Wine for Your Sake [Zoro x OC]

By beOnion

42.8K 1.5K 114

The renowned bounty hunter Driscolgrov Juniper lived a life of luxury. The luxury of picking her prey; the lu... More

1. Salty Sea and Sweet Booze
2. The Breadwinner
3. Anything but a Coward
4. The Judging Golden Eye
5. Six Kilometers
7. A Clear and Druken Mind is the Best Mind
8. The Owner
9. Blind Courage
10. Scumbags of Society
11. In Their Eyes
12. My Time to Leave a Farewell Letter
13. Uncovering the Rough Wall
14. Bliss
15. Touch
16. Excuses
17. City of Wine
18. Juzumaru and Dionysus
19. Curing Hiccups
20. First Test
21. Milestone
22. Minerva's Eye
23. Dare
24. Palate
25. Future
Concept Designs
Author's Note + New Fanfic
Announcement - new fanfic!
Update - new fanfic published!

6. Bitter Faith

1.8K 64 1
By beOnion

(POV: Juniper) - 12 years ago

"No, you're doing it all wrong!" Mama snaps. "You have to turn your hip like this, grip your sword like this, and rotate your shoulders like this!"

"The old man was right," I sob.

"It's only been three hours," she says. "Are you already tired?"

"The sword is so heavy, Mama!" I whine. "My arm hurts!"

"Then you need to do more strength training," she scorns. "Drop and do more push-ups right now."

"I think that's enough, Akina," the old man interjects as he steps outside. "Dinnertime."

Mama glances at me and sighs. "Alright, Juniper. Let's all go inside and eat."

I giggle on my way to the entrance. "Thank you, Mama!"

"I told you," the old man whispers as I pass him by.

I bite down on my lip, unwilling to admit defeat. "What do we have for dinner?"

"It's something Kal prepared," he responds, gesturing me to my seat at the dining table. "Bear steak, roasted potatoes, and seaweed."

"You let Kal prepare something?" I complain, despite the appetizing smell wafting from the fancy dish before me.

Kal sticks out his tongue. "You could never cook something as good as this."

"I'll cook your face on the hottest stove," I spit back.

"Children, children," the old man calls. "Just eat your dinner."

With a growling stomach and a drooling mouth, I dig in, savoring every tender and seasoned bite as if it were my last. Kal, I hate to admit, is a good cook.

Kal observes my glowing face and chuckles to himself.

Tal stuffs his cheeks. "This is delicious, Kal!"

The old man laughs. "He's had this recipe on his mind for months now."

"Father," he grumbles while his face heats up to a shade of pink.

"You should cook for us more often," Mama chimes in agreement. "The steak is cooked perfectly."

Then, as I expect, the old man picks up a newspaper from the table and starts discussing politics that I don't understand. "So, the Revolutionary Army seems to be on the rise."

"Led by Monkey D. Dragon if I'm not mistaken," Mama adds.

"They sound just like another pirate group," he says. "Outlaws wreaking havoc everywhere."

Mama frowns. "That's odd of you to say. I thought you of all people would understand the negative sentiments going towards the world government."

"And I of all people would also understand the consequences of going against the world government," he argues.

"There are equally devastating consequences for not going against the world government!" She protests. "Look at Juniper for god's sake! There are children like her being circulated through the world to be sold as objects because no one is doing anything to stop them! Isn't that why you bought her? So she could have a happy life?"

He remains silent.

She scoffs in disgust. "Oh right. That's not why you bought her."

Mama finishes her plate and storms out of the kitchen, leaving the rest of the family to stare at the table in uncomfortable silence.

The food in my mouth is suddenly bland and dry, but I force myself to swallow it and eat everything to the last crumb. I'm the next to leave. Kal grabs my arm, and before I can protest, I catch a glimpse of desperation in his eye.

He shakes his head. "Don't."

Of course, he knows I intend to comfort Mama and ask her what's wrong. It's always my first instinct. And after the old man and her have fought three times this week, I can't help but find myself responsible.

Tal can read a room and know when to not speak, but the confusion is apparent on his face. He chews slower in an attempt to cool the scathing atmosphere.

The old man notices my eyes locked on him, perhaps demanding an explanation. He gives me another one of those I'll-tell-you-when-you-get-older looks and heads to the sink to wash the dishes.

Only Kal seems to understand part of the situation, but he's still a kid. He'd always brag about doing 'adult' things and understanding 'adult' topics, but a pathetic four-year gap barely puts him at an advantage.

I tear my arm from Kal's hand and run up the stairs. He doesn't follow me.

"Mama?" I call softly.

I walk to her bedroom - separate from the old man's - and peek through the small door opening. She's sitting on her bed with her face buried in her hands. Only a dim lantern glows in the corner.

She somehow notices my presence and turns around. "Juniper?"

I push the door open and accompany her. "Mama. What's wrong?"

She strokes my hair. "Don't worry. Let Papa and I worry about it."

"But I hear you guys argue about me a lot," I say. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all," she comforts, putting on a smile. "It's just that we've been thinking a lot about you."



She pauses, studying my eyes thoroughly.

"Your father believes you possess something special," she continues. "And I see it too."

"What do you mean?"

Mama chuckles to herself. "You know, I might seem mean when you train with me, but you are a talented student. You pick up my teachings easily, but complain a lot."

"That's because using swords is more fun than using fists."

"I can agree with you on that."

"The world government sounds like scary people," I finally say. "Do you and Papa not like them?"

"They are responsible for everything you've been through." She takes my leg and lifts the leg warmer. "Including this."

"Really? Then, I hate them too!"

She flashes me another smile, but it doesn't make it past her lips. "You're too young to worry about all of that, Juniper."

"But Mama, you don't look like you enjoy worrying about all of it either."

"How perceptive," she comments.

I yawn.

"Are you sleepy?" She lifts me off my feet and carries me to my bedroom. "Let's sleep early tonight so you can rest up to train for tomorrow."

(POV: Juniper) - Present

I wake up in a cold sweat and shiver in the morning air. I struggled tremendously last night just to keep my Observation Haki alive - a struggle I haven't dealt with for years. Somewhere along the line, I must have deactivated it and fallen asleep.

Emotions are Haki's worst enemy, the old man would say.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't help but replay Kalegon's last moments with me in my head. His ragged breathing. The way his blood inked the bed sheets. His hoarse voice.

And that old man. He'd only think about protecting me, and I often hated him for it.

But before I can let my emotions pour out again, I shove them deep down and decide to busy myself with eating breakfast.

When I sit up, I realize that Zoro left somewhere within the past hour.

Goosebumps quickly crawl through my skin. Right; I left my coat on that island. I look around the crow's nest and take note of all the large weights organized in one area of the room. I wonder whose it is.

As I climb down to the deck, I see fog surrounding the ship, making it impossible to see anything.

"This is bad," Nami says grimly. "This fog looks like it could last all day."

"We might not be able to see enemies, but they can't see us either," Brook remarks.

"That's true..."

"Good morning," I greet as I jump down on the grass.

Nami turns to me. "Good morning, Jun-chan! Oh... your eyes are a bit red and puffy. You really look like you could use some sleep."

Come to think of it, my eyes have been aching ever since I woke up.

Did I cry last night?

"I'm not that tired," I assure. "I'll get some rest sometime today, though."

"Sanji-kun told me that you are planning to keep watch every night," she says. "I just don't want you to exhaust yourself too much, okay?"

I nod. "I won't."

An inviting smell of warm butter then wafts through the air.

"Breakfast!" Sanji calls.

"Oh." Nami smiles. "You haven't tried Sanji-kun's cooking yet. It's amazing!"

I follow her and Brook to the kitchen. "I'm looking forward to it!"

To my surprise, the room I enter is full of life and energy. Luffy is inhaling loads of food, while the others chat away lightheartedly.

"This bacon is the best!" Usopp exclaims.

"They are maple glazed," Robin notes. "How interesting."

"I'm so glad you noticed, Robin-chwan!" Sanji cries. "You have always had such exquisite taste!"

"Oi, stop stealing my food!" Usopp shouts after losing a tug of war with Luffy over some pancake.

Luffy, however, continues to do so until both his and Usopp's plates are empty. "That was delicious as always, Sanji!"

I take the empty seat between Chopper and Franky. Sanji serves me a dish.

He gestures for me to eat. "Here you go, Jun-chan. Enjoy!"

"Thank you, Sanji-san."

"Man, how can you all be so relaxed?" Nami whines. "We're in dangerous weather right now."

"Speaking of which, you don't have to worry about that, Nami-chan," I say.

Zoro slows down his eating, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"My observation Haki can cover a 6-kilometer radius, so I will just activate it until the fog clears," I explain.

"EH?!" Luffy slams the table in excitement. "You can do that?!"

I chuckle. "Yes. It's a bit tiring, though."

"Impressive," Jinbei says. "I believe you have the most advanced Observation Haki here, then."

Nami gapes at me in awe. "Wow, you're a lifesaver, Jun-chan."

Again, I can feel the heaviness of Zoro's glare resting on me. Eventually, though, he looks away and finishes his plate.

Next, I turn to Franky. "You look quite different than your bounty picture, Franky."

"Yes," he responds with overflowing enthusiasm. "That is when I am in my Iron Pirate form, but this is my original form. Look."

He presses his nose and it clicks like a button. Suddenly, his blue hair poofs out into an afro.

"Whoa..." I gasp. "That's so cool! I want to be able to do that!"

"I can operate on you if you'd like!"

"Like hell you will!" Sanji protests. "I won't let her be altered, as she is already gorgeous!"

"You're a very considerate man, Sanji-san," I comment.

Finally, Zoro speaks. "His shallow self only treats 'beautiful' women like that."

"Because people like you don't deserve good treatment, shitty swordsman!"

"Say that again, Twirly Brows."

"That's enough," Nami growls.

Both men cease their quarrel.

Luffy is the first to hop out of the kitchen, eventually followed by Usopp, Zoro, Robin, Franky, and Jinbei.

Chopper continues savoring every bite beside me. By now, I've already gobbled down the food on my plate. This is probably the best breakfast I've ever had.

"You're the doctor, right, Chopper-san?" I ask.

He nods.

"Zoro looks to be in good condition. You must have patched up the cut I made," I continue.

"Sort of," Chopper says. "I had to burn the cut, and right now I'm cooking up a cream to stop it from causing further damage."

He stares at me uncomfortably, wondering if I'm a friend or foe.

"You sound like an amazing doctor," I commend, hoping to gain some trust.

No matter how hard he tries to suppress it, a grin spreads on his face and he dances around. "Saying something like that doesn't make me happy at all, you fool."

He sure looks happy.

"Thank you for breakfast, Sanji-san." I stand up and make my way to the door. "It was amazing."

Sanji's now dancing around too. "Anything for you, Jun-chwannn!"


"Hm?" I turn around, realizing that Chopper called me.

"Lift your hair."


"Please lift up your hair so I can see your back."

Sanji frowns. "Oi, Chopper what are you..."

I lift my long hair and flip it over my shoulder. He must have noticed the burns on my shoulder blades.

"This is a pretty bad injury," Chopper whispers, hovering a hoof over the wound. "Did Zoro do this to you?"

"Zoro did the cutting. I did the burning."

"Damn that Marimo!" Sanji curses. "I'll beat him up for hurting you!"

Chopper sighs. "It looks like you might have burnt too much. Let's go to my office."

"Are you serious?" I question politely. "I was the one who went after Zoro. So it's my fault for being cut up-"

"I treat everyone - enemy or ally," he cuts in. "What kind of doctor would I be if I didn't do that?"

Now I understand why Zoro worries about his crew so much. They're all extremely nice and caring, and that's something very rare to find nowadays.

I feel a smile tug at my lips without permission. "Thank you, Chopper-san!"

Once we make it to his office, he's already gotten the supplies. I lift my hair up again, letting him rub a cooling ointment on the burns.

I refrain from wincing or swatting his hoof away. So despite the pain that comes with the exposed burn, a disturbing chilliness runs through me. I close my eyes. I need to be brave.

"You must be a very important crew member," I begin. "Is it stressful having to take care of your crew?"

"A little," he says. "But it always feels better once they recover."

"Who in the crew gets hurt the most?"

"Luffy. He gets into fights all the time."

"I see."

"But it's the most stressful treating Zoro."


"Because no matter how much I tell him he needs to rest, he never takes my advice."


It sort of brings me back to the times I would pour alcohol on a wound, tie around some kind of fabric, and walk it off as if I had completely healed.

Chopper sticks two large patches, one on either side of my back. "Please don't be like Zoro and take it easy."

I nod. "I'll try to."

We walk out onto the deck to find the crew relaxing. Luffy's sitting on the ship's head, but complaining about not seeing anything ahead. Robin is watering her flower bed, Nami is reading a newspaper, Usopp is adjusting his slingshot, Franky is carrying around Cola crates, and Jinbei has his hands rested on the wheel. Zoro isn't anywhere to be seen.

"Jun-chan!" Sanji calls as he exits the kitchen. "Can you please enlighten me on your favorite foods and drinks so I can prepare the best possible dish for you sometime?"

"That's thoughtful of you Sanji, but I'm okay with eating any food."

"Are you sure?" He presses. "Don't be afraid to tell me! No matter how specific it is."

I think. "Well... bear meat is my favorite meat."

"Did someone say meat?" Luffy snaps his head in my direction.

"Turn back around, Luffy!" Sanji shouts. "There's no meat for you right now."

Luffy pouts. "Awe man."

"Bear meat, huh?" Sanji continues in a calmer tone. "Interesting."

"And... I love wine," I add. "Especially red wine."

Nami looks up from her newspaper. "More alcohol? Man... we'll be broke just from spending money on it."

"Don't worry, Nami-chan. I don't drink that much wine. I like to restrain myself from drinking a lot so I can enjoy a bottle of wine when I do drink."

"What a good ideology," Sanji compliments. "But I think Nami is mostly stressed about Zoro's drinking habits. And frankly, I am too."

My eyebrows knit together. "Hm? Oh yeah... now that you mention it, I guess Zoro does drink a lot."

"You saw him drink before, Jun-chan?" Nami asks.

"In a bar on Fisherman island."

Sanji clicks his tongue. "That bastard never fails to show people he's an alcoholic."

He flicks on his lighter and lifts it to the cigarette hanging between his teeth.

Suddenly, I sense a tremendous presence approaching at a high speed from the water below us. "Something's coming!"

Everyone jumps up, alert.

"It's a Sea King! Coming from directly below!"

"Jinbei! Get us out of the way!" Nami commands.

"Got it!" He responds, steering hard to the right.

The deck tilts, but by then I've already launched myself off the railing. I soar through the air, awaiting the Sea King to propel itself right where I expect it to. Sure enough, it does.

I draw out my swords. "Echo Step..."

The monster opens its mouth, welcoming me in.

"Titan Claw!"

Combining my swords into one slash, I knock the Sea King back. A deep gash is drawn between its eyes. Within the next second, the cut deepens until its head splits in two. The third thrum splits the Sea King into two perfect halves. Its dark blood spurts out onto the ocean.

"Shit," I murmur. "I'm fighting on sea."

I begin my doomed fall into the water when a stretchy arm grabs my shoulder. A chill trembles through my body. "Luffy, let go of me!"

But my cry goes unheard as he violently retracts his arm, sending me flying at the ship's mast at full speed. At impeccable timing, Zoro climbs out of the crow's nest and onto the ladder.

"What's with all the ruckus-"

His sentence is cut short as I slam into him. The both of us tumble down the mast and crash hard onto the deck

Luffy retracts his hand and laughs. "Sorry, Juniper! Sorry, Zoro!"

"This guy doesn't look sorry at all," I grumble.

"I outta cut this guy up someday," Zoro growls.

Another large presence is swimming; this time at an angle from the left side.

"Another one!" I shout.

Jinbei is already steering to the left - exactly where I would have steered - as if he knows exactly where the Sea King is headed. That's right; being the 'First Son of the Sea' must have its advantages.

"It'll end up right here right?" He asks while jumping up.

"Yes; it's right below you!"

The creature can't even get its head out of the water before it's met with Zoro's projectiles.

"Santoryu: Hyaku-Hachi Pound Hou!"

Within a second, the Sea King is diced into several pieces before it gets the chance to even shriek.

"Meat!" Luffy hollers.

I look behind me to find the one-half of the Sea King I killed being reeled in my Luffy's arm.

"Don't eat it right away," Sanji scorns. "Let me cook it first."

An overwhelming presence fills the sea in the range of my Observation Haki. A swarm of Sea Kings is after us now.

"Whatever you guys did to get out of the situation with the Navy, you need to do it again now!" I shout. "The other Sea Kings noticed us!"

Nami is the first to hear me. "Franky! Did you get that? Prepare for another Coup de Burst!"

Before she gets halfway through her sentence, Franky is already sprinting to the engine room. With another loud crash nearby, Zoro lands on deck thanks to Luffy.

The ship propels itself into the air once again, but this time I stabilize myself by wrapping my arms around the mast. The dead Sea King is dragged along with us, secured with Luffy's rope of an arm.

We land roughly, but my anxiety fades at the sight of clear noon. We've made it past the fog and cleared ourselves from the patch of Sea Kings. I drop my Observation Haki and overwhelming fatigue floods me. I sit down, clutching my head.

Sanji is the first to notice. "Jun-chan! Are you okay? Damnit... activating that Observation Haki since this morning has tired her out."

Zoro is glaring at me once again, although it isn't much of an angry glare than a scrutinizing one.

Chopper plops to the ground. "I told you to rest, Juniper..."

"I will now; don't worry Chopper-san," I assure.

"I have an inflatable mattress in my room," Robin offers. "I can set it up for you."

"That's okay. A nap right here will do."

The old man told me not to trust anyone, and it went without saying, especially since trusting someone was what got me into the black market. But now, there is comfort in closing my heavy eyes. It's completely foolish to let my guard down on a pirate ship. Every logical thought screams at me to keep those eyes open and alert.

Despite it all, I decide to trust my gut feeling and drift to unconsciousness.

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