Fantasy DayDreams (Yandere va...

By Addinnaya1533

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Victim to a situation where you travel from one place to another against your will in an anime you don't know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

676 18 2
By Addinnaya1533

The throbbing pain in my head was the one that woke me up and then started bothering me, preventing me from going back to sleep again. The warmth this bed gave me made me happy and comfortable. It changes when I felt a rope tied against both of my ankles to the bed I was in. Someone's humming made its way into the room and shuts the door. Curious, I slowly opened my eyes and weakly lifted my head to see who it was. It was a man I don't know anything about who had a smile on his face with food on the tray.

He strolled over to me and placed the tray onto the nightstand as my body hurts as if I got run over by a car. The pain starts to shoot through my body once more before vanishing. The blonde-haired boy with blue clothes that I couldn't describe helped me get up with his hand placed on my back and my arm. I glanced over at him,

"Who are you?" I asked, suspiciously and tried to remember if I met him. My fingertips touch the small bandaid on my forehead as I looked back at his brown eyes that were filled with sincere happiness.

The smile on his face wore off, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you talking about Y/n don't you remember me? It's me Kurapika, you're boyfriend." Kurapika said as he placed both of his hands on my shoulders, I shook my head, unable to remember.

"I-I don't remember." I truthfully told him, and my heart thudded against my chest. We both stared into each other's eyes, silence hung over the air until Kurapika sighed then sat down next to me on the bed I was still on. He gently wraps his arms around my body as if I would break if he either did it harshly. His warmth transfers into my body as I returned the hug, confusion entering my mind. I don't know what exactly is going on.

"Why are my ankles tied Kurapika?" My eyes gazed out through the window where the morning sun illuminated everything brightly, including the room. Y/n, it was my name and I wonder what is my last name. I need to ask him that.

"Oh, that? don't worry, it was another way I can make sure you don't get up from the bed after getting hit by a car. Your body still needs to heal and rest for a while." Kurapika answered as he pulls back from the hug, wiping the last remaining tear from his eye while keeping a smile.

He took a brief look at the breakfast still on the nightstand then back at me.

"You need to eat first Y/n then ask questions later otherwise they are going to get cold, I made your favorites."

Kurapika took the tray and placed it on his lap, taking the fork and then pierced onto the pancakes that were sliced into pieces. Is this my favorite food? Did I love pancakes with blueberries, strawberries to the side, and three eggs all cut in half? Kurapika started feeding me himself and slowly all the food started to be finished by me. I didn't protest when he fed me, something was annoying me, telling me that Kurapika is hiding some of the truth about me being hit by a car.

Kurapika got up from the bed,

"I'll be back, you just wait here and relax. And if you need something just shout for me."

he gave me one of his smiles again before starting to walk away from me. I quickly grabbed hold of his blue tabard outfit, stopping him. His head turned around at me, perplexed as his brown eyes stares down at mine.

"What is my last name?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, my eyes never leaving his face.

His smile once again returned to his face.

"Your last name is L/n."

After that he left the room, leaving me still tied to the bed. I gazed around the room and through the open window, I could see the forest surrounding the house I was currently in. A question crossed my mind,

"Why would Kurapika keep the house in such an isolated area?"

My hands reached against my ankle in an attempt to at least loosen the ropes but to no luck. It didn't work as it was too tight. My stomach felt empty that it starts to pain so I ignored anything else and started to eat my breakfast. Each food left in the tray disappeared leaving nothing. For a full 20 minutes, I sat there and the door was once again opened, and Kurapika walked in. The rope around my ankles was untied and he softly caressed my cheek.

"I'm sorry my love for leaving you like this I went to check something in the kitchen. But I told you that if you need something you could always shout for me. I would come to you immediately." Kurapika apologizes as he kissed my cheek, my eyes look at him in confusion.

"What were you doing in the kitchen?" Curiosity got the best of me, "Was it that important?"

"No, not at all. Nothing is important except you."

"Then why did you tie my ankle up?"

The smile never left his face and it was starting to make me feel uneasy. What could he be possibly hiding? Or is Kurapika just innocent and I'm the one who is assuming things about him without getting to know him better?

"It's because you sleepwalk a lot and I was scared you might somehow get hurt while I'm asleep." He answers my question as he got up--took my hand; carefully lifted me from the bed. My legs lost balance but Kurapika was quick enough to catch me, placing his hand on my hip while my other was trapped, his fingers still wrapped around my hand.

"Are you okay?" Worry cast around his features as I nodded my head, letting him know I'm fine. My body was still leaning against his; I went back to depending on my legs away from him.

"Y/n, I might have to go back and do my job. You can explore the house if you're feeling better until I come, you and I could do something fun after that incident when you hit your head."

"I got into an accident?" I asked, surprised by the discovery that had occurred to me which I don't recall at all. Nothing makes sense to me, from waking up with a headache and an empty mind. What had exactly happened to me?

"Yes, I was looking for you all over the place after we argued, you were laying at the side of the road. I'm sorry for assuming that you ran away from me." Words left his mouth, and both of his hands cupped my cheeks and pressed his forehead against mine. His eyes shut while I kept on staring at his closed eyelids.

"I will make sure no harm will ever happen to you again, that is my promise that I'm not willing to break."

His dark eyes open to gaze at me, lovingly before releasing me. He scrolls away to the door not before giving me a wave of goodbye. He leaves the house, now I was alone. I couldn't get to question what happened regarding the argument we had with each other. To become familiar with my surroundings. I decided to stroll around the cottage I seemed to be living in.

Everything was neat and organized, the couch in the living room that was attached to the kitchen looked untouched. No speck of dirt was found in any place as I started to explore my room first. No memory of my childhood or anything in the past was seen in my head. My parent's faces or anyone I know seems so unrecognizable and so distant as if they never existed, no matter how hard I try to recall what happened or search through my memory, the pain in my head starts to become worse.

A small purr was heard from my side, I glanced down to see a brown cat, staring up at me. Green eyes never left my face. The cat started to walk towards the closet but stopped to turn its head to me, wanting me to follow along. I strolled towards the closet and stood there, the cat was able to fit in the back of the white closet. I placed my hands on the hard furniture, pulling it with all my strength. I saw nothing and the cat was gone.

"Y/n, are you in here?" Kurapika's voice echoed in the room, I glanced back at him with a stunned expression. The room was dark except with the light of the moon brightened it.

"I searched everywhere for you and- and I couldn't find you. I thought you were kidnapped!" His horrified eyes look at mine and his body was trembling before engulfing me in a tight hug. "I even looked here but it's like you disappeared again! Where were you?"

Excessive questions filled my mind while I stared at the dark ceiling. It became nighttime already, was that cat trying to show me that when I look at the back of the closet, time will go fast? Perhaps it is true. I need to know who I was before, I need to know the truth about myself.

"I was playing hide and seek," I answered, not wanting to be viewed as crazy. I made up my mind that I am going to leave this place and it's best if Kurapika doesn't know what I'm planning to do soon.

He pulls back the hug, eyeing me, "Well, you could just let me know first before going ahead." I nodded my head, avoiding eye contact.


Dinner was okay, for me. Kurapika talked about his day as we ate while I listened. Then we watched random movies and played board games and now it was time to sleep. I sat on the bed, letting Kurapika change the bandage into a smaller one, stuck on the side of my forehead after taking care of the injury. I flipped to the next page of a magazine I was reading, about what happened in the past of a crime.

"Alright, I'm finished now. Go to sleep Y/n so you can feel better." I looked up at him as he smiled at me before kissing my forehead.

"why are we living in a home where there is a forest?" I asked, wanting to know the reason.

He froze, but relaxed again. His brown eyes never left mine.

"It is a dangerous world out there, I'm afraid the people will hurt you. I only want to keep you safe away from the greed of those who have no care for others. " Kurapika answers.

"I don't want this world to take you away from me too. And I thought maybe you and I could live together away from civilization."

This wasn't good, for you. It felt like a red flag. If he loved me, he would never go through this length on keeping me here. He's not mentally stable.

"Oh, I see." I hesitated, "I feel tired."

Kurapika smiled as he left, taking along with the medical supplies. I can't just leave immediately. I have to think and plan.

I lay down on the bed with the warm blanket covering me. Kurapika is possessive, that's one thing I know. As I was about to close my eyes, a light illuminated the closet. As curious as I was, got up and walked towards it: once again pulling the closet a little before looking at it. Nothing. My head turned around only to be facing a man with a creepy smile etched on his face.

"It's been a while hasn't it, y/n?"

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