The original bad guy (male re...

By Winter0Phoenix

32.8K 428 88

You were part of the greatest criminal trio. You were the Emerald claw. You worked with the crimson paw and t... More

Prison Break
Nightclub Showdown
Hot & Steamy ๐Ÿ‹
On The Right Road
Dinner Date
Taming The Wolf ๐Ÿ‹
Bad Guy Vs Bad Guy
Christmas Speical
You're My Hero
Smashing The Crimson Paw ๐Ÿ‹
Things Dont Got To Plan
Day Of Fate
Wrath Of The Dragon
A Better Tomorrow
Peace In Our Time (Finale)

Night On The Town

2K 37 2
By Winter0Phoenix

A/N: Okay, thanks to the people who say who they wanted as lovers. Most were in PMs, so now Wolf and Diane will be added to the lovers~

After what felt like hours, you had finally finished crying. Snake uncoiled himself from you. "You feeling better?" He asked as you gave a weak smile "yeah, thanks, I needed that." "Don't worry. Me and Snake be here for you to keep you happy" "Webs is right; we've been down that road. We'll make sure you don't have to walk it alone."

You hugged them both as they hugged back afterward, you went back over to the computer, and they followed you as you started to access all the information about the White Panther. "She is intelligent, dangerous, resourceful, seems to have a group of loyal followers now, but most importantly, she is the reason I was in jail." "But what did she want then?" Webs asked as she hopped onto the desk "this."

You brought up a picture of the impossible gem "Years ago, and I mean years ago, miners found the gem after trying to work out what it was; they accidentally found it to be a source of infinite power, so let's say you wanted to power an entire city without electricity BAM you can with this gem."

"But like how? Is there a way to explain it?" Snake asked. "No really has a way to explain, but I have a theory that someone from before us or something in the earth's core caused the trio of gems to infuse into each other and some sort of power source inside it."

"So what does this White Panther want with the impossible gem?" Webs asked, "anything and that not me being vague. I mean, that is 100% true. All she is limited to is her imagination which worries me greatly."

You tapped your computer screen as it displayed satellites all around the world. "Okay, now then, let's see where are you hiding" you fiddled around with the satellites until it was connected with your jet. "So what are you doing?" Snake asked to which you smiled.

"I thought that was obvious, but hey, I guess not, huh? What I'm doing is letting my jet fly around the city. It's connected to the satellite, which will send out a silent ping for the White Panther; she will be in the city, I just know it." As you finished speaking, your jet lifted off and flew off "now while my jet does that how about I treat you two on a night on the town?"

Webs and Snake smiled and nodded to this; you walked over to your wardrobe and pulled out your favorite dark blue suit as you undressed; the pair saw that you had scars on your back and your ripped arms and legs. "Someone doesn't skip leg or arm day~," Webs said.

You turned around, showing off your chest, which was filled with cuts and scars, but abs and your huge bulge Snake gave off a wolf whistle as you rolled your eyes, getting dressed and putting a pistol inside of your jacket just in case the trio got into your car and drove off.

"So, where do you want to go?" Snake was riding shotgun while Webs sat on your shoulder "there is a cool nightclub that we sometimes go to; how about there?" Webs stated, "heh yeah, it's a great place to really let your hair down" you shrugged, "sure, why not" turning the engine over, you left your base and headed into the night, but as you left, your computer had pinned White Panther's location, and it was going right where you were going.

Pulling into the parking lot of the nightclub, you saw a car you swore you recognized it but ignored as all three of you walked in; the music was blasting, you saw humans dancing, walking over to the bar you three all ordered drinks going for a whisky on the rocks you down it in one you liked the burn it gave the back of your throat. "So, do you dance (Y/N)?" Snake asked, "get a few more drinks in me, and we will see~" Snake had a slight blush on his face when you said this. Taking another drink, you started to walk towards the dance floor.

Webs got her phone out as you slowly started to bop your body to the beat before going full-blown break dancing spinning on your hands, and; everything everyone was cheering for you, clapping and yelling as you were breaking moves that no one had ever seen on the dance floor you ended it with you spinning on your tail going faster and faster until you jumped up landing on your feet. It was silent for a few seconds until everyone cheered for you; cameras flashed for the first time you felt like you belonged.

You walked back over to Snake and Webs, who kissed and hugged your arms "that was some of the best moves I've ever seen" "I got the whole thing on my phone. That was amazing, babe" you gave a small laugh getting back up you headed for the bathroom washing your face to cool off someone else came in "nice moves bud" you heart nearly stopped there was Wolf in his white suit.

"What are you doing here, Wolf?" "Oh, me and gang came here thinking it would be nice to have a little break. I'm guessing Snake and Webs are with you," he looked smugly, "in more ways than one~" Wolf coughed after hearing that "well, I didn't expect that, but hey, treat then right, okay, or you will have to answer to me" rolling your eyes you were about to leave until you felt Wolf grab your arm "look I just want to say I'm sorry for blowing up in your face today can we start over and maybe be friends?" Looking up and down, a grin came over your face "buy me dinner sometime, and maybe I will~" you used the tip of your tail to lift up Wolf's jaw.

While you were in the bathroom with Wolf, two vans pulled up outside the nightclub humans and animals alike came out wearing White Panther masks and armed with guns; the actual White Panther came out. She looked to be perfect; no mattered fur, no scars, nothing was wrong with her. She loved being considered perfect in her looks. "okay, listen up, you idiots, I want you to empty out all of these people's pockets, and if you find either (Y/N) aka the Emerald Claw or Diane aka the Crimson Paw kill them!"

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