Revenge on The Bad Boy (Unexp...

By SilverMoonShadow

663K 15.7K 897

"You can't play a player baby, it doesn't work that way." Lola Mackenzie is getting way more than she bargain... More

Author's Note - Must read
01 - Lola: Surprise, Surprise
02 - Lola: Under the Surface
03 - Ryder: Calculus
04 - Lola: Love Game
05 - Lola: The First Move
06 - Ryder: Game On
07 - Ryder: Grand Gesture
08 - Lola: A Date with the Player
09 - Lola: Memories
10 - Lola: Unintentional Progress, Apparently
12 - Lola: The Truth
13 - Lola: Stacy's New Friend
14 - Lola: Meet the Parents
15 - Ryder: Awake
16 - Lola: Sleepover
17 - Lola: Claire
18 - Ryder: Hospital Visit
Competition - No Longer Open
Competition Shortlist
19 - Lola: Introducing Chelsea
20- Lola: Dresses, dresses and more dresses!
21 - Lola: Getting Ready
22 - Lola: Prom
Editing Update

11 - Ryder: Full of Surprises

21.5K 652 45
By SilverMoonShadow

Heading through to the kitchen, I was shocked to see my dad sat at the table eating dinner. She looked up as I entered the room.

"and where have you been?" His voice may have sounded inquisitive to regular ears, but all I heard was the cold undertone. He didn't really care, it was just courtesy.

"Like you care" I muttered under my breath and his eyes narrowed.

"What did you say?"

The attempt to sound threatening amused me, but I didn't want an argument right now.

"I've been on a date." I answered his initial question in the same cold tone he'd addressed it to me in.

"You'll have to better than that." Dad replied snottily.

"We both know you don't date. Now where have you really been? Out with your whores?" Although his voice was spitting with disgust, he continued to cut his steak calmly, as if this were no more than a typical family chat. I locked my jaw and turned abruptly on my heels, ignoring him as I headed upstairs.

It wasn't long before I heard the downstairs door slam, and I glanced out of the window curiously. Dad was leading mum to the car and I sighed in relief as they disappeared from view. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I flopped back down onto the bed, and I checked the ID before answering curtly.

"What do you want Stacy?"

Her voice came back on the line, sickly sweet and seductive.

"You sound agitated baby, I'm on my way over and thought you might want to know so you can ... prepare. I'll help you relax." She offered suggestively, giving me no chance to turn her down before she hung up.

Bloody hell... I wasn't in the mood for her flirty shit today.

I tried calling her back, but for whatever reason, she didn't answer the phone. There was little I could do but wait. Perhaps I should've locked the door in this time, but by the time I thought of that, it was too late. I could see her approaching through the window soon after her call and the door slammed behind her as she let herself in. Her voice echoed through the house like a banshee, and I winced.

"Are we playing hide and seek? I don't mind games." With a roll of my eyes, I headed downstairs.

A post-it note was attached to the wall halfway down the stairs and I peeled it off, recognising the handwriting as my dad's.

"If you have one of your whores around, try not to make too much of a mess. Yours, Dad"

Shaking my head, I crumpled the note up in my hand and threw it to the floor. Stacy launched herself at me as soon as I appeared in the room and I almost crumpled under the full impact of her body. I caught her out of instinct, and she mistook it for a sign of encouragement, pressing her lips roughly against mine.

I stumbled forward, pulling my face back from hers so I could dump her on the sofa. Again, my attempts backfired. Grabbing hold of my shirt, she pulled me down on top of her before yanking the fabric over my head, and tossing it on the floor. Moments later, hers followed.

I pushed her away more firmly this time, shaking my head.

"Sorry Stace." Her face contorted with shock and rage as she raised her eyebrows and stood.

There was a loud knock at the door and I pushed her away like she was on fire, stifling a laugh as she wobbled on her heels and toppled onto the floor behind the sofa with a loud "oof".

Grabbing her top from the floor, I pushed it harshly over her head, not bothering to stifle my laugh at her muffled complaint of "it's on backwards" as I pulled mind back on as well.

Pushing her out of the back door, I ran back to the front as another knock sounded. I opened it to reveal Lola, twiddling her thumbs nervously. She looked up with a breath-taking smile.

"Why are you breathing so heavily?"

"I ran down the stairs to get the door." I lied off the top of my head, but it seemed to make sense to her.

Opening the door wider, I swept my arm out dramatically, gesturing for her to come in. I had no idea why she was here, but it was a welcome surprise. As she walked inside, I pulled her to me, leaning in for a kiss and slamming the door behind us. Her hands clutched my shoulders for balance and she pulled away for a moment before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist before returning her mouth to mine. I was shocked by the action, but acted instinctively, placing my hands just below her butt and pulling her closer still.

This had not been the reaction I was expecting.

Carrying her upstairs, I pushed her back on the bed, leaning into her. She wriggled beneath me, pausing when she felt my arousal pressed against her lower stomach. Her cheeks flushed.

I pulled away, thinking this was probably too far, but again she surprised me. Grabbing my shirt in her hands, she pulled me back in, flipping us over so she was on top.

I have no idea how long this back and forth continued for, but sometime later, we both finally pulled away. Lola's breath was laboured, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen and rich with colour. She giggled nervously and slid off the bed.

"And to think... I only came to see if you had my gloves."

After establishing that I didn't have them, she headed back downstairs, promising to see me at school tomorrow. I lay on the bed, listening to her footsteps with a grin. She was like nobody I'd ever met before. The way she blushed at my flirting but was a shameless teaser herself at other times. Her laugh, which I rarely heard, but never failed to make me smile as well.

It was only after she left that I suddenly recalled picking up her gloves from the blanket and shoving them in my pocket with the intention of giving them back to her. Grabbing my jacket from where I'd left it slung over the back of my chair, I pulled them out and chased down the stairs after her.

Stacy sat on the sofa in the skimpiest underwear I'd ever seen, looking strangely upset. Her eyes lit up determinedly when she saw me and mine widened in response. What if Lola had seen her there? What if she'd thought the worst? What was I saying, of course she'd think the worst if she'd seen this.

Running out of the door after her, I caught her on the second corner from my house and grabbed her by the wrist. She spun around, eyes sparking with anger despite the tears pooling in the bottom and spilling down her cheeks.

"Go away idiot. You win, I give up. Whatever stupid, twisted game we were playing... I give up. So congratulations." Her voice lowered to a sadder tone as she looked at the ground, unable to meet my eyes.

"I never want to see you again."

My grip slackened in shock and she yanked her arm from my grasp, jogging away down the street. Maintaining enough of a distance for her not to see me, I followed her down an unfamiliar road, stopping as she knocked on the door which Claire answered. I ducked behind a nearby bush, hoping it would be close enough to be able to hear the conversation they seemed to be having right on the doorstep.

I'd never been one to eavesdrop before, but I had to know what was going on. She couldn't possibly have been this upset by Stacy. Surely she trusted me enough to know that nothing would've happened.

She'd rendered any possibility of that impossible. The whole time Stacy had been there all I'd been able to think about was Lola.

"Lola? What happened?" Claire's voice was concerned as she saw the redness of Lola's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." Lola's voice was much quieter than Claire's, and my body strained against the leafy boundary to try and hear it. What couldn't she do anymore?

"What's wrong?" Claire asked with a sigh.

"I didn't think it would ever be possible for me to feel anything other than hatred for the guy, but somehow I managed it. I thought he was beginning to feel the same way, but I guess I was wrong. Very wrong." She added with a small laugh.

"What happened?" Claire repeated, sensing that Lola hadn't quite told the whole truth yet.

"Stacy was sat on his sofa in her underwear, if you can call those tiny little fabric patches underwear. She thought I was Ryder and suggested we finish what we started. I just left, I didn't know what else to do."

Tears streamed silently down her face, and Claire pulled her in for a hug. Over her shoulder, her eyes stared directly at the bush where I was hiding. I couldn't tell from her expression whether she'd seen me or not. It was all I could do to keep still and hope for the best.

Next time she spoke, her voice was barely more than a whisper. I strained my neck to try and hear.

"I won't ask you to carry on anymore. I shouldn't have pressured you to try and hurt him like this. It was never going to end well."

My eyes widened as the pieces fell into place, and it felt like someone had punched me in the gut. Anger flooded through my veins as the realisation hit. When she'd initiated the game, I'd figured she had ulterior motives. I'd only been able to assume what they were of course, and figured that my initial guess had been right. I thought she'd been trying to seduce me, and that this was her way of keeping me interested too.

I couldn't have been further away from the truth.

Claire had put her up to all of this after we'd broken up.

All the seduction business had been no more than a ridiculous attempt at revenge for all the people I'd hurt over the past year. She hadn't cared about me at all. The fact that she cared now did little to calm my rage.

In some ways, I knew I deserved it. That didn't make the revelation any easier to handle. I couldn't understand how she could do this to me, or why. What had been in it for her? I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to that.

As the two girls walked inside, I stood from my hiding place, turning to walk home. Whatever twisted revenge scheme had been going on this last week, I would be putting an end to it as soon as I got a chance. As far as I was concerned, the past week never happened.

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Hope u like it,


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