Dragon's Love (Jungkook ff)

By jeonisu

305K 13.9K 2.5K

She opened her eyes, it was dark she couldn't see anything.Y/n felt someone is staring at her. She felt a war... More

♡ Chapter 1 ♡
♡ Chapter 2 ♡
♡ Chapter 3 ♡
♡ Chapter 4 ♡
♡ Chapter 5 ♡
♡ Chapter 6 ♡
♡ Chapter 7 ♡
♡ Chapter 8 ♡
♡ Chapter 9 ♡
♡ Chapter 10 ♡
♡ Chapter 11 ♡
♡ Chapter 12 ♡
♡ Chapter 13 ♡
♡ Chapter 14 ♡
♡ Chapter 15 ♡
♡ Chapter 16 ♡
♡ Chapter 17 ♡
♡ Chapter 18 ♡
♡ Chapter 19 ♡
♡ Chapter 20 ♡
♡ Chapter 21 ♡
♡ Chapter 22 ♡
♡ Chapter 23 ♡
♡ Chapter 24 ♡
♡ Chapter 25 ♡
♡ Chapter 26 ♡
♡ Chapter 27 ♡
♡ Chapter 29 ♡
♡ Chapter 30 ♡
♡ Chapter 31 ♡
♡ Chapter 32 ♡
♡ Chapter 33 ♡
♡ Chapter 34 ♡
♡ Chapter 35 ♡
♡ Chapter 36 ♡
♡ Chapter 37 ♡
♡ Chapter 38 ♡
♡ Chapter 39 ♡
♡ Chapter 40 ♡
♡ Chapter 41 ♡
♡ Chapter 42 ♡
♡ Chapter 43 ♡
♡ Chapter 44 ♡
♡ Chapter 45 ♡
♡ Chapter 46 ♡
♡ Chapter 47 ♡
♡ Chapter 48 ♡

♡ Chapter 28 ♡

6K 294 46
By jeonisu

Y/n woke up while giggling, feeling jungkook's soft lips giving butterfly kisses all over her face.
"Wake up love" he said with his honey laced voice. Making y/n open her eyes while rubbing them cutely.
Jungkook watched her admiring every movement of her. Then he bent down kissing her pouting lips.

Y/n slowly got up from her bed lazily and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. After cleaning herself y/n wore the clothes jungkook choose her yesterday. She was wearing her own winter clothes along with jungkook's thick bear skin coat. It wasn't soft or too rough but it was warm and comfortable to wear. Jungkook's coat was too big for y/n. She looked so tiny, like a sleeping squirrel hiding it's nose in her well-furred tail in winter. Jungkook's heart almost burst out from his chest because how adorable she looked in his coat. Y/n barely could walk while wearing it. The collar of the coat was up till y/n's cute button nose making only her eyes visible as jungkook placed his heavy winter cap on her head. Jungkook never needed winter clothes but jin-hyung wanted him to have them so jungkook can use them if he needs to.

Y/n walked like a penguin while wearing jungkook's coat. The coat was long till jungkook's knees when he wear it. When y/n wore it , it was touching the ground. But y/n loved the coat because it smelled like jungkook. It made her feel home and cozy.

"I bought your breakfast mí amor ." jungkook said while back hugging y/n tightly. Then he snuggled his face to the crook of her neck. Inhaling her sweet scent mixed with hers. Jungkook kissed the mark behind her ear. Jungkook felt happiness blooming inside his chest every time he saw the mark.

It showed others that this woman is already loved by the Asgorath. For other creatures who see this mark will understand that y/n belonged to someone but for jungkook this mark didn't show any ownership but the love he had towards her.

Jungkook smiled against y/n's soft skin when he felt her blood rushed to her cheeks and neck because of the new nickname. They both pulled away.

After few minutes y/n finished eating her breakfast while sitting on the bed. Jungkook took the empty dishes from her hand and they both walked downstairs.

Jin was in the kitchen as always while doing the dishes. Hoseok was helping him while drying the washed dishes. Namjoon was reading a book while sitting on a chair as he was forbidden from going nere the dishes.

When Seokjin heard y/n coming downstairs he came out from the kitchen while drying his hands with his apron as hoseok and namjoon followed him behind. All three weredragons greeted her with a smile in their handsome faces.

Y/n thanked Seokjin for the delicious breakfast. "My pleasure. Please be careful my little moon." Seokjin said while kissing her forehead. Seokjin always had a fatherly aura which y/n loved so much. Y/n promised him that she will be careful and Seokjin nodded his head with a gentle smile on his face.

Jungkook and y/n walked out from the cave.

Infront of the cave there was the massive magnificent white dragon laying on the grass patiently waiting till jungkook give the responsibility of take caring of y/n for today. The dragon rolled on the grass while stretching its body lazily watching jungkook give y/n the last kiss and leading her to him. The white dragon got up lazily while yawning. It tilted his head and watched jungkook lifting y/n with one hand, placing her on his back safely.

The dragon rolled his eyes when jungkook moved to its front and started advising him telling him to protect y/n. Yoongi ignored him and started walking away from jungkook.

The dragon spread his wings, with a blink of an eye they were flying among the clouds.

This was the first time y/n saw yoongi's dragon form this close. He was really different from jungkook's dragon form. His scales were not hard and warm like jungkook's but he was soft. Instead of being warm Yoongi's scales had a frosty chill. He didn't have many spikes like jungkook. But his bat-like  wings had smooth and strong wing webs. Even among the spikes of his neck there was small ice blue wing webs making him more unique. His wing claws were also had a shade of ice blue colour. As y/n was sitting on his back bone, between his wings. She could clearly see the dragon's well built shoulder muscles which gave him power to glide through the wind easily.

She felt like she was sitting on a cloud. Yoongi wasn't flying fast like jungkook, he was calm and enjoying the soft breeze hitting on his body.

Y/n closed her eyes. Blood started rushing to her cheeks as the air around her started getting cold.
Y/n learned many things about dragons during these months. But she still had so many things to learn. It was so amazing how every dragons were different from each other. These winged creatures represent freedom, love, and liveliness. There was a evil side too. Everything has two sides right?  We should try to see the bright side in everything. We can never expect our life to be perfect. The one who sees everything in a negative way will never be able to live a positive life. So y/n was happy with what she has now.

If she was still in her father's mansion, will she able to see and experience these things? Will she ever meet these seven weredragons?
But even when she was in her mansion she was happy. She had everything a person needs for survival, except for freedom and the love she received from the seven weredragons.

Suddenly y/n head a sound of wings from the side of her. She definitely knew it wasn't yoongi's wing making that sound because yoongi's wing never made a sound when he fly. He was a Air dragon after all.

Y/n quickly opened her eyes to see something white colour disappeared like a thunder bolt. Y/n quickly started to look around searching for that thing. She wasn't scared because Yoongi was calm. Well most of the time he didn't give a shit about anything but y/n knew that he would never let any danger come nere her.

The weather got more cold as Yoongi flew further. The clouds in the sky started to get spooky grey ad few snowflakes started float in the air.

Again y/n felt something moving really fast behind her. A sudden sound like a low chirp came from infront of her. Which made y/n's eyes moved to her front only to see a small white dragon flying around yoongi's head playfully. Y/n expected him to growl and shoo it away instead Yoongi  let out a low purring sound from his throat. The small dragon chirped again and playfully bumped his head on yoongi's nose and started to fly away from him.

It looked like they were racing with each other. Even though Yoongi was hundred times bigger than the small dragon the small dragon still challenged him.

Y/n heard a low playful chuckle inside her head. "He is just a baby dragon" y/n heard Yoongi say through her mind.

Y/n felt Yoongi started flying slowly letting the baby dragon lead the way. Yoongi made playful noises whlie flying through the clouds. Y/n giggled because of the way Yoongi was acting. Y/n knew that he was a big softie inside even though he showed that he was a emotionless stone. Well let's skip the part that he really wants to be a stone in his next life.

However the playful race went till they reached the mountain top. When they were about to land y/n saw two more dragons were already resting on the snow. The small dragon quickly landed next to one of them and slipped under it's wing. Y/n saw its tiny head peaking under the wing Y/n guessed that it was the baby dragon's mother. It would be a lie if y/n say that she didn't feel scared. Because she really had bad experience with other dragons.

Yoongi felt y/n's sent changed because she was scared. Yoongi snarled at the other dragons and started walking away from them without caring about anything.

Yoongi let y/n get down when they reached a forest. The sky was ghost-grey. Y/n looked around with curious eyes.

The cold forest turned into a magical place. Thick carpet of snow white covers all around. Branches of tall trees barely withstand a load of snow, because from time to time the gushes of icy wind that have swooped up and down the branch and a pile of snow falls down like a small snowfall. Snow-covered spruces looked like smart, magnificently dressed-up ladies gathering for a ball. The sun's rays made their way through the plexus of branches, drawing fancy patterns from the shadows on the ground. The snow in the sun glitters and shimmers, it seems that someone has scattered diamonds. Probably, it is she - Winter-enchantress.

It seemed that in the winter like weather the forest life stopped, because because of the cold, most animals hide in warm holes or hibernate like a bear or a hedgehog. The ringing hubbub of bird voices is not heard, although some birds are still here. With a sharp cry, a black and white magpie flew by, and there the branches covered around red-breasted bullfinches and yellow-breasted titmouses. They were lucky to find a mountain ash tree in the forest, without leaves, but with tassels of burning sweet berries, which will be an excellent winter treat for birds.

Still, hunger caused the fox and the wolf to hunt, who were looking for small traces of a hare on an untouched deep wake, who also came out of their shelter in search of useful tree bark and roots. In this cold weather, the skin of the hare becomes white so that it, when merging with snow, has a better chance of escape from predators. Above, in the branches of trees, the fluffy tail of a squirrel flashes, which has climbed out of its house and is collecting cones under the Christmas trees. In fact, life in the woods in the cold weather goes on.

Deep snow drifts and big frosts become an obstacle for winter walks in the forest, because if you suddenly get lost, you can freeze and die.

But luckily there was her white weredragon with her to lead her the way.
Y/n started walking infront while following Yoongi's directions she heard through her mind. They walked more into the forest. Y/n looked definitely like a penguin. She was wobbling side to side because of jungkook's coat.

They walked till they reached a stream. Y/n raised her head looking the other side of the stream. Y/n made her eyes small trying to look clearly till she saw something small hanging on the trees like red bulbs.

The stream added small water drops to the air making the environment more cold. But jungkook's bear skin coat kept her warm.
Clear water played in the brook, a giggle that cascaded night and day.

Y/n started crossing the stream carefully because some stones were slippery. Y/n walked slowly on the frozen stone with her heavy boots.

After few minutes she reached the other side of the stream safely. Actually through her little journey, crossing the stream, she slipped few times but her white dragon cought her with its snout and helped her to regain her balance.

After patting the dragon's nose y/n walked towards the trees. Reaching the red colour snow berries.

They were covered with snow. Y/n picked the berries till her finger tips feel numb. While picking the snow berries she popped few into her mouth. All the other berries were safely placed in the pocket of jungkook's coat for later.


Time skip

Y/n were in her own world picking up as much as snow berries she can. Because after few weeks they will go rotten and it will be a huge waste. But y/n didn't forget leave some berries for the animals in the forest.

"All done" she chirped and turned around to see thst she was alone.
"Yoongi?" Y/n called taking few steps forward.

Y/n stopped moving when she saw two purple eyes staring at her while hiding under the snow. Before y/n moved Yoongi jumped out from his hiding place and started tickling her tummy with his snout.

The air filled with happy laughter and playful growls and purring sounds. Y/n and Yoongi played on the snow till a strange flower cought her eyes. It was red and white at first. Y/n stretched her arm out trying to touch the petals of the flower. But soon as her finger tip touched the petal. The flower bloomed and trued into completely different one from the first one.

The flower was now fully bright red colour.  Curiously Yoongi came near the flowers and blew air towards them making the other flowers bloom too.

The flowers had a strange but pleasant scent. Yoongi seemed to like the scent of the flowers. The dragon inhaled deeply making some flower petals go inside his nose accidentally. Yoongi sneezed loudly making y/n burst into laughter making her almost fell on the snow.
After recovering from the flower petals Yoongi looked at y/n and chuckled at her because her nose was red due to the cold wind. Making her look adorable.

Suddenly Yoongi snarled while showing his fangs towards the flowers. Making y/n quickly moved behind his wing. The flowers were shaking as if something is coming towards them through it. Y/n peaked from the behind of white dragon's wing.

Only to see a wiggling nose peaking from the flowers. A creature looked like a sugar glider came out from thr flowers. It was white as snow and it's wings looked like a moth's wings.

"It is a Luna moth bat" y/n heard Yoongi's voice inside her head as he stopped growling. Y/n slowly took a snow berry from the pocket and gave it to the creature. It quickly grabbed it and disappeared behind the flowers again.

After walking around the frozen forest for sometime Yoongi and y/n both decided to fly towards the sea side because they had some left till they reach home.

Y/n was sitting between yoongi's wing muscles safely as she inhaled the sea breeze.

But for some reason something felt wrong. There was a smoky smell mixed in the air. The sun was hidden behind some clouds. Making the environment bit dark. The sea waves were harsh and noisy than other days. The environment screamed danger.

The white dragon looked restless. It was in full alert. Y/n heard through her mind, it cursed under its breath as the dragon's sight caught something in the sea.

Yoongi quickly connected with jungkook through their mind link. The next thing jungkook heard through the link almost knocked out the air from his lunges.


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