Randicon One-Shots (cause I c...

By TimothyDuck777

5K 205 175

I really love writing about these two! So much so that I've decided to make one-shots cause... I can. It's be... More

Requests are Open!
Beauty and the Beast AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
What is love?
Hiding in plan sight
Dancing with Nobody Else
"Wait... You're Me!"
Rock and Little Love
Falling for a Civilian
Falling for the Ninja
Good Intentions
Rough Day
Rainy Days are Sick
Wave Call
Heart Racing
009 the Spy
Pick a Side, FBI
Love is Blind
First Date Mishaps

Coffee Break

217 11 7
By TimothyDuck777

Request made by: (the moefoe writing this)

(Fall has been here for a while so a classic coffee shop love story is exactly what we need lol.)
(Thank you to CartoonLoverGirl01 for the idea! Brainstorming ideas on Discord is what my smooth brain needs!)
(Anyway, hope you enjoy!)

Work is not fun to deal with. Especially when your CEO of the whole building. Most would think being at such a high status would have its perks but it doesn't compare to the utter pain of dealing with stupidity exceeding my expectations.

Like fellow members making poor investment choices, cutting costs on essential projects, or lowering pay to employees below us simply for a one percent difference in income.

It's very frustrating. All these problems snowball into this big mess that I have to do overtime for just to salvage whatever is left. Which means long hours at my desk simply working my time away to dust.

Though I suppose it's not all bad. The office at night is surprisingly peaceful with no people in the building. The chatter in the cubicles is cut to nothing and the number of people barging into my office to ask a simple-to-answer question is at a zero.

But there is one issue where staying up is a struggle. There isn't exactly a coffee shop open at midnight and the coffee maker is completely unusable after someone put milk rather than water in the damn thing.

I truly work with the finest of dumbasses.

It's annoying indeed but I manage. I am very lucky to be in the position I'm in because I know I would be even more frustrated if I were a level lower. Being a CEO does relieve some stress but it does add a lot to my plate.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my train of thought. I sighed to myself before telling them they could come in, hoping that whatever news they had were good.

"What is it?" I asked, clearly not in the finest of moods.
"I have those revisals you requested," They stated.

They handed me the large stack of papers. A tower of paperwork that just left me dreading whatever was written on them.

Hopefully, they hadn't messed up again...

My hopes were too high.

"Who approved of these?" I asked.
"Um... I'm not sure," They mumbled.
"Well, tell whoever is part of this department to review it again. These numbers are all wrong," I stated, pushing the pages back to him.

"I'm sorry sir but the superiors of the accounting department left for vacation yesterday," They explained.
"...For how long?"
"...Three days,"

There goes whatever plans I had planned.

"Fine, I'll cover it, return to your work," I stated.

They left the room in a rush, leaving me to brew in my added work load.

I really should look into hiring more competent people because overworking myself day in and day out is not helping. My blood is practically cheap coffee at this point.

I focused on work at this point. Ignoring the clock hanging on my wall and silencing any calls to my office, throwing myself into work without stopping.

But at some point, I wasn't even sure what time was anymore. I finally looked up from my computer to see it was already night. The sunset was a while ago and I'm not even sure if I'll be done with work just yet.

Still, twelve more files to review until I can call it a day.

I sighed as I could feel myself getting tired by the minute. My eyes now struggling to stay open and my vision blurring.

I need a break.

I got up from my desk, heading to the vending machine to hopefully get an energy drink or something. But to my utter frustration, an out-of-order sign was tapped over the glass.

...I'm going to have to practice taking my mug shots because I'm on the verge of strangling someone.

I groaned and reluctantly returned to my desk, grabbing my coat and heading out of the building to find a convenience store nearby.

Even though it was beautiful tonight, my frustration clouded my thoughts. I can't even enjoy a quick walk at night.

As I walked further and further down the sidewalk, I noticed a small light from the alleyway beside me. I turned to look to see a coffee shop tucked away in the corner. If I hadn't turned to look I would have missed it.

It was a strange sight but my caffeine-deprived brain didn't care. Coffee is exactly what I needed.

I walked toward the entrance to see it was open. It was kinda weird how a coffee shop would even be open at this time but I'm not complaining.

I opened the door and instantly smelled fresh coffee in the air. I took a moment to look around and it was nice in here.

"I-I'll be with you in a moment!" Said a voice in the back.

I could hear the employee scrambling to get in order, rushing to get to the register.

I waited until I finally saw the person, his face surprised and excited to see someone in the store. His purple hair was a bit of a mess and his name tag was upside down. I couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"H-Hello! Sorry for the wait, what can I get you?" He asked, pen and notepad in hand.
"Uh, just a hot black coffee, three shots of espresso," I said.
"Whoah, someone's pulling an all-nighter. And no sugar? You've got guts," He laughed.
"Yeah, I guess," I smiled.
"Welp, I'll be sure to get that out to you,"

He rushed to the back, almost tripping but managing to collect himself. I wasn't sure what it was but a warm feeling washed over me. Maybe I'm just imagining it or something.

I waited for him, passing the time on my phone.
But I found myself looking up at my phone to see what he was doing. A grin on his face as he measured everything out. Something about his smile was contagious because I was smiling without even thinking.

It was strange.

"Alright! Here you go!" He exclaimed, placing the drink on the counter.
"Thank you," I said.

I noticed something sitting on top of the lid, a small chocolate-covered coffee bean.

"Oh, that's on the house by the way. Thought you might want something sweet with that bitter drink," He joked.
"Ha, thanks," I smiled.
"Come back whenever," He grinned.

I left, leaving behind a tip.

I walked back to work as I stared down at my drink, that boy's face still fresh in my mind. He had a cute smile. I popped the coffee bean in my mouth, I don't normally like sweet things but I like this one. I'm not sure why.


After that day, I stopped by the coffee shop daily.
I was practically a regular at this point with how often I would show up.

And for some reason, I stop by not for the coffee but for that boy.

I got to know him over time and I finally learned his name the second time I stopped by.

Randy, a name I keep repeating in my head. His face is something I replay in my mind while having a rough day at work. His laugh was rewinded to play again and again in my thoughts.

His as addicting as caffeine and I don't want to stop seeing him. I don't know what's gotten into me but I don't mind it. As long as I keep it to myself, I shouldn't worry. I don't exactly want to scare him off and sound like a creep.

Sure, I can call him a friend now but I don't want to step over any boundaries.

...I've gone insane haven't I?

I wanted to get coffee, not catch feelings but here I am.

"Nomi~," Hummed a very annoying voice.

I looked up to see one of the accountants walk in. A huge grin on her face and her orange hair was all done up.

Of course, it was Heidi, I should get a lock on my office door.

"Do you need something?" I asked.
"I just have a quick question~," She grinned.
"Is it work-related?"
"No, but-,"
"Then goodbye," I stated, returning my attention to my computer.

"It'll be quick," She insisted, placing her hand over my keyboard to prevent me from typing any further.

Would this be grounds to fire someone? Probably not but I wouldn't mind risking the lawsuit if it means that she's gone.

"Fine, what is it?" I questioned with my frustration transparent.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get drinks together after work," She said.

"I don't drink," I stated.
"T-Then dinner?" She asked.
"Not hungry right now,"
"I'm talking about after work," She elaborated.
"My point still stands, I'm not in the mood," I said.

"Now, if you could excuse me, I have work," I stated before swatting her hands away from my keyboard to return to work.

"F-Fine... Let me know when you change your mind~," She giggled.

When the earth turns into a ball of flames then I'd consider.

She finally left, leaving me to return to what I was doing.
I looked up at the clock to see that freedom was only a few hours away.

Time to throw myself into work.

Seconds easily piled up to minutes and those minutes to hours. Once again I had a bit of overtime added. Not exactly what I wanted but I also didn't want to go deal with today's work plus tomorrow's work later.

Finally, I managed to get everything ready. Right when I hit save and then power off I quickly gathered my things, hoping that I could get to see Randy today.

But something has been on my mind for some time. I want to be around him after work. I want to spend my free time with him. As much as I love our time together while his on shift; I hadn't been around him after his work. I don't think I've ever seen him in causal clothes yet.

I wonder if I could ask him if we could... possibly extend our time together after his shift.

I headed over to the shop, my heart beating slightly faster now that I knew I would see him.

I stepped in front of the shop and saw Randy who looked utterly bored in the empty shop. Until he finally looked up to see me, his face brightening up in an instant once he saw me.

There's that warm feeling I love.

"Nomi! Hey, I thought you wouldn't show up today, same drink as always?" He smiled.
"Yeah, the usual," I said.

He was about to walk into the back but something made me want to ask him something.

"H-Hey, before you go back there, can I ask you a question?" I asked.
"Oh, sure, what's up?" He asked, his smile still on his face.

I was about to speak when I suddenly heard the bell of the door ring. I turned around to see a man I haven't seen before.
He wore a velvet turtle neck with his hair slicked back, and a light purple scarf around his neck.

"Oh! I'll be right with you," He said,

The customer glanced over at me, glaring at me for a slit second before turning back to Randy with a gentle expression.

Odd guy.

"You know each other?" The man asked Randy, his thick French accent noticeable.
"Yeah, he's a regular," Randy smiled as he continued to brew the coffee.
"Huh, interesting," He mumbled.

"So, what would you like? I can make it real quick," Randy offered.
"A Breve latte, with a side of you preferably~," He smirked.

That irked me right when the words registered in my mind.

"Haha, good joke," Randy awkwardly laughed.

Randy returned to the back to prepare the latte, leaving me alone with this guy.

"So, you know him too, huh?" He commented.
"Yeah, he's a friend," I stated.
"I'm a friend of his too, though I can confidently say we're closer," He said with a smug face.

"I didn't know there was a contest,"
"Simply pointing out the obvious, I wouldn't want you to get your hopes up," He joked.

"I don't know what you're referring to but it's obvious your projecting, insecurity doesn't look good on you by the way," I said.

He growled under his breath, clearly, I hit a nerve.

"Alright, here's your drink sir," Randy said.

He placed the drink down on the counter but before he could let go, the guy placed his hand over his. Preventing Randy from letting go.

"You can cut the formalities and refer to me as, Jacque~," He smirked.
"H-Haha, alright," Randy smiled stiffly.

The man finally let go, taking the drink in hand. Before he left he dropped a small note in the tip jar, his number written on the small piece of paper. The man walked out of the store with his smug smile still on his face, acting as if he had the upper hand against me.

Not something I expected to experience today.

"Sorry about that, I'll be back with yours,"

He went into the back again, leaving me to stress again silently. I wasn't sure if maybe I was going to ask a question he would be uncomfortable with. Maybe I'm moving too fast. I know we have talked a lot but I still want to be on the cautious side.

"Alright, here you go," Randy said.

There was the chocolate-covered coffee bean on the lid. He always makes a point to add it.

"So, what did you want to ask?" He pointed out.

"Oh um..."

I'm slowly regretting my life choices. I've gotten this far, might as well take this risk.

"Uh, do you possibly want to... hang out sometime? You know, after work I suppose?"

Hang out? What am I? A high schooler?

His face turned instantly red with my question. Making me wonder if I said the right thing or not.

"O-Oh! Yeah! Totally! Um, you can call me whenever to set a time," He said.
"But I don't have your number," I pointed out.
"Um... t-turn your cup around," He mumbled.

I do so and right under the coffee shop logo was his number written in sharpie. I looked up from the cup and I swear his face turned two shades redder.

"Ha, alright, I guess it's a date then," I smiled.
"Y-Yeah! Can't wait!" He uttered.
"I better get going but I'll send you a text," I said.
"A-Alright!" He said.

I walked out of the shop with my coffee in my hand. Before I left, I turned to look through the window of the shop to see Randy who was hopping up and down as he looked excited. Completely oblivious to me seeing him celebrating.

I guess I was pretty stupid thinking I had to worry.

I'm looking forward to this date.


Ah yes, my nights are as they follow; Play mobile cod while having gamer moments, shit-post on discord and have stupid arguments in VC, do some homework that should have been turned in, and write fanfics for the internet...

Truly a life that is sad all on its own but at least I can write fanfics for y'all to enjoy lol.

Thank you all for all the love and have a happy fall! I turn 19 later this month and I'm dreading that number cause it's not an even number... thank you lol


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