šŸŒƒ Eruleum's King

By army_girl3

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After defeating Lilith and escaping Edom, the TMI gang finally returns to their common lifes in New York, rea... More

ā€¢ Prologue ā€¢ Metallic kingdom ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 1 ā€¢ Red Code ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 2 ā€¢ Bat out of hell ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 3 ā€¢ Butterflies ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 4 ā€¢ Autumn leafs ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 6 ā€¢ Music box ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 7 ā€¢ Hidden lovers ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 8 ā€¢ Bonds ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 9 ā€¢ Gate to love ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 10 ā€¢ Sharp edges ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 11 ā€¢ Crystal hearts ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 12 ā€¢ New Paragraph ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 13 ā€¢ Before the storm ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 14 ā€¢ Under the moonlight ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 15 ā€¢ Faerie Tale
ā€¢ Chapter 16 ā€¢ Partners in crime
ā€¢ Chapter 17 ā€¢ Hide and seek ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 18 ā€¢ Race against time ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 19 ā€¢ Bronze gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 20 ā€¢ Silver gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 21 ā€¢ Golden gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 22 ā€¢ Until we meet again ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 23 ā€¢ Love shots ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 24 ā€¢ Boarding ticket ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 25 ā€¢ Burnt memories ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 26 ā€¢ Twin moonlights ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 27 ā€¢ Eruleum's King ā€¢
Chapter 28 ā€¢ Bird hunting ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 29 ā€¢ Unfair fairness ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 30 ā€¢ Memento Mori ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 31 ā€¢ Riddle ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 32 ā€¢ Eerie reality ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 33 ā€¢ Abyss ā€¢
Chapter 34 ā€¢ Hope and uncertainty
Chapter 35 ā€¢ The Shadowhunters Academy
Chapter 36 ā€¢ A matter of pride ā€¢
Chapter 37 ā€¢ That rune ā€¢
Chapter 38 ā€¢ Him ā€¢
Chapter 39 ā€¢ Silent Promise ā€¢
Chapter 40 ā€¢ Timeless ā€¢
Epilogue ā€¢ Burning love ā€¢
ā€¢ Author's note ā€¢

ā€¢ Chapter 5 ā€¢ Ten ā€¢

48 2 0
By army_girl3

-Okay... We're in big trouble... If the Fair folk knows we have one of their faeries and that she's hurt...

-Simon, stop or I'm gonna throw you out of the window.

With a firm voice tone and a deadly stare, Jace prevented Simon from keeping babbling as he always did.
The blond boy wasn't joking with his words, his patience was too limited.

-She's still bleeding... It's a deep wound.

Clary was trying to stop the faerie's wound from bleeding by covering it with pieces of cloth she could find at the infirmary, yet, they were all stained with red, as the girl's hands.
Her concerned eyes looked at the rest, hoping for a solution.

-Of course! Harry! Your magic!

Simon's idea was good, not as much as the loud voice tone he used for expressing it.
As fast as she could, Isabelle covered his mouth with her hand, she, as everybody else, watching Harry.

-Mom and Dad are about to come... How are we going to explain that her wound is cured? -Said Alec, while leaning next to the infirmary door, making sure that Maryse and Robert weren't there.

-I could try to at least stop it from bleeding...

And Harry came closer to the faerie, quite unsure, quite peessured.
He sat next to Clary, while she slowly uncovered the wound. Not a cut, it was more as if someone had stabbed her, yet, that was the least thing at the moment.
Harry took a deep breath, focused on the wound and his hands were now over her abdomen, red sparks covering it, but fading everytime he tried to maintain them.

Everyone was expecting him to do it, but his magic decided it was the best moment to betray him.
Clary held tighter the pieces of cloth, Isabelle looked around fearing her parents could appear, but Alec was already out to keep an eye on the corridors.

The faerie's face was even paler, if that was possible, her breath irregular and her body almost innert, and that wasn't helping Harry to focus.
What would Magnus do? What kind of spell he would use? He needed his big brother to guide him.

-Come on... Come on... -Muttered, eyes closed, hands slightly shaking. Who should a half demon and half angel pray to?


Matt's voice tensed his whole body, startling him for a brief period of time, then, he instantly relaxed. Despite their conversation about becoming Parabatai, Matt's voice still had a calming effect on Harry.
Maybe he didn't need to pray, he might just need someone to be there.

-Your power doesn't control you... Remember...

It could be too shameless to talk to him as if nothing happened, but Matt needed to reassure the other boy, to make sure he was sheltered. That necessity of protecting Harry would always be there. The hazel-eyed boy knew how capable the other one was.

After nodding, the half warlock closed his eyes one more time, tried once again and the gang could see how the wound seemed to slowly close, to stop pouring blood.
It might be not enough for curing it, but at least, the loss of blood problem was solved.

-Okay... -Quite agitated, Harry took his hands off the girl, and sighed, watching her, watching the wound. Then, a hand on her forehead. -She's cold, and totally wet, we have to make sure that her temperature raises.

From outside the corridor, Alec could hear Harry and his first thoughts were about Magnus, about how wise he was, about his knowledge in curing the ones who needed it. They were twins after all, their vibes were similar, and it was precisely what gave Alec an idea.
Just before Maryse and Robert were back, the young Shadowhunter had time to send the message and then, follow his parents to the infirmary.

Clary and Simon had bandaged the faerie's wound and covered her body with several blankets.
She wasn't conscious yet, but seemed to regain some color in her cheeks.

-We have to keep her under vigilance. -Said Robert, his eyes on the girl as if he was the most dangerous weapon. -And when she wakes up, she should be questioned. This Institute could be at risk.

-Aren't you exagerating? -Matt raised his eyebrows. His dad won the record of being the one capable of pissing him off in less than a second. -She's unconscious, and hurt. It's not like she's going to...

-I'm the head of this Institute, Matthew. And you all will do as I say.

Their eyes challenged each other, as wild animals fighting for being the alpha of the group. It had always been like that, it would probably never change.

-Enough. -Maryse was a strong-tempered woman, just like her children. She could be patience, but not at certain moments. Everytime Matthew and Robert argued, it felt as if their family separated a bit more. -If she gets out of here, we will know. It is useless to stay up the whole night.

-Of course your ideas are always better.

Robert was now focusing on Maryse, defying eyes, but the woman didn't flinch a bit. Her husband would never step on her or her children.
Needless to say that felt as if they were taking the situation too personally.

-Mom... -It was Isabelle the one who spoke, sure of her words. -I agree with dad. I'll stay.

-Are you crazy?

Matt couldn't hide his puzzlement, was his sister really going to be there like a prison guard? Just like him, Isabelle was too impulsive, but also knew how to be fair. At that moment, her actitude was uncommon.

-No, Matt. -She came closer to her brother, firm steps that reminded them of Maryse. -She appeared from no where wanting to reach this place, why? We can't trust her.

-At least not until we can ask her some questions. -Alec tried to be impartial, but still, the issue was quite thorny. He didn't trust the girl, but he didn't want to treat her as a criminal. -Tomorrow morning she'll probably be awake, let's relax until then.

-You too, Alec? You can't be serious.

It wasn't rare that Matt appeared to be so full of rage. He had always been fond on Downwolders and even if what was happening with the faerie was rare, even if the Fair Folk couldn't be trusted, he hated the idea of questioning her.

-Matt... Wait, please...

When he heard Clary, Matt stopped for a second, watched her eyes, but then left the infirmary. The conversation with Harry was already bothering him, he wasn't ready to bear that issue too.

-I should go with him and try to talk...

Alec gazed the door from which Matt left seconds ago, concerned, feeling his stomach in a knot. They were twins, they shared emotions, they shared a mysterious bond that unlike the Parabatai one, needed no rune. Like it or not, they were connected.

They all knew Matt's temper was too strong sometimes, too dangerous for his own good. That burning sun needed a cold moon to balance him.

It took Alec little to find Matt, it was never hard to guess where your twin could be.

That time, the hazel-eyed boy could be found in his room, lying on the bed, eyes on the window, watching the lightning bolts, how they iluminated the sky, how the thunders caused it to shake.

-Come on, big brother... -Eerie that Alec called Matt like that, it was an Izzy thing. Yet, sometimes it also felt right to be younger, even if it was for a couple of minutes. -This is not a big deal... We've faced worst things, something else is going on with you.

How to deceive Alec? It was impossible to lie to him or to their dad, they would always discover the truth.
However, Matt stayed silent, just the lightning bolts illuminating him and the dark room from time to time.

In silence, Alec stayed there, watching his brother, waiting for him to be ready, but that didn't seem the case. The blue-eyed boy wasn't the type of person that pressured others, so he opted for giving his twin some space by leaving the room.


Or maybe he should stay a bit longer.

-I need to talk...

Matt found it easier to talk, to express himself and even more if the person listening to him was Alec.
He didn't want to burden his little brother as he used to do, but knowing Alec, it would be worst to worry him by not telling what troubling his mind.

That was enough for the younger twin to approach and sit on the bed right next to his other half.

-I think I hurt someone I care about... -It sounded horrible, it felt even more terrible. -Maybe I... I acted in a way I shouldn't...

Sometimes Matt was too proud for admitting his errors, so if he was saying that, and his eyes confirmed he truly meant it, then he must feel too guilty.
Reassuring someone wasn't Alec's speciality, so he did what every brother would do: be honest.

-Don't be an idiot and talk to that person. It can't be that serious. The thing is that you're too... Imaptience. -A dose of reality was necessary sometimes. It was the best way Alec found to help Matt. -You're lucky because you don't regret what happens after your reckless decisions, but now you're doing it.

That wasn't making the hazel-eyed boy feel any better, he feared that things could change between Harry and him, that his eyes would never shine as bright as before.

-Being... Parabatai is a serious issue... Have you ever regretted being Parabatai with Jace? -He had the feeling that his little brother never regretted his decisions or if he did, he was good at accepting the consequences.
Alec, for that reason and a others, was his role model.

-Not at all. -Not even a piece of doubt in his answer. -Jace compliments me, we make each other better.

And he was totally right. Everytime they were together, a different sensation bathed the atmosphere, as if two warrior angels, tied by destiny, were ready for every battle.
Would it be the same if Harry and Matt became Parabatai? Maybe Matt could learn to appreaciate the bond, but never to love it, he couldn't bear it and he knew.

-Go to sleep... It's late... And tomorrow we'll have a lot to do.

With a sigh, Matt reincorporated, rubbing his face, running his hands through his hair as Alec gazed him. If he kept talking, he wouldn't able to stop, and first, as Alec would do, he needed to calm down and have a word with Harry.

-You sure? I don't want you to come to my room in the middle of the nitht begging for some advice.

-Don't worry... -Matt smiled, tenderly patted Alec's cheek. What would he do without his little twin? Without the ocean that soffocated his burning flames?

Every sun, needed a moon to accompany it when the night arrived and was too dark.


The next morning came even colder than the night. It had stopped raining and a pleasant scent bathed the city, yet, the Institute felt like stepping on a block of ice.

Clary, Jace and Simon were at the kitchen with Harry, who, since he learned to use the coffee machine, refused to conjure coffee. Mundane technology never ceased to amaze him. Even the washing machine was impressing.

In fact, he had learnt the favourite coffee from each member of the gang and they were more than pleased with that.
The brown-eyed boy believed that little details showed how much we cared about the other person.

When Isabelle entered the kitchen, not wearing his pajamas, but an exhausted face, Harry approached her with a cup of her usual coffee, a latte with two spoons of sugar.

-No milk this time... Extra coffee better. -She said, as she sat down next to Simon and rested her head on her hand.

Harry asked no questions, just went to prepare another coffee. A drained Isabelle Lightwood was dangerous, the lack of sleep did no good to anyone.

-Bad night? -Asked Clary, looking at her quite worried, attempting to take her free hand.

-I stayed with that faerie. She slept like a dead woman... -That annoyed Isabelle even more, since she had to hear her own thoughts the whole night, torturing her mind. -Dad was there too, and he's not in a good mood...

-Neither are you.

Jace must be feeling truly brave that morning if he had the guts to say that.
Instantly, Isabelle gave him a deadly stare, while harshly taking the cup from Harry's hands when he approached.
Quite awkward, Simon coughed and caressed Izzy's back, that was as risky as touching a bunch of roses with bare hands.

-It's okay... We'll figure it out... -He said, as her girlfriend drunk the whole content from her cup with just a sip.

Soon, Alec entered the kitchen and as he used to do, he took his coffee ready from the counter and patted Harry's back for thanking him while leaning against the counter and taking a sip.

-Good morning, guys. -He said, watching sideways at her sister and having the forebonding that her morning wasn't that good.

-What about more pancakes? -Harry smiled at everyone, not hesitating even a little to stand up. Actually, he found cooking interesting and he was good at it.  He was that ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm, willing to illuminate everyone.

-Yes, please... -Clary's green eyes begged for more sugar, for something sweet that helped her carry on and face the day.

That was enough for the half Shadowhunter to turn around, ready to go to the counter, but he almost bumped into Matt, who had just entered and had to grab Harry's arms for balancing him.

Their eyes met, hazel against brown, and felt as if years had passed, as if their souls already missed each other.
Both knew that eventually, they would have to talk, yet, that wasn't the moment.

-Good morning, coffee?

Matt expected Harry to be mad at him, not to offer him his favourite coffee with that bright smile that could warm even the coldest heart.

-Thank you... -The Shadowhunter nodded, took the cup and before he could say something else, Harry went to cook more pancakes, followed by Matt's gaze.

Everything seemed normal, the brown-eyed boy appeared to be as energetic and optimistic as usual and Matt thanked that. The last thing he needed was an awkward atmosphere.
In the end, they were adults, they could handle it in a mature way.

-Seriously, little brother, you should use your magic more often if you want to improve.

No one (well, maybe almost no one), was expecting Magnus to be leaning against the door frame, while nonchalantly waving his fingers for conjuring a bunch of plates with pancakes.
Besides, he cleaned with his magic flour stains from Harry's clothes.
Alec hid a smile behind his coffee cup as everyone stared in confusion and astonishment.
Nevertheless, having Magnus there was the best serotonin boost, even greater than coffee from Harry's point of view.
It took him few seconds to go and embrance Magnus, who had been expecting that and was proud to had cleaned his clothes before.

-Magnus! Oh god, what are you doing here? -His puppy eyes stared the cat ones. It was definitely a myth that cat and dogs had a bad relationship.

-Just wanted to see if you were still alive... No messages or calls during the last two days! I should really burn your royal butt. Being a king doesn't mean that you have the right to...

But Harry instantly bursted into laughter, hugging once again Magnus, feeling his soul finally in peace and his heart following Magnus' beats.
As twins, it wasn't a secret for Harry that Magnus was worry, but also, that the reason for his visit went beyond that.

Jace looked sideways at Alec, who stared back just a second later and nodded, silently confirming his Parabatai's thoughts.

Soon, Clary made a space for Magnus next to her and the warlock, grinned and winking, while taking a cup of coffee and tenderly pinching her cheek.
That sweet girl always soften his heart and he desisted from faking toughness, it was impossible with such lovely kid.

-What are you doing here? -Even if Isabelle didn't mean to sound that aggresive, her lack of sleep betrayed her, and Magnus raised his eyebrows, noticing that.

-Calm down, dear. You should quit coffee. -He was afraid of Isabelle Lightwood, but not that much. -Your brother... -Matt, Jace and Alec looked at each other. -The pretty one. -Now Jace's and Matt's eyes met and Magnus rolled his. -Alec. -And a proud smile formed on Alec's face, now every stare on him and Magnus. -Texted me last night. Apparently you have an unexpected guest.

As Magnus said, last night Alec asked him to come to the Institute the following day and there he was. Not for the rest, but for Harry and Alec. He wanted to see that pretty boy again, and maybe they would have to avoid being so obvious, but at least, they would be together. Magnus could conform with that for the moment.

It wasn't as if they had time for private moments anyway, since as soon as they arrived to the infermery, Magnus understood why they needed him so much.
That silver-haired faerie was even paler than Cleopatra's corpse.
Magnus had a clear memory of that mummy and had no doubt that the faerie lying on the infermery bed needed one or two shots of magic for coming back to life.
From close, they could all notice her lashes were silver too, just like her hair, her pale lips had a faint pink color and the green from the swirling patterns that decored her skin contrasted too much.

It felt like being in front of a sword: a metallic and sharp one, strong, dangerous, but beautiful.

-Let's see what can I do. At least the wound has good aspect. -Magnus just took the blanket with his index and thumb, avoiding to touch more than the necessary, and carefully watched the wound when Jace took the bandages off.

-Harry did it. -Proudly said Simon, with a big grin, making Harry blush.

-Oh, it was nothing...

As modest as usual, he rubbed his nape quite shy, but Magnus showed a smile, what else could he do? He was a proud brother.
He might miss Harry stealing his clothes, waking up early and preparing breakfast, or teaching him tricks, but his little twin needed to experiment and learn new things as Magnus had been doing.

-I'll go to talk to Maryse and Robert, they won't like to find Magnus here without them knowing.

No one questioned Jace, he was totally right, so he left the room, followed by Clary just in case things got bad.

While Magnus readyed himself for using his magic, he heard the conversation and couldn't help but smirk.
Before coming, he knew he would have to face those terrifying Lightwoods, but that didn't scare him, not even a little. In fact, he was eager for her reactions when encountering him there, and he wished he could tell them he was dating Alec.
Maybe that would be too much and he had to make a effort to contain himself.

In the meantime, he focused on taking care of the faerie's wound, completely relaxed, even bored. Simple wounds were tedious, and maybe he had to start to get payed for gaining some motivation.

However, even if he was doing a simple thing, Harry watched with dreamy eyes, totally puzzled and full of admiration for his big brother and for how powerful he was. He wished he could be as good as him. Those red sparks totally enchanted him.
Even Alec's blue eyes shined at that view.

With the blink of an eye, the wound was nowhere to be seen, her abdomen completely smooth, only a small scar decoring it as a memory of that wound.

-Work done. -Magnus made sure his nail polish and rings were perfect. -This little faerie should wake up at any moment. Maybe you still have time to prepare a welcoming party.

-That's the least thing I want. -Isabelle crossed her arms, rolled her eyes. Grumpy Izzy was not common, she must be truly annoyed.

Just a minute later, Robert and Maryse entered the room with Jace and Clary and as soon as Magnus turned around to face them, Alec silently prayed the Angel for the situation not to be so violent. Maybe he should have thought better about it before asking Magnus to come.
Yet, the warlock seemed not awkward at all.

-Good morning, Mr. and Ms. Lightwood. -With his usual charming smile, Magnus approached them. -Magnus Bane. Your children speak wonders about you. -Even if he didn't mean it, even if he was being sarcastic, Magnus had a pretty convincing way of saying it.

Magnus Bane... That name was impossible to overlook for the marriage, they remembered Matt mentioning him during the dinner.
So that was the warlock he had been dating. Not that they were surprised, they new Matt's tastes were quite peculiar.
Luckily, that wasn't the moment for talking about that.

-I came here to cure that little faerie, she will be fine.

-Good. -Maryse nodded, maintained an impossing appearance, despite her eyes being curious about Magnus. -We need to talk to her. You should all go.

-I will stay. -Said Matthew. It crearly wasn't a proposal.

-Maybe we should all stay... We all need to know why she's here. -Jace watched his step-parents. He didn't trust the girl either, he wanted the information as much as them.

They didn't have much time to argue anyway, since the bed cracked due to the movement on it.
Everyone's eyes travelled there, finding that the faerie was starting to wake up, to slightly move and open her silver eyes with some difficulty, since the sunlight caressed them directly.

-Good morning I guess? -She asked, watching all the people that was there, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.
Her whole body felt as if it weighted tones, her head ached and she could sleep forever. But of course, her annoying mind reminded her of her mission.
She even thought she was hallucinating when seeing the four twins.

-How are you feeling? -As sweet as usual, Clary carefully approached her, as she would approach a wild animal.

-The answer is obvious, but if you want one, then, I just want to... Sleep? Vomit?

-I know that feeling! -It might be something not to feel proud about, but Simon grinned satisfied. -It'll pass. Here, drink.

And then, he offered the faerie a glass of water, which he took and slowly drunk from it while staring at everyone.
Isabelle looked sideways at Simon, frowning, pretty serious. She still had that unpleasant forebonding that the girl wanted to threaten her family, and she was ready to fight if necessary.

After drinking almost the whole glass, the silver-haired girl kept it between her hands and leaned her back against the headboard.

-I am at the New York Institute, right?

-Yes. And we wonder why. -Robert's gaze was as serious as Isabelle's. Even Jace and Alec were paying attention to every action coming from the faerie.

-Because I need help... I truly do. Faeries can't lie, right? -Her silver eyes traced the whole room, a smile on her face and her silver eyebrows raised. Maybe, unlike the rest of faeries, she was horrible at flirtying, but he had a more powerful tool: Intelligence.

-Our help for what? -Isabelle came closer, elegant and firm steps despite being drained. The whole night staying by that girl's side and finally she could get answers.

Yet, despite being true that faeries couldn't lie, they were the hardest to trust, since manipulating was something they did pretty well.

The silver eyes met the black ones, as she tilted her head. The energy that raven-haired girl desprended wasn't a joke.

At that moment, both Robert's and Maryse's phones started to ring, interrumpting the moment.

-We have to attend this call. Idris business. We'll be back.

And Maryse was the first one to leave, followed by Robert, the sound of their steps fading seconds later.
It was quite a relieve, although Magnus found the Lightwood parents pretty intriguing. If he continued dating Alec, he should definitely get used to them (or not. That was something he had to decide).

Harry remembered the first time he saw the gang, how good they received him, but maybe it was because he was Magnus' brother.
He wandered if he would have reacted the same way if that wasn't the case.

-As I was saying... -Regardless the heavy atmosphere, the faerie seemed confident.

-We don't even know you, why would we help you? -Jace raised his eyebrows, suspiciously.

-But I somehow, know you. -She raised his eyebrows the same way, showing a smile, even bigger when noticing the puzzlement in their faces. -Everyone at the Spiral Labyrinth knows you, and knows what you did to Lilith.

Magnus and Harry instantly looked at the other and the oldest twin didn't wait any longer.

-What could a faerie possibly be doing at Warlock territory? -His cat eyes half closed, showing curiosity.

-I have friends there, one of them told me about you all. Not everyone goes to Edom and comes back... Not everyone kills Lilith. I knew you would be able to help me.

-With what? -Alec was the next one to ask, as he and Matt approached at the same time.

-Someone has something that is mine... And I want it back, but I can't go alone, it's a risky mission.

That wasn't making the situation any better, maybe she was being too honest, but the girl didn't know how to measure her honesty. Why do it anyway?

-Okay... Just for making it clear... You've come here just because you want us to help you in a potentially dangerous mission? Just like that? No dinner first? -Jace carefully watched the faerie. He shouldn't be surprised, faeries couldn't be trusted.

-You're totally right. -With a proud smile, she pointed at him. That proposal may sound horrible for the rest, but it wasn't a big deal for her.

-And why were you bleeding? Do you have dangerous enemies that want to get the same as you as in Indiana Jones? -Clary took Simon's arm, maybe it wasn't the best time to talk about movies and he was overreacting.

At the name of Indiana Jones, the faerie frowned, that boy was a little crazy. But then, she didn't care.

-That was because my warlock friend portaled me here and I accidentally stabbed myself with my dagger. By the way, it must be in limbo, and it was my favourite. -A great loss, indeed, she even seemed sad, but her mood changed instantly. -Anyway, will you help me?

Everyone stared at each other, that situation felt so unreal that they started to think they were still trapped in Morpheus' arms, but then, Matt sat on the bed, next to her.

-First of all... We should present each other, that's a better way to break the ice.  -His hazel eyes confidently stared the silver ones. He was used to faeries, but not to that one. She had a different vibe he couldn't identify yet. -I'm Matt.

When he extended a hand, the girl stared it in confussion. Shadowhunters still followed that strange protocol of having their hands kissed as a way of greeting each other?
For the faerie it was common for it to happen among the Fair Folk, but she didn't question a thing, just took his hand and left a kiss on it, puzzleling Matt as much as the rest.

-Ten. Call me Ten.

A name as curious as her bearer.

Ten had still a great deal of things to explain, but it was too late for the gang, even if they didn't want to, they were already too involved.

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