Crash the wedding.

By Susan7007

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All she needed to do was push open that door standing between her and the man she's loved for two long years... More

Wedding bells
New me/ Old me
Hurts and lies
Stay in the past

Returning gifts

0 0 0
By Susan7007

My alarm clock rang very loudly the next morning. I hit the damned thing like I always did every morning, but for some reason even after I heard the loud thud it fell to the ground with, the stupid alarm continued to ring.

I placed my pillow over my head groaning. After a few minutes, I sat up.

This was my final day in college and I was already feeling nostalgic. Not that I would miss waking up so early in the morning. But I would miss all my friends. Cici, Carol, Dalia, Josh, even Bridget.

Four years on this roller coaster ride had dumped many memories I would cry over when I entered the college premises today. The thought of that just seemed to give me the energy I lacked to get ready for my last day of school.

I grabbed my phone for my morning routine. Just as I touched it, it rang.

"I hope you're awake."

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"Almost eight? Are you still in bed?"

"Na-ah. Of course I'm awake. I'm almost ready." I lied through my teeth.

"Good. Cause I just picked up Drew and Shannon and we're headed your way."

"Last day of college, G." Drew yelled. I faintly heard Shannon's voice in the background too.


Michael hung up.

I threw my phone to my bed and immediately rushed to the bathroom. I did what usually took me ten minutes in five.

After yelling my lungs out for my mum, she finally came upstairs.

"My hair. They're coming. Hair, now." I yelled impatiently.

"Speak clearly dear. What are you saying?"

"Michael and the gang are almost here. My hair is wet. Please dry and straighten it while I get dressed. Thanks mum."

My mum immediately grabbed the hair dryer, blowing hot air on my hair. Because I was trying to get dressed at the same time, every now and then the hot breeze would touch my nape. But I didn't stop trying to get dressed. I wore my shirt when I was certain my hair wasn't dripping anymore and buttoned it as quickly as I could. And then I wore my jeans while sitting on my dress chair. I wiggled a lot, and mum, of course, complained a lot, but she didn't stop straightening my thick black long hair.

I got up in search of my brown boots, my hair caught in the straightener. I had to bend my head backwards as I walked so mum could keep holding onto the straightener. Everywhere I moved, mum moved with me. At one point she even hit me on the back, but I was too occupied to care.

I grabbed my shoes that I had found under my bed and returned to my seat. That's when I remembered I'd forgotten to grab a pair of socks.


"Now what?"


"For crying out loud, Georgia..."

"We're wasting time by just talking about it. I'll be quick."

My phone rang at that moment. I dreaded picking it up, but I did.

"We're outside."

"I'm coming out now."

I dropped the phone and was about to jump up for my socks.

"Done." Mum said as if she had been running a marathon and was glad it was finally over.

"Grab a pair of socks for me while I try to put on makeup."

"You won't make it." She handed me the socks. "Wear them now. Do your make up inside the car."

"Have you ever been inside the same car with Michael?"

"Georgia, your friends are waiting. Next time, wake up on time." She chastised walking out of my room.

"Thanks mum." I yelled after her.

I wore my socks and stuck my legs inside my boots.

I hung my bag on my shoulder and grabbed the few things I would need from my makeup purse. Then I ran downstairs like a lunatic.

"I'm here. I'm here." I yelled. Michael had decided on his mothers red four seater convertible today.

"You overslept again, didn't you?" Michael laughed.

"I hate you guys." I groaned.

"What's that in your hands?" Shannon asked. She was the only one not laughing. She was too girly to act like these childish boys even though she and I were the same age.

"Is that makeup?" Michael teased.

"Shut up." I said to him,

"Need help?" Shannon offered, a small friendly smile plastered on her face.

"Yes. Yes please."

"Andrew, move." She commanded.

Drew climbed to the front seat of the car. I opened the door and sat behind.

Michael began to drive like the mad man he was.

"Your hair looks really pretty." Shannon grabbed the items from my hand.

"Thanks. My mum helped out."

"Okay, let's see. Eye pencil, compact, lip gloss, eyelash curler, and mascara."

"Is that enough? I grabbed what I could."

"Yeah. It's definitely enough." She smiled kindly at me.

Shannon was almost never in our circle. I'd been so used to being the only girl in our group for so long, getting along with her at first was a tad difficult. But we found our balance. And the fact that she was almost never with us was also helpful in maintaining that balance.

After a few minutes of 'close your eyes', 'look down', 'raise your head a little', many other phrases like those ones while she did my makeup, and once in a few seconds snarky comments from the guys, it was finally over. And just in good time too.

Michael pulled over in the college parking lot.

"Take a look." She handed me a mirror.

I got to say, I really liked what she'd done. The make up was mild and soft, you could barely see where it started and where it ended. Everything was perfectly blended out.

Even with Michael's horrible driving.

Dropping the mirror, I smiled at her. "I love it. Thank you."

"Let's go." Michael yelled.

Shannon and I stepped down from the car. We were walking side by side inside the school premises  when I remembered I'd not perused my phone this morning. I brought it out from my bag.

My legs stopped moving when I opened a notification.

"Are you coming?" Shannon called out to me. The boys were far ahead.

"Yeah. I'm right behind you."

She continued on her stride.

I dialed Tommy's number and called, placing the phone on my ear immediately.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I barked the second he answered.

"It's a 'congratulations for graduating' gift." He said calmly.

"No. It's the money I rejected yesterday."

"That was a whole lot more money than what I sent you."

"Where are you? I want to return it this Instant."

"I don't want it."

"I don't care. Take your money back."


"Where are you?" I said with gritted teeth.

"The same restaurant I took you yesterday. I'm meeting a—"

"I'm on my way."

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