Till Death Due Us Part

By iamchlxe

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Sequel to Triangular Affectionโ˜บ๏ธ More

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


749 53 9
By iamchlxe

September 2,2022
Nicki's POV

"Mommy, I just gave Mama a kiss and she smiled.", said Rumi running into the kitchen.

"Well what did you expect, for her to bite you.", I laughed.

"Every other time I kissed her she wouldn't do anything but now she smiled."

"That means she's getting better.", I said grabbing a spoon of jambalaya and bending down. "Since you're in here you'll be my taste tester."

A big smile came on her face before she took a bite of the food. She did a happy dance as she ate the bite of food. I swear she acts just like Bey. "Mommy that's good, can I get more?", she asked.

"Nope, food is almost done you gotta wait.", I said followed by an evil laugh. 

"That's not funny Mommy.", she pouted.

"Oh hush you brat.", I said giving her another bite. She smiled and ran off almost knocking Rihanna over in the process.

"How are you my love?", I asked giving her a kiss.

"I went to the meeting and it's not good.", she said.

"Okay, elaborate.", I said hopping on the counter.

"We lost our best men, almost lost Julius, and now we have a big target being on our head.", she said sighing.

"Okay baby, we'll get past this.", I said.

"We don't know that N—

"We'll break a deal with them, they can't refuse it, and I'm sure there's someone who hated Erica enough to let what happened go.", I said.

"Yeah, yeah you're right.", she said putting her face in her hands.

"I know I am, I always am.", I smirked hopping down.

"What are you cooking, Ms. know it all?", she asked stepping behind me.

"Your favorite.", I said.

"Yes lord, JAMBALAYA!", she cheered.

Lord Jesus sometimes I swear they act like they're starved. "Rihanna get out of my kitchen, go set the table or something."

"Last time I check it was Mama T's kitchen.", she teased.

"That's on her side of the house, over here on this side, all this, is mines.", I said while twirling.

"MA WINTER WON'T GET OUT!", yelled Summer.

"I think I'm gonna find their sperm donor.", she sighed before walking away. I swear they all stressed my baby out.

As I finished the jambalaya I could hear Rih cussing out the girls for always arguing and fighting. She then came back to pour a glass of whiskey. I tried to convince her to slow down but she was just as stubborn as ever.

"FOOD'S READY!", I yelled and within seconds the kitchen began to fill with hungry loud mouths.

The kids learned at a young age how to fix their own food. After the triplets we learned the hard way that we had too many kids to be babying them. Once everyone fixed their plate I took at plate up to the room and Beyoncé laid in the bed.

She wasn't eating solid food. Only through a tube. But I knew  jambalaya would get her right. She's been responding better to us. If we ask to does she hear us, she'll squeeze our hand. Or she scoot closer to me when we're in the bed.

"Come on Babygirl, I know you want some real food.", I said laying down next to her. I pulled the cover back and put the steaming riding to her lips. I saw her nostrils flare and her mouth hesitantly opened.

"There you go Baby, I fixed it just how you liked it.", I said with a smile. Tears began to come to my eyes because I thought she wouldn't get better. Julius said it may take up to 3 days for her to open her eyes but it only took 1.

"You sure did.", she said with a hoarse voice and a painful smile. I tried my best not to hurt her with the big hug but I failed.

"I'm sorry.", I said once I finally let go.

"Did I miss my birthday?", she asked sitting up.

"No, you were only out for a day, but you gotta go easy you got stitched up by Julius.", I said.

"Oh lord, he probably used your needle and thread from your wig cabinet.", she groaned.

"You're not funny Giselle.", I said with a blank face.

"I'm sorry Munchkin, you know I love you.", she said while rubbing my leg. Once I got done feeding her she was good and full and just as I expected she fell asleep. I tucked her in and turned on a movie for her.

"IT'S 7:12 WHICH MEANS ASSES BETTER BE GETTING WASHED!", I said as I got down the stairs. Of course I heard chairs began to move and when I finally was downstairs I saw Sir sitting at the table.

"Did you not hear the announcement young man, it's time to get ready for bed.", I said picking him up. He frowned and dug his head into my shoulder.

"Go on boy, go take a shower and I'll be up there in 20 minutes to check.", said Rihanna. I put him down and he ran to the elevator.

"You gonna stop being mean to my baby.", I said.

"He won't forever be a baby nicki.", said Rihanna.

"But he'll forever be MY baby RIHANNA!", I said.

"Lord Jesus.", she said shaking her head.

"Now come help me clean up, then I have a surprise.", I said.

"I'm going t—

"To help me clean up this mess.", I said eyeing her, daring her to contest. She sighed and began to pick up dishes.

"Why don't we have maids.", she groaned.

"Because we are able bodied humans who can use our hands perfectly fine.", I said. My mom always made it clear that never pay someone to do something you can do yourself.

"Still, this is slavery.", She said.

"Rihanna you told me how you used to have to wash your clothes at the spill way in your hometown, don't let the money cloud your origins.",  I said.

"Yes ma'am.", she said.

Once we were done with the kitchen we had to go upstairs to look in on the kids and make sure they were clean and they had put out their clothes. I was in charge of the youngest three and lord knows I had to get my belt ready.

I walked into the twins room first and by my surprise Sir was sleep and Rumi was up playing a math game.

"Rumi give me the iPad.", I said.

"But Momm—

"Gihsette!", I said. She jumped and handed me the iPad. I walked over to the charger and plugged it up.

"Goodnight baby, I love you and I hope you sleep well.", I said giving her a kiss.

I walked over to Sir and did the same before walking out of the room. They absolutely hated the light staying on in their room. I walked over to the triplets and to my surprise Autumn was sound asleep.

"Lord Jesus knows she's been up to no good to be that damn tired.". I said shaking my head. I kissed her goodnight before stepping out of the room.

I walked out to see Rihanna coming out of Mani's room and I made sure to stick my head in to say goodnight.

"So what's my surprise, is it coochie?", she asked.

"No Robyn.", I said laughing.

"Can it be coochie?", she asked.

"Probably, you never know.", I grinned before running down the hall. She ran after me and once we reached the room I ran in closing the door behind her.

She bursted through it and stopped dead in her tracks. "Bey, baby where's bey!", she asked urgently. I stood confused until I turned to see a blood stain where Beyoncé was.

I began to panic also. As I looked around the room for our wife. Until the bathroom door opened and Beyoncé walked out with a bandage around her abs.

"Well then, what happened here?", she asked with that silly smirk.

"When di—



Well I'm back. I've been in a weird headspace yall. I've almost been admitted to a mental hospital. I've fallen in love again and opened a new fucking door of darkness.

Idk how this is gonna work but it will. I miss y'all so much. I plan to get back on my shit for sure.

Give me feedback!

I love y'all🫶🏾


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