The Black sisters x Reader On...

By TheBlackSistersPet

39.9K 688 253

One shots of the 2 Black sisters with the female reader. Requests are open! More

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Vampire thirst
Horny Period (NSFW)
Jellousy Shopping
I just wanted to help
Sick day
Halloween Maskerade ball
Halloween Maskerade part 2!
They are mine!
Tickle punishment
They are Mine! Part 2 (NSFW)
Plesureful Night (NSFW)
Seeing each other again! (NSFW)

Bella love

2.8K 37 9
By TheBlackSistersPet

This was requested by: B_Lestrange_
Thank you so much for requesting and giving me this idea. I will have you know that I am not good with a Dom reader, if you know what I mean. But I will still do them. I probably won't have a lot of story's of a Dom reader so be aware of that. Also I am so sorry this took forever. I am supposed to read a book for a class but the book is super boring and not my type. Anyway hope you enjoy!


-Dom Reader
-Sub Bellatrix

(Y/n's prospective):

I was walking out of potions class and started head towards the lake to meet up with my girlfriend, Bellatrix Black. As I got onto the field, I started to hear shouting and yelling. As I got closer, I saw Bellatrix and some group of Slytherin in my year yelling at her.

"So what are you going to do about it?" One of the boys asks. "Tell your girlfriend?" Another one said. This angered Bellatrix and within a second of her trying to pull out her wand one of the boys, who seem to be the leader, took his wand out and shout a spell at her. "Crusio!" He yelled. Bellatrix screamed in pain, while the group started laughing. This was my last straw.

"Detention for a month Mr. Fallwood!" I screamed. Being a perfect and the smartest Slytherin girl of my year helps out a lot in situations like these. The boy lifted his spell. "Oh come on y/n, she is week, come and hang out with us. We are more stronger then that slut." He said. I raced towards Bellatrix to find any wounds that may have formed. "I would say the only fool and weak one is you Mr. Fallwood. Don't you dare think I forgot about your little friends too." I sneered.

"So what are you going to do about it y/l/n? Are you going to tell professor Dumbledore?" One of his buddies said. I stood up and gave them all the death glare. They Shreeked at my stare. I lifted my wand towards the 3 of them with my anger going towards my wand. "CRUSIO!" I shouted. All 3 boys dropped to the ground screaming like girls. I started manically laughing as I watched them squirm in pain. I finally lifted the spell, with them grasping for breath. "Speak of this to anyone, and you will wish you were never born. Now go and never bother us again!" I shouted as they stumbled on their legs to try and run away.

I crouched down to Bella seeing tears in her eyes. "Please, take me back to our room y/n" she pleaded. I picked her up slowly as to not hurt her even more than she already was. I started walking through the halls heading to the dorm with her clinging on me. As we got to the door room, I carful pushed the door open and headed straight for our bed.

I layed Bellatrix down on the bed carefully and went to get some potion ingredients to help with the pain. "Babe, come back. I need you!" Bellatrix wined from the bed. "In a minute love. I am just making a potion for you to help with the pain. As soon as I got everything done I grabbed a glass of water and the potion and went back towards the bed.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and handed the potion to Bella. She hurried and gulped down the potion and quickly took the water to wash out the taste. I got up and went to my side of the bed and got in with her. She shimmied towards me as I wrapped my arms around her tiny body. Keeping her safe.

"I love you y/n" she said softly. "I love you too Bella." I said as I scratched her head softly, waiting for her to fall asleep in my arms.


Sorry I had to add this. Anyway, I am sorry this chapter was so short. I couldn't think of anything else. I still hope you guys enjoyed it.

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