Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

131K 4.9K 25.5K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns


5.7K 240 902
By Toddels

My landlord holds out the bouquet of white, pink, and blue roses, "Please just hear me out..."

"Be quick..." I say irritated.

"I brought you these apology flowers— I'm really sorry for the way I acted— there's no excuse... I just hope we can move past this all." They hand me the flowers and I take them.

At least these smell nice.

Before I can say anything, Donatello pushes me out of the way and confronts the landlord.

"How flattering..." he says with gritted teeth. "Where did you get those? Your local grocery store?!"

"Holy shit!" the landlord shouts while backing away, "I-It's you! Look I don't want any trouble!" they say with their hands up.

"Neither do we. Bye." He slams the door in their face.

"Donatello!" I say.

"What?! Why would you even give them the time of day?!" he complains.

"I know but in case you forgot that's my landlord— I'm not trying to be homeless!"

He crosses his arms, "I'd never let them get away with doing that..."

"Just sit there and look pretty alright? I can handle this myself." I say.

He exhales, "Fiiiiiiinnneeeeeeee..." he says dramatically.

I open the door again, and still see my landlord standing there creepily. "Sorry about that." I say, "Um I accept your apology... just don't ever break in here again... or sexually harass me... and actually maybe only bother me about the rent..."

They nod sincerely, "I understand." They look behind me and gulp. I quickly turn around and Donatello immediately looks up at the ceiling innocently.

I knew that fucker was threatening them behind my back.

Donatello slowly trails his eyes over to mine and knows I've caught on. I furrow my brows at him.

He throws his hands up and walks away as in 'fine, I'll stop.'

I turn back to my landlord, "Sorry." I whisper, "But I appreciate the apology, that was real nice of you..."— and also the bare minimum.

"It's the least I could do (y/n). Plus the sweet smelling flowers reminded me of you! Have you smelt them yet?" they ask.

"Oh yeah I have. They do smell nice, thanks." I say.

"Good." they say.

I slowly nod my head.

"Well I better get going then. See you later." they say as they walk off.

"Bye!" I shut the door, "Fuckin weirdo." I mutter. Although I was grateful they did make an unexpected pop in— anything to stop that awkward argument Donatello and I were having. We needed the distraction.

"tHeY dO SmELL niCe ThaNkS" Donatello mocks from the couch.

"Ohhh shut up..." I say, "I was trying to be nice. I recommend you give it a try."

"Okay but don't you find it a little odd they said 'see you later'?" he asks.

"Yes actually— I find everything about them odd Donatello! We already know something is clearly wrong with them so stop being so damn paranoid!" I walk over to the kitchen and pull out a vase from the cabinet under the sink. I fill it with water, place the flowers inside, and set it on the counter.

"Ugh, displaying gifts from the enemy? You're kidding, right?" he says, "They aren't even that pretty... I bet they were plucked from alongside the curb..."

"Shhh— they'll be dead in less than a week." I say as I inspect them. Cool— no cameras or bugs planted on it.

"Then why even bother?!" he asks.

I sniff the flowers, "Because they smell too nice to be tossed away!" I joke, "Besides— I never get flowers! I had that vase sitting around for years!"

He rolls his eyes, "You know you could've just brought yourself your own flowers— hell, anyone could've! Even me!"

I chuckle, "Why do you sound jealous?"

He scoffs, "Don't start— me hating on someone so hateable isn't jealousy. There is literally nothing to be jealous of, I am obviously better than them."

"Hm I guess so since I supposedly hate you both and yet, it's you in here and not them."

A soft genuine smirk creeps up on his face. Aw that's adorable.

Before I can comment on it he slaps the shit out of himself.

My eyes widened, "What the fuck did you do that for?!" I ask concerned.

"Sorry— I prohibit such emotions..." he says.

I cock my brow up, "Huh?"

"Don't worry about it." he brushes off.

"Prohibit what emotio—"

"Ah ah ah! I said don't worry about it..."

I roll my eyes. I then realize: "Hey wait, shouldn't you be setting up the security system?"

"Oh I'm not touching the door anymore. Not after they infected it!" he says.

"Ugh, seriously?"

"No— it should be pretty self explanatory that I already finished since I am literally sitting down on your couch. I'm just setting up the remaining system with my advanced tech." he says as he toggles with his tech bracelet thingy.

"Mkay whatever..." I say. My vision then starts to get a bit fuzzy and I notice that I feel woozy. I place both of my hands on the counter tops to keep balance.

Donatello starts babbling, "Oh and to keep creepo away, I have to set this all up on your windows, perhaps I should also test the...." and that's when I tuned him out.

Instead, I focus on the ringing in my ears. What the fuck was going on? I then eye the flowers on the counter.

Oh shit.

I slam my fist onto the table and rattle everything on it, Donatello flinches from my sudden outburst and stops talking.

"THAT FUCKING DEVIOUS PIECE OF SHIT POISONED ME WITH FUMES IN THE FLOWERS!" I shout. I may be dying, but at least I knew exactly what was going on. That was the only possible explanation.

"W-What?" Donatello questions as he stands up and makes his way over to me.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I ramble as I wobble over to the fridge. I grab a water bottle and chug it down instantly. That should help flush out whatever the fuck got in my system. I throw it on the ground and carefully walk over to my closet.

"Oh wait are you actually serious?" he asks.

"Yes dumbass!" I say as I go inside and gather a few things.

Donatello starts scanning the flowers.

"Hey! Get the hell away from those!" I shout. Last thing I needed was him getting effected too.

He ignores me and analyzes data on his arm, "It appears to be coated with high amounts chlorpyrifos..." he says.

I chuckle mockingly, "They tried to kill me with insecticide?! Me?? An entomologist?? Are they fucking stupid?" I felt insulted by the irony.

"That's rhetorical right?" Donatello asks.

"Yep." I wobble back into the closet to get more supplies, "It's going to take more than bug killer to get rid of me..." I say cockily.

"Is this a bad time for me to say that I told you so?" he asks.

"Ahaha I might fucking kill you if you do."

"Hm..." Donatello thinks to himself, 'Do I really feel like dying today?'. He says "Perhaps next time, I still have to leave my scientific discovery mark on Earth... and I will only die on days divisible by 5..."

I drop a bunch of supplies onto my desk and collapse into the seat. I gotta whip up an antidote before my condition worsens— I know it's already binding to my enzymes. I get to work.

Donatello hovers above me and watches, "Hey, um do you need any help?"

"Nope." I say while popping the "p". "It's similar to how I feel when I'm drunk. I'm still functional." Well, I was trying to be.

Donatello raises an eyebrow, "I was going to question that but I think it'd be better if I didn't..."

"Good idea." I say as I mix serums together.

"What are your symptoms?"

"Blurred vision, loss of coordination, dizziness, and I'm starting to salivate more..." I say, "I swear I'm going to murder my landlord." I was an idiot for not seeing that coming.

"I will gladly assist you, I've always hated that fucker! The second you feel better, we're jumping them Donatello style."

"Now there's an idea I can get behind..." I agree.

About ten minutes pass and I think I was getting pretty far with all of this.

I mean, I could've gotten farther if Donatello stopped trying to prove he could do everything better than me. I'm no chemist, but since I'm so familiar with the ingredients in insecticides, I overall knew what I was doing. But he was being stubborn and annoying! He stood behind me the entire time and overlooked everything I was doing— adding snarky comments here and there.

It was getting harder and harder for me to work because my brain started fogging— and us bickering only continued to worsen it.

While pouring the serums in a vial— wait, now there's two vials! I reach my hand out to the second one and it goes through it. It was like I was a ghost! I start faintly laughing at the sight. That's funny. I try pouring some serum into it.

"Hey hey hey! You're spilling it everywhere..." Donatello says while taking away the vials— now vial away from me. Where'd the other one go?

"Pshhh nO, I didn't spill all of it!"

"Yeah, just most of it." he says irritated, "Here let me do it." he begins to pour the vials.

"NO!" I complain. I smack his hand and cause him to drop it. "I wanna do it cunT."

"(Y/N)!" Donatello shouts, "You dumb fuck! You got it everywhere! This is why I should've done it from the very beginning!"

I start chuckling.

"You're laughing?!" he questions, "At a time like this? This is serious!"

I look all the way up to see him hovering over me trying to clean it up. I reach my hand up and place it on his cheek."I'm sorry..." I say softly while fluttering my eyes.

He looks down at me confused and he changes colors! Woah—

I gasp, "I didn't know you were a CHAMAELEON!" I shout excitedly. I grab his face with both of my hands and pull him down to me, "What other colors can you turn into besides green and red?" I ask.

Donatello yelps and places a hand on my face to push me away. "Oof!" I say as I sink more into my chair.

"W-What the fuck has gotten into you?!" he asks flabbergasted.

"I dunnooo..." I coo.

He pulls his hand away from my face and inspects it for a moment. "Hey wait a second..." He then places it over my forehead, "Aw man you're burning up! The fumes have finally got to your head! Oh no..."

"Fumes. HA. That doesn't even sound like a real word." I say.

Donatello looks up to the ceiling, "This is going to be a long day..." he mutters while pulling his hand away once again.

"Okaaayy— (y/n), I need you to sit on the sofa over there so I can finish the antidote." He walks over to the couch and picks up the remote.

I sit up in the chair, "No thanks. I want to stay here and do it all by myself!" I fumble with the vials.

"And there's your hyper-independence at its finest, regardless of the state you are in..." he complains while turning the tv on.

He tosses the remote on the couch. "Look, I even put the tv on for you. Come."

"Nu uh." I say as I closely observe my reflection on the vials.

"(Y/n) I am 100% not joking around— Come over here now!"

"You whine too muchhh, I have a headache now..." I complain.

"No, you have a headache because you are on the verge of dying! Quit being stubborn and place thyself on thine living room couch!"

I ignore him and continue to do my own thing. Imma docta. I got dis.

"Don't make me come and get you!" he warns.

I turn to face him and stick out my tongue, "Bleh." I turn back to the vials.

Donatello sighs, "Fine you leave me with no choice." He storms over and peels me off the chair.

He cradles me as he walks over to the couch. I squirm in his arms, "Put me down or imma call my lawyer!"

"Call them! I dare you! Fighting you in court would be a fun fever dream!" he says while struggling to not drop me. "Ugh stop moving!" he shouts.

He stands over the couch and tries putting me down but I latch onto him.

"You better let me go right now!" he says as he attempts to pry me off. "I am not kidding..."

"I don't wanna go on the couch! I wanna sit at my deskkk!" I pout.

"But I need to sit at the desk! We both can't sit at the desk!" he explains. "Just stay on the couch for a little bit, okay?"

He stands there waiting for a response but he doesn't get one. I just stay latched on.


Donatello sits at the desk working on the antidote... with me on his lap.

I fiddle with the vials he gave me, proud that I was doing it myself. I go to reach for some more serum but Donatello gently pushes my hand away while doing his own random shit with the vials. Every time I try touching something he does that.

Whatever. I avert my attention back to my vials and begin to happily hum.

Donatello exhales with a smile.

I clink the vials to stay on tune. Some liquid spills out in the process, I extend my finger out to poke at it.

"Don't touch that sweetheart..." Donatello says while guiding my hand away. He places it onto the desk and rests his on top of mine. He then uses his other hand to clean up the spill.

"Oh, mkay..." I say. Now I only have one hand to use for the vials. So I just swirl the liquid around in it, being careful not to spill it again.

Donatello works with one hand as well. He begins to pour the serum into a little cup.

My head starts pounding even more so I lean back into his chest, "My head is hurting a lot." I complain.

He stiffens for a second but relaxes his body once again. "I know, I promise I am almost finished." he says while stroking my hand.

"All I hear is riiiiiiiinnnnnggggggggg..." I imitate.

He chuckles, "I hope you remember all of this so I can look forward to making fun of you later..." He then eyes his hand on top of mine, "On second thought, maybe not... I better make sure you forget all of this..." He adds more things to the mixture.

"You talking hurts my head even mORE..." I continue to complain, "You need like uh mute button— yes!"

"Man how is it that you are so cute but so mean?!" he mutters.

I look up to him and boop his nose. "Boop— found the mute button!" I chime satisfied.

He chokes on his words for a second before quietly stammering out an "I-I hate you..."

"Meh..." I say carelessly while playing with the vial. I hear him groan.

A few minutes pass by and I feel like I might've been dozing off. That was until I was jump scared.

"I FINALLY HAVE COMPLETED THE ANTIDOTE!" Donatello shouts pridefully.

I jerk forward and see the tiny cup presented on the table.

He picks it up and hands it to me, "Now drink this so you can return to normalcy!"

"Will it taste yummy?" I ask.

"Absolutely not— in fact, it might be the most disgusting thing you have ever tasted! But don't allow that to stop you from consuming it... please..." he says.

I shrug, "Anything to stop this mean headache..." I bring the cup to my lips and start chugging.

"Since you aren't going to remember any of this; I figure I will take advantage of this perfect opportunity to get something off my chest..." he says. He breathes in and out before saying, "I know that it was mainly my fault that your state worsened; had I not been intervening with you working, you would've already made an antidote for yourself... and for that I sincerely apologize..."

I slam the cup down on the table and gasp for air. Man that was terrible! I hop off Donatello and walk over to the kitchen for a chaser! I pull a water out of the fridge and gulp it down.

When I finish, I let out a sigh of relief and dangle my arms. I look over to Donatello who was curiously watching me.

"I accept your apology precious." I say with a wink, "And thanks for curing me and being so patient with me while I was in that weird state..."

His eyes widened, "Y-You're back to normal already— and you remember everything?!" he asks alarmed.

"Pretty much yeah." I say with a chuckle, "I may have hit my head yesterday but my memory still remains intact!"

"O-Oh..." he says nervously. "That didn't go as planned... forget everything— and I mean EVERYTHING!" he emphasizes.

"Way ahead of ya..." I say. Truth was, I only remember small snippets of everything that happened. But I saw enough to know that the turtle was being real kind and tender to me. I know I don't exactly have the most positive opinion on him, however, I appreciated everything he did. Surprisingly, he handled the situation well. He didn't have to help me and yet he still did. I can see how he's a soft shell turtle.

Donatello looks around awkwardly hoping to change the subject. Luckily, he did. He eyed the flowers on the counter. His brows furrow as he makes his way over to them and picks them up. "Now if you excuse me, I must dispose this atrocity..." he says as he heads for my door.

"Be careful! Don't inhale those toxic fumes..." I warn.

"Not to worry, I am not as foolish as you are." he opens my door and walks out.

I chuckle. He's so weird...

Donatello closes the door behind him. There was only one thing on his mind: revenge.

He was going to make your landlord wish they were never born.

Donnie used getting rid of the flowers as a cover up. He knew that you wanted to take part in this but he felt you'd be better off not involved. You literally just recovered from being poisoned and a day old concussion.

He walks to your landlords room, remembering where it was from earlier.

He kicks down the door and begins to inspect the place. Donnie didn't expect anyone to be here, of course the pussy landlord would flee.

Donnie grunts in frustration and lowers his tech goggles onto his face. He analyzed the floors and was able to see foot prints.

And the most recent ones led to a wall.

Secret passage. Donnie knew right away. He walks over to the wall and inspects it. No strange buttons or anything unusual here.

He looks to the floor and sees an oddly placed footprint. He steps on the spot and the floorboard sinks into the ground. He found the special button.

Donnie lifts up his goggles to rest on top of his head again as the wall in front of him slides upwards revealing a secret room.

On a comfy chair sat the landlord.

Their face ascends into horror.

"You didn't actually think you'd get away with this, right?" Donnie asks while eyeing the flowers in his hand. He tosses the vase in between them and it shatters across the floor. The flowers lay lifelessly on the ground.

The landlord gets up from their seat and backs away, "H-How did you find me?!" they question.

"You're hiding in your own apartment room— it was a no brainer. Yet again, I didn't expect much of a challenge considering the fact you thought it was wise to hurt (y/n)..." Donnie says while making his way over to them.

The landlord laughs and tries to create distance, "Heh, did I actually kill them?!"

"If you did, I assure you that you wouldn't even have the chance to know what fucking hit you..." Donnie holds up his staff as he closes the proximity.

"W-Wait please don't hurt me! I'll leave (y/n) alone— I swear!" they spit out fearfully.

"Liar!" Donnie shouts before whacking them across the room.

The landlord hits the wall and falls to the floor. They sit up and spit out a tooth. They glare up at Donnie angrily. "If you're going to stand in the way of what I've got planned for (y/n), I will have to get rid of you..." They stand back up while wiping their bloody mouth. The landlord digs in their pocket and pulls out a switchblade, "Oh I am going to have so much fun with them once you are outta the picture..."

"ARGH!" Donnie yells as he charges the landlord. He swings his bo-staff repeatedly in smooth calculated movements, hitting the landlord each time. Donnie dodges each attempt the landlord makes to stab him.

The landlord is then whacked across the floor and slides next to the toxic flowers. He picks them up and holds them out threateningly. "Come near me and you'll get poisoned!"

Donnie lowers his staff resting one end on the ground. "I'll give you to the count of three to put that down..." he warns while leaning on his bo-staff. "Or face merciless consequences..."

The landlord eyes the room around nervously.

"One... Two... Three..." Donnie counts, the landlord doesn't move a muscle.

"Fine, prepare to expire..."


Donnie stares in satisfaction at the unconscious landlord with a mouthful of flowers lying on the floor. He brushes his hands together, "Welp, I'd say that was a job well done."

Donnie leaves the landlords room and heads back to yours. When he stood in front of the door he punched in a few codes to open it.

I sit on the couch and I perk my head up to see Donatello. "You were gone for awhile..." I say.

"Many precautionary measures had to be carried out..." Donatello says.

"Okaaayy..." I say suspiciously, "Anyways, can you teach me how to use the lock system?" I ask.

"Yes, yes of course..." he says while waving me over.

I get up and walk over to him. He points to a new keypad on the door.

"So right here is where you'll be unlocking the door: code 3829 is your regular lock, code 0051 is your lock for an alien invasion—"

"I'm sorry, what?" I interrupt.

"Sh!" he says, "Code 4495 is for a zombie apocalypse and the most SEVERE code is 0000 which is if your landlord knocks on your door..."

I cross my arms, "My landlord is more detrimental than an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse?"

"Well there is a higher chance of them trying to break in than the other two so yes..." he says.

I roll my eyes; I mean I didn't like my landlord either and I have yet to still beat them up but Donatello was being extra. Too be fair, he's always extra...

"Oh and code 1234 will lock down everything so no one can get in or out." he adds.

"Yeah I'm going to have to write this all down..." I say.

"Already taken care of." he says while pulling out a small sheet of paper. "I knew you would need it since you couldn't even remember simple sewer directions..."

"Hm I don't exactly tour around sewers Donatello so don't blame me." I say as I take the paper from him.

"No excuses."

I sigh, "Whatever. You should get back to your bros, I need to stay here and catch up on some work."

"Really? Even after everything you just went through?" he questions.

"Yeah, no excuses. Remember?" I say with a sly smile.

"You aren't funny." he says annoyed.

"Guess not. Least I know I am cute and mean though..." I tease with a wink.

His face lightly tints, "I— I didn't mean that first part when I said that!" he shouts.

"Suure..." I press with a smile.

"Stop it." he says, "Ugh, I am exiting your apartment now to reunite with my relatives..." He makes his way over to the door, "Goodbye!" he says harshly before slamming the door.

I chuckle at his reaction.


When Donatello arrives back to the lair he sees everyone hanging out. He walks over to April's side.

"Hey April?"

"What is it D?" she asks.

"Can I talk to you about something..." He then eyes his distracted brothers. "Alone?"

"Sure?" She gets up, "Is everything alright?"

"It's about (y/n)..." he says.

Mkay made this chapter extra long (+4000) for y'all since you have been so patient :,) ty for that 💗 I'm going to try to have at least one chapter out every week! I have them all laid out so coolio B)

My first day of art school was today and I absolutely love it :3 I have a lot of time in between classes so that's more time I have to write 😌💫

Until next time salutations


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