Vault-Tec saved her

By Kitten_Nibby_2018

98 41 0

A series of journal entries written by a woman out of time and her adventures in a strange new world This fan... More

Collage is hard
Trouble in paradise
Frozen Solid
What coping skills?
The world out there
So over it
A Job is a job
Mistakes make friends
Match made in hell
20 Questions
Too much too soon
Putting the past down
If you can't beat them, join them
You dun fucked up
Violence is the question & the answer is yes
Now or Never!
The past is after me
Chasing the Reaper
Harder to kill than that
The fun never lasts
Unhappiest place in the world
In Memory of
A forced friendship
The Harder She Falls
Is it beyond repair, or is there hope?
That was quick
I need a body
Life's a game
New set of skills
Getting harder to hide
Doesn't change who you are
Tin Can In Charge.
You should have left us alone
Christmas explosion
Is this recording?

Her luck ran out

2 1 0
By Kitten_Nibby_2018

Audio recording 7/1/2788


Program running

Time: 10:46 AM

Detected Voices: Gibson, Callie. Error, Deacon

Deacon: WOW, this is even more amazing UP CLOSE!

Callie: thanks, I think

Error: Welcome back, General! What do you think of the advancements Aiden made?

Callie: Looks fantastic! Is Jake inside?

Error: As always, head probably in some tec

Callie: Thank you, here; take this and get out of the sun for a while, will you? It's so hot today.

Error: Holy brahmen, Nuka Grape? Thank you, General, stay cool yourself

Time Update: 11:00 AM

Deacon: So you CAN be a nice person

Callie: To those who earn it, yes

Deacon: Hey, the railroad deserves it

Callie: You have yet to show that... OH HONEY, I'M HOME!

Voice Detected 11:10 AM "Jake"

Jake: OW! Dang it, sweetheart! Oh hello, who's this?

Deacon: Call me Deeks; I'm a new minutemen recruit

Callie: No, you're not...Desdemona was not joking, was she?

Deacon: Okay, Okay, I'm just a friend

Callie: Again... no, you're not. It's a long story, Jake

Jake: Wanna talk about it over lunch? I have been up to my ears in work, so I'ma bit outa the loop doll

Callie: Sure, Deacon, go do...I don't know, go do something, please

Deacon: aye-aye, boss

Time Update: 12:05 AM

Jake: 'Ere you go. Got your favourite; radchicken nuggets, lemonade, and blamco mac n cheese.

Callie: you always know how to pamper a woman, Jakie. I'm just glad powdered drink mix can still be found. Not sure what I'd do without my lemonade

Jake: I think you're more addicted to that than coffee. So, what's been going on?

Callie: Let's see... I think the Institute is pissed that we killed a courser because they've been bugging me.

Jake: Is that why we've had an increase in reports of synths attacking settlements?

Callie: I would not be shocked. The ones after me, right? One said "mother tainted" before it died, and another said, "the committee has ordered your demise."

Jake: that's...cryptic

Callie: Tell me about it. On top of that, I'm forced to work with that dude you saw because the railroad won't decrypt the courser chip unless I do...Oh, a bit of good news Piper might be pregnant...and the stress has caused me to lose weight, and the lack of proper calcium in the commonwealth means my hair and nails aren't doing so great.

Jake: You do look...well, like a regular wastelander. You lost that prewar look you had

Callie: gee, thanks. I'm just overworked and overwhelmed and need a holiday.

Jake: I believe it the world never stops for someone in your situation

Callie: mhm...thank you for listening though

Jake: Dang nab it, will you stop doing that? Your lipstick is a pain to get off.

Callie: Nope

Jake: You're unbearable... So what are you going to do? You need that chip

Callie: the only thing I can. Keep on going till the chip is cracked, and then don't know

Jake: What do they put in that lipstick? It won't come off...You have to have a plan

Callie: The color looks good on you. I don't. The only thing I can guess would be to find a way back to Vergil and get those schematics

Jake: No one's gonna let you

Callie: I know. The only thing I can come up with that will work is to upgrade my PA with better rad cleaners, find and wear a Hazmat suit under it and use a vertibird to get in and out as fast as possible.

Jake: That might work

Callie: Keyword, might work. Also, the place looks good, Jake; I'm proud of you.

Jake: Really? Again? You know you keep leaving lipstick marks on me. I'ma

Callie: You're going to what? Daww... it's cute when you get flustered

Jake: I'm going to...Know what? No, you have enough to deal with

Callie: oh come onnnnn! It's talking time, tell me

Deacon: He has a crush on you

Sound detected "ear-piercing scream."

Callie: WHAT.THE FUCK.DEACON! Where the hell did you come from?

Jake: I DO NOT!

Callie: Oh my god, I think my heart just stopped... No, hold on...You scared the piss out of me.

Deacon: hahaha, sorry. I have been told I'm too quiet for my own good. You should have seen your face rahhhhhhh aha hah....OUCH, you hit hard

Callie: serves you right!

Jake: it was kind of funny

Callie: hush... Deacon, given I've only known you a few days, I can safely say you know shit about my people, so shut it.

Deacon: I don't need to know you or them to see that on his face

Jake: I-i do NOT... Darlin'... Doll, I do not

Callie: see? Now I'm calling bullshit.

Jake: Sweet Mary and Joseph. Quit it, n go on git. I know you have things to do

Callie: Never... See you later, Jakie boy!

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Went about as well as I expected

July 15

Deacon is... Kind of growing on me. I wouldn't call him a friend, maybe more of an acquaintance but his jokes and costumes never cease to amuse me. We did that "get something from the old base" job done, and it impressed dezzie(she hates that name) enough to have her guy work on the courser chip. The thought of just do it yourself did cross my mind while we waited, but it took him two full days to decrypt it, so although I despise her... this hurts to say...I'm glad I worked with them...oww. When I got the chip back, I called Danse and Preston and asked them to meet me at Johns place to talk about the glowing sea. It went as well as I expected it to

John damn near punched a hole into the wall as he growled.

"Not on your fucking life" Danse threatened to put me on "bench rest," and Preston threatened to "sick piper" on me.

It's terrible, I know, but the chip's info is now free to use, and the Institute is growing in its annoyance. We had a new settlement staked out, green top nursery, and they fucking blew it up, leaving a note in the rubble.

"We are waiting."

They even put Mags in the infirmary. I guess while we were out, some Institute synths tried to storm Goodneighbor; from what I heard, they made a b-line for the statehouse and third rail...the two places my babes always are. John was fine, but Mags wasn't as lucky; I'm also pretty sure some of his anger is just misdirected at me over that. They tried taking her to the dr, but Amari instead told them to bring her to her place...where she could better help... a reprogrammed runaway synth... I'm not too sure how to feel about that. Preston is sure that was a calculated move by the Institute to reveal she was a synth to everyone. Before this, the only people who knew were her and Amari.

Everyone eventually agreed that I could go back to the glowing sea, but... I had to wear a hazmat suit under my PA, John and valentine had to come with(as they were the only ones the rads won't affect), and we had to take a virtibird. In and out as fast as possible. There is always an issue, though. In all of my travelling, I've yet to come across an intact hazmat suit...I know vault 81 has one, but I'm pretty sure they won't just hand it over....damn it to vault 81, I guess.

Audio Recording 7/17/2788


Program running

Time: 12:36 PM

Detected Voices: Gibson, Callie. Error, Deacon

Callie: Hi Officer Edwards, how's everything today?

Error: Hello, Ms Gibson. I'm sorry, things are not great; I can't let you into the vault today.

Voice Registered "Officer Edwards"

Callie: What? Why?

Edwards: We have a bit of an outbreak. Some virus we've never seen before

Callie: Oh shit, how'd that happen?

Edwards: Austin got bit by a molerat that broke through the wall in the reactor room. There was a whole vault in there. But whatever that molerat was carrying is spreading like wildfire.

Deacon: Guess that means we're not getting that hazmat suit

Edwards: What do you need that for?

Callie: Long story, anyway I can help?

Edwards: hmmm, I'm not supposed to let anyone in or out, but... maybe. The Doctor needs some unaffected blood samples to make a cure, and most of everyone in the vault is sick. Would you be willing to donate?

Callie: Sure, no problem, used to donate all the time

Edwards: Alright, but here you have to wear this gas mask; we think it's airborne

Time Update: 2:00 PM

Callie: Dr Forsythe?

Error: Callie, What are you doing here? Edwards wasn't supposed to let anyone in.

Voice Registered "Doctor, Forsythe"

Callie: He told me what's going on. Said you needed blood samples

Forsythe: Still, but yes, we do. Any from a person who is not sick, are you wishing to contribute?

Callie: Yes, and Deacon, you can too

Deacon: Aww man, I hate needles

Forsythe: It's not that bad, Callie. Why don't you sit down first? You will feel just a pinch...

Deacon: Hey, doc? Is her blood supposed to look...dirty?

Forsythe: No, no, it is not. Hang on, let me try a different syringe

Forsythe: Still? Hmmm, Ms Gibson, are you currently suffering from radiation sickness? If you are, this blood is useless

Callie: Not that I'm aware of; no, why?

Forsythe: Because your blood has the appearance of someone who me your gums and give me your wrist

Forsythe: Pale gums... low blood pressure...temperature is 100 degrees... dirty blood...Your body is showing signs of radiation sickness.

Callie: I can take a radaway if it makes you feel better, but I FEEL fine

Forsythe: Callie, I hate to be direct but have you noticed anything weird lately? Like weight or hair loss? Your voice cracking, maybe?

Callie: no, I mean yea, to the weight loss, but I'm prewar, and we were all a bit...thicker than everyone postwar, so I just lost all that.

Forsythe: Are you sure? Have you had extreme prolonged exposure to radiation in the last few months?

Callie: I mean, I went to the glowing sea back in April and almost died but other than that? Nope

Forsythe: What, why? No, never mind don't need the details. How long were you there? How many rads did you soak up?

Callie: uhhhh, I was there for five days and soaked up a couple hundred

Forsythe: and you lived?

Callie: YEP! I'm a fortunate gal.

Forsythe: I would not call that fortunate. Even if you took a radaway, I don't think we can use your blood anymore.

Callie: What, why not... oh no

Forsythe: Yes, I am sorry

Callie: I'm not... I'm not turning into a ghoul, okay? I feel fine

Deacon: For now

Forsythe: You may feel fine right now, but in a few months, you will not

Callie: Okay, we're done here... If you have no other way for me to help because I need to borrow your hazmat suit, I'm going to leave

Forsythe: Well, you could go into the area the molerat came from and see if there is anything there about it

Callie: yea yea sure thing doc

Time Update: 4:00 PM

Deacon: You okay, boss?

Callie: leave me alone

Deacon: Alright, so not okay then, gotcha

Callie: Deacon?

Deacon: yea?

Callie: About all this? You keep your fucking mouth shut, understand? If the Doctor's wrong, great hurts no one to keep the info quiet. If he's right? Well, I will deal with it. SPEAK. NOT A. WORD to anyone, you understand?

Deacon: I hear you loud and clear

Time Update: 5:00 PM

Callie: we should almost be done... this vault goes on forever

Deacon: yeah you're doing great though

Callie: excuse me?

Deacon: your fear of small areas?

Callie: and how in the green hell do you know that?

Deacon: I do recon for the railroad, remember? It's my job to know things

Callie: stalker

Deacon: eh, I've been called worse

Callie: here we are..oh that's heartbreaking

Deacon: are those supposed to be graves: morbid

Error: hello? Iz someone out there?

Callie: ah hi...nanny bot

Error: nanny bot? Certainly not I am Curie, a scientist, can't you tell? Would you perhaps be vault tec? I sent out a distress call so long ago I thought you'd never come.

Voice Registered "Curie"

Callie: uhhh, no?

Curie: Oh madmoizelle you must be! Only a vault tec employee can get me out of here, so I must not have heard you, right? You ARE a vault tec employee, no?

Callie: I guess? Yes?

Curie: wonderful! I can finally leave this place. Oh, I can't wait to see ze world! Ah yes, here I was to give this to the vault tec employee who came.

Deacon: This is too weird

Callie: um... Thank's

Curie: iz a cure-all for the infections we tested on ze molerats here

Callie: oh shit sweet, let's go, deacon

Curie: wait! Please may I come with you? I tire of being under ze ground

Callie: sure, why not

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Back to the Sea

It's July 21

We dropped Curie off at one of the settlements told her she was welcome to stay as long as she liked. If she needed anything, not to be afraid to radio me or one of the minutemen.

The plan is to get John, go to the prydwin, have Ingram upgrade my suit, and finally take a virtibird to Virgil. That's all easy, but I'm left with a problem...well, two.

First, Jake called saying he wanted to have that chat, and I tell...anyone. "A couple of months to a few years" could me I have two months, four, a year...hell two years. I knew something was off in the back of my mind, but I wanted...still want to chalk it up to stress. I'm still going to use the hazmat suit I've been loaned because if... it is true, then more rads will only speed up the process.

Deacon said he knows of a few who could pass for human. I guess, what did he say? It's like it's a one in a million chance, but some don't lose their nose/ears or hair. It could be a mix. You could lose none, some or all. And further, still, there is a 1 in a billion chance that some walk away being able to pass as a "smooth skin" the burns only covering some of their body as if the process stopped halfway through (even though we know that's not the case) I mean John still has his ears and daisy has her hair an in the right lighting she does pass for a human because the burns are not as deep as Johns but...fuck...this is the last thing I need right now.

Journal Title: If it was sooner, maybe

July 27

I called John to let him know we were on our way to pick him up, but he said he was heading to HQ, something bout needing to have another chat with Jake..that's fine. I need to talk to him as well, remember?

Things went...ehh until Jake admitted to having that crush on me. That he knew I had a lot to deal with and tried to ignore it but seeing me with John all the time made him jealous, and he's not keen on the idea of sharing. He went on to say that how he could if he absolutely had to, but it would be hard

I told him that yes, I had a lot to deal with and that I was sorry. I do like him back, but John, me, and mags are kind of a package deal. Even if we weren't, I think... I would have still turned him down. I mean, on the one hand, I don't miss monogamy, and on the other? I doubt he would feel the same if he knew my current problem. We parted after he said he needed to think about some things and that he would want to talk again later.

Deacon is going back to the railroad; as I said before, I've kind of gotten used to him and his antics. I still don't trust the railroad, but that's okay. John, Nick and I are now on our way to the ship to get my PA updated, then off to the glowing sea...again..yay.

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