The Dauntless (a male reader...

Von RedImperium

92.4K 859 1.3K

(Y/N) is a 17 year old military prodigy who managed to reach the rank of lieutenant with flying colours. He i... Mehr

(Old) Prologue
(Old) Chapter 1: I was in a gunfight you see...
(Old) Chapter 2: What the actual fuck!?
(Old) Chapter 3: An opportunity at death... how lovely!
(Old) Chapter 4: A Team of Girls... oh my....
(Old) Chapter 5: -Canada:1 -Bacon:0
(No Longer Relevant) Quick Announcement/Question
(New) Chapter 1: The Lone Gunman
(New) Chapter 2: Taiho
(New) Chapter 3: Remnants of Sanity
(New) Chapter 4: The Phoenix and The Rose
(New) Chapter 5: The Beacon of New Beginnings, and The First Trial
(New) Chapter 6: Through the Fire and the Flames
(New) Chapter 7: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
(New) Chapter 8: Die Übersoldaten: Part One(18+)
(New) Chapter 9: Die Übersoldaten: Part 2 (18+)
20k Reads?!
(New) Chapter 10: Light In The Darkness (18+)
Face Reveal
(New) Chapter 11: Operator
(New) Chapter 12: The Workshop; Part 1
(New) Chapter 13: The Workshop; Part 2
(New) Chapter 14: The Workshop; Part 3
(New) Chapter 15: Festivities
(New) Chapter 16: Dockyard Devastation
(New) Chapter 17: Clearing the Air
(New) Chapter 18: Rest and Relaxation (18+)
(New) Chapter 20: Heavy Metal Mayhem
(New) Chapter 21: Trial by Fire
Halloween Special Part 1: Of Monsters and Men
Halloween Special Part 2: Project Gallahad

(New) Chapter 19: Bad Omens

328 4 4
Von RedImperium

(Y/N) stood by the window in Ozpin's office, watching as a fleet of Atlesian airships flew in and populated the skies. The young man sighed and stood alongside the headmaster himself along with Professor Goodwitch.

"Respectfully, Headmaster," (Y/N) began, "I do not understand why you sent for me. Did you call me here to watch a fleet of ships perform their operating procedures?"

"As much as you may have liked to gaze at the ships, Mister (L/N)," Ozpin replied, sipping at his coffee, "I have called you here to become acquainted with an ally of mine. You may have heard of him, General James Ironwood."

"Your assumption is correct, Headmaster. I have been holding up my personal promise to educate myself thoroughly on the world's history, more specifically the events that have happened in recent times."

"And it's showing. High nineties across the board, along with a few perfect scores. Your efforts have garnered the attention of the other staff members, more specifically the professors who teach the higher year students. They're looking forward to eventually meeting you."

(Y/N) nodded, silently thanking the Headmaster for his praises before turning back to the continued buildup of ships outside.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels," Professor Goodwitch remarked after a moment of silence between Ozpin and (Y/N).

"Well," Ozpin replied, just as three more Bullheads flew into view, "running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes... those are quite a bit of an eyesore."

A beeping soon brought the attention of the trio towards Ozpin's desk where a holographic message read 'Access Requested'.

"Come in," he called out, causing the holographic message to disappear.

Then, beyond Ozpin's desk, a pair of doors slid open to reveal the man the three of them had been talking about a few mere moments ago; General Ironwood. The sight of a superior officer, prompted (Y/N)'s military training to kick in once again, causing him to go rigid and immediately stand at attention until he was addressed. Ozpin in the meantime however, walked over to greet the general.

"Ozpin!" Ironwood greeted, being cordial since they were old friends.

"General," the Headmaster replied, standing at attention as he addressed the man.

"Please, drop the formalities," the General grinned and went to shake Ozpin's hand; move that was mirrored by the headmaster in question. As the two of them greeted, Professor Goodwitch had moved in closer to be a part of the conversation, all of them showing to (Y/N) that they were all acquainted and on very good terms.

"It's been too long," the General spoke, still grinning before he turned his attention to the other professor, "Ah, and Glynda! It's been too long since we've last met!"

"Oh, James!" Professor Goodwitch smiled, warming up and dropping the formal attitude before informing both men that she would be waiting outside, making her way past (Y/N) to do as she stated.

"Well," the general chuckled, facing his friend, "she hasn't changed one bit."

Ozpin nodded and quietly went over to his desk before speaking once more.

"So," he began as he picked up a mug and kettle, starting to fill it up, "what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas? Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival..."

Ozpin turned to face Ironwood, handing the mug to the man in question.

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year" Ironwood began as he took the mug and poured something into it from a flask that he had taken out of his jacket, "Besides, with you hosting, I thought it would be a good time to catch up."

Ozpin nodded quietly as he rounded his desk and sat down before he began to refill his mug, this time making his signature coffee.

"I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends," Ozpin spoke as he sipped at his coffee, "however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned."

"Well," Ironwood glanced out the window, to (Y/N) and then back to Ozpin, "concerned is what brought them here."

"I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult."

"Oz, you and I both know why I brought these men..."

The Headmaster sipped at his drink then set his mug down on the desk.

"We are in a time of peace," Ozpin said, speaking in his usual calm and clear tone, "shows of power like these are just going to give the wrong impression."

Ironwood sighs, then looks over to (Y/N) once more and back to Ozpin.

"He knows," Ozpin explained, "let's get back to the matter at hand and then we'll talk about him."

The general, still skeptical about (Y/N), who had been standing at ease for the time being, turned back to Ozpin.

"But if what Qrow said is true..." the general drifted off, setting his mug down on the desk.

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully," Ozpin retorted as he raised a finger to emphasize his point, "it's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate time and peace, so I suggest not scaring people by transporting hundreds of soldiers across the continent..."

"I'm just being cautious..."

"As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can."

"Believe me, I am."

The general sighed and began walking to the door before he stopped and turned to face Ozpin once more.

"But, ask yourself this; do you honestly believe that your children can win a war?"

Ironwood turned to leave once more, however he caught (Y/N) in the corner of his eye. The general debated with himself for a moment, then decided to finally address the person he assumed was a student.

"Young man," Ironwood began, prompting (Y/N) to snap to attention, a move that surprised the general. What surprised him even more was the fluidity and how crisp the movements were.

"Ah yes, Mister (L/N)," Ozpin noted as he stood up from his desk and approached the two.

"(L/N)?" Ironwood asked, looking at Ozpin curiously, "this the boy you told me about?"

"Yes, James. Him. Although, he is much more than a 'boy'... I shall let Mister (L/N) explain."

Ironwood raised an eyebrow at the closing statement before turning to face (Y/N).

"Report!" Ironwood spoke firmly and out of military habit before realizing he was speaking to a student. Though, before he could speak again to clear the confusion that (Y/N) might have had, it was he who would be confused.

"Lieutenant (L/N)," the young man reported, also responding to the general out of habit, "November four one three three five one zero five. Special Operations Commander of Strike Team Theta, awaiting further instruction, sir!"

(Y/N), having realized his mistake internally cringed, however, he continued to stand at attention and wait until the general addressed him properly since he was already dedicated to the role.

"Stand easy, Lieutenant," Ironwood spoke after a few moments of stunned silence, "actually, drop formalities as well. I want to know more about you."

"Yes sir," (Y/N) relaxed his form and stood casually, now facing the General, "What would you like to know, sir?"

Ironwood gestured to a chair for (Y/N) to sit in, heading over to a chair of his own. The young man, nodded and went over to the chair, sitting down at Ozpin's desk.

"What's your full name?" Ironwood asked as he grabbed his now refilled mug, taking a sip of his drink.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), sir," (Y/N) replied.

"I thought I told you to drop formalities," Ironwood chuckled.

"I apologize. I am used to still being formal with superiors despite having been told to relax and address them normally."

"I understand. I've had moments like that after I had just recently graduated from being an officer cadet."

(Y/N) nodded, smiling and chuckling as he thought back to his time during officer training.

"Anyways, how old are you, Mister (L/N)?" Ironwood set his mug aside, turning to face (Y/N) fully, "You don't look much older than 19 or 20. I'd wager 22 at the most. So, forgive me if I'm a little skeptical about your rank as Lieutenant. Although... I'd also like an explanation on your height and overall body size... I have rarely seen humans or faunus of similar stature."

"Ah, yes," (Y/N) began, "I am actually in my late 30s. Mentally, that is. Due to a strange event that had taken place, I awoke to find myself looking several years younger."

"Hm... almost in your 40s," Ironwood mused, "go on. I can afford to set aside time for explanations."

"Yes, sir," (Y/N) replied, "This strange event as I had described was caused due to my death. I was much shorter then, at a solid 6'5". And I was a Lieutenant in the Canadian Armed Forces, and later on; a Canadian special forces group referred to as JTF2, the acronym standing for Joint Task Force 2."

Ironwood nodded, taking in the explanation, and gesturing to (Y/N) to continue.

"Canada is, not of this world, as you may have already deduced," (Y/N) continued, "I am actually from another world called Earth. Although there have been many words such as Terra to describe it. Regardless, my world is quite similar in many respects to Remnant; there are major countries, major continents, we have technologically advanced nations while others are economic powerhouses. My nation of Canada is a major nation, although had undergone economic shifts and had been downgraded in terms of standings on the world stage. Pretty normal stuff compared to Remnant."

Ironwood looked over to Ozpin, who nodded and confirmed (Y/N)'s story.

"Where our worlds differ starts with our Moon," (Y/N) continued, "our Moon is still intact, and we have actually landed humans on it. Another notable difference is that we do not have faunus. Rather, there are ordinary humans who dress up as animals, but they're either mentally ill or taking part in a strange hobby. The people of my world was also devoid of abilities such as Aura and Semblances. And one last notable aspect about our world is that we do not have Grimm. Rather, our monsters were of our own species."

Catching Ironwood off guard with the final statement, he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you mind elaborating?" Ironwood requested.

"Of course," (Y/N) answered, continuing on, "our world, much like yours has had its fair share of wars and other conflicts. However, our wars were on a much larger scale and more widespread compared to yours. Our more devastating wars that happened almost 80 years ago, saw military and civilian casualties in the millions. Entire ethnic groups and many other groups of people have been oppressed or have been destroyed throughout our world's history. The technical advances in our society for the betterment of the world is bested by the technological development of weapons to destroy other members of our own species."

Ironwood furrowed a brow, continuing to listen to (Y/N)'s explanation.

"One of our most devastating weapons aside from the weaponization of chemicals and diseases, was the weaponization of the atom," the young man sighed before explaining, "atom bombs, nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, whatever. They all stem from atomic weapons research. These atomic weapons are extremely devastating and so feared by our governments that treaties had to be signed in order to guarantee the safety of the world."

"And, what are these atomic weapons?" Ironwood asked, curious about them.

"Atomic weapons, sir, are devastating weapons," (Y/N) elaborated, "they are capable of unparalleled destruction. The first bombs, essentially the grandfathers of modern nuclear weapons, were powerful enough to vaporize major cities. For example, if I were to use one of the very first atomic weapons on this city, there would be nothing left except ruin and devastation. And, our world has since then built thousands of nuclear weapons and had refined them to become so strong that if all of them were to be used at once; we could have destroyed five or more worlds of similar size all at the same time. The single most powerful bomb ever detonated smashed windows in a country thousands of kilometers away and sent shockwaves that traveled across the world four times. But the catch is that the bomb was only half the explosive power of a theoretical weapon. It was only reduced to half the power due to the theory that nuclear weaponry could not get any stronger."

"And... your world's nation's had built thousands of these weapons?"

"Yes, sir," (Y/N) sighed sadly, "for a time, nuclear weapons were almost everywhere; on military aircraft, warships and of course; in specialized facilities capable of launching a strike half-way across the country within a matter of minutes."

Ironwood went quiet and absorbed the information that he had been given, before looking back to (Y/N).

"You mentioned earlier that the people of your world don't have abilities like we do on Remnant, correct?"

"Yes sir," (Y/N) began, "every single person in my world had absolutely no unique ability. Either intelligence, strength, charisma, agility and endurance. Some people were better balanced in those respects while others excelled in a single field. However, I imagine that you must be wondering how I got here if I died, so to speak."

Ironwood nodded, looking over to Ozpin as well, who also nodded, letting the general know that despite everything sounding absurd; it was all truthful.

"The world as I described to you all came to a ruin a few years ago when a new disease started spreading. The unique properties of this new and strange disease caused corpses near the site of origin, including people with vulnerable immune systems to become infected with a brain-controlling affliction that causes the affected individuals to become mindless shambling corpses with a perpetual hunger for flesh as well as the desire to spread the disease. Zombies, for lack of a better word. I suspect that they were created due to a bio weapon, however since my world has been thrown into chaos and is 90% dead, the survivors will never know the true cause."

He sighed and continued on.

"I was sent in as part of an international coalition of special forces strike teams. We all assumed that what we were dealing with was simply an insurgency. However, we were overrun and had just barely escaped with minimal casualties. However, I fell from a transport helicopter and was caught in the blast of a nuclear explosion from a weapon that had been launched in hopes of being able to eradicate the infected. It did not work. Rather, the infected forged on undeterred. And, while it was considered impossible in my world; thanks to being caught in the explosion and exposed to radiation and all sorts of other chemicals, I had been given my Semblance, Aura and my silver eyes."

Sighing and taking a moment to recuperate, he looked over and noted that Ozpin handed him a mug of his own.

"Thank you, Headmaster," (Y/N) smiled slightly and sipped at his mug. Headmaster in question only nodded before all eyes turned to Ironwood.

"How did you die?" the general asked bluntly, setting down his own mug on the desk.

"Shot through the skull," (Y/N) responded, "it was a couple of months ago, actually. It had been a few years since the world was practically destroyed, and I had reunited with a group of former soldiers. However, before I knew it, all I saw was black and then I suddenly find myself in a forest outside of Vale. One of my abilities is being able to regenerate after death, hence why I woke up again. However, I do not know how or why I wound up here. I actually have a mark on my head, showing where the bullet hit."

To show what he meant, (Y/N) lifted some of his hair up and revealed a patch of discolored skin in the shape of a circle, showing where the bullet hit and killed him. This action surprised the general, however his face remained unchanged. Then, after sipping at his drink once more, Ironwood looked back over to Ozpin and then to (Y/N).

"Quite an anomaly, Lieutenant," Ironwood chuckled, "If our world was similar to yours, with ordinary people and no crazy monsters of darkness, I'd be inclined to dismiss your story. However, due to our... line of work as Ozpin explained to you some time ago, we handle matters that by our world's standards as the 'supernatural'. And you, are a prime contender for being categorized as an anomaly of sorts."

"I've been told that my resurrection story is comparable to the legend of the Realm Jumpers," (Y/N) mused, "supernatural warriors that only appear at set times in history in order to turn the tide during some sort of event or war. At first, when I read of their legend, I rather easily dismissed the idea of Realm Jumpers. However, as I think back on it, I can understand why those who have been educated on the legends may claim me to be a Realm Jumper. After all... an ordinary man suddenly gains powers, then after his supposed death, awakens in a whole new world filled with monsters and a force dedicated to fighting against them. I have just as many questions as you do, sir."

(Y/N) sighed and finished up the coffee in his mug, setting it down as his eyes grew distant.

"I lost everything, you know?" (Y/N)'s tone grew serious as he spoke once more, "first was my family, when they were murdered in a terror attack. The second time was when a building collapsed on me and severed the limb during one of my early missions. Thank goodness for advanced prosthetics. Then that virus came along and took billions of lives, including my sister. As far as I'm concerned, I am the end of the (L/N) bloodline. And considering I'm not back on Earth.. may as well consider the entire family eradicated."

Sighing once more, (Y/N) turned to the general with a solemn look on his face.

"Any more questions, sir?"

"Not at all, Lieutenant," Ironwood nodded grimly, understanding the loss felt by a fellow soldier, "I'm sure that I've pushed you far enough for one day. I look forward to working with you in the future, considering on what Ozpin's files have on you. Impressive performance in Beacon, I must say. No wonder you were able to dismantle the Syndicate single handedly."

Both men stood up and faced each other, a grin of respect on the general's face.

"I look forward to working with you, sir," (Y/N) grinned as he stuck out his hand.

"Likewise," Ironwood chuckled as he shook the young man's hand.

After the handshake, (Y/N) snapped to attention then addressed both Ozpin and Ironwood.

"Permission to be dismissed!"

"Oz?" Ironwood glanced over to his friend who had been busy writing some notes down.

"Ah, yes. You can go now, Mister (L/N)," the Headmaster nodded and returned to his work.

"Very well," Ironwood cleared his throat and then faced (Y/N) before speaking firmly, "To your duties! By the right, dis-missed!"

(Y/N) turned to the right and brought his left leg up before driving it down by his right leg. Then, stepping forward by the right, he marched right out of Ozpin's office. All of his actions continuing to be rigid and fluid.

"He's a good man," Ironwood remarked, turning to face Ozpin, "however, we need to find out if he is a Realm Jumper. Because, if the legends are in fact truth; his appearance is a bad omen. Something big may be happening sooner than we had thought."

"We shall see," Ozpin replied, "(Y/N) is a particularly interesting anomaly, since he has also encountered an alternate version of himself, who is much older and nearing his 70s. This causes me to believe that there are multiple versions of (Y/N), some of which may be young, old, benevolent or malicious."

"As if there weren't enough pressing matters..." Ironwood grumbled.

Both friends went quiet and watched as (Y/N) left the building via a security recording. They had plans to tend to.


(Y/N) sighed and walked along the halls of the academy, heading to his room while trying to call Lucia. However, she was not answering her phone. He shrugged and simply opted to send a message to her, stating his intentions of visiting a friend to get some equipment.

The equipment in question being the modifications created by Braun, 'free of charge' as described by the scientist. The young man sighed and entered the room, stepping into his exosuit, calibrating it and stepping into the power armor before calibrating it as well. Then, deciding to skip the long walk to the landing pads, (Y/N) opened up the windows and jumped from them, taking flight a few moments later.

Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't have to fly for too long before Braun's lab came into view. And so, the armored soldier began his descent and landed in an alleyway behind the lab. Much to his surprise, the Doctor was already waiting at the rear entrance.

"Ah, Mister (L/N)," the man greeted cordially, "I'm glad to see that the suit has been put to good use. Seeing as how shortly after flying it home, you jumped into combat and ruthlessly dispatched a terrorist threat."

(Y/N) chuckled and stepped into the lab, walking alongside the doctor.

"I thought I had disabled all of the cameras at the docks," (Y/N) admitted, heading over to a bunch of small cranes and stepping out of his power armor.

"Oh, they were. I just couldn't help but notice the size of the foot-shaped craters that were left behind back there."

"Well then, yep. That'll do it. Luckily, I was able to intervene since the terrorists had a group of girls held hostage."

"I couldn't agree more. I wonder if they're alright..."

(Y/N) didn't answer. Instead, he turned towards the cranes that held a few new pieces of equipment for the armor. Seeing this, Braun chuckled and pressed a few buttons at his computer, then turned to watch as the cranes lowered a large box shaped object onto the back of the armor. Following behind it came two mounting points for weapons. Then, two large guns were brought down and placed onto their mounts, which surprisingly, at least to (Y/N); were gimballed.

"What in the..." the young man exclaimed, looking at his power armor, "did you just give me two shoulder mounted 20mm chainguns?"

"I sure did!" Braun chuckled, "I mainly designed these for use in aerial combat, however, I modified these examples to become compatible with your Vanguard power armor. So, yes, you can use them for combat in the air so you won't have to sacrifice mobility if you're hunting something down, and if you're surrounded on the ground... well, let's just say that all angles will be covered."

(Y/N) nodded quietly, thinking about it for a moment before gesturing to the attachment on the back.

"Let me guess; ammunition for the chainguns?" (Y/N) chuckled.

"Well, you're right and wrong at the same time," Braun smiled, noting the now confused expression on (Y/N)'s face, "to elaborate, the pack on your power armor's back segment serves as extra armor, a booster power pack to the armor as well as a munitions storage unit for the chain guns."

(Y/N) nodded, then observed the armor once again, patting it almost affectionately.

"I've also taken the liberty of switching up and modifying the programming of your armor in order to integrate the targeting systems of your new armaments."

"You've certainly gone far and beyond expectations, Doctor," (Y/N) complimented after a moment of silence, "may I ask why you've done so?"

The older man smiled and pulled out some chairs for the both of them, sitting down with (Y/N).

"Call it a... 'premonition'," he admitted, "I've been having dreams, or rather visions of something terrible coming to Vale. Now, I'm old, and cannot really do much if something does come to pass. However, I can provide you and my other clients some additional upgrades for their weapons and their armor. So, that's what I'm doing. And now that you've received the upgrade, I can go and retire peacefully. Perhaps I'll go to Menagerie. May as well pay my wife's grave a visit and tend to our old home."

"You're a faunus?" (Y/N) inquired, looking over to the doctor in surprise.

"Half faunus," the Doctor corrected, going silent and refusing to elaborate any further.

The young man nodded in understanding, deciding to not push things further. Both of them sat in silence until (Y/N)'s scroll chimed, letting him know that there was an unread message waiting for him. He sighed quietly and read it over.

"Oh, Lucia," he chuckled and stood up before putting the scroll away.

"I take it that you're heading off now?" Braun asked as he looked up at (Y/N).

"Unfortunately, Doctor. Perhaps we can talk again soon."

"Perhaps, my friend. Perhaps."

Both men grinned and shook hands before parting ways with Braun heading back to his computer to add some finishing touches before beginning the steps of shutting down his lab for good. (Y/N), meanwhile, had stepped into and had fully calibrated his armor before exiting the lab and flying back home towards Beacon. Again, much like his flight to Braun's lab; it didn't take much time. Although, due to the increased bulk of his armor, (Y/N) took extra time to squeeze through the window and into the room, just as Lucia had entered.

The both of them looked at each other awkwardly, waiting for the other to move.

"Uh... Hi...?" (Y/N) waved awkwardly.

"(Y/N)," Lucia sighed, looking over the armor and its additional weapons, "don't you think that's a bit overkill?"

"Overkill in the sense of it pushing the legal boundaries? Yes, I'm aware."

"This silly boy is the one I love dearly," she laughed aloud, while shaking her head.

"Admit it. You love everything about me," (Y/N) chuckled as he stepped out of his armor, and eventually his exosuit.

Lucia only responded with giggling and a hug.

"Of course, silly," she smiled before planting a soft kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek.

Shaking his head, (Y/N) lifted her up and spun around, making her squeal with laughter. Although the spinning was short-lived as the young man didn't want to get dizzy. After having calmed down slightly, (Y/N) looked over at Lucia and gave her a gentle kiss, an action she happily returned.

"So," Lucia eventually spoke up as she nuzzled her boyfriend, "Ruby and her teammates are scheming to find clues about Roman Torchwick and the White Fang."

"Well that's new," (Y/N) remarked sarcastically, earning a playful smack from his girlfriend, "Hey! You know that it's true!"

"Yes, but you didn't have to be sarcastic about it."

"How about no. You love this side of me, admit it."

"No, I don't think I will," Lucia giggled.

The couple shared a quiet laugh before kissing each other once more.

"As I was saying," Lucia began, "Ruby and Co. are setting up plans to find and potentially permanently deal with the White Fang as well as our good friend, Roman Torchwick."

"Go on," (Y/N) sighed, "clue me in to this grand plan of theirs."

"Well, we're actually meeting up with them tomorrow at their room. Once there, we can get some explanations. I'm simply giving you advanced notice to let you know that something might happen, and if it's bad... you might have to drop in and save us."

Sighing again, although considerably louder, (Y/N) grumbled quietly about how team RWBY's shenanigans would increase the rate he loses his hair.

"Fuck's sake... fine," (Y/N) grumbled, having resigned to the inevitable, "I had hoped to go get some ice cream and relax again tomorrow, but I suppose I'll just have to wait."

"Thank you, babe," Lucia giggled, kissing (Y/N)'s cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go to sleep now and prepare for tomorrow."

The wolf girl continued to laugh, however, she also agreed with (Y/N)'s suggestion. And soon, the couple had finally fallen asleep, snoring quietly and held close in a loving embrace.


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