Dragon Team Z (What if: Linco...

By Bladethehedgehog78

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This is a what if, After School. Our Hero Lincoln Loud Met two mysterious people. They 're names are Jeffy An... More

Two Mysterious Boys. A Power Level Of 320?!
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Preparing For The Next Attack! The Arrival Of Two Saiyans
The Ultimate Rivaly. Lincoln Vs Spongebob.
The Wrath Of Great Ape Spongebob. Saving The Earth.
The Arrival Of Tobias. The Emperor Of The Universe
The Terror Of The Brown Force! Lincoln Arrives
Tobias's terrifying power. The ultimate terror
Lincoln awakens!! Super Saiyan against Tobias.
Spongebob turns super saiyan!! Spongebob vs the androids.
The arrival of a new android. Gumball vs Cetom
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Cetom reaches perfection?! the loud sisters turn super saiyan
The cetom games begin, Lincoln vs Cetom
Lana's hidden power, Lana fights Cetom
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The final battle!! Lincoln and Spongebob vs Kid Joe
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A mysterious 11 year old girl, a new threat to earth. The androids.

76 4 1
By Bladethehedgehog78

Its been 5 months since tobias is defeated. The heroes were training daily.

25 February on 14:00 PM, At the loud house

Luna: *Playing her guitar* Rock n roll!! Rock n roll!!

Lynn: Hey guys. I sensed something on the wastelands.

Lori: *Sigh* I am not ready for this!, i haven't trained at all!

Luna: Me too dude!

Lana: I was training with lucy all 5 months.

Luan: Why didn't you call us to join?!

Lana: Uuuh, i did, but you said that you were too busy with your actions.

Luna: Dang it!

Lynn: Darn.

Lori: Let's just go okay?!

Lisa: I will go with you.

Lori: Fine.

The loud sisters went to vanzilla and travel to the wastelands.

2 hours later...

Lori: I am so tired...

They heard punches, kicks and clashing effects.

Lori: What was that?!

Luan: We are getting closer! 

They reached the source, as they come out of vanzilla and saw darwin and jeffy sparring.

Darwin: *Punching rapidly, clashing with jeffy* Is that all?!

Jeffy: *Clashing with darwin* Oh you haven't seen anything yet!!


Jeffy: Uuh!!, we are sparring.

Darwin: Guys?, have you trained at all?

Luna: Who needs training.

Darwin: And what if an enemy appeared?!

Gumball landed on his feet with Spongebob alongside him.

Gumball: Jeffy, darwin, i am sensing some huge energy coming here.

Then suddenly tobias's ship landed.

Darwin: Guys, that's tobias's ship!!


Spongebob: That bastard. Didn't kakarot kill him?!


Luna: YEAH! I am so tried of you calling him that!

Spongebob: Shut up or i will kill you.

Tobias comes out of his ship. with soliders following.

Tobias (Mecha): So this is planet earth..

Jeffy: Tobias?! What are you doing here bitch?!

Tobias (Mecha): To have vengenace on you of course. AFTER WHAT HAPPEND! Don't make me tell you the story!

Suddenly a time machine appears. It was a tall girl, not taller than lincoln, she has blonde hair, wears blue bomber jacket with a black T shirt underneath alongside black pants

Lily (Future): I made it, i guess..

Lori: Huh? Who's that?

Tobias (Mecha): Joining the slaughtery huh?

Lily (Future): *Glares at tobias* Tobias *Draws out her sword* I will finish you now!

Tobias (Mecha): How do you know my name?! Grrr!! how dare you disrespect me! Soliders! get that brat!

Soliders: Yes lord tobias!!

The soliders attack the future lily, but she took them down all easily.

Jeffy: Woah!

Darwin: She took them all at once!!

Tobias (Mecha): Impressive, you took down my soliders, still you're no match for me!

Lily (Future): *Smirks* Will we see.

the future lily started to power up, as he powers keeps growing. as she gets a familiar golden aura, and her hair spiked up and got more brighter, and her eyebrows turned blonde as well following by her pupils, as they turned green. Tobias's eyes widened at the moment.

Tobias (Mecha): N-No!! It can't be!

Tobias begins to have a flashback of Lincoln in his super saiyan form. As lily finished her transformation, She turned into super saiyan.

Spongebob: *Shocked* Is that?!

Lana: Its the same transformation lincoln performed back on planet bikini bottom!!

Spongebob: That girl is a super saiyan?!

Loud Sisters: Super saiyan?

Lisa: What's that?

Jeffy: Its nothing.

Future Lily (SSJ): *Smirks* Do you know this tobias?

Tobias (Mecha): Grrr!! No more saiyans!!! *Fires a blast at lily*

The blast hits lily, causing an explosion, but she wasn't effected at all, not a single scratch.

Tobias (Mecha): Grrr!! *Flies in the sky* I WILL DESTROY YOU ALONG WITH THIS PLANET!! 

Tobias started charging a supernova. 

Tobias (Mecha): AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DIE!! *Blasts the supernova at lily*

Tobias landed on his feet as he continued laughing.

Tobias (Mecha): Super Saiyan? more like a wea-

Before tobias continue, the supernova exploded by a beam fired by lily. Leaving tobias in shock.

Tobias (Mecha): What?!

Future Lily (SSJ): Surprised?

Tobias (Mecha): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Future Lily (SSJ): TOBIAS!! ITS OVER!! *Jumps at tobias and cuts him in half with the sword*

Tobias was left shocked, as his half started to fall.

Future Lily (SSJ): I am not done!

Lily started to slash tobias many times, as he is cutted down to pieces, then lily blasted him into nothing but dust, leaving the heroes shocked.

Future Lily (SSJ): Hm! *Fires a blast at tobias's ship*

Tobias's ship gets hit as it exploded.

Jeffy: Woah!! She killed tobias!!

Darwin: No way! What is she?!

Future Lily (SSJ): *Smirks* Lincoln, isn't the only super saiyan, there is another one here.

Gumball: *Mind* There is something familiar about this girl, how does she know lincoln?

Lily powers down back into her normal form.

Lily (Future): You guys are okay?

Luna: We're fine, just tell us, who are you?

Lily (Future): Follow me. *Walks away*

Jeffy: Where is she going?

Darwin: I don't know.

The others follow lily, as she leaded them somewhere.

Lily (Future): My radar says, that lincoln will land here.

Spongebob: How does she k-

Then suddenly a saiyan pod landed where lily pointed at.

Gumball: A saiyan ship?

Then lincoln comes out of it, and he was wearing a yardrat outfit.

Lincoln: *Looks at the heroes* Hey guys! How did you know that i will land here?


Darwin: Alright!!

Loud Sisters: Lincoln!!

Jeffy and darwin runs up to lincoln as they high fived him.

Lincoln: *Notices the sisters running* No! no! no! no! Wait! 

the loud sisters jumped at him and hugged him tightly

Lincoln: Oww....its nice seeing you again but....can you let me go?

Lori: Why?

Lincoln: I can't breathe!

They let go of him

Lincoln: Heheheheh, By the way I felt tobias's energy here, but it faded.

Gumball: We have this girl to thank.

Lincoln looks at the future lily.

Lincoln: Hm? She looks familiar to me. Nice to meet ya anyway.

Lily (Future): Nice to meet you too.

Lincoln: Hehe. 

Lily (Future): Lincoln. I want to talk to you but just us two.

everyone looks at the future lily about her talking to lincoln alone.

Lincoln: Sure. I'll be right back guys. 

both of them fly to a short distance.

Lily (Future): Okay, do you know this red cat scientist?

Lincoln: Who?

Lily (Future): I guess you don't know, his name is bad jr, in my future timeline, he got three humans and turned them into androids. Bad Jr is working on them right now as we speak.

Lincoln: He turned them into mobiles?!

Lily (Future): No, androids are like humans but robotized, they are really strong, and i came to warn you about them. 

Lincoln: Since you are from the future, that means they caused chaos and destruction in your timeline?

Lily (Future): That's right. But before we talk about that more, can you go super saiyan for me?

Lincoln: Hm? Why do you want me to do that?

Lily (Future): I want to know if that's the power you have to defeat tobias. Can you do it at will?

Lincoln: *Smirks* Alright, i will do it. Hm! *Transforms into super saiyan*

having the other heroes shocked. Lily (Future) only smiles at lincoln as a super saiyan.

Jeffy: Lincoln!! That's amazing!! that power looks so sick!!

Darwin: Yeah! 

Lori: That's what a super saiyan looks like?!

Loud sisters: THAT'S SO COOL!!

Lincoln (SSJ): Heh. Here is what you want.

Lily (Future): Now its my turn. *Transforms into super saiyan*

Lincoln (SSJ): Woah! you can go super saiyan as well?! It's like you and me are the same!

Future Lily (SSJ): Let's find out.

Lincoln (SSJ): Huh?

Lily pulls out her katana and begins to attack lincoln. The others are shocked that she's gonna attack but to their suprise, she stops even she's suprise herself,  lincoln didn't even move.

Lincoln (SSJ): Is that all you got?

Future Lily (SSJ): Wow you are really strong, but why didn't you try to avoid my attack?

Lincoln (SSJ): I had a feeling that you will stop.

Future Lily (SSJ): Okay, but this time i won't stop.

Lincoln (SSJ): Alright. *sticks his hand out as a small energy sword emerges*

both super saiyan begin their small battle with future lily attacking lincoln, who blocks all of her attacks with one hand. Their battle ends with one strike from future lily and lincoln holding her sword. The two looked at each other for a moment till future lily jumps back a bit, putting her sword away. both of them powers down into their normal forms.

Lily (Future): Your amazing lincoln.

Lincoln: Hehe, same to you.

Lily (Future): I think I can trust you enough about what I'm gonna tell you.

Lincoln: Hehe. Sure thing.

Lily (Future): Our friends got killed by the androids and you died by a heart virus.

Lincoln: Woah..really?...h-how?

Lily (Future): Yes, it's true. First it was gumball, followed by darwin, then spongebob, then jeffy and Lori, leni, luan, lana, lola got brutally ripped and beaten up into a bloody pulp by the androids, then they got lisa, then they got our parents, then it was lucy, she was the strongest, she was like a mother to me, the best sister, but she didn't stand no chance, the only ones that survived was lynn and luna who were able to turn super saiyan. 

Lincoln: Wait. You know my sisters? 

Future lily blushes and nods of a yes.

Lincoln: Hold on you look so familiar. You said lucy is your sister.. Are you...?

Lily (Future): Hehehe. Yep, I'm your baby sister, lily.

Lincoln: *in shock and burst out in laughter* AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Your my baby sister from the future?!

Gumball heard everything they said.

Spongebob: What just happened? The girl pointed herself and Kakarot just fell down.

Luna: We don't know but I could've swore he was involving lily.

Lincoln: *gets back up while shocked* I can't believe it!! You're actually my baby sister from the future. I knew there was something familiar about you!

Lily (Future): You have three months, at 12th may at 10:00, bad jr will try to kill you. i am gonna go back to my timeline now. So see you around.

Lincoln: See ya.

Lily went to the time machine and went back to her timeline, jeffy, darwin and gumball walk up to lincoln.

Jeffy: What did she say to you lincoln?

Gumball: She is actually his baby sister from the future.

Darwin, Jeffy: WHAT?!

Jeffy: That girl is lily from the future?!

Lincoln: How did you know? you have a good listening don't ya?

Gumball: Yes. and you might want to tell them what's gonna arrive.

Lincoln: Alright, in the next three months in 12th may at 10:00. Some scientist named Bad Jr will try to kill us all. He turned humans to androids. So we have to get ready.

Lori: Oh no....

Luna: This is bad!

Darwin: So we need to train hard as we can, so we can be ready when we face them.

Lincoln: Right, Me, darwin, jeffy and gumball will go train. the others will go with spongebob if they want to or you can train with us.

Spongebob: No you fool, i don't wanna be near your damn stupid sisters kakarot!

Luna: We don't want to be near you either.

Spongebob: Tch. I will train alone. I am gonna be a super saiyan and i will surpass you kakarot! *Flies away*

Lori: Pft, who needs your help, becoming a super saiyan will be so easy!

Lana: Yeah right.

3 months later...

Lori: Dang it, i was not able to turn super saiyan..

Luna: Me too dude....

Lana: Not so easy after all, huh?

Lori: Where's luan?!

At the city.

Luan: Dang it, i couldn't get more st-

Then an explosion happend.

Luan: What was that?!

Then two villains came out.

One of them was a red cat, wearing a white and orange armor along with black pants, and shoes like vegeta, but it was colored orange instead of yellow, and he wore a orange crown. (My oc: Bad Jr)

Alongside him, a robot who looks exactly like lincoln. (My oc: Metal Lincoln)

Bad Jr: *Evil laughs* OHOHOHOHOHO!

Luan: Grrr. Hey you!

Bad Jr and Metal Lincoln looked at Luan.

Luan: Stop this, you don't know who you are messing with.

Bad Jr: Oh? And what do you think you are?

Luan: I am the one who will stop you..

Bad Jr: HAHAHAHA! You think your the best? You can't even defeat a saibamen.

Luan: Grrr!! *Charges at Bad Jr*

She was about to punch bad jr, but then metal lincoln gets infront him and got hit. But he showed no effect.

Luan: Grrr!! *Punches, kicks Metal Lincoln rapidly* RAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! GRAAAAAAH!!

Metal Lincoln: *Not effected* Fool. *Grabs Luan by the neck*

Luan: Gah!

Metal Lincoln: *Sticks his hand out and stabs Luan on the guts*

Luan was left in shock, blood was boiling out of her gut. While she started to get dizzy, and she was dying slowly.

Metal Lincoln: *Evil laughs* Hm hm hm.

Metal Lincoln started to brutalize luan, as he punched her many times in the face, she started screaming, while he broke her leg, made her face all bloody and bruised. Then metal lincoln stabbed her in the heart and pulls it out. Killing luan.

Bad Jr: AHAHAHA! Good job Metal. Now, toss the trash away.

Metal Lincoln throws luan away.

Then suddenly darwin and jeffy arrived.

Darwin: *Looks at luan, who is now dead* Oh no, He got her!, jeffy get luan to rube!, i will warn the others!

Jeffy: Why me...*Grabs luan and flies away*

Metal Lincoln: Where do you think you are going?

Darwin: TAKE THIS!! *Fires a blast at Metal Lincoln*

Metal Lincoln: *Deflects it away*

Darwin: *Flies away*

Bad Jr: Metal! chase him!

Metal Lincoln: Yes creator! *Flies after darwin*

Bad Jr summons his bad mobile, as he hops on it, following metal lincoln.

At the loud house.

Jeffy: *Puts down luan* luan needs help!

Lynn: Oh no!! What happend?!

Jeffy: Bad Jr happend! Where is lincoln?!

Lori: He is not here!

Jeffy: *Flies away* LINCOLN WHERE ARE YOU!! 

At the wastelands.

Lincoln: Gumball, i am feeling strong energy coming this way. *Smirks* I am getting exicted!

Then darwin landed next to lincoln and gumball.

Darwin: They are coming! That robot killed luan!

Lincoln: Tch....Did you get her to rube?

Darwin: Jeffy did.

Then metal lincoln landed on his feet, following by bad jr, as he jumped out of his bad mobile.

Bad Jr: Thanks goldfish! you leaded me to my victim! 

Lincoln: So you're bad jr huh? and is that robot suppossed to be a clone of me?

Bad Jr: Yes...I was following you everywhere saiyan.

Lincoln: Huh?

Bad Jr: *Smirks* Yes, i was watching every fight you had. expect the other saiyan fight and the one on bikini bottom. Gumball helped you to fix your voice, which its like goku's voice now. he also fixed your teeth. Your buckteeth is changed into normal teeth. Hehe.

Darwin: *Shocked*...B-But how?

Bad Jr: I send a little invisible robot. Who it had a camera on it.

Flashback. On the day lincoln met gumball and jeffy. He was training at gave, until gumball challenged him. As they clash and fought. While the little robot was watching everything.

Lincoln: *Smirks* You might think you know everything there is to know about me. but really. you are not even close.

Bad Jr: Hm?

Gumball: *Crosses arms and grins* Your calculations. did they predict that lincoln will be a super saiyan?

Bad Jr: Super Saiyan?..

Lincoln: *Grips his hands hard* Grrrr!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Lincoln's hair stood up, the same way as goku's ssj hair, as lincoln's pupils turned green. as his hair and eye brows turned blonde. as he turned into super saiyan

Lincoln (SSJ): *Glares darkly at metal lincoln and bad jr*

Darwin: *Shocked* ....L-Lincoln's energy!! He is so strong!

At the loud sisters and rube.

Luan: *Healed* Thanks rube.

Rube: Your welcome.

Lana: That's lincoln's energy!

Back at the wastelands.

Lincoln (SSJ): Gumball and Darwin. Stay out of this, it looks like they only want me so they will get it.

Bad Jr: Impressive, this is the best development, i ever seen *Mind* this is outstanding, i never saw a power up like this, Saiyans are incredible creatures..

Metal Lincoln: *Backjumps from lincoln* Hehe...His power level is higher than we expected creator, i am going to tear him apart!

Lincoln (SSJ): *Smirks* C'mon! let's get going! *Runs at metal lincoln, vanishes*

Metal Lincoln: Hm? 

Lincoln (SSJ): *Reappears behind metal lincoln* Over here. 

Metal Lincoln: Die!

Metal Lincoln tries to punch lincoln, but he dodged it, metal lincoln tried to keep up and hit lincoln, but he kept on dodging all of his attacks.

Lincoln (SSJ): HAAA!! *Punches metal lincoln hard on the head*

Metal Lincoln: GAH!! 

Lincoln (SSJ): *Punches metal lincoln many times on the head, then grabs him by leg and throws him at the sky* Heh.

Metal Lincoln: Grrah!!

Lincoln (SSJ): HAAAAAAA!! *Kicks metal lincoln on the head hard* 

Metal Lincoln: UGHH!!

Lincoln kept on delievering many punches and kicks to metal lincoln, while bad jr watches in shock afraid that metal lincoln will lose.

Darwin: Alright! that's it! get him!

Metal Lincoln: *Crashes into the ground* AARGHH!! 

Metal Lincoln started sparking. while lincoln lands on his feet.

Lincoln (SSJ): Giving up already? i am getting started.

Metal Lincoln: *Sparking* G-Gr....D-Dammit...GRAAH!! *Powers up* I will not lose!! *Charges at lincoln*

Lincoln (SSJ): HAAAA!! *Charges at metal lincoln*

Lincoln and metal lincoln started clashing.

Darwin: What incredible power! There is no way i can keep up!

Gumball: Indeed. 

The loud sisters alongside jeffy landed.

Lana: There he is!

Luna: Bro!! Stop this! don't fight! please!

Darwin: That robot doesn't even stand a chance! he is getting beaten up by lincoln!!

Jeffy: I am not even worried anymore! Lincoln got this! *Smacks his diaper* UUUUUH!! I mean look at him!

Metal Lincoln: *Clashing with lincoln* Grrr! *Gets punched hard* AAARGHHH!!

Lincoln (SSJ): *Closes two fists together and slams metal lincoln down*  HAAAA!!

Metal Lincoln falls down. But lincoln puts two fingers on his forehead and teleported right next to him.

Metal Lincoln: W-Wha?!

Lincoln (SSJ): *Kicks metal lincoln, sending him flying* Hngh!!

Metal Lincoln: *Started sparking* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

Metal lincoln falls as he skids on the ground while flipping. then he stopped. 

Metal Lincoln: *Sparking badly* G-Guh...G-Grrrr...

Bad Jr: METAL!!

Lincoln (SSJ): *Lands on his feet, panting heavily* 

Gumball: Something is wrong with lincoln...

Darwin: He seems fine. You're being paranoid i mean look at him.

Lincoln (SSJ): *Flies* Grrr...*Sweatdrops, while panting heavily* Huff...*Starts charging up a super kamehameha* Kaaa!!! Meee!!! Haaa!! Meeee!! HAAAAAAAAAAA!! *Fires his super kamehameha at metal lincoln*

Metal Lincoln: *Gets up, sparking* Hehe....*Raises his hand*

Darwin: Huh?

the super kamehameha hits metal lincoln, but he absorbed it by raising his hand.

Jeffy: Wha?!

Darwin: D-Did he just absorb it?!

Metal Lincoln: *Laughs evily* AHAHAHAHA!! I feel much stronger than before!

Gumball: Lincoln! Don't fire more blasts! its gonna make them more stronger!

Lincoln (SSJ): *Panting heavily, smirks* Oh man...That's too much.

Gumball: Lincoln is not good. He is getting weaker!! Something is taking away his strength!

Lana: Oh no!!

Metal Lincoln: RAAAAH!! *Charges at lincoln*

Lincoln (SSJ): Ngh!!

Metal Lincoln punches lincoln hard on the jaw as lincoln spits out blood.

Lincoln (SSJ): N-ngh gah!!

Metal Lincoln: HAHAHA!! *Punches lincoln hard on the guts*

Lincoln (SSJ): UGH!!! *Spits out blood*

Metal Lincoln kept on punching lincoln in the guts rapidly with no mercy, while the others were watching.

Darwin: He is getting pushed!

Jeffy: Damn it! No!!

Luan: This isn't good!

Lincoln (SSJ): GAAAH!! *Throws up blood*

Darwin: Gumball's right! he is not good!

Metal Lincoln: *Punches lincoln hard on the guts, then uppercut punches him in the jaw* HAHAHAHA!

Lincoln (SSJ): Ngh!!

Metal Lincoln: *Slams him hard to the ground*

Lincoln fell down and crashes to the ground.

Lincoln (SSJ): G-Grrr...*Gets up in pain* I won't quit yet..

Metal Lincoln: Your wide open *Punches lincoln*

Lincoln (SSJ): NGH!! 

Lincoln is sended flying as he crashes to the ground, as he reverts back to normal form in pain.

Darwin: LINCOLN NO!!

Lincoln: Ugh.....

Bad Jr: Hahaha!! Seems lincoln is slipping! Metal!, kill him!

Metal Lincoln: Hehe...

Metal Lincoln was about to kill Lincoln. Suddenly spongebob kicked him away from lincoln.

Spongebob was wearing the same clothes as vegeta.

Spongebob: *Grins* Hehe..

Lincoln is down, will spongebob be able to defeat metal lincoln? Find out in the next chapter of dragon team z!

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