Chapter 10

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Nicki's POV

"Yeah but I told him that he had to find somebody else to play around with because I'm not the one.", said Winter. I had to pick up the triplets and go get groceries because of course my wives are always busy with something.

Beyoncé is working on her clothing line while Rihanna is at a business meeting in Chicago. She should be getting on the plane right about now.

"Mommy are you even listening?", asked Winter with a side eye.

"Hell it's hard not to, loud ass.", said autumn mumbling the last part.

"Nova watch your mouth.", I scolded. She definitely is gonna have Rihanna's mouth.

"Mama can I get $100?", asked summer.

"Damn why?!", I asked.

"So she can get her girlfriend that pandora charm bracelet.", grinned Winter looking in the rear view at Summer.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend who's really special to me and her birthday is coming up.", said Summer.

"Summer the girl is adopted how do you even know tomorrow is her birthday?", asked Autumn while staring out the window.

"Because that's what she told me, who lies about their birthday?"

"Autumn leave your sister alone, and baby why are you just now saying something?", I asked stopping at the red light.

"Because mommy, I didn't want you to yell at me like Ma would.", she said lowly.

"Oh baby you know you can ask me for anything, when we drop your big headed sisters off at home we'll go to the mall and get it.", I said with a smile. I was getting sick of Rihanna being hard on these kids. They know she loves them but she isn't the most loving person all the times. Some days she's all smiles and jokes the next you might get a bitchier version.

"Just spoiled.", said winter lowly.

"Leave her alone Winter, you just threw a temper tantrum about a new phone case last night.", said Autumn.

"You know you sure do talk a lot squeak.", said Winter with a glare.

"Call me squeak again and I'll ring your neck prissy.", snapped Autumn back.

"BOTH OF YOU!", I exclaimed.

"Don't make me act a fool in this car.", I said with the look.

"Sorry Mommy.", said winter.

"Yeah sorry.", said Autumn dryly.

"You gotta say something Nova?", I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not at all mother.", she said with a phony smile.

"Chill Autumn.", said Summer.

"Don't tell her nothing because when I reach back and pop her in the mouth it's gon be real quiet.", I said feeling irritation come upon.

Luckily Rihanna called making me sigh. What exactly could she need from me right now.

"Yes Robyn, how may I help you?", I asked

"Well hello to you sexy.", she said with a chuckle.

"You're on speaker, watch it.", I said with a smirk.

"Ma that's nasty.", said Winter.

"Your mammy's nasty.", shot back Rih.

"Mommy you heard her right?", asked Winter instigating ass.

"Yeah yeah, what do you need Rihanna?", I asked.

"I can't check on my baby?", she asked.

"No you can't, wanna know why, because this morning I go to wash my face and see ash on my sink, why was ash on my sink Robyn?", I asked.

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