timothee chalamet oneshots

By user2177

79.6K 839 38

some imagines and oneshots More

Waking up next to you
Waffles & cuddling
On set from little women
Do you want kids?
Baby clothes
"Am I as tall as dad?"
Live on Instagram
Christmas Time
Special christmas present
Where is my phone
Travel & argue
Shower kiss
I don't want to lose you.
Where is dad?
Boy next door
Backing with Y/N
Brothers Bestfriend part 1.
Brothers Bestfriend part.2
Brothers Bestfriend part. 3
Plus one
Drunk call
Harry Styles concert
Where are you?
School crush
Beach day
Tropical vacation
Italien Restaurant
Italian Restaurant part. 2
What it's like to date him
Honeymoon in paris
Insta post
Insta post part 2
First date
Serendipitous Encounter

New friend

641 12 0
By user2177

My bestfriend Mia, was dragging me to one of here friends game night. It was raining and we were sitting in Mia's car on our way to this friend. „Why are you dragging me there again?" I asked „Because i want you to meet new people and second a friend got sick and we still need a person so there you come!" she said „So I'm just a Replacement!" I said and leaned black into the seat. „Nooo. Your not a replacement!" She said „Yeah yeah!" i said and n looked out of the window. „Mia Stop!" i said „Why?" she said and drove to Theissen of the street „I will be back in five minutes!" i said and got out of the car „NO! We will be late
Y/n!„ Mia said but i shut the door. I run into the store and got some snacks and two bottles of wine, and ran back to the car. „What did you get?" Mia asked me as i came back „Some snacks and some Wine. So if it's boring there i can drink something! Now drive we will be late as you said!" i said and Mia started to drive.

„Hey Guys! That's my bestfriend Y/n!" Mia said as we walked into the living room were four people were already sitting. There were three boys and one girl with beautiful brown skin that was glowing. „Hey my name is Aya. Nice to meet you!" the girl said and stood up and hugged me. „This is Theo !" she said and pointed at a boy with shoulder long black hair „Hey!" he said „Next to him that is Josh!" she said and the boy with blond hair waved at me „And the boy on the right is Timotheé!" she said and and the boy with brown curls hair who was wearing a Slytherin sweater, gave me a shy smile. „What did you got there?" Theo asked „Snacks and wine i will drink if i get bored!" i said „I can tell you, you will not get bored!" Josh said „I hope so!" i said and the two laughed.

„What games are we gonna play today?" Mia asked while i went over to the cute and set down next to Aya. „We will start with Uno !" Paul said and got uno. „I'm craving for snacks what did you get?" Aya asked „Twizzlers, Reese's, sour patches, jolly rancher and Pringle's! What do you want?" i asked and took out everything and layed it on the table. „I will take the Twizzlers!" she said and took them from the table. „I like your sweater where did you get it from?" Theo asked. I was wearing my moms old Princeton university sweatshirt. „It's my moms old sweater from university!" I said grabbing the bag of sour patches. „Who is ready to lose?" Paul said as he came back, and we all set down on the ground around the coffee table. I was sitting next to Timothée who had a blanked around him and was leaning against the couch. „Take your cards!" Theo said and I took my card. I noticed that Timothée was peaking at my cards „Stop peaking at my card!" i said and turned my cards away from him „You have good cards!" he whispered to me and i had to chuckle „I know!" i said and we started to play.

„I'm gonna get some wine! Who wants some and where are glasses?" i said standing up „I will show you!" Timothée said standing up „Can you bringe me a glass?" Paul said „I will have one too!" Aya said. „Mia?" i asked here „No i have to drive!" she said „Me neither!" Theo said. Timothée walked with me to the kitchen and took out four wine glasses. He looked so familiar to me. „You know you look very familiar to me!" i said and leaned on the kitchen island „Could be because I'm an actor!" he said and smirked „Really?" i asked not believing him „Yes! You could look at Google." he said „Alright!" i siad and took out my phone and went to Google and searched for Timothée, and he popped up, its said Timothée chalamet actor. „No shit!" i said and looked at the movies he played in. „Interstellar. That's where i know you from!" i said and he had to laugh. „What is your job?" he asked me „I'm still studying!" i said pouring wine into the glasses „And what job do you wanna get when you finish collage?" he asked me „I have no idea. As a child i wanted to become an actress and an supermodel, but now i don't know what to do with my life!" i said and Timothée nodded. „Tell me Timothée what do you want in the future? I mean you have the perfect job, and i think you have all the money!" i asked him „I want to finde my big love, and start a family, and i don't care about money!" he said and leaned at the opposite site of me. „And? Did you finde your big love already?" i asked him „Maybe, i have to finde out!" he said and he smirked. „Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked me „No. My last boyfriend cheated on me with my old roommate!" i told him „I'm sorry!" he said „Don't be. After we broke up i saw what a huge red flag he was!" i said and chuckled „We should go, there waiting!" i said and took two glasses and walked back into the livingroom. „Where were you, i tought i would have to get my own glass of wine!" Paul said and i handed him a glass and the other Aya. I set down next to Timothée who layed the blanked down on both of us and handed me my glass „Thanks Timothée!" i said „Call me Timmy!" he said „Alright Timmy!" i said and smiled.

We were playing many rounds and at the end Paul had the most uno wins. We were now playing who am I. „Am I a woman?" Theo asked „Yes!" we all said „Am I a singer?" Theo asked again „No" we said synchron „Y/n your turn!" Aya said „Am I a man?" I asked „Yes" they said „Am I an actor?" I asked „yes" they said again „Am I older than 30?" i asked „No!" they said. „Alright am I a man?" timmy asked „No!" we said and i had to chuckle because on his letter was written Queen Elizabeth. „What?" timmy asked me while the others continued „Nothing!" I said and wrapped my hands around my cup of tea „Come on tell me who I am?" Timmy said and looked at me with puppy eyes „Your Mickey Mouse!" I said even when on his paper Adele was written. „Your lying! I'm a woman not a man!" he said smiling at me and I just smiled back and turned to the others again.
„Your turn Y/n!„ Theo said „Alright I know I am a man and an actor and I'm under thirteen! Do I have brown hair?" I asked  „Yes" they said „Am I Tom Holland? I asked „No!" they said. „I am a Woman an singer, im from the uk, and I'm well known. Am I Adel?" timmy asked „Yes!" we all said.
„Do i know him?" I asked as the last one who still didn't know who they were „Yes!". „Do i like this actor?" I asked „We don't know!" Mia said. I was thinking and looked over to timmy who was watching me the whole time „Dose he have curls?" I asked them „Yes!" „Oh i know it. Im Timmy!" I said „Yess!" they said loud. „Took you long to find out!" timmy whispered to me „Maybe because I don't think the whole time about you and your acting career!" i said and smiled at him.

It was already late and Mia and I wanted to go back home so we said goodbye to every one. „Bye" I said to timmy und hugged him „Y/n I have a question for you!" he said becoming shy „What is it?" i asked him „Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked me, and I couldn't deny that I found him very charming and would love to go out with him „I would love to go on a date with you Mr. Chalamet!" I said and i could see him relaxing „That's great!" he said „I will get your number from Mia and than we can text!" I said and kissed him on his cheek as an goodbye. „Bye Timmy".

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