him.

Miss Sophia continued, "As you all remember from reading Paradise Lost last year, when God gave his angels their own will— there was one who crossed the line."

Instead of taking notes, I decided to sketch a different types of angel wings on my sketch journal inside of my circled arms to hide what I was doing and not let anyone see what I was scribbling or doodling while Miss Sophia believed I was one of her students taking notes from her discussions about Fallen Angels and the Devil, and how coincidental it is, but I was only sketching this about my strange weird dream I had.

I could feel Cam's green eyes keep darting over to my place. "What's that?" Daniel asked when he saw my sketch journal, which I had forgotten to cover with my arm because I was distracted with Cam's existence.

I looked over my shoulder at Daniel and quickly covered my drawings with my arm, saying, "Nothing." I shook my head irritably, as if to say, Could you just mind your own business?

Daniel arched his brow, "Why angel wings?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"Why don't you mind your own business, Dani?" I asked sweetly but sarcastically. Wait, I'm not sure if that was amusing about how I started calling him by a nickname I made up on the spur of the moment, as it seemed odd when it also sounded familiar. Daniel chuckled at my attitude and shrugged his left arm, saying, "I think it's a good shading though."

"Oh yeah? You think so?" I asked, puzzled, before casting a sidelong glance to check on Cam, and saw his tattooed arm slid towards beside Luce, his face was nearly close to hers, which made me frown slightly, and he was handing her something from his palm, a cluster fresh figs mostly look purple.

Luce looked at his palm, amused, as if he is for real or what? Gabbe swooped in and told her not to take it and held Luce's wrist to toss them out in the trash. "Don't eat those!" Gabbe said as she replaced a peanuts and M&M sack on Luce's palm instead.

"She's right, Luce, who knows what he drugged these with?" Arianne grimaced at Cam, and Luce just laughed it off with Arriane.

Cam shrugged and lifted his head as he found my eyes again, just where I had to look away and return my attention to Daniel.

"I mean, yeah, you're good at shading, have to say you're good at it— I see you got fond from our lesson today." Daniel said as he examined my little work on the left page of my journal.

"Yeah no, I just drew them because I had a dream— about it? Like often, I know, I know it's weird." I explained as I turned the page. Daniel furrowed his brows slightly and smiled puzzledly, "Interesting weird dream." he agreed, but his eyes were filled with a little awe.

Miss Sophia asked the students, "And do we all know who the wicked angel, who battled God?—anyone?"

Arriane hooted under her breath "Rolaaand!" and nudging his arm.

"That's right-" Miss Sophia said and gave a saintly nod, she was just left out of hearing "We call him Satan now, but over the years he's worked under many guises— Merphistopheles, or Belial, even Lucifer to some."

I saw Daniel, focused and burying his face in his notebook as he doodled something, and when I tilted my head high to take a careful look, I saw him drawing a portrait of a woman, with long black hair which he was intensely shading. "That's intense. Who's that?" I leaned in closer to take a good look, impressed.

Daniel looked up at me and quickly covered his drawing with a book, he also leaned in closer, staring into my eyes, and said, "No one."

I flushed when I noticed how close his face was to mine, his violet eyes gleaming in the sunlight, and I found them unexpectedly mesmerizing. I was taken aback, swallowed a hard lump, and leaned back in my chair, averting my eyes.

Miss Sophia's voice echoed around the room as if she was telling a legend story to the students, with both of her hands raised over her head, palms up and cupping in the air, then lowered them, the shadows of her fingers on the wall, mostly an arm and legs, she showed a guy jumping off the cliff. "For the next nine days and nights—."

I saw Daniel carefully watching Luce scribbling on a piece of paper with Molly smirking in front of her, as if they were chatting or arguing through a piece of paper. I pouted a little and nodded as I realized where Daniel got the idea to draw that woman in his notebook, as she resembled Luce with the same shape of eyes.

Miss Sophia went on "Satan and his angels fell, further and further from Heaven."

Molly noticed me watching her and Luce, and she raised two fingers on either side of her temple to form devil horns as Miss Sophia mentioned "Satan."

I looked away with stoic look, but when I saw Cam from behind Luce, he was staring at Daniel intently, a slight frown on his face and his jaw clenched. I suddenly remembered their argument in the empty hallway from the day before. What was that all about?

Cam caught my eye, he exchanged his look, sticking his tongue out like a kid who had just won the game and I was the loser one. I lifted a brow sassily and giving, Oh, seriously? I narrowed my eyes at him irritably when he was smiling smugly. I flipped him off before looking away, Cam grinned in amusement. He thought it was cute, but I thought it was annoying because of what he did earlier with Miss Sophia.


Shading the structure of his face was my favorite part, as it seemed like the portrait living outside of my sketch journal. His eyes were so beautiful and captivating that I couldn't help but think they were green. After I finished highlighting his Adam's apple, I looked at the portrait I had drawn of a man from a dream and noticed how strikingly similar the shape of his face, eyes, and lips was to Cam's..

Is this Cam?
He resembles him.
Oh my god, am I really drawing Cameron Briel?

Two knocks suddenly came from the metal door.

"(Y/n)! Are you dressed?" Penn asked excitedly.

I quickly closed my sketch journal and hid it under the desk in my bag. Penn opened the door after I yelled, "Yeah, come in!" Luce entered my dorm before Penn.

I turned around to see them dressed according to their own aesthetic, Penn was wearing a jacket of her favorite band, and Luce was wearing a grey beanie, a black dress, and a denim jacket. I smiled and greeted the ladies, but in all seriousness, they look really pretty and stylish in their outfits.

"I love your red dress," Luce pursed her lips and motioning her hand to my dress with admiration.

I stood up and pushed the chair behind me, softly chuckling, "I got this at a thrift store," I said before putting on my leather jacket.

"That's a lovely dress, and red suits you perfectly," Penn said, smiling.

"Thanks.— Anyway, let's get wasted, kids." I said as I sprayed myself with a sweet lavender and gooseberries perfume before approaching them in the door.

"Damn, (Y/n)? You smell good." Penn exclaimed as she shut the metal door behind us.

"Wait for the Tequila to cover that up."

"Oh, Tequila, the best friend who will never let you down on the dance floor," Luce said as we all laughed excitedly and loudly in the corridor, causing Penn to shush us, which made us laugh even louder.

"I miss partying!" I said out loud as we ran downstairs and Penn shushed me again "Shut up, (Y/n)!" She hissed, and Luce and I were laughing and giggling until we reached the ground floor and outside the building.

When we walked out the forest of Sword & Cross and following the path, we started hearing a blast party music playing inside the other forest with a long tent and party RGB lights gleaming around the trees, and a bonfire's smoke emerging through the sky.


We Are Young by fun was blasting around the party venue as we arrived there, with teenagers around, chatting, dancing, drinking, playing beer pong, and smoking, and some who has their own worlds aside kissing— those who were getting high and carving trees with knife.

Gabbe, who was walking past us, was dressed in a cream top, a brown skirt, and boots. She looks so pretty. "Hi, girls! Oh my god, you all look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks, you too." Luce smiled sweetly.

Gabbe smiled brightly and patted Luce's arm, saying, "Aw, thanks! You're too sweet!"

When Gabbe left us, Luce turned to Penn, her face dropped, and asked us, "Is it bad if I don't like her?"

"Why?" Penn and I asked simultaneously. Penn continued her sentence, "Why you don't like Gabbe?" She and I laughed amusedly at Luce's grim expression.

"I don't know, I just— don't like her." Luce shrugged slightly and continued to watch Gabbe make her way to the tree until she noticed her approaching Daniel and giving him a quick peck on the cheek like a cheerful little girl.

Penn and I exchanged glances, and I pouted before whispering, "I know why." with my nose scrunched.

"Or maybe it's because she was too sweet to a guy you like?" Penn teased Luce.

Luce looked back at us, scoffed, and shook her head amusedly, "Maybe."

"Well, bonfire party isn't bad," I said as I looked around, this isn't a bad party at all, everything is organized and fun. Luce grinned and approached me, saying, "I guess I miss partying too." She patted my shoulder and said, "Come on, let's go get some drinks."

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I overheard Rexha calling me and saw her appear from the crowd, waving her hand at me with a crooked smile on her face.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch you up later." I said at Luce and Penn, "Okay, see you!" Penn waved her hand at me as she and Luce heading off to get their drinks.

"You're here!" Rexha squealed slightly before taking a long sip of her drink.

"Yes, I am." I said with a small curtsy and a smile.

"You look so hot in that dress," she commented, her eyes widening in a positive way. "And you look great." I chuckled, pointing to her white dress.

"You wanna drink?" she asked, raising hers, but then I heard Cam's voice from a few feet away, laughing with Roland as I saw them walking outside the tent with red cups of drinks in their hands, and he was also wearing his sunglasses. I took a slight step back and put my hand in my leather jacket's pocket while fixing my hair with my other hand as to try get his attention— I mean, to let him know that I am here. That I have arrived.

Cam was grinning, his pearl white teeth gleaming in the light of the bonfire, he lifted his head and caught my eye, causing his grin to fade and turn into a small soft smile, and removing his sunglasses as if he seemed pleased to see that I came to the party as he had invited me. He waved his hand with the red cup as he walked away from Roland.

I returned Rexha's gaze and replied, "Perhaps later?" I narrowed my eyes sheepishly.

"All right," Rexha nodded, and when I looked into the distance and saw Cam approaching, she followed my gaze, causing her face to drop.

"Hi." Cam couldn't take his gaze away from me until he approached me.

Rexha grunted to get my attention, then said flatly, "So, um, I'll get a new drink, see you." and left me with Cam.

I watched her walk away and joined the crowd of people dancing near the bonfire.

"Well, that was awkward." I teased Cam. He gave me a puzzled look, slightly shaking his head, he asked. "What awkward?"

"Wow, Cam, you're so full of yourself."

"Hey, don't give that attitude at my party."

"Hah, It's Roland's party."

"That I bought." Cam smirked, pointing at me with his red cup of drink.

I shook my head, averted my gaze, and grinned, "Wow, amazing, I'm amazed." I looked around.

"Hmm, it is, unless you're being sarcastic." Cam said, and I returned my gaze, raising an eyebrow and giving, Am I? Look.

When Cam looked at me up and down, he smiled softly with admiration, "Red looks good on you."

"I always knew that."

"Oh, you're so full of yourself, (Y/n)," Cam smirked, returning my sarcastic energy.

"Ok, don't give that attitude when you compliment a cute girl." I crookedly smiling, and blushing.

"Aw, sorry, I will be a good boy now, as you said." He curtsied with his eyes closed, and when he returned my gaze as he opened his green eyes and heard me laughing softly, he said, "The drinks and snacks are over there inside the tent, so, just enjoy the party while you can, can you?— m'lady?" he stated, dropping a British accent when he mentioned My lady.

"Thanks for the invite, gentlemen," I said with a British accent, rolling my eyes and playful bumping his shoulder. Just as I was about to leave, Cam quickly caught my attention again by calling me, "Hey," he made me pause.

"No really, you look really— pretty." he said sincerely as he took a quick glance at my red dress and smiled softly, and I didn't know how to react to the way he looked at me and complimented me as I had thought he would say I look good, but he called me pretty instead.

I scoffed and shook my head because I couldn't handle the heat on my cheeks, flushing so hard that I almost stammered from his serious compliment, and instead of thanking him, I simply said, "And so are you." before turning my heel with a blush on my cheeks. Wait, did I say a right thing? That he's pretty too? Does he like being called pretty? Ugh, well, he is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, so he should take that compliment. I was now on my way to get a drink, and I could still feel Cam smiling at me as I walked away.

»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

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