A Cliché Quest For Revenge

By Jhackiiee

110 14 13

A/N: this project was extremely rushed at the end. I ended up not liking it and all of my motivation passed s... More

Little Notice
Chapter 1: Introductions And Interrogations
An Approaching Threat...
Chapter 2: First Impressions
Chapter 3: Inquiries.
Sharpen Your Knives..
Chapter 4: Ready? Fight!
Chapter 5: The White Void.
The Chase Begins..
Chapter 6: An Ink Splotch.
Chapter 7: Right Here, Right Now.
Another Failed Mission..
Chapter 8: Greetings.
Chapter 9: A New Friend In The Group.
Chapter 11: On The Other Side.
You've Never Had Cake Before?
Chapter 12: Teaching Time.
Chapter 13: Guilt, Fear Or Regret?
Another Notice
What A Wierd Birthday And Christmas Surprise..(Christmas Sort Of Special)
Chapter 14: Comforting Day.
Chapter 15: Predictable
Winners Yet Losers.
The Final Fight.

Chapter 10: Another One Of These Fights.

6 0 3
By Jhackiiee

A small breeze danced past, carefully and lightly caressing the three girl's faces. As they agreed to go tell the other two that Jupiner decided to come with, Fell and Frisk sleepily walked over,"Why're you kids outside so early.." Fell questioned. The three on the bench looked over to the ones standing up,"We just n-needed some time o-outside.." Ellie said. Kitty nodded, standing up,"However, our friend here would like to protect Ellie." She said, not noticing her cheeks flush red with warmth. Fell looked over, and so did Frisk. There was a part of concern on their faces, ignoring said concern, Frisk took the news as something happy. Fell, on the other hand, looked confused and ready to blurt some sarcastic sentence out of his mouth,"Do you want a death wish kid?" He said.

Jupiner nodded, a stern look on her face,"Good at fighting.." She immediately responded. Fell sighed,"Well it's your fault if you get hurt real bad." He replied,"We're going to Underswap again." Fell followed up. They all got together, discussed other plans, like going to other AUs and exploring them. Soon enough, they all walked through the same portal most of them have seen too many times before. Landing on the soft snow of Snowdin, Jupiner took some glances around. Everyone else relaxed, having seen this place before. Ellie took a look at Jupiner,"Are you okay..?" She asked, barely stuttering. Jupiner nodded, still looking around,"Not used.. To place."  She said in a monotone voice. Ellie smiled,"It's okay.. Most people here are friends.."
"Yeah, most..! Nightmare might track us down again.." Ellie sighed. Jupiner nodded, in taking the information.

"Just don't talk about him a lot. That's how he can track you kids down." Fell said, walking away. The others followed like little ducklings following their mother. Walking in the midst of trees, presumably Christmas type trees, they finally stepped on what felt like rock. However, it wasn't hard or soft. It slightly, very slightly, dented under their feet. Small drops of water dropped down, occasionally. They then walk further, to a cavern type place,"It's very calm in here.. Don't you agree?" Kitty finally spoke up after minutes of silence. Frisk replied with a small hum. Soon, Swap spotted them and hurried them over to a small secluded room with a small pedestal,"Why are you here! You know you weren't supposed to be here!" Swap said concerned," 'Cause we can't stay with Core the whole time." Fell replied,"And this is the one place that has always been a battle field."

Fell snickered. In the meanwhile, the four behind Fell sat in awkward silence. Jupiner crossed her arms and looked away, forming a little scowl on her face. Ellie noticed her, giving her a confused look. Jupiner looked back at her, giving her a look to try to reassure her everything was okay. However, it wasn't the case. A suspicion grew in Jupiner's head, it seemed like she didn't like Swap. She didn't trust him. Looking at the others she eased up slightly. Still though, she wasn't sure it was safe to trust him. Kitty cleared her throat and stepped forward,"I apologise for bringing Nightmare here by accident.. He's keeping track of me and waiting for a time to attack of course.." She said. Swap smiled reassuringly,"Don't worry, I'm kinda used to it now." He replied. She smiled back.

"To be honest, I expect him to attack you again soon." Swap added on. Kitty laughed nervously,"I agree, I guess he finds it easier to attack me here rather than anywhere else." She said. Standing around, discussing the usual things and the other three standing awkwardly, a big portal opened. It looked like a black hole, like they could fall into it with ease. Seconds later three skeletons walked out, making way for the one and only. Nightmare. Killer, Dust and Horror stood behind him,"I didn't think you'd come back here. This makes things easier." With a scowl, Jupiner took a step infront of Ellie. Nightmare took a glance at the two of them,"A new friend I see." Expecting another fight, Swap and Fell were prepared to attack. Kitty glared at him, knowing what his appearance would entail,"Do not say another word Nightmare." she said. With an evil laugh, Nightmare signalled for his group to do their work. In the blink of an eye they separated the main team.

It was like the usual, Horror fought with Frisk. Dust was against Swap. Killer this time had two opponents, Ellie and Jupiner. Not that he'd have to dodge double the attacks, only one person would be attacking him. And finally, Nightmare fought against Kitty and Fell.

In an instant gaster blasters went off. Beams of light filtered the air. Frisk swiftfully dodged Horror's attacks. Again. And again. And again. It was almost like a never ending cycle. Until finally, Frisk made a wrong move. The sharp axe Horror used made a what seemed like a small cut on their arm. Somehow though, Frisk's arm was completely immobilised. Holding onto it, they dodged at much as they could. Soon enough, they fell to their knees. With a swing of the axe, it was game over. A small glow in the distance appeared. Horror's creepy grin faded. Frisk was back, knowing how to dodge everything. As their fight continued, another played out. Dust and Swap dodged and attacked. The same as always.

In the meanwhile, Killer was preoccupied dodging every single attack thrown at him. Jupiner's fighting skills exceeded his expectations. He was finding it difficult to dodge an attack every second. But if he didn't dodge, he might as well have been cut into multiple little pieces. There was a small space, in which Killer finally found the power to attack back. Ellie stayed dodging, healing her new fighting partner when needed. They continued fighting. Attacking and dodging the best they could. Ellie watched from the sidelines. The main fight going on seemed as if it lasted forever. The downside was that Nightmare was winning. Kitty and Fell were fated to lose this time. There was no way for them to win at the last second. Not when Nightmare was driven by even more negativity this time.

All fights went on and on. Soon, Nightmare's team took the lead once again. The other team noticed they'd need to retreat, or possibly be put into the hands of death. Quick on his feet, Fell used some of his power that was left to teleport everyone on his side a slight bit away. Gaster blasters aimed at them, ready to shoot. As soon as they did, Fell teleported the group away.

(Word count: 1130)

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