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Nicki's POV
September 1,2022

I got out of the SUV with Beyoncé following behind me. Rihanna decided to ride alone in the Maybach. She had to handle something with the kids leaving just Beyoncé and I to be alone for the first 20 minutes.

"Tiny you're staying out here and the guns are in the truck.", I said.

"I don't know about this boss lady.", he said with a worried look.

"Look T you've been with us ever since the twins were born, so lemme ask when have we ever been in the line of death?", I asked.

"Last week with Kelly.", said Beyoncé.

"That's not the point, the point is we're good, now stay here and relax.", I said. He sighed as Beyoncé and I walked to the restaurant.

Beyoncé held the door open for me as I walked in. Of course Erica was already there with a smirk on her face.

"Ladies , you two look mighty well today.", she said greeting us.

"No funny business Erica, let's get to the point.", said Beyoncé 

"You all set this meeting, so you get to the point.", she replied.

"You need to back off Erica.", I said straight up.

"No I don't, you killed my lover and for that I will kill something precious to you.", she said.

"No your lover killed my daughter, and for that I killed her.", said Beyoncé.

"So you did it?", she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Put my heel dead through her throat.", Beyoncé said with a grin. I rubbed her back because I knew she was going to a dark place.

"Look we both did some fucked up shit , let's call it ev—

"It won't be even until I have one of you, or one of those bastard children on a silver platter.", she said.

Before I could get a word out Beyoncé put her 24K wedding ring to Erica's jaw knocking her back.

It all happened so fast but from the look on Erica's face she was down for a challenge.

"You know what I'm done fighting with you, I dealt with your bitch for years  and I'll be damned if I do it again with you, Nicki go outside.", said Beyoncé taking off her heels.

"Why wo—

"OUTSIDE!", she yelled making me jump and go outside.

Beyoncé's POV

"Only one of us is getting out of here.", I grinned.

"You sure you wanna do this?", she grinned.

"Positive.", i darkly chuckled grabbing a steak knife.

I slung the knife at her making it slit her upper arm.

"Your aim is ass.", she said holding her arm.

I lunged for her grabbing her shirt and head butting her knocking her back.

She lost her balance falling through the table.

"Your bitch was smarter than you, I kinda liked her skill, but you are just as dumb as a rock.", I said picking up a napkin and wrapping it around my knuckles.

"I've had people try to break down this family for 10 years, and I'll be damned if I lose another child.", I said before swinging and missing.

Her fist connected with my neck making me cough violently.

"Your family will burn, your kids will come to Cuba with me and satisfy my soldiers every desire and need.", she said kneeing me in the stomach.

My blood began to boil.

"And that pretty little boy, I will make him all mines, I thought Jay could at least give me one baby, but no, he had to choose you.", she said punching me in the jaw laying me out on the floor.

I don't know if I was going unconscious or getting angry.

My vision switched between black and red.

"And those pretty ladies you hold on your hand.", she said picking up a steak knife.

"They'll be in the fucking ocean right along with you.", she said before driving the knife into my face.

Or so I thought.

I opened my eyes to see the knife dead through my arm and the tip inches from my face.

The bloody smile on my face was like no other.

"Like I said dumb as a rock.", I said spitting blood in her face.

Before she could gain comprehension again I turned us over and punched her in the nose.

I heard the crack and smiled punching her in the nose again hearing it crack more. I then pulled the knife out of my arm letting out a big scream. I got to my feet and stomped and kicked her everywhere.

My arm was leaking blood everywhere, but my anger wouldn't let me stop.

"You're dying today bitch.", I said before slamming her head back over and over.

Her eyes began to close and her head began to leak blood.

"Not so easy.", I said driving the knife through her thigh. She let out a bloody scream making me kick her in the face to shut her up.

"I HATE LOUD NOISES!", I yelled becoming more angry.

I sighed before finding 4 more steak knives and some vodka.

"Well I never did like the heat because it always made me moody.", I said with a smirk as I drove 2 knives through her wrist and nailed her to the floor.

I did the same with her feet and put some chairs over her and a table.

I grabbed the bottles of vodka and poured it over her and the furniture. I poured a little on my wound before smashing the bottle.

"Oh I almost forgot, personal meeting.

I took a shard of glass and carved "IV" into her arm. The cut made her wake up and notice the predicament she was in.

"HELLPPP", she screamed.

I just laughed at her pleads before lighting a blunt and tossing the lighter on the pile.

"Burn in hell bitch."




How is your summer going?

I'm in New Orleans rn so I've been kinda busy.

I really hope y'all like the chapter. It was something quick.

I promise imma get back on top of it.

How do y'all feel about what Beyoncé did?

Do you think she'll relapse and go back into her dark ways?

Nicki and Rihanna's reaction to her killing Erica?

I love y'all 🫧💜


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