Chapter 10

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Ever since that day, I have been too traumatized by Killua's dark personality to escape this madness. I underestimated him and Gon, I really thought I was on top of the game I was forced to play. Now I'm stuck with two obsessive men who never let me be alone without them outside or inside the house. Gon's irritability at the previous restaurant was understandable.

He heard everything and probably ventured out in the middle of the night to see Alekzender. My concern for Alekzender led me to ask Gon if he was awake in the middle of the night.

Gon would smile at me and tell me he was still sleeping in the middle of the night. It was only one question I asked. However, it felt futile since Gon wouldn't tell me anything and I knew he would never hurt someone without a valid reason. Even if that reason was about a person trying to help me leave. Gon's kind nature is not clear to me.

I could hear their muffled conversation in the kitchen while I lay on the couch with a blanket covering my body. I drowned in the memory of Killua's cold eyes that showed killing intent. He is a monster and even worse an assassin from what he told me after the brief talk we had.

The only thing I can make out of what they're talking about was "Kill", and "didn't harm Y/N". Another one is "Let's see if he's willing to take further actions and if he is, just give him a small scare.", and "Y/n is back".

"Y/n is back."

Gon's words flooded my head and I knew he was the opposite of Killua since he had sympathy for others. And Killua doesn't seem to care about other lives besides me, Gon, and his little sister I sometimes hear about. I wonder who she is and from what Killua tells me, she must be really kind. But cannot come out of the house for some reason since Killua didn't explain to me that much but he said he would.

But what do they mean by the conversation they had in the kitchen? Have I really met them? Is that why they're acting like this toward me? This is extremely confusing and makes my head hurt from thinking about all the possibilities of how I met them before my generalized amnesia entered my life. It's a good thing Alekzender healed me with a kiss. I wonder what his abilities are and who is my husband. And who is my family? My home? Everyone I used to remember knew me and was aware of who I am?

The conversation became quiet and they walked into the room. I closed my eyes to pretend I was sleeping, keeping my breathing calm and my facial expression neutral. I could feel someone near me. I don't know if it is Gon or Killua but I know they're watching me.

I could feel Killua's or Gon's breath fanning against my face while I tried hard not tomove my face to show discomfort. After a couple of minutes, I couldn't feel anything until the blanket was ripped off me. My eyes flew open to look at both of them in shock.

"You really had us there for a moment Y/n," Gon said smiling down at me while I stared in shock at him. "It felt lonely without you."

He quickly suffocated me in a tight hug and my body could not move nor escape from him. Even though I could stay in the bathroom as long as I could, I knew that would be pointless.

"Alright that's enough, you're making it difficult for her to breathe if you squeeze her like that." Killua walked to his friend's side and placed his hand on his shoulder as his fingers gripped it tightly. Gon looked at him through his peripheral vision. When Killua gripped Gon, his hand relaxed and he no longer felt pain. I guess. Letting me go as the two of them stared at me; I asked them a question.

"What do you mean Y/n is back?"

"Oh, that you heard? Well, I guess I could tell you since I see no harm in it." Gon said as he plopped next to me on the couch. So did Killua, who remained silent and stared at me.

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