A New Chance Means A New Begi...

By X_xBxnnyx_X

3.2K 154 101

Wei Ying died after killing himself with his power and get his body turned apart and leaving his soul to drif... More

The Gods gave me another chance?!
So... I'm back huh? Time to make them pay...
i got in... now Cloud Recesses wait for me...
Now to take action~!
We need to find him!

We Have Arrived at Cloud Recesses!

389 23 2
By X_xBxnnyx_X

Time skip to when they are leaving for Cloud Recesses.

Wei Ying (Yin Hu), Jiang Cheng and a few juniors were at the docks bidding goodbye to their families and set off using their swords towards Gusu. After some time, they have arrived at Caiyi Town and went to settle in an inn, but sadly (is it?) the Jin's (Jin Zixuan) have booked the intire place and they have to settle in a different inn. After searching for a while, they finally found a more suitable one which is cheap w very good rooms, they settled in after a tiring day. The rest of the day went well for them, they all had fun on their time on Caiyi Town, went into shops to buy things and drink alcohol. They had the time of their lives on Caiyi Town, and after that it was now evening, they all agreed to go tomorrow and rest for the night, but before they could end their meeting Yin Hu (Wei Ying) suggested to arrive early on Cloud Recesses so they woke up at 7 in the morning to go to Cloud Recesses.

After arriving at the gates of Gusu, they were greeted with a disciple and asked for their invitation, Wei Ying gave the disciple the invitation and went in, they were given a tour before they went into their (dorms) and rest for the night. It was already past curfew and Wei Ying couldn't help but do the same thing in his previous life but he wanted to change something, he doesn't want to spar with Lan Wangji and get punished again so he went out using his fox form to go buy Emperor's Smile.

When Wei Ying went back inside, Lan Wangji wasn't patroling near the entrance and seized the chance, he then climbed on top of the entrance and ran straight to the dorms. As he was about to arrive at his destination, he passed the Jinshi where he saw Lan Wangji writing. Wei Ying's heart almost stopped at the beautiful scenery afar from him causing Wei Ying to stumble or trip and fall on the ground breaking one jar of Emperor's Smile, he whined sadly and was about to get up and pick up the other jar, he saw two pairs of white shoes land in front of him, he slowly looked up and saw Lan Wangji, his adrenaline then spiked and immediately ran and grabbed the last jar and ran past Lan Zhan, he was speeding up and turning to whichever way he could easily lose Lan Wangji.

He knew he was almost lost at this point since he have never been to this specific area before and slowed down, he rested to catch his breath and put the jar of wine down next to him as he sat on the grass. He was just resting and relieved that he finally lost the Hanguang-jun chasing after him when he was immediately picked up from he ground.

'Heh?....' That was all Wei Ying thought right now, 'what's happening?.... ' and his heart stopped when he was turned around facing a still, cold face, he was staring at (the fox's) Wei Ying's silver eyes. The golden eyes staring at the fox's silver ones then withdrew his gaze and into the ground where he saw a jar of wine laying,

'Lan Zhan?! But- but I thought I lost him! I didn't even hear and sense his footsteps neither his presence! What-' Wei Ying was then shook out of his thoughts when Lan Wangji bent down and grabbed the jar of wine stuffing it in his sleeve and held Wei Ying in his fox form in his arms like a rabbit, Lan Wangji then walked towards his place and closed all the windows and doors and went to his bedroom, Wei Ying has never been here before and was shocked to see how spacious this place actually is! (Note in the donhua, Wei Ying was only in the area of the writing and stuff area and he was in the Yanshi??? And stuff so he had never been to the Jingshi before I think- Hanshi is where Lan Queen is staying, but this is just for au so ye) There was nothing than just a bed on the corner, a side table, a cabinet, a shelf full of books and scrolls and a cage where extra scrolls we're being kept and a desk where Wei Ying can see Lan Zhan's Guqin was lying. Lan Zhan then walked towards the cage on the shelf, opening it and emptying what's inside and gently placed the struggling fox that wants to escape his grasp and closed the cages door, Lan Wangji then walked a bit away and started to get undressed, Wei Ying- I mean, the fox then shrieked and hid behind it's three tails slightly shivering, Lan Wangji who saw this has a hint (or tint???) of amusement in his eyes as he started to fully undress himself and change in his night robes, he walked towards the fox and took the cage placing on the bedside table and stared at it.

'What are you staring at...?' That was what the fox's eyes we're saying as it tilted it's head waiting for an answer,

Lan Wangji who had never 'communicated' with an animal aside from a bunny/rabbit and a bird didn't know what to do with a fox. He just kept staring at it and as it saw the fox was getting uncomfortable and a little irritated he then said,

"Who is your owner?" He said while directly staring at the fox's eyes directly through its soul,

The fox in the cage slowly backed away, it's ears was flat on it's head as it's face was hinting a slight hesitance and fear, Lan Wangji clearly saw this and slowly shook his head and extended his arm to pick up the cage, this action made Wei Ying jump a little and just sat at the no-corner cage as he was put back in the shelf. Lan Wangji then turned around and took the jar of wine on his sleeve (the one he took off) and disposed of it,

'That was a waste Lan Zhan! I spent evey effort to get that and I didn't even get a sip of it!! How cruel!' Wei Ying then bumped his head hard on the cage making it unstable and as he banged his head again the cage fell, Wei Ying was ready for the impact that never came as he slowly opened his eyes he saw Lan Wangji's stoic face and his arms wrap around the cage ensuring it, Lan Wangji then sighed and put a talisman on the cage and went to sleep, Wei Ying knew it was already past cerfew and still wondered why Lan Wangji was still up past nine but just dismissed it and tried to break open the cage, it was pretty loud considering the continuous banging and scratching on the cage was clearly heard and Lan Wangji was still asleep. Wei Ying was tired and just sighed and wished he had a talisman on him- wait... Talisman?... Teleportation! That's it! Wei Ying then stood up immediately from the cage and started to imagine his room in the dorms of Cloud Recesses went to teleport to that location.

As Wei Ying slowly opened his eyes hoping he was in his room, he was most absolutely not! He was still in Lan Wangji's room! But how could this be?!, Wei Ying tried again and again but to no avail, he was still stuck in the cage.

'Just what in the heck kind of talisman did Lan Wangji put on the cage?!' Wei Ying was shouting in his mind and cursing on Lan Wangji causing resentful energy to surround his body as his mind was full of anger, Lan Wangji sensed something off about in his room and opened his eyes and was dead shocked when he saw resentful energy surrounding the fox as it pounded on the cage. Lan Wangji then stood up immediately and went to his Guqin and played a calming tone calming the fox down. He looked at the fox who was still a bit angry but slowly closed its eyes and lumped in the cage.

Lan Wangji stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards the sleeping fox in his cage,

'What just happened...' He thought as he stared at the mysterious fox that is still surrounded with wisps of black smoke also known as resentful energy around its body but is slowly dissapearing as the fox calmed down while sleeping. Lan Wangji then thought,

'Maybe I'm just too tired tonight. It's past 9' and went to his bed and slept like a rock.

The next day he heard the same pounding and scratching on a cage wall and saw the exact same thing he saw last night, the fox was scratching and pounding the cage walls angrily while resentful energy was surrounding it's body, Lan Wangji the  stood up and went to his Guqin and played he same song as last night, calming the fox down and let it sleep again. He stood up, got dressed and went to do his other morning routine in his Jingshi and picking up the sleeping fox in his cage and his it in his sleeve as he walked out, BiChen on his waist belt hanging while the both of his arms crossed at each other hiding the sleeping fox in a cage with his sleeve as he greeted a few disciples on his way to the Hanshi where his uncle was staying.

He knocked on the door to Hanshi and waited for a response,

"Come in" Lan Qiren said behind the closed door and Lan Wangji went in still crossing his hands over each other and closed the door behind him, he looked at his uncle who was sitting in an elegant manner and beside him was his Brother, Lan Xichen. He bowed in respect still crossing his hands over each other making Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen be suspicious about their nephew/little brother's actions,

"What's with the sudden visit today Wangji?" Lan Qiren said as he placed a cup of tea near his lips before drinking it,

"Shufu, Xiong Zhang" Wangji said as he sat across his uncle and older brother and placed a cage with a sleeping fox in it, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen was shocked on the young man's actions,

"Wangji, what is this?" Lan Xichen asked with a surprised smile while Lan Qiren was just staring at the fox in front of him, it has an unusual colour... Aren't foxes supposed to be orange and white? Why is this fox silver, white and black? Lan Qiren's mind was full of questions as he kept on staring at the fox in front of him,

"Wangji caught this fox last night, breaking In and bringing two jars of wine past curfew" lan Wangji said,

"It what?... " Lan Xichen was in disbelief, he didn't believe that a mere fox like this can enter Cloud Recesses considering the number of disciples were on patrol last night plus the barrier to ward off at intruders,

Lan Wangji then explained what had happened the rest of the evening and what happened this morning, the both elders were in utter shock by hearing this,

"And Wangji came to Shufu to report this. What should we do with it?" Lan Wangji finished and drank the tea offered by his brother because his throat was getting dry from talking too much,

"Hmm... Wangji..." Lan Qiren started as he stroked his goatee slowly and looking at Lan Wangji with uncertainty,

"It's true Shufu, we can wait until he wakes up and see" Lan Wangji then said as he looked down while staring at the fox he brought,

"Alright then, I guess we should hide our presence just in case and see" Lan Xichen then said after his brother had finished talking and stood up, the two the name greed and started to walk behind the curtains and dividers to hide their presence as such. After a few minutes of waiting, Wei Ying finally woke up and started to look around while slowly observing his surroundings, as he slowly couldnt sense a presence near him he started to bang and scratch on the walls of the cage even though he knew it would still give him the same result, he became irritated again by this stupid cage and talisman and starting to emit black wisps of smoke around his body and started to bang harder and scratching louder, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen who saw the eyes of the fox glow deep red and resentful energy surrounding it couldn't be more shocked than they are and just stared at the fox trying to escape it's cage, the three of them watched carefully as the smoke of resentful energy was getting thicker and thicker as the fox became more irritated. This was the time to step in, Lan Xichen then pulled out Leibing, his flute and played a relaxing music that can be used to calm a ferocious corpse (bitch my baby ain't a damn corpse!) and when Wei Ying heard this melody his head snapped towards the direction of the sound of flute recognizing it was Lan Xichen he calmed down a little though still irritated.

The three of them walked towards the fox that's now sitting calmly in its cage,

"What kind of fox is this? I have never seen one of these before..." Lan Qiren said while stroaking his goatee again whilst still shocked about what happened a few moments ago,

"Mhm..." Lan Xichen agreed with his uncle and slowly caressed his flute,

The three of them kept staring/inspecting the fox in front of them. As they were focused on the fox the door suddenly opened causing the three people inside the room plus the fox flinched violently (welp, except Lan Qiren ;-;) and the disciple in front of the door bowed,

"I apologize for startling you Master Qiren (???) And ZeWu-Jun but a disciple has gone missing this morning, he is not in his dorm nor around cloud recesses... We can't find him...." the disciple said as beads of sweat dropped from his face and on to his cloths and the floor,

Lan Xichen looked at his brother and uncle with a worried look and the both of them nodded, they walked towards the disciple and while doing so Xichen accidentally swifted past the cage not knowing that he accidentally unsealed the talisman on the cage and left the room along with his uncle, brother and the disciple. Silence rang in the room as Wei Ying slowly walked up to the door of the cage and placed his paw on it, the door slid leaving a small opening, Wei Ying's ears perked up and immediately lept out of the cage and out of the Hanshi then running towards the dorms.

"How is the situation?" Land Xichen asked while walking towards the disciple who looked to be in distress or anxious, either both???

The disciple looked at him and just sighed, "we haven't found him yet... "

Lan Xichen getting worried for where this disciple is he went towards the forest near and ordered a search along with the other disciples he brought with him and search the area.

Wei Wuxian who was about to arrive in his dorm saw a group of disciples surrounding his room and he kept closer trying to hear their conversation,

"Where did he go?..." A disciple asked,

"I don't know.. But he wasn't here last night either when he said he wants to go out for a bit and it's now past 7, he should have been back but-..." Nie Huaisang said as he fanned himself anxiously, beside him Jiang Cheng nodded,

Wei Ying wanted to just go down there and surprise them but that would make him be given a punishment on their first day of lectures so he had to consider some things. After a while he finally found a solution and went outside the borders of Gusu, he stared down at the steep cliff beneath him as he took a deep breath,

"This is going to be painful..." And with that, he jumped right into the cliff, suffering some scratches, some gash wounds from sticks and rocks, some dirt went onto him and after a long time of falling down he stopped with a loud thud in the ground and was then unconscious.

After a few hours or so Wei Wuxian woke up in the Gusu Infirmary, he was lying down in a cold yet soft and fluffy bed, he was comfortable and wanted to stay that way, he went back to sleep again and dreamed of what to do next. (Lol)

I'mma end it here since it's fucking midnight now which means its- 12:23 am.... Damn I need sleep... Now goodbye and enjoy this worthless and short chapter :')

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