Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

由 YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... 更多

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XI

3.8K 110 75
由 YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

At the inn, Yamato, (Y/N), Sai, and Naruto were sitting in the men's hot spring. Sakura was in the women's.

Half of Naruto's face was in the water, and he had a white towel on his head. Yamato sat on his right, and (Y/N) sat on his left. Sai was sitting next to (Y/N).

Yamato: Ahh... Naked like this with no secrets from each other. There's nothing like it for bringing people together is there?

When he got no response, he made his creepy fear face at the three.

Yamato: <threateningly> There's nothing like it, is there?

Naruto: <scared> Right! There's nothing like it!

He quickly stood up, backing away from Yamato.

Sai: What do you know? Looks like you do have some balls after all.

(Y/N) snorted, while Naruto jumped back into the water again, blushing madly.

Naruto: <shouting> Mind your own business! Damn it! You're always balls this, balls that! You're so annoying!! 💢

(Y/N): <laughing> Oh, this is gold.

Laughing was then heard from the women's side of the hot spring.

Naruto: Great, now look at what you've done! They're all laughing at me thanks to you!

Sai: Well, at least you brought a little joy to Sakura's day. Try to look at it like that.

Naruto: That's right, Sakura!

He then made a pervy smile.

(Y/N) closed his eyes and stretched his arms.

Yamato: All righty then. I think I've soaked enough for one day.

He got out of the springs and wrapped a towel around his waist.

Naruto, meanwhile, was slowly moving over to the wall that separated the men and women. The pervy face was still on him.

Sai: <to (Y/N)> What's Naruto doing?

(Y/N) opened an eye and immediately knew what the blond boy was up to.

(Y/N): Naruto! What do you think you're doing?

Naruto flinched and turned to look at (Y/N).

Naruto: <shaking his head> N-N-Nothing! I was just moving away from Sai, that's all!

(Y/N): Master Jiraiya really has been a bad influence on you.

Yamato: Let me share an interesting story with you, Naruto. Once when Master Jiraiya was young, there was one incident that nearly cost him his life. He fractured six ribs, both arms, and suffered several ruptured internal organs. Supposedly, Lady Tsunade did it to him. Her strength was astonishing. It all happened because he did precisely what you're contemplating right now. I wonder how Sakura would react.

And with that, he walked inside.

Naruto was left sweating and shaking. He stayed like that, not moving at all.

(Y/N): What the hell is up with him?

Sai: Maybe he was scared to petrification.

(Y/N): <sweat dropping> Uh, sure, Sai.

After a while, both Sai and (Y/N) climbed out of the hot spring. They wrapped towels around their waists and looked at Naruto who was still frozen.

Sai: Hey, Naruto. Naruto! <to (Y/N)> He's not responding.

(Y/N): Good grief.

The white haired male's long hair slowly extended itself, wrapping around Naruto's waist and yoinking the blond boy over to the two Shinobi.

Naruto shook his head and looked at his waist. He yelped and jumped up at the sight of hair around him.

(Y/N): Come on, Naruto, let's go. We don't have time for anymore of your tomfoolery.

As (Y/N)'s hair went back to its normal length, Naruto turned to him.

Naruto: Eh? Why do you sound like an old man? Who says "tomfoolery?" Not even Granny Tsunade or Pervy Sage say that!

(Y/N): Oh, shut up!

Sai: Interesting. I didn't know your hair could extend like that.

(Y/N): Yeah. It's one of my powers.

Naruto: Well, I suppose you are an old man since you're the oldest one in our class even including Bushy Brow's team.

(Y/N): Shut up! 💢 I am not an old man! I am only 17 years old! Quick, Sai, how old are you?

Sai: I'm 17.

(Y/N): And when's your birthday?

Sai: Mm... November 25th.

(Y/N) slumped to the ground.

Sai: Oh... I take it I'm younger than you.

(Y/N) nodded his head as a cloud of gloom appeared over his body.

Naruto: Ha ha! (Y/N)'s an old man!

(A/N): (Y/N)'s birthday is anywhere in January to at most February 14. You get to pick, but due to him being an old man (😈) the birthday has to stay in that area. Sorry.


As the sun was setting, (Y/N), Naruto, Sai, and Sakura walked into Yamato's inn room where tons and tons of food was lying on a table. They were all in robes now.

Sakura: Oh, wow! I've never seen such a spread.

(Y/N): I feel like I'm dreaming right now.

Naruto: <drooling> It's amazing! Hey, uh, Captain Yamato?

Yamato: What is it, Naruto?

Naruto: What's the deal here? Is all of this really for us?

The four sat down at the table.

Yamato: Yeah. Go ahead and dig in.

Naruto: Yes! Thanks a lot!

Sakura: Thank you so much!

(Y/N): <mouth full of food> Thankb youb.

As they ate, Naruto grinned.

Naruto: If we get treated to a feast like this on every mission, then I say you can lead our squad forever, Captain Yamato!

Sakura: I second that! Let's hope that Kakashi-sensei doesn't get out of the hospital too soon.

(Y/N): Damn, why do you gotta do Kakashi-sensei like that? 😔

Soon all of the food was gone.

Naruto: Man, I am stuffed.

Sakura: Thank you for the meal.

Sai: Yes indeed. Thank you.

(Y/N): I feel much better now.

Sakura: Were you feeling bad earlier, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I got called an old man...

Naruto: That's because you are one!

(Y/N): Oh, shut up! Just because I used the word "tomfoolery" once and am the oldest out of our class, doesn't make me an old man like Kakashi-sensei!

Sakura: Damn. Why you gotta do Kakashi-sensei like that? 😔

Yamato: <chuckling> Now, then. Normally I'd say this was the perfect time for us to discuss our mission now that we're all fed and rested. But since the reason we're here is to improve our team morale, we'll save the heavy stuff for later.

Naruto: Now you're talking, Captain Yamato.

Yamato: So, we'll discuss the mission specifics tomorrow.


The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to find Naruto's arm on his face.

The white haired male glanced at Naruto and saw that the blond boy was spread out all over the place.

(Y/N): <thinking> I knew it was a mistake to place my futon next to Naruto...

The Jonin pushed Naruto's arm off of his face and sat up. He heard Naruto stir next to him.

Naruto: Mmm... What time is it?

(Y/N): <looking around the room> Where's Sai?

Naruto: Hm? Who cares? We don't need that jerk.

(Y/N): Remember what I told you yesterday, Naruto. Don't be antagonistic towards him. You don't have to like him, but don't be a bitch either.

Naruto grumbled to himself as he sat up.

Yamato walked over to them, all dressed.

Yamato: You two, find Sakura and Sai and tell them it's time to go. We need to get going as soon as possible.

The two got dressed and packed up their things before heading outside. There they found Sai and Sakura. They only heard the last part of their conversation.

Sai: The right words escape me... And I just don't feel... anything.

Naruto: Is that why you're such an insensitive jerk?

(Y/N) smacked Naruto on top of the head.

(Y/N): What did I just say earlier? 💢

Sakura and Sai both sweat dropped.

(Y/N): Anway, Captain Yamato says it's time to go.

Naruto grumbled to himself again as he rubbed his head. He looked at Sai, who was drawing in his sketchbook.

Naruto: Hmph! That drawing is nothing special.

Sai: Yes. Just like what's between your legs, right?

Naruto: <angry> That's it! I've had it! I HATE you!! If you've got a problem with me, don't give me that fake smile! Just say it! And I'll fight you anytime!!

An irk mark formed on (Y/N)'s forehead. He grabbed Naruto and started shaking him back and forth.

(Y/N): Did you not hear what the fuck I just said?! Are you that much of a moron?! I'm so gonna kick your ass!!

Sakura: Careful, (Y/N)! You're going to hurt Naruto!

Naruto and (Y/N) were both yelling, but stopped when they heard Sai talk.

Sai: But I don't hate you, Naruto. As a matter of fact, I don't feel anything toward you at all, good or bad.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow and let go of Naruto, who was panting heavily.

Sai: Please just go on ahead. I'll catch up as soon as I've packed.

Sakura: I'll help.

She picked up one of Sai's books. On the cover was a drawing of a gray haired boy.

Sakura: Oh. This is not a printed copy. Did you draw this, too?

Sai: <taking it> Yeah...

Sakura: Wow, your very own picture book. Hey, while we're on the road, is it okay if I flip through this?

Sai: Sorry, but no. It's not finished yet. Plus, I don't really show it to others... Because it belongs to my older brother.

(Y/N) and Sakura both looked at each other.

(Y/N): You have an older brother, Sai?

Sai just nodded in response and resumed packing, not talking at all.

Naruto: Let's go, guys.

As the three left Sai, (Y/N) glared at Naruto.

(Y/N): Try to be more like Sakura. At least she's trying to get to know him better.

Naruto: Hmph.

He walked away.

(Y/N): <sighing> What the hell is up with him?

Sakura: I don't know. Maybe he thinks Sai is replacing Sasuke.

(Y/N): He does realize we're on a mission to bring Sasuke back, right? Whatever.

He turned to Sakura and gave her a soft smile. She blushed.

(Y/N): I appreciate you trying to get to know Sai. I'm proud of you, Sakura.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. Her face got even more red.

Sakura: Th-Thanks. <giggles>


The five Leaf shinobi walked out of the inn.

Yamato: Well, gang, how we doing? Everyone getting along?

(Y/N) elbowed Naruto, while Sakura chuckled nervously.

Naruto: <looking at Sai> Can't stand that guy.

Suddenly, Yamato moved in front of Naruto, staring at him with his scary face.

Yamato: <threateningly> Maybe you'd like me to resort to more draconian methods. Huh?!

Naruto yelped and scooted backwards into the building way, shaking and sweating.

Naruto: <scared> Don't worry, Captain! We're really starting to build up that teamwork, you know!

(Y/N) rolled his eyes while Sakura sighed.

Sai: Well, you're certainly in a better mood now, aren't you?

Sakura: You're not serious, are you? He's obviously faking it.

Sai: Really?

Sakura: The best way out of a tough situation is a smile, isn't it? You said so yourself. Don't you remember?

Sai: <fake smiles> Oh, yes. That's right.

Sakura's eyebrow twitched and she started chuckling threateningly, while Naruto started chuckling nervously.

(Y/N): <dead pan> I don't think I'll be able to survive this.


The group walked through a path in a forest a while until Yamato randomly decided to go into the actually dark forest.

While walking, a spider landed on Sakura's shoulder causing her to shriek and grip (Y/N)'s arm.

The white haired male chuckled and flicked the spider off of her shoulder.

(Y/N): Why don't you stay close to me? I'll protect you from any bugs.

As he said that, a huge cockroach flew past his head, causing him to shriek and pull Sakura closer to his chest.

Sakura blushed at the close contact but started screaming when she saw the cockroach land on (Y/N)'s head.

They both started flailing their arms, screaming.

(Y/N): <shouting> GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!

Naruto grabbed a tree branch, ready to hit the cockroach, but as he swung it down, the cockroach flew off of (Y/N)'s head, causing Naruto to club the white haired male.

His face was rammed into the ground.

Sakura: AAAAHHH!! (Y/N)!!


(Y/N) shot back up, touching the top of his head.

(Y/N): Is it gone?!

Naruto: Yeah... Heh heh...

(Y/N) sighed in relief before glaring at Naruto.

(Y/N): I swear to god if I have a concussion...

Naruto started sweating nervously.

Sakura: <panting> Captain Yamato, what's the plan here? The path we were on was fine. Where are we going?

Yamato: Lady Tsunade told you, I'm sure.

Naruto: What are you talking about?

Yamato: The information Sakura got could actually be a trap. There's a possibility that the Akatsuki are just playing us. Tenchi Bridge could be nothing but an ambush. Naruto, they could be after you here.

Naruto: <gasps> No way.

(Y/N): <rubbing his head> That could be a possibility...

Yamato: I don't think it's really all that likely, but still, you can never be too careful.

Naruto, (Y/N), and Sakura all nodded.

Yamato: We'll keep hidden as much as possible until we reach Tenchi Bridge.

Naruto: Right, you got it.

The five eventually made it to an open clearing. It was now dark outside.

Yamato: Well, this spot should do.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Yamato: All right, let's pack it in here tonight.

Naruto: Say what? If you really want to set up camp, then we should backtrack to that cave we passed, instead of lying in the open out here.

Yamato ignored Naruto and put his hands together.

Yamato: Okay, everyone, step back. <hand signs> Wood Style: Four-Pillar House Jutsu!

All of a sudden, a wooden house sprang up from the ground. Yamato was sitting on the roof, waving at the four other shinobi.

Yamato: We'll camp out here tonight!

Sakura: Boy, I don't know. Can you really call this camping?

Naruto: Whoa.

(Y/N): This sure beats sleeping in a cave.

When everyone got inside, the younger ninja stared in awe. There were stairs leading to multiple rooms.

Naruto: Man, look at this place!

Sakura: It's so spacious!

Naruto: Oh, boy, I can't wait to see what our rooms are gonna be like.

They opened a pair of doors that lead into a big room. There was even a pair of windows.

(Y/N): God damn, this place is impressive.

Naruto threw his backpack against the wall and laid against it, sighing in relief.

Naruto: Time to kick back. Now, if we only had a bath.

He noticed Sai setting up next to him and made a grumpy face.

Sai: Hm? Is there something you want?

Naruto: Hmph. Not from you, pal.

He moved his backpack to the other side of the room.

(Y/N) sighed and put his backpack down next to Sai.

Naruto: Hey, (Y/N)! Don't sleep next to him!

(Y/N): It's better than sleeping next to you. You sprawl out all over the place and your limbs end up on my face.

He glanced over at Sai, who gave him a fake smile.


Yamato sat in the center of the room with a candle next to him. It was the only light source.

Yamato: All right, gather around, everyone. (Y/N), Sakura, there are a few things I need to know.

Sakura: What about?

Yamato: Everything regarding the Akatsuki member Sasori. I received his file from Sunagakure, but it would be helpful if you could fill in any blanks about his personality, speech patterns, mannerisms, quirks... After all, you two are the only ones here who's gone toe-to-toe with him.

Naruto: What do you need to know all that for?

Yamato: The Akatsuki spy who has infiltrated Orochimaru's ranks expects to rendezvous with Sasori at Tenchi Bridge. They might catch me right away, but I'm going to try to approach them disguised as Sasori.

Sai: Spy work entails pretty high risk, so your target will definitely have their guard up.

Yamato: True. And there's still a small chance this is an Akatsuki trap. I've planned for that possibility as well. That's why I'll approach first, alone. You four will lie in wait until I signal you.

(Y/N): There was an Akatsuki spy, Yura, in the Sand Village as well...

Sakura: And the way Sasori mentioned it, just before he died... I don't think it's a lie, but...

Sai: Either way, this spy is most likely quite strong and accomplished.

Naruto: Yeah, well, so are we.

Yamato: The devil is in the details, team, so here's the mission from A to Z. Our one and only goal is a live capture. The target must not be killed or injured, no matter what. Even if it means having to fight them. If they're killed, we lose our only source of intelligence. Therefore, this mission is even harder than when you just have to take down the enemy. And because it's such a delicate situation, this must go off without a hitch. So, while you four act as backup, I'll go ahead and try to capture the target by myself. If, by some chance, my disguise is penetrated, and it is revealed I am, in fact, not Sasori, a battle will likely ensue. Then, and only then, do you shift to combat mode, entering the fray on my signal alone. We will fight in pairs at all times. Every warrior's action will be covered by their partner. The watchword, people, is teamwork. So... here are the pairings. Squad One will be Naruto and Sai. Squad Two will be (Y/N) and Sakura.

Sakura: But what about you, Captain Yamato?

Yamato: Due to our uneven team, I'll have to be by myself. I have the most experience, so I don't have a partner. And (Y/N)...

He turned to look at the white haired male.

Yamato: Sakura's the team's only medic ninja. We can't afford to have her injured, so you will have to cover her.

(Y/N): Yeah. I don't have any medical ninjutsu copied right now... <thinking> Except for Granny Chiyo's...

Sai and Naruto looked at each other.

Sai: <fake smiling> Partner.

Naruto: Oh, c'mon, Captain! Team me up with anyone... just not him!

Yamato made his scary, looming face again.

Yamato: And yet you continue to complain...

Naruto shivered.

(Y/N): Captain Yamato, I can be Sai's partner if Naruto's going to make a fuss about it.

Yamato: No. Naruto needs to learn to work alongside Sai.

Naruto grumbled, while (Y/N) and Sakura exchanged worried looks.

Yamato: In light of what I just told you, this isn't standard procedure, but half of tomorrow will be focused on pair simulation exercises. Everything I know about you three comes from your files. I need to assess firsthand your battle style and skills, the makeup of your jutsu, et cetera. Clearly, it's the only way I'm ever going to forge this team into the cohesive fighting unit it needs to be. Kakashi-sensei may have favored a more lax approach, but I am not he.

As everyone got ready for bed, Sakura walked over to (Y/N).

Sakura: You know, I can use some medical ninjutsu right now that you can copy just in case.

(Y/N): Yeah, that will probably be the smart thing to do. It's just... there's a jutsu I've copied that I don't want to lose. Remember? I can only have five jutus copied at a time. I can at least copy four more jutsu until I lose that one.

Sakura: What jutsu is it?

(Y/N): Remember the fight with Sasori?

Sakura: <gasping> Chiyo's jutsu. (Y/N)... you can't use that!

(Y/N): It's a really useful jutsu to have, Sakura.

Sakura: <tearing up> But if you use it...

(Y/N): I'll only use it as a last resort, Sakura. Until I know for sure someone close to me is actually dead. Hopefully, that never happens.

Sakura: (Y/N)... I don't want to lose you...

She hugged him, tears streaming down her face.

Sakura: I already lost you once...

(Y/N): Who knows? Maybe I won't have to us it at all?

Sakura: But what if you do...?

(Y/N): I'm going to keep it, Sakura. All we can do is hope I'm not forced to use it.


Yugen walked into the room where the Akatsuki "leader" was in. His partner was there with him.

Yugen: Let's get this over with.

Purple eyes shown in the dark gloom of the room. They stared at her.

Yugen: I hear you go by Pain these days.

Utsumi and Ose stood at her side.

Pain: What do you want?

His partner moved forward, making a hand sign.

Pain: Stand down, Konan. I would like to hear what she has to say.

Konan nodded and put her hands at her side.

Yugen: Smart move. I just have one thing to say. If you so much as lay a finger on (Y/N) (L/N), I will kill you.

Pain: A bold thing to say. Do you know what I possess?

Yugen: <smirking> The Rinnegan. They sure do look beautiful.

Pain: I do not believe you are idiotic enough to face me knowing the power I have at my disposal.

Yugen: Maybe I am that idiotic. Just leave (Y/N) out of your missions. I don't give a damn about the Jinchuriki right now.

Pain: You cannot threaten me, you fool. Leave before I kill you.

Yugen: <looking at Konan> What a lovely partner you have. She would be just perfect for another one of my servants, wouldn't she, Utsumi?

Utsumi laughed and eyed Konan.

Konan: You do not scare me.

Pain: You would be dead at my feet before you can even touch Konan.

Ose: She would look gorgeous as a bat, I think.

She licked her lips.

Yugen: I will repeat myself one more time. You will leave (Y/N) (L/N) alone. Do not engage him in any fights at all.

Pain: You are a foolish woman. I have heard of your experiments. You are a genius and yet you are stupid enough to come before me and make demands. We Akatsuki kill whatever gets in our way. If your boy gets in our way, he will die.

Yugen grinned.

Yugen: That corpse smells, you know. You may want to give it a bath.

Konan and Pain both glared at her.

Konan: Watch your tongue.

Yugen: <cackling> You morons think you can pose a threat to me? My dears, I have been around centuries longer than you have. I was old when the First Great Ninja War started. I was old when your parents were killed in front of you. I was old when your stupid friend killed himself. I was old when the Akatsuki was formed. You have no idea what I am capable of. And you have no idea what is coming.

Pain: Enough! This is your last chance. Leave.

Utsumi and Ose both turned into their bat forms. They grinned and barred their fangs.

Pain and Konan walked closer to them. Konan's body started to turn to paper.

Yugen: If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get.

(A/N): Here's a list of the ages of the teenage Shinobi. Also, I never realized that Temari was 19 at the start of Shippuden. 🫣

Temari : August 23 (19)
Kankuro: May 15 (18)
(Y/N): January 1-February 14 [you choose] (17)
Tayuya: February 15 (17)
Tenten: March 9 (17)
Neji: July 3 (17)
Sai: November 25 (17)
Lee: November 27 (17)
Gaara: January 19 (16)
Shino: January 23 (16)
Sakura: March 28 (16)
Choji: May 1 (16)
Kiba: July 7 (16)
Sasuke: July 23 (16)
Nyssa: August 8 (16)
Shikamaru: September 22 (16)
Ino: September 23 (16)
Naruto: October 10 (16)
Hinata: December 27 (16)


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