Scandalous Spotlight

By HP0207

13.9K 1.8K 1.1K

"Knights".!! The famous Boy Band of India.! Consisting of 7 members.! 1 lyricist 2 rappers 4 vocals Out of a... More

The Girl....!
She is different!
Assistant Manager's Approval!
The Interview!
My worst Nightmare!
The Past..
Can't Fall!!
Healthy Flirting!
Best friend who???
You WHAT.???
What did she say?
Rumor Or Reality?
Down the hill..
You & I...
Happy Endings

Cold Hearted Writer!

446 73 56
By HP0207

At Knights residence

(Everyone is silently eating their dinner while going through their upcoming tight schedule of World Tour.....

The schedule is as follows:

Everything about their World tour is been planned and they all will be leaving tomorrow early morning starting from NYC USA.... They have 3 day concert in NYC next they will fly to LA where they will be appearing on a talk show with some other guests promoting their new album and tour "Make it Right"'

After that they will be performing in London, UK a one day concert, followed by them having one day concert in Melbourne, Australia and lastly finishing the world tour by one day concert in Tokyo, Japan. They will be heading back to US after their last concert for personal reasons.

They all left for US under high security and immense cheering of fans who came at the airport.

The first day of Concert......

Their first ever concert overseas....
It indeed nerve wrecking...
Everyone is nervous as hell.... SN being the leader keeping his tough face.... Was going through with his members... Explaining them to not stress out, not overdo the choreography and preserve their energy but still giving their best performance....

After doing so.... They were waiting for the final call by the staff who were checking the final set up of the stage....

Bhavesh saw SN was again having anxiety attack.....

He went to him and gave him his medicine but like always he denied to take them....)

Bhavesh: Just take your medicine this once.... For how long are you going to torture yourself.?
Not taking medicine since last 4 years....
Covering up the bruises since the day she....(SN cut him off...)

SN: Bhavesh..... Let's not talk about the useless stuff.... We are about to perform our first international concert..... (He sees the staff waving which was their cue to go on the platform which will emerge on the stage in front of the thousands of ARMORs waiting for them)

Alright.... Time to go.... Wish us luck.....

(and he leaves from their when Bhavesh sighs....)

(While the boys are performing on stage giving their best show.... Bhavesh couldn't stop but think how these past 4 years have been.... Although it seems all good and happy from the outside as all the members have been accepted by their fans with their better halves...! And even members started to get normal with each other after that incident it took them a while but eventually they all started to get back to normal.... But only one suffering silently while getting unnoticed by anyone was SN.!!

He stopped taking his medications for anxiety/panick attacks... instead he just lets himself suffer through that situation until it subsides on its own.... He stopped eating pancakes which he made for the first time as their breakfast when Avneet started to live with them.... He also have stopped going and eating from his favorite ice cream shop and Chinese restaurant..... He often has difficulty sleeping.... To fight the sleepless nights he will always end up kick boxing and eventually will be sent to Avneet's room by Bhavesh.... He will just go sit by the bed and take the pillow and hug it.... It smells like lavender.... The scent of Avneet that always calmed him down... Bhavesh came to know about it and every other day would go in Avneet's room and spray the exact same lavender scent on bed and pillow cz he knew that is the only thing that can help SN lead to peaceful sleep.!

That is why it shook him when SN decided to go ahead and agree to meet with the youngest daughter of the CEO of the celebrity wedding planner company The Nandas daughter AK.! None of the members have  any information about her... Only SN had couple of virtual meetings with her and after couple of online meetings.... They both mutually decided to give it a try as it will be beneficial for both professionally as well....

Bhavesh and other members tried to talk to him regarding this but he always dodged the question and would say that's the best thing for the band and members to break in the international music industry as they will have a well known company as their sponsor and have a personal connection.!

As per Bhavesh, he knew it's not Avneet as she never talked about any such thing whenever they had a chat.... Yes! Avneet is in contact with Bhavesh and Jannat.! But he doesn't know where she is..... Jannat do know.! But as she said .... She would never tell them about her whereabouts so she still stands by with her words.!

After finishing the successful first day of concert boys headed to the hotel they are staying in.... As they are now more popular internationally.... They were surrounded by fans and media all the way to the hotel..... The media were asking all type of questions about their experience and their next performance, their favorite part, and their love life... They avoided them successfully thanks to the security and were about to enter when a fan screamed out loud.......)


(This was enough to stop SN in his tracks from entering the hotel and he turned to look towards the huge crowd of fans that was gathered in front of the hotel.... He was wearing shades but he was trying to find the owner of that scream.... Finally he found the big sign board saying "WE BELIEVE IN SIDNEET"
His lips automatically curved into a beautiful smile and with a slight nod he was pulled from the back by his fellow members......)

Bhavesh: What the hell were you doing?

SN: Did you see.?? Fans still believe in......(cut off by Bhavesh)

Bhavesh: You are getting married SN.... Don't forget that and that too by YOUR choice.! They are saying this cz they still think that it's just a rumor.... The day they will figure out the truth..! It's over.!

(SN sighed looked down and just started walking towards his room..... Bhavesh just looked at his back and sighed...)

Bhavesh: Why is this guy hurting himself.? As if the torture he is making himself go through is not enough.! C'mon Beera.! This is more than enough.! Just tell us where Neet is so we can Atleast meet her and this guy can have a bit ease... He was wrong I understand but he has suffered enough for that....

(He shook his head in disbelief and proceeded towards his room..)

(The second day of the concert went the same without any hindrance..... But as before the third day of concert there was a day off.... The organizers decided to take the members of The Knights to a famous restaurant for dinner.....)


The following is happening parallel to when The Knights had their first day of concert in NYC..

(After finishing a long day at her office in NYC Avneet returned back to her house..... She was about to open the door of her house but she found it unlocked...!!

She furrowed her eyebrows and checked her phone if she missed the notification of someone coming over at her house but none found.....

She saw in the garage and could see a car that was not hers.... Just by looking at the car she figured who it is.....

She sighed and went ahead opened the door and almost tripped by the shoes of that certain someone....

Making sure nothing fell from her bag and her laptop is intact she cursed under her breath and walked in fixing the shoes......

As soon as she entered the living room, she was immediately engulfed into a bear hug...... She was  waiting for that person to release her from the hug and as soon as it happened she moved back and asked annoyingly....)

Avneet: Why the fuck are you here.???

: Hello to you too.!!!

Avneet: Tsk..... (she made an annoyed face and started to leave when that person yelled....)

: DIiiiiiiiiiiii

Avneet: Tsk...... What the hell is this Daddy's Princess doing here.???

: Di..... C'mon now..... Don't drag me into your fued with mom and dad.! (She said with a pout)

Avneet: They are just Mother and Father.! That's it.! It takes special efforts to get the name Mom and Dad..... And I learned it very hard way that I don't have one.!

: See.!! That's why I never talk about them.! Why would you remember them when you know it hurts!

Avneet: It's always good to remind myself that which mistake I am never going to repeat.!
*sigh* Why are you here.?

: I am getting married Di.!!! (Getting excited)

(Avneet was shocked.! Her busy life and Her being away from all the social media have made her loose any connection with the things that goes around her.... To keep herself busy n to get her mind out of the thoughts of her past she makes sure her schedule keeps her  busy in every single way.....)

Avneet: You.!!!! You are getting married.??? How.??? When did my baby got all grown up that She is all set to get married.!!! (She said caressing her cheek and almost teary eyed)

*sigh* I am so sorry Ash..... I...... I couldn't be a good Elder Sister to you!!

(Saying this she hugged her and let that tear slide from her eyes.....

Yes.... She is the only one who can make the cold hearted writer like AK let go off her guard and show emotions......)


(Ashnoor Kaur..... AK.....

Younger daughter of the CEO of famous Celebrity Wedding Planner company The Nandas who will be taking care of the company once her dad retires..... Also younger sister of the famous cold hearted writer AK.! Infamously known as THE KAUR SISTERS!

Avneet wanted to become a writer and follow her dream where as her parents wanted her to take over their family business that is wedding planning..... She disagreed..! And continued her studies.... But when she was studying literature and learning the writing skills she met a guy named Abhay..... The only heir of the famous business tycoon Raichands..... They both became friends as their liking were very similar to each other...

As time passed Avneet found her soulmate in him.... She would feel the most special person on earth when he used to take care of her every little thing and be very considerate about her likes and dislikes...

He was just perfect!! Like a character from story.... Avneet found her Prince Charming in him who was a fellow classmate as well which made her happy as they both would be following the same dream together....

But she forgot one thing in this beautiful fantasy...

The reality.....

Too much sweet gives you diabetes.!

His sweet gestures, him being all sweet with her all the time..... She was on cloud nine.!

But that didn't last long as when her final semester was almost half way when she started to observe changes in him... He was not the same Abhay that Avneet fell in love with...

He would often stop her  and won't allow her to attend the workshops they were meant to be attended by the last year students saying he doesn't like it....

When it started repeating... Avneet confronted him and figured out he never loved her.... He was just a set up by her own parents... They wanted Avneet to fall for him hard enough to follow whatever he says and eventually ditch her dream of becoming a writer!

Avneet was left heartbroken... Not only by the person whom she loved but also by the parents who were her everything.! That day her trust in LOVE was broken into millions of pieces and scattered in a way that could never be recovered...

She broke all her relations with her parents and started to live alone along with doing a part time job..... The only person that tied Avneet and The Nandas was little Ashnoor....

She was Avneet's only support and only weakness.! She hated her parents the Nandas with all heart but would shower all her love on Ashnoor.... Soon Ashnoor figured out what actually happened and what was the cause and she decided to step up and told her Father that she will be the heir of their company but they have to leave her sister alone and let her follow her dream...

She sacrificed her dream of becoming an actor so that her sister can fulfill her dream.!

Avneet came to know about her this dream when she was in India and working for the Knights when she received an email from Ashnoor college stating that even though she was selected Ashnoor rejected to play any role in the play and they are surprised why she is not going ahead with her dream of becoming a successful actor.!!

Since then Avneet feels a burden on her because of crushing her younger sister's dream to fulfill her own dream...

Even though Ashnoor has told her many times after that to forget about it and tried to explain her that it was her choice.... She being her elder sister always feels that she was never a good elder sister for her....)

(They know everything about each other's life but since Avneet went to India she lost all her contacts with her and when she returned back to US she was a complete different AK.! The bubbly, happy, cheerful Avneet is now The cold hearted famous writer who is well known for her non-happy ending of her stories...

She has written many plays and now almost on the end of writing a book.... All of them have a non-happy ending.!! Regardless of the ending her stories are so engaging which makes you a part of its own world that the audience couldn't help but come over and over again to watch her plays and hence helped her to manage to grab attention of a famous publication who wanted her to write a book with her concept but just under their publication.... AK is their 50% partner.!

While she was writing this book... A close friend of the publisher who happened to be a famous director came to know about their collab and asked for the rough draft of the story which his friend has... And after giving it a good look, he immediately grabbed the opportunity and asked his publisher friend if he would be okay if they make a movie with this storyline.....

AK was contacted regarding this and after quite few meetings everything was finalized and AK was roped in by the famous director as their new story writer for their upcoming movie.!)

Back to present story.....

Ashnoor: C'mon di...... You know I love you.! My only complaint will be .....(cut off by AK)

Avneet: Please Ash.... We have talked about it before.... I can't go back to how I used to be.... I just can't....( she said getting back to her cold self..)

Ashnoor: But why di.??? What happened in India that took away my precious di from me.??? I keep on searching on internet but can't find anything..!!

(Yes! SN managed to take down every last piece of information regarding the fiasco that happened 4 years ago... It was erased from all social media platforms and every news channels and articles.... The only thing he was not able to do was to erase it from his and Avneet's heart.!!!)

Avneet: Forget about it.... So how did you manage to get yourself a suitable guy.! Cz you are too picky......

Ashnoor: Actually...... It's more like a business proposal... Dad thinks that if us two get married then it is a win win situation for both of us and ....(cut if by AK)

Avneet: Mr. Nanda is controlling your life's biggest decision and you are letting him.?? Well you can but I can't.... I didn't fought for myself but I will fight for you with him....

Ashnoor: Di.... Di.... Wait.! I had a talk with the guy couple of times and I am sure you will LOVE him.!! (Avneet's eyebrows raised by the way she said that..)

Avneet: What's with the tone.???

Ashnoor: N..Nothing di..... I was just.....( She was stopped by Avneet's cellphone ringing which she thanked mentally)

(Avneet went to answer the call and returned after few minutes...)

Avneet: Ok.! I have to call it a night.! I have an early day tomorrow and after work have to join my publisher and the movie director for dinner at a restaurant so will be home late..... Make yourself comfortable...... But ya.... We need to talk about this later... Especially this guy you will be getting married to.....
Anyways.... I will be off to sleep.... Don't you dare disturb me....)

(The next day went by as per AK's schedule.. and at the day end she was ready to go to the restaurant which his producer offered her to pick her up from her office and drive her to the restaurant with him.....)

Now with Knights

(They reached the restaurant with the organizers and could see the long trail of reporters and fans waiting for them......)

SN: I thought they didn't know we will be coming here....

Organizer: I thought they didn't know either.!

Bhavesh: Let's just all go inside the restaurant in one go...... Don't stop for any questions.... I can see they have good security so we should be ok but don't delay and just get inside the restaurant as soon as possible...

(They all got out of the car and started to go towards the restaurant.... To their surprise no one was asking them any questions just they could heard cameras shutter as they clicked their pictures .... But when one of the journalists said....)

Journalist: The Knights are here and as per reports AK will be here too.!!! So are we expecting a reunion.???

Bhavesh: What??? (The organizers just pushed them gently to move forward and they entered the restaurant and were guided to their special VIP area.....)

(Bhavesh was in his thoughts as he was making sure he heard it right when The manager of the restaurant came towards them and bowed and said...)

Manager: I am so sorry Sir.! I know you guys booked the whole restaurant but one of our regulars is coming here tonight with her friends and we cannot afford to say NO to her.....

(Hearing this Bhavesh asked...)

Bhavesh: May I know who is your regular that you had to make exception.?!!

(Before he could answer they started to hear a lot of commotion outside the restaurant by media and fans....... And soon three people walked in making their way towards their usual VIP spot..... They were in their talks but when the Knights saw who the manager was talking about their jaw dropped as the person who walked in with two male colleagues was .......

The restaurant staff were all around them and the newbies who were watching from far were in awe when one of them said.....

: Can't believe AK is here.!! I am suchha huge fan of hers.... But I wish she was more friendly.! Her cold nature and strict attitude got her the name "The cold hearted writer!"

(Bhavesh who was listening all this was shocked.... How can a person change this much.?? All the members were shocked to see Avneet.... Except for SN as he was using the restroom and here AK was completely unaware of them being in the same restaurant....)


Here it is.....

A bit different chapter but had to write it as this will work as the bridge between the past and present.!

Hope this chapter helped you get to know our main leads current state of mind.!

What is your answer?
Do you forgive SN?

SN getting married to AK.!!!

Above all....

What do you think will happen when SN will meet AK.!!!??

Drop your comments and suggestions and like if you liked reading this chapter!

Until next time
Aadios Amigos

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