Chapter 5

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The throbbing pain in my head was the one that woke me up and then started bothering me, preventing me from going back to sleep again. The warmth this bed gave me made me happy and comfortable. It changes when I felt a rope tied against both of my ankles to the bed I was in. Someone's humming made its way into the room and shuts the door. Curious, I slowly opened my eyes and weakly lifted my head to see who it was. It was a man I don't know anything about who had a smile on his face with food on the tray.

He strolled over to me and placed the tray onto the nightstand as my body hurts as if I got run over by a car. The pain starts to shoot through my body once more before vanishing. The blonde-haired boy with blue clothes that I couldn't describe helped me get up with his hand placed on my back and my arm. I glanced over at him,

"Who are you?" I asked, suspiciously and tried to remember if I met him. My fingertips touch the small bandaid on my forehead as I looked back at his brown eyes that were filled with sincere happiness.

The smile on his face wore off, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you talking about Y/n don't you remember me? It's me Kurapika, you're boyfriend." Kurapika said as he placed both of his hands on my shoulders, I shook my head, unable to remember.

"I-I don't remember." I truthfully told him, and my heart thudded against my chest. We both stared into each other's eyes, silence hung over the air until Kurapika sighed then sat down next to me on the bed I was still on. He gently wraps his arms around my body as if I would break if he either did it harshly. His warmth transfers into my body as I returned the hug, confusion entering my mind. I don't know what exactly is going on.

"Why are my ankles tied Kurapika?" My eyes gazed out through the window where the morning sun illuminated everything brightly, including the room. Y/n, it was my name and I wonder what is my last name. I need to ask him that.

"Oh, that? don't worry, it was another way I can make sure you don't get up from the bed after getting hit by a car. Your body still needs to heal and rest for a while." Kurapika answered as he pulls back from the hug, wiping the last remaining tear from his eye while keeping a smile.

He took a brief look at the breakfast still on the nightstand then back at me.

"You need to eat first Y/n then ask questions later otherwise they are going to get cold, I made your favorites."

Kurapika took the tray and placed it on his lap, taking the fork and then pierced onto the pancakes that were sliced into pieces. Is this my favorite food? Did I love pancakes with blueberries, strawberries to the side, and three eggs all cut in half? Kurapika started feeding me himself and slowly all the food started to be finished by me. I didn't protest when he fed me, something was annoying me, telling me that Kurapika is hiding some of the truth about me being hit by a car.

Kurapika got up from the bed,

"I'll be back, you just wait here and relax. And if you need something just shout for me."

he gave me one of his smiles again before starting to walk away from me. I quickly grabbed hold of his blue tabard outfit, stopping him. His head turned around at me, perplexed as his brown eyes stares down at mine.

"What is my last name?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, my eyes never leaving his face.

His smile once again returned to his face.

Fantasy DayDreams (Yandere various Hunter x hunter x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu