By TrishDire

130K 7.1K 710


Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
#MDAVASO (36&37)


2.2K 129 7
By TrishDire

Moera: Mpande...
Mpande: what
***he snapped and she rolled her eyes ***
Moera: I asked you to tell me more about Alphalette
Mpande: why
***he snapped at her again***
Moera: cause he has a child with my twin so I need to know more about him
***she said rolling her eyes***
Alphalette: why don’t you ask me then
***she smiled shyly but Alphalette didn’t smile back then she cleared her throat and stopped smiling***
Moera: you have a beautiful house here
***she said looking around***
Alpha: sho….where’s my son
Mpande: with Tshepo
***he said standing up and walking away….he wanted to crush her little attitude cause he can be rude and mean if he wants to…to give her that mean taxi driver attitude or clap back but he still likes her and she’s still Masai’s sister so walking away is the best option…Alphalette looked at him as he walked away and he sighed***
Moera: so aren’t you gonna show me around….i want to explore this beautiful house
Alpha: you maybe be Masai’s twin but you’re nothing to me so why would I show you around my house
***he said looking at her with his hands in his pocket and a frown on his face... he was pissed off that she embarrassed Mpande like that without even considering his feelings***
Moera: bathong Al
Alpha: its Alphalette to you
***he said with a serious tone and the smile on her face faded then she got up clearing her throat embarrassed and she picked her hand bag***
Moera: I should go
Alpha: I’ll walk you out
***she swallowed and faked a smile then she walked towards the door in her stilettos looking good in her work suit….they walked towards her car outside the gate and he stood there looking at her as she opened the driver side door and bend over with her tight ass all out there and put her hand bag to the passanger side and she stood straight***
Moera: I’ll see you around
Alpha: what you said to Mpande was rude and mean
Moera: askies
***she said frowning***
Alpha: being nice and considerate sometimes wont kill you especially to someone who likes you like he does
Moera: you were eavesdropping
Alpha: you could’ve just let him down easy not what you did
Moera: I don’t have that patience….when you start liking someone Alpha look at yourself and at that person then ask yourself if you’re both on the same level and if yes then make your move not what he did….look at me then at him, do you think I would want to be seen in public with him especially to the kind of spots I hand out at….i just saved him the embarrassment
***Alpha shook his head more pissed ***
Alpha: then you should also stop crushing over me cause you’re not my type or in the same level as me and you’re not the kind of woman I’ll take to my mother or even introduce to my ancestors…in fact they would disown me if I ever introduce you to them or start liking you like that....
***she looked at him shocked blinking rapidly***
Alpha: you’re not my type and never will be because of that mean and rude attitude you have going on….concentrate on getting fucked by married man and stop crushing on Masai’s man and as for Mpande he’ll get over you, I mean there’s nothing special about you anyways
***then he walked away leaving her frozen where she’s standing….she finally moved and got inside the car and closed the door and sat there for a while still shocked by what he said….no one and I mean one has ever spoken to her like that….and she asked herself how he knew she likes him then she remembered that he’s a sangoma and she sighed and swallowed hard, she started the car and drove away getting angry as his words played in her head***


Alpha: you good???
***Mpande cleared his throat***
Mpande: yeah I’ll be fine
Alpha: you still like her??
***he asked brushing his eyebrow and sat next to him on the bench in the backyard***
Mpande: yep....i don’t know why but, I know we can be a power couple me and her....her feistiness, toned down a bit looks good on her
Alpha: you call that being feisty bro
Mpande: you won’t understand man
Alpha: she embarrassed you and was rude dude....she belittled you
Mpande: I know how to  win her over man
***Alpha just shook his head...he wished he felt bad for how he spoke to Moera but with the way he spoke to Mpande and belittled him she deserved it, maybe that will bring her down to earth and she’d stop thinking that she’s the best thing created after bread “he thought” ***



Doris:  and now what’s wrong with you...keng ekare o bethile ke dipatje tsa Felo ( why do you look high with Felo’s weed)
***Hills raised an eyebrow looking at Doris and Aus Vee just laughed***
Doris: what
Hills: what do you know about dipatje tsa Felo mama ( about Felo’s weed mama)
Doris: a ka tsofala nna Hills....oska nsheba wanyatsa....this old bones di bleksema woman on top llisa poo nna skat....poo e mpotsa phini ya karata ya banka ( im not old Hills.....don’t look at me and belittle me....this old bones are a pro with woman on top....i make a man cry love....a man will voluntarily tell me his card pin)
***Velemina is laughing her ass off ***
Hills: forget I asked
AusVee: you shouldn’t have asked in the first place....anyway Hunadi my skat don’t worry ka mo tshwere ka gear one ( I’m taking care of her)
Doris: im not even gonna ask...let me freshen up and I’ll be back
***she walked away and Hills sighed***
Hills: I wonder how papa handled her
AusVee: love lala....and not just any love, true love and acceptance
Hills: I thought I had it with Tarek
AusVee: we can say you did and maybe he just didn’t with you
***Tears filled her eyes***
Hills: maybe im being punished for that three sum aus Vee
AusVee: hey sa batlo mbora.....didn’t he cheat ka that skinny b#tch ba re ke mang that PA ya don’t do that ( hey don’t bore me....didn’t he cheat with that skinny b!tch what’s her name that PA of don’t do that)
***she wiped her tears off***
Hills: maybe it just wasn’t meant to be



Masai: hey
***she said walking inside the kitchen in her sweatpants and a hood, she left her overnight bag in the lounge after greeting Tshepo and kissing AJ.... Alpha smirked at her....he didn’t understand why he was feeling what he’s feeling for her this strongly, maybe its her humble nature “he though”....or her smile and the twitch in her eyes when she smiles, he loves her***
Alpha: hey
Masai: those two are inseparable and they just known each other like recently
Alpha: the power of natural love and extreme no kiss no nothing for me?
Masai: kiss??
Alpha: yeah like this
*** he grabbed her waist and gave her a breathtaking kiss that left her breathless ***
Alpha: this kiss
***he said looking into her eyes***
Alpha: stop fighting it....there’s no muti involved, no love potion just love....true love
***she looked away with her heart beating fast***
Alpha: what do you say?
Masai: i....ummm
***she breathed out and tried to move from him but he tightened the grip***
Masai: the truth is im scared and I don’t know why
Alpha: I know why.....i hurt you Masai and its ok to have doubts
Masai: im tiny compared to you will look like im dating a sugar daddy
***she didn’t have another excuse so that’s what she came up with and he laughed with his deep voice and it was a nice thing to see....she smiled looking at him embarrassed***
Alpha: don’t you know you already have a child with the sugar daddy
***she laughed hitting him lightly and he pulled her closer and wrapped both his arms around her body***
Alpha: we giving us a chance right
***she sighed and closed her eyes***
Alpha: don’t fight it
***she opened her eyes biting her bottom lip with her heart hammering against her chest***
Masai: ok
***he smiled widely***
Alpha: and by giving us a chance it means sex, kissing, cuddling and all the works not us just getting to know each other
***she laughed**
Alpha: what...i just wanna be sure
***she smiled looking at him***
Masai: the works
***he caught on and smashed his lips on hers and they kissed passionately***


*** They are now watching TV after eating and Tshepo went to bath AJ....Alphalette cleared his throat***
Alpha: I had a not so nice conversation with your twin
***she got off his chest and looked at him***
Alpha: you know Mpande likes her right so he told her and she was mean and when I say mean I mean degrading mean
***she sighed and sat straight looking down***
Alpha: so I bruised her ego...a telling you this so you not surprised when she gives me attitude from now on
Masai: how’s Mpande
***she said playing with her fingers and Alpha held her hands***
Alpha: he’ll be fine and her being mean like that has got nothing to do with you
Masai: she’s my twin Alpha and her bad behavior reflect bad on me
Alpha: says who
Masai: I knew something like this will happen when he told me he likes her....she’s like that
Alpha: enough about her....Mpande is the one that likes her and we are not getting involved....i said what I said to her to show her that she needs to tone it down a bit and that’s it....we not getting involved
***he said pulling her closer***
Alpha: anyway AJ is sleeping with his brother tonight
Masai: no
Alpha: Aj is sleeping with Tshepo night
***he said with a command tone and she blinked fast for a bit surprised by the tone then she looked away***
Alpha: right now we gonna bath in muthi to cleanse ourselves and im gonna erase the bad experience you had with me
***he said pulling her hand and he put it on his bulge and her heart nearly stopped when she remembered how huge he is***
Masai: cle....cleanse??
***Tshepo and AJ walked back in the lounge and Masai quickly pulled her hand from Alpha’s hard on***
Tshepo: hai wena wa ropa ( hai you’re cheating)
AJ: kwena o lopang aa ( you the one cheating)
Alpha: abuti o ropa kang fano ( what is your brother cheating with boy)
***he said taking AJ from Tshepo***
Tshepo: we were playing rock paper scissors
***he said sitting down and Masai laughed***
Masai: thank you for bathing him abuti
Tshepo: ke mfanaka sa wara dimamzo ( he’s my younger bro so don’t worry mother)
Masai: dimamzo???.... im not that old dude
***Tshepo laughed***
Tshepo: ok mami
***she just shook her head and she laughed***


Selina: he said that....ouch
***Moera took a large gulp from her drink and nodded***
Moera: he was so mean girl....i swear its like I smelled like shit to him
Selina: but nawe girl, he’s your twin’s baby daddy
***Moera rolled her eyes***
Moera: I know that ok
Selina: then why are you crushing
Moera: no im not
Selina: then why are you upset and drinking yourself to a coma...mxm please b!tch
Moera: lets just drop it ok
***Selina took a sip from her glass***
Selina: what you doing is wanting to lose your never have a crush on your sister’s baby daddy or boyfriend or even an ex don’t do just saying
Moera: I said lets drop it
Selina: we dropping it
Moera: what happened with uguy
Selina: mxm oho
***she rolled her eyes***
Selina: tolili girl
***Moera laughed out loud***
Selina: I faked everything Mo, from faking to enjoy being muffed by him to pretending to feel him or even enjoying him to faking an orgasm....he was the worst ever
***Moera is still laughing***
Selina: guess what he said afterwards
Moera: mmh
Selina: ke tlao bolaya nonoza and im like what the f#ck
Selina: hai money neh



Duma: will you stop
Tar: what if she wasn’t joking
Duma: you just got out of hospital dude relax
Tar: how can I relax when my wife is busy doing God know what
Duma: she did say she wants a divorce
Tar: no one is getting a divorce here....she’s in her feels she’ll be back
Duma: why do I feel like you’re in denial man....i mean you have Samke and she’s pregnant
Tar: don’t tell me about that one....she should just give birth she’s starting to annoy me....and I know my wife, she’s just hurt and now she’s trying to hurt me by lying
***Duma just shook his head as Tarek tried Hills numbers with a new simcard again and it was off***
Tar: where the fuck is she....why is her phone off
***Duma just sighed and sat back and watched his friend pacing up and down in his living room***



***  She’s sitting in the lounge relaxing catching up on her favorite series, Jabu left to meet someone and even though she wasn’t pleased that he said he’ll be back, for now she’s enjoying her own space and prays that Jabu returns to take his bag and leaves for Gauteng but who is she kidding, we talking about Jabu here....She’s disturbed when her phone rings and she sighs when she sees who it is***
Lolly: hey
***he kept quiet***
Lolly: hello
Kenny: did you sleep with him
Lolly: huh
Kenny: did you, yes or no
***she sighed***
Lolly: im not a cheat Kenny so no I didn’t and I cant believe you asked me that
Kenny: you lying to me
***he was cold***
Lolly: Kenny I’ve known Jabu for like forever and he respects me in that manner....i don’t know what beef you have with him but please do not involve me Kenny, take it up with him man to man and don’t get me involved
Kenny: you let him sleep at your place and im supposed to be ok with that
Lolly: and I’ve slept at his place whenever I had nowhere to sleep
Kenny: you know what....its either me or him
Lolly: askies??
Kenny: im not about to compete with him chose
Lolly: you’re threatened by a married man Kenneth....a married man that has been like a brother to me for years and years
Kenny: im not threatened by that piece of sh!t and never insult me like that again
Lolly: then why are you acting like this
Kenny: you know what...fuck this sh!t nxa....this is my turf and no one insults me like he did and get away with it
***then he dropped the call and she sighed ....she doesn’t understand why Kenny is acting like this....she just doesn’t understand it....her phone rang again and its Jabu....she breathed out loud and answered***
Lolly: Jabu
Jabu: what should I bring for dinner
***she closed her eyes defeated***
Jabu: babe???Lolly??
Lolly: Jabu stop calling me babe please....stop you’re complicating my life
Jabu: don’t worry I’ll bring your favorite....see you later
***then he dropped the call as tears filled her eyes***



Snakes: you’re being too much haw
Jabu: too much yani....wazini( what do you know)
Snakes: im happily married and still love my beautiful crazy wife
Jabu: mxm I don’t know what she’s still doing with you nobubi ( with your ugly face)
***everyone laughed***
Snakes: ngizokthuka ngomthakathi lowakho wesf#b# unye nentshebe ( I’ll insult you with your whore witch)
Jabu: f#sek (piss off)
Snakes: nawe  (you too)
Jabu: mxm
Jay: are you two done
***he said bored by their squabbles***
Jabu: no..... mar#tao Snakes
Snakes: nawe mas#ndakho
Jabu: nxa lentjebe ya mas#pa ( nxa with your sh!tty beard)
Snakes: yeah yabo lapho foza ukhuluma iqiniso....iyenza amas#pa lentshebe ( yeah you see there bro you’re telling the beard is doing the things)
***he said smiling brushing it***
Snakes: I should hook you up with my barber
***he said showing him his nicely cut beard and Jabu just shook his head and he sighed he could see its a waste of time arguing with him***
Jabu: so what do you know about him
***he asked looking at Jase***
Jase: ahh the boring stuff....into gun smuggling...drugs, human trafficking, fraud....uyabora nje
Jabu: human trafficking....he hid that very well
Jay: he’s a coward that one....he hides in the back like a b#tch.... Sam the Congolese back in PTA is the one that does the dirt work...
***Jabu chuckled***
Jabu: Sam that Congolese f#ck the one that thinks he’s the “it” sh!t  just because we let him think that.....does he even know Sam can’t be trusted, he can betray you just like that
Snakes: what happened to talking about intshebe yam ( my beard)
***they all looked at him with frowns***
Jabu: really Khumalo
Snakes: ngiyabuza...we were talking about my beard the next thing aboSam bayangena into ya hlangahlangana lapho ( Sam enters and things gets mixed up there)
Jase: Mamba whoooh man
***Snakes shook his head and got up***
Jabu: uyaphi ( where are you going)
Snakes: we are not talking about my cute beard mos
***he walked away***
Jabu: really Snakes
Jay: he’s bored...uyambora uKenny cause he’s an amateur and there’s nothing interesting ngaye
Jabu: Snakes is weird
***he came back again***
Snakes: konje where did you say my wife went with yours Jase
Jay: cant you just let Ntombi breathe mfowethu assomblief man
Snakes: no im the air she breathes
***he took out his phone and called her walking away and the Khumalos shook their head***
Jabu: whats going on with him
Jase: he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and gout and  he’s acting like a baby...
Jabu: gout??
*** Jabu asked with a smile on his face and Snakes came back sulking***
Jay: don’t even think about it Jabu
Jabu: I didn’t say anything
***Jay sighed shaking his head***
Jay: what now
***he asked Snakes***
Snakes: athi three more hours....we need to leave Natal untombi uyazilaula la  ( Ntombi is doing as she pleases here)
Jay: don’t let her hear you say that
Snakes: kungcono angibulale ngiyafa vele mos ( its better she kills me im dying mos)....i swear Ntombi doesn’t love me....ngiyagula....i could drop dead any minute and yena she’s out there enjoying herself
Jase: Nhlaka stop please ok not today
Snakes: I blame you....i don’t know why but I blame you nxa
***he walked away again***
Jay: your BP is not even high yet Nhlaka
Snakes: ngiyafa ( im dying) and you say that Jay
***he said coming back and all this while Jabu is looking at them with a frown on his face shocked that they are actually entertaining his crazy behavior***
Jay: what’s killing you
Snakes: I have high blood pressure and ungenza ngithukuthele  ngapha my feet hurt....ngiyotshela uNtombi(  and you are making me angry on top of that my feet going to tell Ntombi)
***he walked away again***
Jay: sorry about that uNhlaka
Jabu: its just BP and Gout
Jase: don’t let him hear you say that cause to him they are deadly and need attention
***Jabu just shook his head and Jase chuckled***
Jase: there’s no BP or Gout la he’s just mad that Kenny is not a challenge, that he’s an amateur and that there’s actually nothing interesting about him and its true your enemy is boring, he doesn’t even know how to hide his sh!t
***Jabu sighed***
Jay: anyway what do you wanna do to him
Jabu: get him arrested for human trafficking
Jay: it wont hold you know that...he might be an amateur but he knows people in high places around here
Jase: getting him arrested....what you’re a law abiding citizen now Jabu
***Jabu laughed***
Jabu: I just want Lorraine to doubt him that’s all cause I know she hits close to home for her.....i don’t wanna go on hard....i know Lolly and this....this will break them up
***the twins laughed***
Jase: sly move
***Jabu just chuckled***



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