Chapter 11

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I sat with Killua on the couch in this new house we eventually moved in. The house wasn't that bad since it was big with a small table next to the couch and windows in the living room that showed me the outside world. Killua finished unpacking with his super--speed while I stood there and watched him zoom across the house to prepare one room and then another. He insisted that I don't help him and let him do all the work while I relax. Even when I wasn't doing anything it felt like Killua was watching my every movement; to see if I was going to escape or do something behind his back. I could tell Killua still didn't trust me.

 We both sat on the couch, watching TV of a crime documentary that occurred in the past. Killua's arms were caging me, preventing me from moving away. Killua glanced at me before his eyes landed on the TV.

"I never told you about my younger sister Alluka, did I?" He spoke as I gazed at him, "I was planning on bringing her here to meet you because I have been telling her about you whenever I go back to my home. Even though you see me almost every day. She kind of begged me to bring her to meet you."

"Wow, I never thought you would inform her about me. You just seem like that silent type who doesn't talk that much to his family," I told him as I went back to watching the screen.

"Yeah, until now." After that had been said, a wave of silence fell over us until another headache came to me, but this time a bit small. But as minutes passed, it slowly spread around in my head, I stirred in Killua's arms uncomfortably. Mostly due to how tight his hold on me.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stared at me with worried eyes. I shook my head and let a small smile spread on my face to show him that nothing was wrong with me but failed. 

"I'm fine," I reassured him until another sharp pain went through my head which caused me to see the world spin around for a while.

"No, you're not, here lie down for a bit since you look pale." Killua retreated his arm back and gently pushed me against the couch until I was lying down before getting up and using his hand to check my temperature.

"And you're heating up too." He took the remote and turned the TV off. I checked my neck to see how hot it was; it felt like I was touching a hot metal.

"Stay here, I'll be back." Killua gets up from the couch to go somewhere and six minutes later he comes back with a blanket and some pillows, I could tell they were his because I went to his room while exploring the house. He placed the pillow behind my head and put the thick blanket on me to which I let out a small thank you. 

Looking into to those pretty azure eyes that showed conflicted emotions before they disappeared, he lets a smile form on his face. As if Killua was trying to make everything look okay.

"I'll go and make some green tea to make you feel better." He says and then walks away, leaving me to my thoughts. I never tried green tea before so I wonder what it tastes like. Gon has been out for a long time now and I wonder what he's doing out there. But I stopped thinking when another wave of headache came back again, forcing me to retreat from my questions and other random thoughts that didn't mean anything to benefit me or the situation.

My vision slowly blurs before everything becomes clear again. Having a fever at this time is weird to me. I didn't stay out in the rain or anything like that so how come I got it so suddenly? Bringing my hand up to my face, feeling the tingling sensation on the back of my hand. All I see is a single tiny slash, revealing my dried blood. Placing my hand back under the blanket that provided warmth, my eyes became droopy, and the next moment I closed them. It all became black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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