Your Darkness is My Weakness...

By hopeangel11

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After moving into a new house in London at the age of 18, Harry Styles is welcomed by his mysterious, yet ver... More

Your Darkness is My Weakness [Lirry]
Chapter 1: Moved in & Settled
Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbour
Chapter 3: Who is Liam Payne?
Chapter 4: Worried Friends & Heat of the Moment
Chapter 5: One Intense Night - The First of Many
Chapter 6: After Last Night & Just the Beginning
Chapter 7: Pictures & Being Pursued
Author's Note: On Hiatus Until Lent is Over! - SORRY!
Chapter 8: Never See It Coming
Chapter 9: Just Getting Started
Chapter 10: Dealing With Louis
Chapter 11: Up in Flames
Chapter 12: About to Give In
Author's Note: I was just offended...
Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken
Chapter 14: Who to Trust & "Welcome Home"
Chapter 15: No Way Out
Chapter 16: Accepting or Pretending?
Chapter 17: The Truth or A Lie?
Chapter 18: Here For Good
Chapter 19: Is It Too Late?
Chapter 20: The End of What Could Have Been
Chapter 21: Trying to Move On
Chapter 22: Explaining How it All Began
Chapter 23: A Chance to Make it Right
Chapter 24: Just to Be Here
EPILOGUE: Until Today

Chapter 25: Meant to Be - LAST CHAPTER!

829 39 48
By hopeangel11

Chapter 25: Meant to Be - LAST CHAPTER!

*A/N: Yes, my lovelies. Unfortunately this is the last chapter! - Until the EPILOGUE, that is! Hope you enjoy reading this until then! And keep in mind, this chapter is really long, but worth it!*

A long moment of silence falls between them as Liam is evidently shocked, not moving from where he's standing on the stairs. Harry blushes slightly and looks down at his boots, toeing at the marble floors as he bites his lip in anxiety.

He really has no idea what Liam will say to him - If he even does talk to Harry. Liam has every right to ignore him and kick him out, but Harry is really hoping Liam won't do that.

I didn't come all the way here to be pushed away, he thinks in determination.

So, instead of continuing to look down and appear not-so confident, Harry takes in a deep breath and lifts his head to look at Liam. He huffs and stands tall, making sure Liam realizes how serious he is about being here, and that no, Liam can't just kick him out or whatever. He's determined to make Liam hear him out, and he'll do just about anything to make this stubborn man listen to him.

"Before you say anything, there's no way I'm leaving until we talk."

"You wanna talk?" Liam asks in disbelief, finally being able to speak and walk down the stairs. "Harry, you can't just come here and - "

"Liam, we need to freaking talk since you were stupid enough to believe I would be 'happier' without you."

When Liam doesn't say anything after that, Harry sighs and walks up to him. He grabs Liam's hand and squeezes it to emphasize his point, looking up at him. Liam looks down at him for a few seconds with an expression showing how much he's struggling inside.

But after a minute, he looks away from Harry's eyes and gives Anthony a stern look with narrowed eyes. Harry rolls his eyes and tries to make Liam look at him, but fails as Liam continues to ignore him.

"Anthony, please tell me why he is here."

"Because you need him, sir," the butler replies too easily, hands behind his back and a grin on his face.

"I don't remember telling you that, like ever," Liam argues through clenched teeth.

"You didn't have to. Now, I don't mean to cut this conversation short, but I will bring Mr. Styles' bag to your room and leave you two to discuss the rest."

Before Liam can argue some more, Anthony bows slightly and makes his way up the stairs, leaving the two younger lads alone in the front hall. Liam sighs heavily and pulls his hand away from Harry's to run it through his own hair, purposely tugging it in frustration.

"You shouldn't be here. At all. Why are you here, Harry?!"

"I already told you why," the curly-haired lad snaps, now crossing his arms over his chest and glaring up at Liam. "We need to talk, and we're gonna do it now. I won't wait any longer."

"Well, I disagree. We are not gonna talk about anything, so you can just leave right now - "

"No! I'm not leaving without you!"

"Harry, stop being so stubborn! Just leave now before it's too late and things get more complicated," Liam nearly yells in desperation, knowing he's running out of time even though he really does appreciate Harry being here. Of course he does. Not that this 'reunion' can last very long, though.

"What are you talking about?! Too late before what?"

Liam sighs heavily and grabs Harry's arms, wanting to shake some sense into him. "Doesn't matter. I just really need you to leave. Please."

"I'm not leaving, Liam. At least not without you," Harry retorts, looking into Liam's eyes.

"I can't go with you," the brown-eyed lad says softly, now cupping Harry's face with his hands. "Even though I want to. God knows I want to. But I can't. I left to make you happier, and I'm not taking that chance away from you."

"Well, guess what?! I'm not happy without you, you idiot!"

"Of course you are. You just don't realize it yet, but you are and have been for the past six months."

"Oh my go- No, I haven't, Liam!" Harry cries out, throwing his arms up into the air. "I know you thought that I would be happier after you left, but I really wasn't. I was absolutely miserable without you."

"And I don't believe you."

Harry scoffs and looks up at Liam with fierce eyes, challenging him. "Oh, yeah? Why don't you ask my friends then? You know, the ones who had to pick up the pieces you left behind after you left me all heartbroken? And now you're trying to kick me out before we can even talk? What the hell, Liam?!"

"You can't be here," Liam whispers desperately. "I won't be here long, Harry."

"Don't you dare tell me that you're about to kill yourself."

"No, that's not - Although it is pretty close to it."

"Stop being stupid and let me freaking love you," Harry demands stubbornly, stomping his foot for emphasis. "I didn't come all the way here for nothing, you prick."

"Well, I'm sorry, but that's exactly what you're gonna get."

"Liam - "

He gets cut off when Liam suddenly picks him up over his shoulder and walks towards the door behind Harry. Said lad yelps and struggles against his hold, hitting Liam's back with his fists to be put down. Liam only ignores him and is nearly at the door when he feels Harry go limp and sniffle.

"Why are you doing this, Li?"

"I asked you the same thing a few minutes ago," the older lad counters.

"I just - I came here because I missed you, okay? I freaking missed you and your craziness. I missed you and your freaking body, your arms, your face - I missed everything about you."


"Why? Why the hell are you kicking me out? I thought you loved me. You told me that you'd never stop loving me even if you tried; I remember."

"Well, I lied," Liam responds in a monotonous voice, putting Harry back down to stand on his own feet.

Narrowing his eyes at Liam and pushing him back fiercely, Harry snaps back. "That's bulls***, and you know it. We both know it is. Why are you lying to me and yourself? And what are you keeping from me? And you better tell me this time, or god so help you - "

"I'm not lying."

"You are! You totally are, and I can prove it. Liam, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore."

"I don't lo- "

"Look me in the eyes, damn it!" Harry shouts, ignoring the echoes of his voice.

Instead of saying it, Liam finally looks Harry in the eyes and gives in to his desire. It just so happens to consist of grabbing Harry's face and kissing the life out of him, barely giving him time to take a breath and kiss back. He doesn't really care if Harry hates him after this, but he just had to do it.

After he pulls away, he catches his breath with Harry, who he now notices has tears rolling down his face. He kisses his cheeks and wipes the tears away with his thumb, taking in the sight of Harry's face and engraving it into his memory.

This could be the last time he gets to really see it.

"... Please just say it already."

"I can't," Liam admits now, dropping one of his hands from Harry's face to wrap it around his waist and pull him closer.

"Then why did you kiss me?" Harry asks in a whisper, looking into Liam's eyes.

"Because I love you. And I've never stopped; no matter how much I tried. I really did try - believe me. I just wanted the best for you, and I wanted you to be happier - even with someone else. I tried my best to get over something like that happening eventually, but it didn't work after all this time."

"I'm glad you didn't get over me. Because we wouldn't be able to do this, which I believe has been long awaited, don't you think?"

A smirk graces its way across Liam's face and Harry grins back, leaning up to kiss Liam again. It's softer this time, but neither of them want it to stay like that the whole time. It has to be more than this.

They really need to touch each other. And it has to happen now.

"Bedroom," Harry breathes out against Liam's lips as their kiss deepens and intensifies to something very needy. "Where's your bedroom?"

"Upstairs - Okay, yeah. Stupid answer. Let me just show you," Liam answers as he picks Harry back up, but this time, the younger lad has his legs around Liam's waist and arms around neck.

As Liam makes his way up the stairs with a giggling Harry in his arms, he shouts behind him to direct it to the help. He knows they've been eavesdropping and even peaking their heads out to watch them instead of working. Not that they have much to do, anyway. But still. This was a private moment between Liam and Harry. They should've respected that.

"Get back to work, everyone!"

"Y- yes, sir!" they call back, although Liam can hear them giggling among themselves and whispering about what they just witnessed.

"Oh my god. They were watching us?" Harry asks in embarrassment, burying his face in Liam's neck.

"Yeah. They're a bunch of nosey people," Liam replies with a smile.

"So then they know we're about to - "

"Pretty much."

"Great," Harry comments sarcastically, although he tightens his hold around Liam's neck and grinds down on his hardening cock with a smirk on his face. "Not that it matters much, right?"

Liam chuckles and lifts Harry up a bit higher when he lowers himself to keep grinding down on Liam's cock like that. So naughty, this one, Liam thinks with a groan, patting Harry's bum in the hopes of getting him to stop misbehaving. But Harry only moans, clearly having a kink to being slapped there.

"You're a menace, Stylesy."

"Hmm... And you've got a lovely cock that needs to f*** me right now."

"S***," Liam hisses when Harry grinds on him again, urging him to rush to his bedroom already.

Before Harry can keep talking dirty, Anthony nearly bumps into them in their haste to get there. The butler doesn't even bat an eye, just moves aside and keeps smiling at them politely. Liam and Harry blush and avoid looking at his eyes in embarrassment.

"I have asked Dorothy and Ella to prepare your room, Master Liam. There is also a bottle of champagne on your nightstand and some 'essentials' you will need."

"Th- thank you, Anthony. You can - um, go downstairs now. With everyone else for a while."

"Of course, sir. Enjoy," Anthony says with a bow before he makes his way down the stairs to join the other gossiping help.

"Oh god. He got them to 'prepare your room' for this?" Harry asks in a whine.

"He knows just about everything to know," Liam admits, feeling himself getting even redder in the face.

"Can we just go in your room?"

"Right. My room. Let's - uh, go then," Liam agrees awkwardly.

Once he finally reaches his bedroom door, Liam fumbles with the doorknob after hefting Harry up a bit more and stumbles inside. He nearly drops Harry, but the younger lad only holds onto him tighter and kisses him suddenly as he kicks the door shut behind Liam.

"Clothes need to come off," he demands, tugging at Liam button down shirt.

"Then let's get them off," Liam states in agreement, walking towards his bed and gently dropping Harry on it.

*WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT! You have been warned!*

They make quick work to pull their clothes off each other, almost managing to rip them into pieces like wild animals. Not that they care much about their clothes' condition. They needed to come off, okay?

With their clothes finally off and on the ground, Harry kneels up on the bed and kisses Liam. He pulls him forward so that his whole front is right against Harry's, falling over so that he's lying on top of him. Harry sighs against his lips in satisfaction, and tangles his legs with Liam's playfully before spreading them apart to wrap them around Liam's waist.

When he grinds up desperately as Liam kisses his neck hungrily, he moans and begs Liam to just f*** him already. To tear him apart until all he can think about is Liam's cock buried deep inside him and shouting his name as loud as he can.

"Please, Liam. I need you."

"Let me prep you then," Liam breathes out after pulling away from Harry's neck and smiles down at him.

Giving Harry a brief kiss on the lips, Liam sighs happily and pulls away to reach for the lube on the nightstand beside the champagne Anthony was talking about and a long strip of condoms. He blushes and quickly moves away from them when Harry whines louder and pulls him back towards him.

"I don't care about the condom. Just f*** me already."

"Christ, Haz. You already look wrecked."

"F***. Me," Harry demands fiercely, eyes completely dilated from lust.

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I will. Geez."

Harry huffs and spreads his legs even wider when Liam settles between them. He hears the cap of the lube pop open and covers his eyes in anticipation of this finally happening after way too long.

What he doesn't expect, though, is Liam suddenly licking a stripe from his hole to his balls. His breath hitches before he moans as Liam does it again. Harry is already hard and he nearly begs Liam not to keep going, but then the older lad lifts Harry's legs up and over Liam's shoulder.

This gives him a much better view of Harry puckered hole and he leans forward to lick into it, bending Harry's body a bit. Said lad moans and grabs the bed sheets beneath him to somehow ground himself.

His breaths come out in loud pants and moans of Liam's name as the brown-eyed lad eats him out. It feels so good and he doesn't want Liam to stop anymore. He can feel Liam's tongue licking the rim of his hole before dipping back inside as deep as he can go. Harry arches his back off the bed and begs Liam for release. He wants to come so badly, and he thinks he can just from Liam eating him out like this.

When he does end up coming suddenly, he doesn't expect it, nor does it surprise him. Liam pulls away and watches in awe as Harry shoots his load onto his belly, breathing heavily.

"Holy s***, babe. You just - "

"Mmm. Yeah," Harry hums in a daze, reaching his hand down to run it through Liam's hair. "F*** me now, yeah?"

"Can you still - "

"Yeah. For you, I will. Now f*** me with that lovely cock of yours."

Liam blinks up at him as Harry pulls his legs off of Liam's shoulders and crawls backwards until his head lands on Liam's pillows. He smiles at Liam and beckons him over, really wanting to be f***ed right now.

"O- okay. Yeah," Liam says breathlessly, grabbing the lube from beside him and making his way back over Harry.

They kiss lazily as Liam covers his fingers with lube and starts prepping Harry without preamble. He can clearly take it, as Harry moans and grinds down on his finger. Liam quickly adds another one and scissors them to open Harry up some more.

"You look so good, Harry. So beautiful."

"M- more. Want you so bad, Li. Please," Harry begs and he practically rides Liam's fingers.

The older lad adds a third finger in, watching in awe as Harry takes in his fingers expertly. He's painfully hard now, so he pulls his fingers out and makes quick work to slather more than enough lube on his cock. Harry whines and wraps his legs around Liam's waist when he takes just a bit too long to start f***ing him.

"I know, babe. I got you," Liam whispers in Harry's ear.


With a kiss on the lips, Liam starts pushing his cock into Harry's cock, both of them impatient. Once he bottoms out, they both pull away from their kiss to try and breathe properly. They're so worked up they just want to f*** the life out of each other after so long.

"Y- you better start f***ing me good," Harry says through clenched teeth.

Liam complies and crashes their lips back together in a heated kiss as he pulls back and almost completely out before pushing back in forcefully. Harry gasps and moans loudly as he pushes back.

They go at each other at a rough and fast pace, not getting enough of each other even now. For whatever reason, they still feel the need to be closer. And that need increases with every thrust Liam gives to Harry, who throws his head back and moans loudly. Liam just so happens to finally hit his prostate, and he keeps aiming for it, loving the sounds Harry is making.

It's lovely being able to watch Harry pant and become all breathless whenever they have sex. Now, they both know they haven't had sex much (twice before, to be exact); especially after six months. But they have the time now to make up for it.

"Ngh. Li - God, you're so good. Faster," Harry pants out, digging his heels into Liam's back.

"Yeah. Okay," Liam responds softly, grunting as he obliges.

Harry arches his back off the bed and feels himself getting close again as Liam speeds up his thrusting. He can barely breathe in enough air, desperately wanting to come now, but also wanting Liam to come with him. They've done it before, so surely they can do it again, right?

"Li... I'm gonna - Come with me."


After a few more thrusts, Harry feels that familiar warmth deep inside explode suddenly and he comes with a shout. Liam comes as well, his hips stuttering as he fills Harry with his come.

The green-eyed lad moans and takes in the slick sound coming from where they are connected in his hole. He smiles and pulls Liam down for a passionate kiss as a grateful gesture for all of that. Liam smiles back and lifts Harry's upper body up to wrap his arms around him possessively.

A happy hum comes from Harry, almost purring in satisfaction. Liam doesn't make a move to pull out yet, which Harry is really happy about. He doesn't want to be apart from Liam just yet.

Flipping them over so Liam is now on his back and making sure they are still connected down there, Harry smiles down at him and sighs happily. Liam looks up at his lover and cups his face, wiping the little bit of sweat from Harry's forehead with his hand.



"Very," Harry agrees, rubbing his cheek against Liam's hand. "I love you, Li."

"I love you too, Stylesy. So much."

"Can we just lie here for now? I don't wanna move for a while."




"So, how many rooms are in this mansion?"

"About twenty?" Liam answers honestly, making Harry stare at him in shock. "I mean, I haven't exactly stayed here that much. Just usually during summers with my family."

"Why in the world do you need twenty rooms? Your family isn't that big, right?"

"Well, the help live here, you know? And I don't have a problem with it, since they do keep things all neat and proper."

"They're like family to you then, right?"

Liam smiles at that, rubbing a comforting hand on Harry's smooth back. "Yeah. They really are, now that I think about it. I bought this place two years ago? And I couldn't maintain it myself, so I hired people I trust to not only tidy up for me, but also live with me when I'm here and when I'm not."

"That's very kind of you, Master Liam."

"Oh god. Don't start with that."

"Why? That's what everyone else here calls you," Harry points out cheekily.

"They work for me, Harry. You don't. And I've already tried to make them stop calling me that, but they won't listen to me."

"They're doing it out of respect, Liam. I'm sure you secretly like it too."

"Well, I do now, after hearing you call me that," Liam admits, kissing Harry's forehead.

Harry giggles when he feels Liam's cock jump in interest against his thigh. "And it clearly turns you on."

"Hey. Don't tease me."

"I do hope you don't also get turned on when 'the help' call you that..."

"Of course not!"


"I don't; I swear," Liam assures his lover, who smiles and giggles when Liam starts tickling his sides. "You're the only one that turns me on, my love."

"Right. I'm sure," Harry counters playfully, then regrets it when Liam tickles him even more.

He barks out a laugh and continues giggling as Liam tickles him. He tries his best to get away, but Liam is straddling him to keep him trapped at his mercy. Liam laughs with him too, his eyes crinkling up from watching Harry squirm and beg him to stop.

But, as happy as they are, it has to end. Because as Liam knew since earlier that day, he really couldn't stay here with Harry. Or anywhere else with him for a while at the least.

"Master Liam," they hear Anthony's voice from the speaker on the wall by the headboard. "The police are here."

"What?" Harry asks in confusion, looking up at Liam worriedly.

"F***," Liam mutters under his breath, pulling away from Harry to get off the bed and get dressed. He presses the button on the speaker and says, "Anthony, let them in."

"But, sir - "

"Just do as I say, Anthony. I'll be down in a minute."

As Liam gets dressed quickly, Harry sits up on the bed and gets out from underneath the covers. He crawls to the edge of the bed closest to Liam and tugs on his hand. Liam doesn't want to look him in the eyes, so he makes sure avoid them as he faces Harry.

"Li, what's going on? Why are the police here?"

"Because I - I called them to come."

"Why? When?"

"Earlier today," Liam confesses, taking a seat beside Harry and grabbing his hand to place a kiss on it. "I'm sorry."

"What? Why are you sorry? Liam, I'm still confused. Why would you call them?"

"I gotta go. They're probably waiting for me right now. But don't worry about me, okay? Just - just stay in here and relax. I'll send Anthony to come get you after everything's been sorted out."

He kisses Harry then, not waiting for him to say a word. He gets up from the bed and pulls away from Harry's hand that tries to keep him there and not leave him again. Because this time, he might not be able to get Liam back. Might not be able to see him again as the worst case.

"Liam, please don't go."

"I'll be fine. You're all I'm worried about after this. Just leave as soon as possible, yeah?"

"I already told you I'm not leaving without you."

"You're gonna have to," is the last thing Liam says to him before he pulls away completely and walks out of the room.

In haste, Harry jumps out of the bed and gets dressed as quickly as he can. He curses himself for having to wear such tight skinny jeans for once, since it's taking him way too long to pull them on.

He could've caught up to Liam by now. Stupid skinny jeans, he thinks before he pulls his shirt on.

Not bothering to button his shirt up properly, Harry slips his boots on and rushes out of Liam's bedroom. He really hopes he can reach Liam before the police take him away for good. Before him and Liam can truly get a chance to ever be together happily.

"WAIT! Liam, wait! Please don't - "

"Liam Payne, you are under arrest for attempting murder to three individuals," a cop announces once Harry reaches the top of the stairs.

"No," Harry whispers and freezes after taking three steps down.

"I know," Liam states boldly, allowing the police to put handcuffs on his hands that they place behind him. "I called you earlier to come here for that reason, didn't I? No need to yell it to the world. I'm not resisting."

"Mr. Payne, anything you say will be held against you in court, so I strongly suggest you keep your mouth shut," the police officer says sternly.

"Of course."

"I said - "

Anthony steps up then, not willing to let this to happen to their master. "Excuse me. That is no way to speak to Master Liam. And we will not allow you to take our master away, let alone without an explanation as to why you are arresting him in his own home."

"Well, clearly your 'master' never told you that he called himself in."

"Pardon? But why - Master Liam," the butler looks at Liam for confirmation. "Is this true, sir?"

"Yes, Anthony. Please don't interfere with this."

"But - "

"Anthony," Liam snaps, already regretting the fact that he just snapped at his ever so polite butler. But he doesn't want him or anybody else getting involved in this. He already made his decision and he will now let himself deal with the consequences of his actions months ago.

"I - I'm sorry, sir. But I will not just stand here and let them take you away. You do not deserve to be treated this way."

"We won't either, Master Liam," Rick the chef declares beside the butler.

The other helpers nod in agreement, voicing out their thoughts in a mumble. Harry watches in awe from the stairs at how loyal the help are to Liam, who frowns at them for standing up for him. This isn't how it's supposed to be, and Liam will not let them keep doing this for him. They don't know it, but Liam really does think he deserves this. They should just let it happen, damn it!

"Anthony, Rick, everyone else - I command you to let the police do their job. No more protests," he demands almost desperately, but keeps his composure.

"Sir, you know we'll always support you. But this is not one of those times."

"As sweet as this is, we need to take Mr. Payne back to England to go on trial there," the police officer cuts in before Liam can continue arguing with the help. "Now, Mr. Payne, I suggest you don't struggle nor say a word as we take you to the car."

"NO!" Harry finally finds his voice and rushes down the stairs to be at Liam's side.

"Harry - " Liam says in shock.

"And who are you?" the cop asks with raised eyebrow.

"I'm Liam's boyfriend. And I'm not about to let you arrest him!"

The police officer sighs as his company just look at him and the couple, waiting for him to say something. "Look. Your 'boyfriend' called himself in - "

"Don't put quotations around the word 'boyfriend'!" Harry snaps, hugging Liam tighter.

"Fine. Mr. Payne called us, the police, about him attempting to murder three individuals. That's a serious crime, and we need to take him to court back in England. We will not allow you to interfere with this."

"Well, I won't let you arrest him."

"We could arrest you for that, you know," the cop warns.

"Harry, enough. Let go of me, please," Liam hisses, trying to pull away from his lover's arms.

"What? No! Liam, I'm not letting them take you away! Why'd you have to call them?! Why would you do that? What's wrong with you?!"

Liam lets out a sigh and looks Harry in the eyes. "I deserve this. It should've happened a while ago."

"No, you don't! Would you stop saying you deserve bad things?!"

"Mr. Payne, this is the last time I'm telling you this. We need to go now. You've already said your farewells, so let's get going."

"Oh, shut up. You know he hasn't said goodbye yet!" Harry nearly shouts at the cop.

"You really want to get arrested, don't you?"

"Whatever. I don't care. As long as I'm with Liam."

"Don't be stupid, Harry," Liam argues.

"You're the one who's stupid! You called them to arrest you! Who does that?"

Before Liam could say anything in return, the other police officers start leading him towards the front door at the command of the lead cop. Harry shouts in protest and tries to get to Liam, but other cops hold him back.

"Let me go! You can't take him away from me!"

"Calm down, sir."

"No, I will not calm down! Let me go!" Harry protests some more, watching in horror as Liam is led out the front door towards the cop car. "You can't do this! He can't leave me again! LIAM!"

"We will not let you take our master to prison!" Anthony adds as he tries to get to the front door too.

Unfortunately, there are more cops that keep him and other helpers back. Harry continues to struggle as tears stream down his face from having to watch Liam be put into the police car. He calls out his name and nearly gets away from the cops holding him, but they grab hold of him tighter.

"Stop! Let him go!"

Looking at Liam through the window of the car, Harry sees Liam mouth 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry'. The curly-haired lad cries out to him and sobs loudly when the car starts moving away from his view.

Once the police car is out of sight, the other police officers let go of Harry and the help in the house to make their way out to their own cars. They drive off and leave Harry with the help as he drops to his knees and breaks down.

"Liam," he whispers, clutching at his chest as his heart is beating painfully and it's getting harder for him to breathe through his sobs.

"We're terribly sorry, Mr. Styles," Anthony says softly behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Why would he - He said he loved me, but he let that happen?"

"I believe we can only wait until he goes into trial tomorrow most likely."



Harry squeezes Eleanor's hand as the judge and jury return to their seats as Liam stands along with his lawyer by his side. He knows this is when they all find out whether Liam is found to be guilty or not. And it's just so hard for him to just sit here without arguing against what they might say to keep him and Liam apart from each other again.

Eleanor squeezes his hand back and whispers for him to breathe as she notices he's been holding it in. He obeys, but keeps his eyes on Liam's back facing him, willing for the result he hopes for.

"Mr. Payne, the jury has found you guilty. You're sentenced five years in jail for attempting murder. "

It's like time stops then when the judge announces Liam's fate. Harry lets go of Eleanor's hand and gets up from his seat when a police officer places handcuffs on Liam's hands once more. He panics and tries to approach them from behind the divider keeping them apart.

"Harry - "

"No, no, no! They're not supposed to - Louis, we can't let this happen!"

"We can't do anything about it now. I'm sorry."

"No! Liam!" Harry calls out when Liam is led down the aisle to walk past him. "Liam, please!"

Liam doesn't say a word in return, even though he wants to more than anything. Instead, he gives Harry an apologetic and loving look, hoping it will show how much he wishes this wasn't happening either. But he still thinks this is what he deserves.

Just as he's about to follow after Liam is led out of the court room, Harry is pulled back by Louis, Niall and Zayn. He sobs and struggles against them, not wanting to give up.

"I - I need him. I need Liam."

"We know," Zayn says soothingly, helping Harry to sit back down as he cries.

"I love him."

"We know," Niall repeats, taking a seat beside him and rubs his back to calm him down.

"L- Lou,... Will I ever see him again?" Harry asks the oldest lad, who looks down at him with a sad smile.

"Yeah, of course. You can always visit him in prison. And he'll be out in five years, remember? You'll see him then. You'll be with him again, Harry. We promise."

Then I guess I'll be waiting until then, Harry thinks as he continues to cry and lets the girls hug him through it. He doesn't know how long they stay in the court room to let him finish crying, but time seems to fly by.

Hopefully it will be like that for the next five years until he and Liam can truly be together.

*Cue all the hate and tomatoes being thrown at me for this sudden twist as an ending. - And now I'm hiding in a corner from all of you.

I'm so sorry for writing this happening to Lirry, my precious babies! But I just thought of it as an ending and went with it. I liked the idea of adding such a twist as the ending, so please don't try to kill me for doing this! I mean, it kept you reading, right? But I'm still sorry, 'cause I know it hurts your hearts as much as it hurt mine for writing it. (I honestly almost cried when I wrote the last part).

I gave you some smut, though, so please don't hate me so much! I still tried to make you all happy with that part before the sadness.

On the bright side, THERE'S STILL AN EPILOGUE! Whoo!!! - You're happy about that, right? Please be happy about that, at least. I promise I will really end things properly. Just 'cause Lirry deserves a happy ending, you know? - Or maybe not...? Jk!

Anyway, just wait for the epilogue for the very end of this story!

Again, I'M SORRY! I hope you'll forgive me someday. Hopefully after you read the epilogue!


How will this story REALLY end? Any thoughts?* x

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