Vault-Tec saved her

By Kitten_Nibby_2018

98 41 0

A series of journal entries written by a woman out of time and her adventures in a strange new world This fan... More

Collage is hard
Trouble in paradise
Frozen Solid
What coping skills?
The world out there
So over it
A Job is a job
Mistakes make friends
Match made in hell
20 Questions
Too much too soon
Putting the past down
If you can't beat them, join them
You dun fucked up
Violence is the question & the answer is yes
Now or Never!
The past is after me
Chasing the Reaper
Harder to kill than that
The fun never lasts
Unhappiest place in the world
In Memory of
A forced friendship
Her luck ran out
Is it beyond repair, or is there hope?
That was quick
I need a body
Life's a game
New set of skills
Getting harder to hide
Doesn't change who you are
Tin Can In Charge.
You should have left us alone
Christmas explosion
Is this recording?

The Harder She Falls

2 1 0
By Kitten_Nibby_2018

Audio recording 7/31/2788


Program running

Time: 9:00 AM

Detected Voices: Gibson, Callie. Hancock, John. Valentine, Nick

John: Got your recorder going?

Callie: What? You need to SPEAK UP!

John: I said do YOU have your RECORDER GOING!?!

Callie: Oh! Yes, sorry

John: Good

Nick: why are these things so loud?

Callie: you get used to it

John: wearing that hazmat suit?

Callie: Yes, honey, I am. It has a few rips in it but should be fine

John: and you feel okay?

Callie: sure do. I feel great, John

John: okay

Error: Knight Gibson, arrival time in 10 minutes

Callie: thank you

Time Update: 10:15 AM

Valentine: Uh, Callie? Are these synth bodies?

Callie: Looks like it

John: I suddenly have a terrible feeling about this

Callie: Too late now

John: What is that your motto or something? It's always "too late now."

Callie: Hush, you love me, Initiate, we won't be long, maybe 15 minutes max

Error: Okay, I'll wait here then

Nick: Looks like this was done by a turret

Callie: Good means it was just Virgils defenses. Oh, and just a heads up... The guy is a supermutant

Callie: get your guns out

Nick: What's wrong?

Callie: get your guns out now and stay behind me... Look...

John: Told you bad feeling

Callie: Vergil?... shit

John: Princess, I think we should go. It's too quiet

Callie: if he's hurt, we have to help, just... we'll take it slow

Time Update: 11:00 AM

Error: Hands up, ma'am. Do not move, or we will be forced to shoot you

Nick: God Damn it

Error: the director is most disappointed with you and is almost out of time. We can no longer afford to wait for you, ma'am. You need to come with us.

Callie: Fat fucking chance you chrome dome

John: you guys are fucking with the wrong people

Detected Sound "gunshot."

Callie: JOHN!

Error: he will live. It was not a fatal shot. However, I regret to inform you the next one will be if you do not comply.

Callie: you can't seriously expect me to after you shot him

Error: we can, and we do. The creature will be fine if he just takes a stim and stands outside for a few moments

Callie: that isn't the fucking point

Error: I will not ask you again, ma'am. Comply, or we will use deadly force.

Nick: We can't take on five coursers alone, Callie

Callie: Nick comes with me

Error: Negative. I was instructed to bring you alone

Callie: you want me to come? Then I'm not going alone, and I get to see John safely on the virtibird outside

Error: If that is what it takes, but the director will not be happy. You have four minutes to return.

Time Update: 11:20 AM

John: Callie, come on, just get on the bird

Callie: I can't, if they are doing this...

John: I don't like it... Just keep that pipboy recording. And Nicky? Keep her alive at all costs, understand?

Nick: Always

John: The Brotherhood won't like it, but... I'm going there to let them know what happened. Then I'll let our friends know as well. Do whatever you have to, but get out of there as soon as possible.

Callie: I will; I love you

John: I love you too, princess

Error: Clock is ticking, Ma'am. Are you ready?

Callie: yea, sure, chrome dome, let's go

Time Update...error...error time 11:23 AM

Callie: oh my head

Valentine: my eyes

Error: have fun, ma'am. Just follow the steps they will lead you to the director. We have other work to attend to

Detected sound "static," "zap."

Callie: well... Aren't they rude.

Nick: that big of a fuss, and they just left us here

Callie: fine by me. I have a blank holotape on me. I've picked up a bit of programming from Sturges, and... there let's scan their network and take anything that loads up

Nick: Nicely done...wait, the terminal isn't locked?

Callie: nope, their loss....One full holotape. I hope it's something worthwhile.

Nick: Are you sure you're ready? We could just leave; the relay is right there.

Callie: hell no, I'm not ready, but what choice do we have? And we don't know how to work that thing.

Nick: Fair point...After you

Callie: Jesus, look at this place

Nick: Pretty snazzy

Callie: Not the word I would use, but okay

Audio Input Error

Callie: who the hell is that?

Nick: It's coming from the PA system

Error: but you left us no choice, Ms. Gibson. Your actions above ground are very... Concerning

Error: I'm sure you have many questions, but look out through the glass. This is the institute.

Callie: Oh yeah, I have questions. Questions and a bullet with your name on it

Error: We have spent the last 100 years building this. Doing our best to save mankind.

Callie: do they know what the definition of saving is?

Nick: it doesn't sound like it.

Error: But I'm sure the view topside has poisoned your opinion of us. I've brought you here for a few reasons, mainly to show you... you have the wrong impression of us

Callie: Jesus, four... five... 8... how many floors are there?

Error: It has never been easy, but this is the true INSTITUTE. Our entire existence is based on saving, improving, and preserving humanity. All we do and have done has been for the greater good. Our actions are often misunderstood by those above ground.

Nick: replacing people, stopping the formation of a commonwealth government

Callie: kidnapping, wiping out entire towns and settlements

Error: we remain underground because of this as... well, you know how things are above ground... They are unstable, to say the least, so we remain here

Callie: pussies

Error: I'd like to talk to you face to face about what we could do for everyone, together, but... that can wait. I'm sure you are eager to see... your son.

Nick: end of the line. You got this, Callie

Callie: I-i don't think I do

Audio detected "loud footsteps."

Callie: is that...

Nick: Go on

Callie: um... hello... are y-you Shawn?

Error: hello, yes, I am Shawn; who are you?

Voice Registered "Shawn."

Callie: I'm...crying...why am I crying... Um, I'm... my name is Callie

Shawn: Nice to meet you, Callie. Can I ask why you are in fathers office?

Callie: who's..father?

Shawn: everyone knows father

Callie: I don' you look just like him

Shawn: him who

Callie: this might be hard, but um... Shawn. I'm your birth mother

Shawn: huh? No, you're not. FATHER, some crazy stranger is in your lab!

Callie: WHAT? No! I'm... I'm telling the truth I


Nick: come here, Callie; I got you

Detected Audio "pressurized door."

Error: Shawn s9-23 recall code CIRCUS. I'm sorry, I guess I didn't program how you looked correctly... you're so pretty.

Callie: what... the fuck...he's

Nick: a synth; damn, I'm so sorry

Error: ah, Mr. Valentine, we've never had a synth we've thrown away come back before

Nick: I'm only here because your people tried to take Callie

Error: Yes, as I said, I'm sorry for that, but you left us no choice. Based on your actions topside, the board acted independently and was trying to kill you. I could not allow that

Callie: The board...what...who are you?

Error: Callie... Mother... I am Shawn, your son...or father, the institute's acting director.

Nick: Hey, hey, easy Callie. Here sit down

Error: I know this must be a lot, just try to relax,please

Voice registered "father."

Callie: y-your talking nonsense... if that-that is a synth, clearly m-my son is dead

Father: is it really that hard to believe? You were frozen for over 210 years. You had no concept of time while frozen and you had no trouble believing I was 10. Is another 50 years such a stretch?

Callie: This...this is a joke, a really fucked up joke. I must be high

Father: Ah so our reports of you still using chems, even more so than what you did prewar is true. That is unfortunate, though I am proud of how well you handled it when you learned he...I was still alive

Callie: Handled it well? You call stomping across the glowing sea for 5 days, well? And for what? To find a son I never sure I even wanted? What did that get me? Nothing but constant harassment from you people, and I'm now possibly turning into a fucking ghoul because of it

Father: Oh you are and it's rather sad, but such is the way of the surface world. And I know you at least wanted to try a relationship or you wouldn't have done that.

Callie: And how do YOU know for sure I am? And how do you know about the prewar drug use?

Father: We are the most advanced group in the commonwealth, probably the world at large, through our testing we've developed scans that can detect the change. That reason, Mother, is one of the many, why we are the best hope for humanity, through our work, no one else will have to face your fate again. Don't you understand that? My people are even working on a way to stop the process in its tracks. Everlasting life without the negatives that come with being a ghoul, a better deal than what we have with our synths I must say.

Nick: You make it sound as if it's a fate worse than death. If you survive the process it's not that bad. The end goal does not justify the means to get there. You kidnap and experiment on people when you please as you please, not caring what it does to families.

Father: Do not force me to use your recall code synth. That would not make mother happy, and she's under a lot of stress all ready.

Callie: BECAUSE OF YOU. How can you defend this place? They kidnapped you... Killed your father, left me for dead. The institute rips people's lives apart, blow up settlements that get too strong, experiment on people....Hell harassed me at every turn, because? What? I did what I had to survive in a world that isn't mine or yours?

Father: My father was collateral damage, rather unfortunate but it had to be done. They needed my DNA, DNA that had not been exposed to radiation to make the gen 3 synths. My board, mother, harassed you because you were interfering with our work because you were acting like the rest of the commonwealth monsters.

Callie: Excuse me? A monster? I am not a monster. I have sacrificed so much for the Commonwealth. My time, my sanity, everything.

Father: Mother, not to be rude, but you are just a prewar lawyer and housewife. Your "rebuilding the commonwealth" proves that. You always have been and always will be nothing but a good homemaker and diplomat. If you join us we could combine our skills with yours and finally make some real changes, you could be our face topside.

Callie: You think you fucking know me? That is not who I am, not anymore. And-And be the face of the Institute? To make changes? I already do, my men do. Hell with all I have done I was finally starting to be happy again...And I haven't been truly happy in a long time, thanks to your father.

Father: Oh yes, I did hear you were playing pretend with the last remaining Minuetment, I'm sorry Mother but I do not believe that little group of riff-raff could make any real changes. I do you know Mother, I know all about your's and fathers life prewar, we have collected as many documents as we could find. I am sorry father was abusive, but it worked out did it not? And I would hardly call fighting for every scrap of food happy.

Callie: Of course you did, is hoarding all records from the prewar another means to "preserve humanity?" Look I don't know what your "scans" say or what "info" you have but clearly you guys don't leave here often if you did you'd see 9 out of 10 settlements have running water, a stable food supply and electricity, the streets are...

Father: All a joke compared to what we have here.

Callie: Do not interrupt me...SON... The streets are much safer than they've ever been...And I have 2...3 people who love me for me. So yes, I was almost happy again.

Father: Mother, you really think those people love you? A synth, a creature, and a man who was at first just using you to find his daughter? The synths are tools nothing else, there is a bug that makes them think they feel but we are working on it...

Nick: Free will is not a bug

Father: I was SAYING and the ghoul... All eventually become feral, at the end of their process their humanity is not worth saving at that point.

Callie: For someone so smart with all of...this behind him...All of the human experiments. You really don't know anything do you? Free will, like Nick, said is not a bug, Ghouls, if they don't become feral right off the bat the chance is nearly non-existant in the commonwealth now because it's hard to be isolated thanks to so many settlements and the solution for FEV is sorely lacking

Father: If FEV solution was lacking we wouldn't be able to make supermutants Mother. It's why we are trying to halt the ghoulafication process, thanks to Vergil and his work with FEV turning feral, later on, is still a risk.

Callie: I'm sorry, YOU'RE the reason there are an endless stream of supermutants??

Father: Again rather unfortunate so many need to be tossed out after turning out defective.

Callie: Oh my god... I can't this is a nightmare

Nick: Come on, Callie, let's find a way out of here.

Father: Be quiet and sit down synth the adults are talking

Callie: He. has. a NAME...You're-you're worse than your father, jesus

Father: Mother, please listen to reason. Join me, join your son, we can halt the process so you can stay mostly human. We can do so much more if you'd only help us

Callie: I-I can't do that, the kidnapping, the experimentation, treating synths as slaves, now the fucking supermutants. There is no good reason for any of it and stand there happily defending it because you're brainwashed beyond repair...

Father: Your answer is firm then? You'd rather suffer becoming a creature like the rest of the people topside, rather keep playing "hero of the commonwealth" than join me...Your only living flesh and blood, because you don't agree with our methods?

Callie: Yes...there is no good reason for what you have done

Father: Then I am sorry. I had hoped the old director's notes he gathered on our family, about you being stubborn and unreasonable were incorrect, it seems they were not. The Institute raising me was the best decision they have ever made for humanity as if they had left me with you... Well... I must ask you to leave then. Once you do I can no longer protect you from my board

Callie: Oh yes, because you've done such a great job of that so far.

Father: I have done my best given what I had at my disposal, given that my mother, it seems, is a lost cause as my board warned me you would be, maybe I've just grown too sentimental in my old age...The relay will be set to return you to the topside, simply step on it. But...My last gift to you mother, be warned once you leave you will be our enemy

Callie: As if I wasn't before...Shawn

Father: Yes mother? Reconsidering?

Callie: No, Thank you for the warning warning to you...If you hurt my FAMILY...I-I will come back and burn this place down

Father: I have no doubt mother, I would be a fool to not expect it from...A murderous drugged-up monster. Goodbye

Time Update: Error...Error Time Update 1:00 AM 8/1/2788

Nick: Callie? Are you in there?

Nick: let's get you home; I'm sure everyone is worried

Callie: Just...just go, nick. I-i need to think...alone

Nick: Are you going to be okay?

Callie: mhm sure Nick, I will

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Audio Recording 8/2/2788


Program running

Time: 9:35 AM

Detected Voices: Gibson, Callie

Callie: Come on, you stupid piece of junk work

Callie: Fucking relay fucking up my pipboy

Callie: wait, is it finally recording? Good

Callie: Nickey boy finally left yesterday not sure where he ran off to, but I don't care

Callie: how am I going to get up there? I want a nice view of the Commonwealth.

Callie: Damn out of rum

Callie: useless Shawn...almost

Callie: Calling me a monster. I've done some horrible things but...finally...I'm not a monster.

Callie: You're the god damn monster...SHAWN, I KNOW YOU AND YOUR SYNTH FUCKS ARE LISTENING

Callie: oph higher up than I remember...that hurt... any more booze in my bag...has to be here somewhere.

Callie: Shawn doesn't know what he's talking about. The world is rebuilding.

Callie: What good has he done? Not a damn thing

Detected Audio "Glass breaking."

Callie: Awww damn it, not the vintage wine

Callie: John, I love you so much...I just need a break

Callie: I love you too, Jake, even if trying would be hard. And I don't care if you're a synth Mags. I know the feelings are real

Callie: I just...need a break...YEOW...uh fuck think I hit bone...just a little...break from everything

Time Update 10:30 AM

Time Update 11:00 AM

Time Update 11:30 AM

Detected Audio "Virtibird" "yelling."

Time Update 11:35 AM

Detected Voice Paladin, Danse. Error, Error. Valentine, Nick

Danse: Knight! Knight! WAKE UP

Error: She still has a pulse; get out of the way so we can get her on the bird

Nick: Thank you, vault tec, for making these trackable. You actually saved someone.

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Deja Vu

Urgh, my side is killing me...and my head its um, the 4th?


Apparently, the Brotherhood can track my pipboy...and when Nick ran off, he didn't just go off somewhere random. He ran until he found a small attachment of brotherhood men.

I am officially on "suicide watch" and am not allowed to leave my room until the good dr clears me...freaking bullshit, that's what it is. I woke up in my room on the about deja vu. This time, the only difference was I was handcuffed to my bed, and the room was 100% empty. Danse and Piper told me everyone tried coming to the ship, but because suicide watch is such a big deal, they were turned away and only told I tried that I was being taken care of. Oh, that's not going to end well. I guess Danse and Piper are under orders to keep their mouths shut till I am cleared...wonderful.

I really fucked up, didn't I? I know I sound pissed off, but I'm not. The doc said I was lucky I was so drunk and that I never took my pipboy off. He said where I hit, I went in at an angle and missed the major arteries, only nicking my large intestine as the tip dug into my hip bone.

Either Dance and Piper read the log, or Valentine told them because they only had one question "why" when I have...everything. And I don't really know why. I just wanted a little break. I was expected to just deal with it when Kent died when old paul and dogmeat were killed. Shit after shit just kept getting piled onto my plate, and then I met Shawn , and he's a damn monster. Then there is the here and now... I have to deal with the realization that one day I might have to kill Shawn...that there is no hope for him. 

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