By TrishDire

130K 7.1K 710


Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
#MDAVASO (36&37)


2.1K 127 4
By TrishDire


*** She’s busy praying trying to connect with God and her guides about the situation she’s in....she’s deep in her prayer when a chilling demon-like scream fills her bedroom and a chill ran down her spine, she freezes but then snaps out of it and she continues to pray harder***
Voice: stop
***she stops praying with her heart pounding hard...she knows this voice every time she tries to help someone and she doesn’t know how to go about it it gives her she quickly stood up and went to switch on  the lights and scans her bedroom***
Tshimo: God and my Ancestors please be with me...please protect me....what’s going to me please what’s going on
Voice: red and white candles...take red and white candles
***she quickly reaches for them and as she tries to light the red one since only the white one was lit the voice spoke***
Voice: help him...take them and go and help him
***she frowned then it clicked that she’s not alone in her home, there’s a man she’s supposed to help ...alarm bells rang in her head as panic took over and she got up and gathered her things and rushed out praying***
Tshimo: Modimo waka wena mongadi wa go loka, wena Kgoshi ya di Kgoshi, wena Tau ya ba Juta, wena Modimo wa Badimo baka kao rapela papa ke kgopela tshireletso...e ba le nna le monna yo o mo rometseng gore ke mo thuse ka o rapela mon’gadi wa go loka
***she opened his door and what she saw made her shake in her boots***



***He’s sleeping peacefully dreaming standing on top of a mountain with his father by his side talking***
Alpha: baba but why do I have to be the one to pay off the debt....i love her baba and I cant hurt her....she’s sick and her mother is crazy
***he said pleading with his father***
Father: its either you or your son Ntsako
***Alphalette swallowed hard***
Father: don’t be like what you are asked and remember there’s a reason why they are pushing for this to happen....
Alpha: why me
Father: cause you’re the one besides Gazankulu who can pull it off and plus Gaza is not on the right state of mine.....what he went through messed him up....he’ll pull through but he wont be same anymore so they cant let him do this
***Alphalette brushed his face***
Father: not everything is at it seem with this request just trust us and pay off this debt that’s gonna be clear off you and the entire generation going forward....not only your sons will suffer but Gazankulu’s too cause you’re the chosen ones
***then the father frowned***
Father: they now know he’s alive....go and help him....HELP HIM NTSAKO
***then he pushed him off the mountain and he fell to the bottom screaming his lungs out scared and he woke up gasping for air***
Voice: help him
***as he’s trying to calm his breathing down his mind went to Gazankulu and he quickly got out of bed and he rushed out.....He got inside his Ndomba barefoot and quickly reached for his Ancestral cloth and wrapped it around his waist and he reached for mpepho and lit it then  he reached for his Ancestral bones and snuff and he poured the snuff on top of his goat skin small mat and he spoke to the bones and emptied the bag filled with them and he looked at them frowning***
Alpha: ok mpherefere...thwadima ya mabona ish...setlhako ok....legwame la magudusha...mmmh ok I see
***he picked the bones and put them inside the bag and put it away then he reached for a huge clay pot and lit another bunch of mpepho and put it inside then he reached for his muthi mixed with Lion’s fat/oil and rubbed it on his hands and face and then he reached for another one and he poured inside the pot chanting things....he reached for another one and did the same thing ....he reached for a 2 litre bottle of petrol and poured two drops inside the pot and blue flame rose up as he chanted then he reached for his steel spear and chanted some words looking up and his body started shaking as sweat  covered his whole body... his eyes turned all white and his voice changed as he chanted calling out all his Ancestors telling them to go and protect Gazankulu then he changed languages and started chanting in a foreign language for some time***



***With two lit up candles Tshimo is praying hard as the guy is screaming painfully with his eyes shut.... he’s lying on his back in a cross position facing up even his arms are spread out on his sides with his entire body shaking....he’s bleeding on his forehead but you can’t see the wound***
Tshimo: wena Konyana ya go loka kao bitsa Tau ya baJuta ke re theoga le Mangeloi a gao a ma kgethwa...e tlang le tlo re lwanela....ngwana wa gao ashu o tlhoka thuso Modimo waka, o tlhasetswe ke dira Kgoshi ya di re tloo Mongadi wa go loka o theoge ka bogolo ba gao le Mangeloi a gao ama kgethwa o tlo molwanela....Tloo o mmeye letsogo la gao le le halalelang ....thibela moleko Modimo waka...thibela moleko Kgoshi ya di Kgoshi....thibela moleko Tau ya baJuta....Thibela moleko wena Modimo wa Badimo baka....kao bitsa ka lebitso la Jeso Kreste ke re bontsha bogolo ba gao ka monna oo...bontsha matla a gao Tau ya baJuta ka ene...kgalemela lenyatso Modimo waka
***she prayed hard crying and shouting to a point that her body started shaking...the candles flicked violently as she prayed...she could feel some sort of presence behind her as she prayed hard....As for the guy ( Mr D) his screams died down ***
Man: tshikete ni famba ( let me go)...pleas...
***he said sounding like he’s begging and Tshimo didn’t stop she continued to pray then he kept quiet but his body still shook***



***Alphalette then stabbed inside the clay pot still chanting in a foreign language and the flames changed colour to red like the colour of blood and screaming sounds came out of the pot....he pulled the spear out and stabbed again and again and again then he stopped when the screaming sounds died and his eyes changed back to normal and he looked at the flames***
Alpha: die mbyana ( die dog)
***he said breathing heavily with a scary frown on his face...he then pulled out the spear and the tip of it was covered with blood and he put it on top of the pot then he got up and walked out.....he came back with a bucket filled with water and he took a bottle with watery liquid inside and he opened it and poured inside the pot then he filled the pot with water and you can see that the water in now red in colour....he chanted some words and he got up and he walked out closing and locking the door***



Tshimo: thank you God...thank you Mangeloi a makgethwa...thank you Jesus....thank you our Guides thank you....thank you so much...
***she said wiping her face and he got closer and touched his arms and moved them to lay on top of his stomach and she closed her eyes with her hands on top of his***
Tshimo: a Mohau wa Modimo, kabelo le matshidiso di be le rona ka nako tsotlhe... Amen
***then she opened her eyes and she looked at him....she got up and got his face cloth and tissue and she wiped the blood off with the tissue then she wiped his face and sat there looking at him with a sad look on her face.....she got up and went to lock the main house and she came back and locked the door then she sat on the edge of the mattress the man is sleeping on and she sighed***



Man: mama….mama….
***Tshimo quickly woke up and shook him***
Tshimo: Ntsako…Ntsako wake up….wake up
****he quickly opened his eyes and you could see panic on his face***
Tshimo: its ok…its ok
***he pulled her to his body and held her tight using both arms with his heart beating fast and Tshimo let him…after some time he loosened his grip and she moved from his body and looked at him and he wiped sweat off his face with both hands***
Tshimo: your other hand
***he looked at his left hand and sighed***
Man: I guess so
***he sighed again***
Man: you don’t look good….what’s wrong
Tshimo: you don’t remember what happened to you
Man: what do you mean
***she sighed and told him what happened***
Man: so I wasn’t dreaming
Tshimo: what do you mean
Man: I was in a hut filled with smoke and the was this man….ugly looking man…he kept saying I escaped from him thinking he wont find me again….he kept saying I cost him a lot and that im precious to him….he cut my forehead and two humanoid things were holding my wrists on both side and I couldn’t move them….he said he knows my brother is not the one helping me and that he will find out who challenged him and deal with him or her
***Tshimo swallowed hard***
Man: he said him and his things have been searching for me since I escaped
Tshimo: this is bad…really bad
Man: you should just let me go mama….i don’t want to put your life in danger
Voice: no
***Tshimo got startled and she looked around then she sighed as she calms down***
Tshimo: no….there’s a reason why you came here Ntsako
Man: but that man
Tshimo: I managed to defeat him last night so he can bring  it on… mother when she was still alive used to tell me that moloi tshwanetse a tshabe wena not gore when o tshabe yena ( a witch is supposed to be scared of you not for you to be scared of him or her)….you’re light and he or she is darkness and light always wins at the end
***the man sighed***
Man: you didn’t get hurt right
***she shook her head no***
Tshimo: just have a headache I hardly slept
Man: you should go and sleep I’ll be fine
***she shook her head no***
Tshimo: you need to bath and eat then I need to go see a doctor for a letter for my boss….i don’t wanna lose my job
****he closed his eyes a bit with a heavy heart***
Man: you should go to work then I’ll be fine
***she shook her head no***
Tshimo: I need a few days off anyways
***she got up***
Tshimo: let me prepare you bathing water….wait…can you feel your whole body now
***He moved his left arm tried to twist his body and his body agreed ….he twisted it to the sides and both his eyes and Tshimo’s popped out***
Tshimo: ooh my God
***he tried to move his body so he sits up and slowly he managed with his heart beating fast ***
Tshimo: good Lord!!!...move your legs
***he tried then groaned with pain and he stopped***
Tshimo: you’re healing
***she said smiling***
Tshimo: let me bring you water so you bath



***His mother is in his ward being dramatic and Tarek is annoyed like crazy, all his mind is thinking about is Hills....if she  said what she said to hurt him or if what she said is true....His heart started beating fast as he pictured her being f#ck#d by another man....The machines started beeping loud***
Khethiwe: ooh my God my baby
***he took deep breaths as he tried to calm down and they stopped beeping***
Khethiwe: boyza are you ok
***he almost rolled his eyes at her***
Tar: yeah im ok
Khethiwe: don’t scare me like that again
Tar: its nothing hectic and I’ll be fine you don’t have to worry
Khethiwe: don’t tell me that nonsense ….you’re my son I will always worry about you
***he sighed***
Khethiwe: umama ka boy said you had this panic attack right after you talked to that useless girl
Tar: leave my wife out of this ma and can you stop calling her useless cause believe me she’s not
Khethiwe: yes she is…she failed as a woman…she failed to give you a child because of her useless womb
Tar: enough!!! …that’s my wife and I love her with everything in me….now I see that everyone was right about you….that woman can’t give me children because she saved my life….i could be dead or paralyzed now but because of her im ok
***Khethiwe rolled her eyes***
Khethiwe: I told you I don’t approve of her and she doesn’t fit to be your wife but you didn’t listen…look now you’re having panic attacks….useless illnesses for weak fools…all because of that girl
Tar: leave mother
Khethiwe: angizwanga ( what did you just say)
Tar: I need to rest…please
***she chuckled bitterly***
Khethiwe: all because I told you the truth you don’t want to hear nxa
***she picked her bag and kissed his cheek then she walked out mumbling things and he sighed***
Tar: I hope you were only trying to hurt me Shalate cause if you did cheat on me all hell will break loose
***he said to himself looking angry***



***Before Masai left for work, she asked that I take AJ from day care to baby daddy’s place after work cause baby daddy is busy so he wont be able to fetch him and she’s gonna have a busy day today and she’ll knock off late, so im about to knock off when my phone rings and its Alex’s brother***
Me: hello
Drench: Mo how are you
Me: im good and you
Drench: im good….i was just checking up on you
Me: ooh ok thanks
***he cleared his throat ***
Drench: so how have you been
Me: I’ve been good…work stress nje
Drench: ok so tell me why you’re still working again
***I laughed***
Me: experience Dre…experience
Drench: well if you were mine I’d make sure you get that experience while you’re the boss
***he said seriously….mmmh ok…. anyway I just laughed***
Me: well I have everything planned out…this way when I leave I’ll leave with some clients so Im not just slaving away for that arrogant fool for nothing
***he laughed***
Drench: I love your way of thinking and analysing things
Me: you have to be smart if you’re a hustler
Drench: true
Me: so how you doing…how’s everything
Drench: im making money so im happy
***I laughed***
Drench: look im coming that side in three weeks’ time so lets do lunch
Me: ok I’ll see you then
Drench: great….enjoy the rest of your day and greet your sisters
Me: will do…bye
***he ended the call***
Me: ok!  
***I got up and packed my things and as im walking to the door it opened and in walked Mr arrogant
Boss: going home already
Me: yep its knock off time
Boss: mmmmh….Mr Smith is happy with you I wonder what you fed him cause he’s never happy with anything that one
Me: I just know how to do my job sir
Boss: mmh so there’s a work function on Saturday so I was thinking that we go together
Me: im sorry sir but I cant make it
***he frowned and cleared his throat…mxm stupid fool***
Boss: I did say it’s a work function and we might get more clientele
Me: and my family comes sure Susan she’s also good
***and easily f#ck#ble***
Boss: don’t tell me about Susan I want to go with you
***ooh now I see…she has already fallen victim or she threatened to report him***
Me: well I cant make it…sorry
***I walked passed him and he grabbed my arm***
Boss: are you defying me Miss Rapula
Me: yes and never touch me like this ever again…sir
***I said looking straight into his eyes and he let go of my arm chuckling***
Boss: I see you don’t want to continue to work here mmh
***I smiled amused…this fool nxa***
Me: even if you make me loose this job just know I’ll find another one Mr Msibi….this company is not the top best in the country its just one of the best and with my reputation im sure I won’t job hunt for long
***then I walked out and held the door…he clicked his tongue fuming and he walked out then I locked the door and walked away…this fool will be shocked when he learn who I am and where I come from I swear he’ll faint ***



***Moera got out of the car and took AJ out of the car along with his bags and she closed the door and locked the car….she then walked inside the yard and straight to the door….she knocked and after a few seconds the door opened and Mpande smiled at her***
Mpande: hey
Moera: hi
Mpande: come on in
***he took AJ from her***
Mpande: champ lama champ…yes Shangaan boy….mfana malome….dintshang ( whats up)
Aj: adinchi ( nothing)
Mpande: sho mfanaka ( yes my  boy)
***he said walking further in with them with Moera looking around the house impressed and she sat down comfortably***
Mpande: Alpha will be with you now usasebusy nento zakhe zo’khokho bakhe ( he’s still busy with his ancestral things)
Moera: ok
***Tshepo walked in wiping his hands and when AJ saw him he screamed get out of Mpande’s hold and Mpande put him down and he ran to Tshepo who laughed and picked him up with Moera frowning***
Tshepo: young one
***they did their hand shake and hugged…Tshepo walked to Moera and he greeted her respectfully….he could tell she’s Masai’s twin***
Tshepo: dumelang
Moera: hello
Tshepo: le kae ( how are you)
Moera: ke teng abuti wena ( im good and you)
Tshepo: im good
Mpande: this is Juniors aunt, his mother’s twin
Tshepo: yeah I can tell they kinda  look alike
***he looked at AJ***
Tshepo: di gwaile mfanaka?   ( are you hungry my boy)
***AJ nodded and they walked to the kitchen chatting and Mpande cleared his throat sitting down***
Mpande: Moera neh…im Mpande….i don’t know if you remember me
Moera: mmmmh…so how long will Alphalette take
Mpande: relax uyaqeda manje ( he’ll be done just now)
Moera: ok
Mpande: so do you remember me
***Moera sighed bored cause yes she does and right now she regrets sleeping with him***
Moera: yeah we once f#ck#d
***she said rolling her eyes***
Mpande: yeah crazy sh!t neh
***he chuckled***
Moera: mmmmh
Mpande: so I know we don’t know each other and you’re Masai’s twin so it will look awkward if something between us happen but…
Moera: nothing between us will happen so the wont be any awkwardness….i mean yes we once slept together which was a once off thing and a mistake but we were drunk and it was like two years back
***he cleared his throat and smiled slightly***
Mpande: I know…I know but I mean we complement each other mmas and im someone who’s straight forward and doesn’t beat around the bush…I like you and I would like to try love and a relationship with you
*** he said giving her a panty dropper smile but Moera just raised an eyebrow with a frown on her face***
Moera: im not interested
Mpande: what
Moera: no offence but just because my sister has a baby with Alphalette doesn’t mean I’ll date his friends or cousins or whatever….firstly you’re not my type abuti and secondly you can’t afford me and thirdly can we drop this before you embarrass yourself further more…please
***Mpande swallowed hard and chuckled lightly trying to grab hold tight at what is left of his ego***
Mpande: so what’s your type
Moera: not you…like I said please stop you’re making me uncomfortable now
***she said looking around getting impatient now and Mpande swallowed hard again then he clenched his jaws***
Moera: so tell me more about Alphalette
***Mpande didn’t say anything***
Moera: Mpande
Mpande: what
***he snapped and she rolled her eyes ***
Moera: I asked you to tell me more about Alphalette
Mpande: why
***he snapped at her again***
Moera: cause he has a child with my twin so I need to know more about him
***she said rolling her eyes***
Alphalette: why don’t you ask me then
***she smiled shyly but Alphalette didn’t smile back then she cleared her throat and stopped smiling***


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