Vault-Tec saved her

By Kitten_Nibby_2018

98 41 0

A series of journal entries written by a woman out of time and her adventures in a strange new world This fan... More

Collage is hard
Trouble in paradise
Frozen Solid
What coping skills?
The world out there
So over it
A Job is a job
Mistakes make friends
Match made in hell
20 Questions
Too much too soon
Putting the past down
If you can't beat them, join them
You dun fucked up
Violence is the question & the answer is yes
Now or Never!
The past is after me
Chasing the Reaper
Harder to kill than that
The fun never lasts
Unhappiest place in the world
In Memory of
A forced friendship
Her luck ran out
The Harder She Falls
Is it beyond repair, or is there hope?
That was quick
I need a body
Life's a game
New set of skills
Doesn't change who you are
Tin Can In Charge.
You should have left us alone
Christmas explosion
Is this recording?

Getting harder to hide

2 1 0
By Kitten_Nibby_2018

Journal Title: Man that hurts

Oct 21

I think we got back to the Private cores HQ yesterday around....7 PM? We got the usual greeting, but the trip to the sea took a lot out of me. I was in so much pain. The rad burns on my back and leg were...throbbing for lack of a better term. And without looking, I was pretty sure the one on my back grew to now reach around to my hip because that's also on fire. John and I pretty much pushed past everyone though Jake followed to help as best as he could.

I quickly stripped the moment we were in my room, despite the pain. The feel of the cloth only made things worse. With my shirt, though...Jake practically cried at my howling as the shirt pulled away a strip of skin on my stomach and hip, showing some lovely pink rippled radiation burns below the destroyed top layer of skin.

"Aww, not the butterfly tattoo," He said, trying to cheer me up. John went to find the Doctor on-site to see if she could cook anything up that might ease the pain as the chems and stims weren't doing jack shit.

Jake helped me into the shower after the pain in my leg left me unable to stand. I've never been happier for ice-cold water. It...felt terrific. I just stood there, my forehead pressed against the icy, wet tiles as Jake carefully lathered up my back, his hands barely touching the burns. He kept trying to get into the shower fully dressed but relented when I pointed out he had no clothing in my room.

" You don't deserve this darlin", he spoke softly as he tried to rub the stress and pain away from my shoulders.

"I have only myself to blame", I responded, forehead never leaving the tile. I couldn't tell you how long we sat in there, but the icy water finally lulled the pain away. Now, pain-free, it wasn't long before I was doubled over with laughter. See, as we were drying off, John came back, not bothering to knock. He just opened the door to the bathroom; when he did, he was greeted by Jake's sack swinging freely as the country boy bent over to dry his legs and feet.

"Well glad to know I'm bigger than you" Jake almost whacked his head on the sink from standing up too fast. Not giving Jake a second to respond, John saunters into the small bathroom with us, slaps Jake's ass and motions for me to turn around so he can apply this cream the Doctor cooked up to my burns.

"I'm not small, dang it. Ever hear of a grower?"

"Nope and shame. I'm out with the doc getting meds, and you're in here having fun.

"Oh yea, bacon, he had me bent over the sink."

"Did he now? Hmmm damn"

" I did not! Darlin, will you stop it!I swear to god," Jake protested as he got flushed in the face trying to dress as quickly as possible.

Me? Behave? Never in a million years this is fun for me. John applied the cream and left us in the bathroom with a

"She's all yours country boy" I just giggled to myself as Jake's gaze burned a hole into the floor. He said one day I'd be in trouble for teasing him all the time and then left my room.

Journal Title: It left me another gift

Oct 26

I think our trip cost me my voice. We've been here at HQ for a few days just resting up (and putting off talking to Maxson). My voice hasn't 100% gone, but there's been a few moments the last few days where it sounded like I had lost it from screaming.

See, Jake finally got his revenge...Kind of. We were having a birthday party for MacCready( He turned 23, see Nick? I'm not the baby), and as the party was winding down, Jake pulled me into the hall, face flustered from one too many drinks.

He had me pinned between him and the wall, the stench of booze ripe on his breath as he laid his forehead against mine. I asked what he was doing, and he simply said

"You're such a dang tease, darlin'. I'm trying to behave, trying to be a good man, show you I don't want you just for sex. But you make it impossible" the words were heavily slurred as he wrapped an arm around me. Not that I didn't want to bang him, but I didn't want it to be while he was drunk off his ass. I told him I knew that wasn't the case and that I'd love for a romp, but he might be too drunk to think clearly. He swore he was thinking clearly, and the booze just made him brave.

"If I leave now, I'll never have the nerve again...and I really want to punish you", he whispered as he nuzzled my neck. I made him take an aditctol before letting him go further. Once, he was a bit soberer and level headed. I asked

"And now?"

" I'm still going to do this, sunshine," Jake said as he forced my head to the side, kisses trailing down my neck then back up over my jawline, ending at my lips. He wasted no time in pushing his tongue into my mouth. Maybe the process fucks with your libido because John always seems ready. I always used to take a bit to get "worked up", but it only took a few short moments before my body grew warm with need and my breathing quickened.

Jake's hand found its way up under my shirt as his thumb was rubbing back and forth across the nipple. I pushed him away, saying.

"not here as this is still a public hallway, and being watched by those, I consider family and friends was not my thing". Jake simply nodded and picked me up bridal style, making a bee-line for my room.

Once inside the room and the door closed, he sat me on the bed. I moved to pull him onto it, but he stopped me, just demanding I give him my hands. As I did, he promptly tied them together with his belt.

" Why do you have to tease me so much sunshine? I don't want to punish you for our first time, but you've left me no choice"(God, this wasteland is kinky, and I fucking love it) he grumbled as he laid me back, using the free end of the belt to tie my hands to the headboard. Instead of taking my top off before he tied me down, he just ripped the damn thing off, then started exploring my body with his hands and mouth.

"You're not allowed to touch me; you're not allowed to cum unless I say so. That's your punishment," he said as he moved to remove my pants.

I growled at him... the sound was low and deep as it rumbled in my chest when the rough cloth scraped against the radiation burn on my hip and leg. The pain was fast and intense but was gone seconds later.

"Now that's a fun sound, darlin", Jake chuckled as he continued to explore my now fully exposed body. Licking, pinching, biting and kissing here and there. His tongue trailed the scars, the tattoos as he used my body like I was nothing more than a new toy. Every touch would send shivers down my spine.

"I'm assuming I have permission, and I don't have to be careful, right?" he asked, mouth inches away from swollen pink lips. I couldn't help but laugh at the Gaul of this man. He's joking, right? No....Of fucking course, he has permission, Jesus. Country boys, good god. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes as I said

"Duh, yes", that earned me a slap on my inner thigh, a second growl escaping my lips.

"No, mister, nice man in here sunshine. It's yes, sir, right now."

"Yes, SIR", I grinned, looking down the length of my body at him.

"Good girl" was all he said before he continued his exploration of me now between my legs. Jake had put both of my legs up around his shoulders, but I was torn between the pain in my leg from his clothing and the attention being given to my sex.

"You're wearing too much...Your leg."

"Don't make me gag you...but sorry, forgot. I just kind of love the growling."

"Fuck you," I said through clenched teeth as he backed up, thankfully taking the shirt off...and freeing all 7 inches of him from their cloth prison...then he almost fell off the bed as he scrambled to cover himself when the door opened without warning...right...this was also Johns room...oops.

"Can't you fucking knock?" I grumbled

"It's my room too and I heard growling...also hot damn. Having a private party without me?" John inquired as he walked over, a tent quickly forming in his pants at the scene before him

"Git..." Jake responds, not looking at John

"Ohhh, bossy. I'm more of a top myself, but...Oh and Ghoul sounds good on you, Princess."


" You're in my room; so sorry, brother, but not happening."

"For crying out loud...sorry let me."

"Now now, I didn't mean to ruin the mood. You can finish."

"Mood's gone," Jake said, annoyance clear in his voice as he moved to untie me. But before he turned to face me, I could see that was a lie, and I said as much. That earned me another slap to my thigh. Despite quickly slipping back into that "innocent facade", I could see the lust in Jake's eyes. He wanted to finish despite John's party crashing. I wasn't going to force him into anything, but as he hovered over me, trying to quickly untie the belt from the headboard, I promptly leaned up as much as I could and bit his neck...not too hard, but it will leave a bruise.

"Don't. Tease me. Darlin" Jake's face was stern as he looked at me, his hands no longer trying to undo the belt.

"If you want her to behave, you have to make her. She's a proper brat," John commented, his voice dropping an octave as he watched us.

"Sweet baby Jesus...Screw it, bad girls don't get off just because someone barged in," Jake spoke as he finally finished freeing the belt from the headboard. I was moved, so my head hung off the edge of the bed.

"Here...shut her up and please don't touch me...I go soft again its not getting back up" he offered John the free end of the belt as he moved onto the bed.

"Thats harsh"

"What did I say sunshine?" Jake spoke as he roughly lifted my hips off of the bed.

"That's harsh...sir."

"Oh, teaching her a new trick? Let's shut her up" Johns's voice purred as he stepped close, the tip of him pressed to my lips. I either open my mouth or get a mushroom stamp.

"Open wide princess... now", He growled as he forced himself past my lips; the tip soon easily getting past my tonsils due to the angle. I closed my eyes and hummed happily has he worked himself.

"Good girl" Jake purred as he watched, squeezing my thighs hard. He rested the tip of him agsint me stroked the lips, being a horrible tease. Every time I tried to move my hips, my breasts were met with a single solid smack. Eventully, after he felt I had begged enough, he pushed into me, ever so slowly. I know he enjoyed the moment as much as I did...Despite the 3ed party in the room. The feeling of both of my loves moving in and out of either end of me made it hard to "behave" as they put it. I found myself, over and over trying to wiggle my hands out of the belt but each time I did I was slapped. I wanted to touch one of them, so I really did not care. Jake was unrelenting as his pace never changed but John? I knew how he worked and he was getting close quickly. I found myself trying to move my hips fast as I ALWAYS cum with John. "Sir Jake" was NOT having that.

"Nope, I did not give you permission" he said, his voice heavy with lust as he pulled out of me, lifting my hips higher to be level with his face. he roughly bit my inner thigh once, then lowered my hips again, quickly reburring himself in me.

"You cum when I say"

"Be a good Princess" Johns voice rumbled, his hands holding my head still. I could feel his legs begin to tremble, as his grip on my head tightened slightly. I grew even more excited knowing was coming but whipered not being allowed to join him.

"Swallow...All of it" He moaned, slaming into my mouth a few more times before settling deep in the back of my throat. One hand left my head as he used the wall to steady himself. I obeyed, not spilling a drop. When John freeded himself from my mouth, he tossed the end of the belt to Jake, who actually caught it. I watched John sink to the floor a lazy grin on his face as I was pulled by my writs into a sitting postion. I didn't even relise jake had pulled out of me as well.

I sat there, soaking the bed, my legs trembling from the annoyance of being denied my pleasure.

"I want to hear that adorable growl of yours Darlin" Jake said, each word a strugle as he sat, pulling me into his lap. My bound hands were stretched out behind his neck and I found not having the use of my hands made moving a challenge but with him being rock hard, it was easy enough shifting my weight so he was once again burried deep. Jakes arms wraped tightly around me and I layed my head on his shoulder using his arms as a balance to rock my hips. I was on top, I was in control, I could not hold on much longer. I moaned loudly into his ear, the sound turning into a long, low drown out growl as Jake whispered

"Now you can cum" He thrust up into me hard as I rocked my hips in time with him. As I boiled over, Jake had forced my head to the side, sinking his teeth into my flesh (later going onto call it "His branding" as he boiled over with me. When we were said and done he fell back onto the bed, arms still holding me tight. We struggled to stay awake as they undid my hands and we cleaned up. The three of us climbed on to the bed (john being careful to not touch jake) and we fell alseep like that. So...It took a bit for my voice to return to normal but I find my self doing the "ghoul growl" as Nick calls it when ever I'm pissed off or annoyed and each time I do my voice cracks. I wonder how long it will be before my voice 100% goes out and stays like that.

Journal Title: Unhappy-Happy Halloween

Don't think I need a date for this one, aha.

Been on the constant move the last few days trying to get the "Halloween walk" set up, despite the increase in synth attacks. A few of the settlements that haven't been bothered by them(the smaller ones mainly) set up a "Halloween walk" for the kids. Basically, the kids get to do all of their treats or shoot in one town, then walk no more than an hour to the nearest settlement for another treat or shoot.

Because most of the settlements are more than an hr walk from each other, there are only like...6 settlements that can do this, which is good, means less work for me. Had to somehow organize large patrol groups to keep the streets safe enough for this and protect the other settlements while this happens.

I also had to stop over at the ship because Ingram wanted to see me; give me a heads up that Maxson might be looking for me after Halloween. I guess Danse has gone missing, and she thinks it might be related to some of the info that was on that holotape I copied from the institute. She did see my eye, though, and my voice cracked a few times while talking to her( I kind of forgot to hop into my PA because one, she's been hanging on the ground instead of in the ship, and two because setting this up for the kids has had me frazzled. She did thankfully swear to not tell anyone but said I need to be more careful, even on the ground around the ship. Told her I would be; thanks for the heads up, and I'll see her later. 

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