still friends

By softlypotter_

796 27 7

After a chance encounter at a party, Wanda and Bucky find they have more in common than they realized. This f... More

Chapter 1: Greetings
Chapter 2: Unloading
Chapter 3: Cherries
Chapter 4: Worth the Wait
Chapter 5: Books
Chapter 6: Grief
Chapter 7: Unlikely
Chapter 9: A Christmas Moment
Chapter 10: The Best Holiday
Chapter 11: Permission
Chapter 12: Revitalize
Chapter 13: Backstabber
Chapter 14: Luck of the Dead
Chapter 15: Pain Reliever
Chapter 16: Apologize
Chapter 17: Specially Gifted
Chapter 18: New Day

Chapter 8: Happy Birthday, Soldier

41 3 0
By softlypotter_

September 7th, 2027

He's unlacing his combat boots when he hears her light giggle. Hands grip his shoulders, pulling him up from his crouched position.

"Happy birthday, soldier." She says, placing a kiss by his ear. His lips crack into a smile, and he turns around, taking her into his arms. Her hairs damp, a t-shirt and sweats on her body, but her makeup is done, lips glossy.

"Thank you, gorgeous."

She's smiling widely, like she has a secret, and she holds his hands between them, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I have a gift for you." Then she shrugs. "Gifts. plural."

"You didn't have to get me anything." He retorted as she dragged him through his room, pushing the bathroom door open.

"Who says I bought you anything?" She giggles.

The scent of jasmine is strong, and he looks around his bathroom. There are multiple candles strewn around, on the sink, on the tub edge and the shelf. The bathtub faucet is on, the sudsy water slowly rising, rose petals floating in the water. There's rose petals on the floor as well, a fluffy white towel propped up on the closed toilet seat next to a few bottles of unidentified liquids.

"I bet you've never been to a spa hmmm?" She laughs, obviously satisfied with herself, and she gives him the once over as he shakes his head. "Now strip, that mission definitely made you need a bath. Get in the tub. I'll be back in just a moment."

Leaning on her tiptoes, she kisses his cheek. His skin warms at the contact, and he's sure he's blushing.

He removes his jacket, pulling at the velcro and straps until he's naked, gingerly stepping into the water. It's hot, and he eases down, sighing deeply.

He didn't deserve this treatment.

Balancing his elbows on the rim of the tub, he leaned back, eyes closed. He didn't open them as the door creaked open, but he smiled as she giggled.

"Something funny, darlin'?" He drawled, opening one eye at her. She's kneeling by the tub, her sleeves pushed to her elbows as she lifts one of the bottles.

"Nah, I've just never seen you look so serene while naked," she laughed, squirting the bottle's contents onto her hands. Dipping one hand in the water, she worked them together, creating a lather. "Darlin'? That's a new one."

She reaches for him, places her hands in his hair and begins a slow movement. He shuts his eyes as her nails scrape lightly. He'd never felt so at ease, his muscles relaxing as Wanda moved from his head to his shoulders. She squeezed the skin, lapping the water up, roses sticking to his damp chest.

"I have a game while you relax." She whispered, leaning close.


"Yes." She dunks her hands into the water, cleansing the suds away, and reaches for a clear cup balanced on the toilet seat. "Guess what number I'm thinking of, between one and five."

He's curious, wondering where she's taking this, and decides to entertain it. "Hmm, three?"



She takes the cup, fills it with water, and gently drops it over his shoulders.

"Correct." She sings, dropping the cup into the water and stands. "You get a prize."

She reaches for her sweat pants, dragging them down slowly, watching him watch her. Creamy thighs are exposed, her hips encased in a pair of lace panties.

Bucky swallows.

"Ok, try again," she instructs, bending back down to retrieve the cup and drops more water on his hair, the suds flowing down his neck. "This time between one and twenty."

He licks his lips. "seventeen."

She shakes her head, grinning, and squeezes an oil into her palms. She picks up his hand, massaging his knuckles and fingers slowly.


"Nuh huh." Her fingers are working the muscles easily, and he feels the tension being sucked out of him like a straw.

He sighs, lost in the feeling, and cranes his neck back.

"Come on, soldier," Wanda murmurs, her tone silky. "Don't you wanna win a prize?"

He would recognize that tone anywhere, her intentions loud and clear. She bites her lower lip, teasingly, and a shiver hits him.

"Fifteen?" He says weakly, and she shakes her head.

"Close, it's sixteen," she replies, pressing into his palm with her thumbs. "But, I guess I can give you a little prize."

She tugs her top up, holding it under her chin. A thin, lacy bra covers her breast, her nipples poking through the fabric. His cock twitches, and he reaches for her, swiping his thumb across her nipple. She gasps lowly, and drops her shirt down.

"No no no," she laughs, voice low. "You gotta win the game to get the prize."

He sits back against the tub. He'll play, and he'll definitely win.

She picks up the cup, placing it on the covered toilet seat. "Ok, sit up so I can get your back." He does so, his knees to his chest, and she squirts a cool liquid on his upper back. "The number I'm thinking of is between one and thirty."

Bucky contemplates, sighing as she rubs her knuckles into his back. His muscles are tight, and her movements are easing every knot. "How about twenty."

"No," she replies, hidden from his viewpoint as she works. "Close."


He feels her pause, her hands suddenly stilling on his back.

"I'll take that as an 'i win' '' Bucky chuckles, waiting for her to answer. When she doesn't move, he glances over his shoulder. She stares at him, her brows furrowed, lips tight in a line.

"Wanda?" he asks, turning around clumsily in a tub he was far too big for. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." She says, dipping her hands slowly into the water and washing them off. "You win."

Her tone is almost misty, her eyes far away, and he's worried he said something wrong.

"What is it?" He says, and when she doesn't reply, just keeps washing her hands, he places his wet palm on her shoulder. Her head snaps up, and she seems to remember herself.

She smiles, but it's tight, not easy.

"Good job soldier," she whispers, standing and peeling her top off. "You won."

He isn't sure he likes this. She dips her hand into the water, gripping him and he shutters. She begins to slowly stroke him, watching his face struggle to contain his composure as he hardens in her hand.

"W-wanda just, wait a second." He breathes, his voice thick. Swiping her hand over his head, she releases him, then steps into the tub, still dressed in her lingerie.

She looks powerful, the black lace accenting all her curves, her nipples peaked under the fabric. His mouth waters, mind blanking.

Wanda lifts her leg, placing her foot by the faucet handle, and he can nearly smell her arousal as her legs are open, so close to him.

"Well?" She says peering down at him. "Don't you want a taste?"

He moves quickly, gripping her ass with one hand as the other grabs the lace, pulling it to the side. He gives her a tentative lick, and another, and Wanda sighs deeply. Her hand is pressed against the wall as he licks her, pressing into her skin hrashly. Her other hand moves into his hair, and she's whispering encouraging, dirty things as he works.

"That's it, so good for me."

"How do I taste?"

"You're doing such a good job, baby."

He's kissing her cunt thickly, drowning in her scent, her left thigh soft against his cheek. He wants to do this everyday if she'll let him.

Wanda pushes him away softly, then kneels down on top of him, the cramped space pushing them closer as the water laps around them. Her panties are wet, a mix of her juices and the water, and she reaches down to hold him.

"Wanna be inside me, soldier?"

Bucky nods wildly, and she grins as she slides down on his length. The water splashes, moving up the side of the tub and onto her chest and back. He grunts as she takes him, brows knitted together.

She's smirking, and he's done for, he knows what that smirk means. That smirk means it's her night, she's giving him the day off, she's taking control of the reigns. He just has to sit back and let her.

Balancing on her toes, she begins to bounce. The water laps wildly, soaking the carpet and extinguishing the candles but she doesn't stop. As she moves, she takes his lip between hers, tugging it painful.

"Tell me you like that." She pants, her teeth clamped on his lip. He's gripping the bathtub rim so tightly his knuckles are white, metal arm cracking the marble.

"I like that." He's panting, eyes glazed as he watches her ride him.

"Mine, understand?" She demands, releasing his lip with a snap. "My mouth to bite. My cock to ride."

She's oozing dominance, and he realizes he's never been with a girl this kinky. Sure, he'd been with the occasional tie-me-up-and-spank-me girl but this? Wanda was owning this leadership. She was calling the shots, telling him how to fuck her, riding him how she pleased. He thanked his lucky stars.

He watches in awe as she moves. Her chest is probably one of his favorite things in the world, aside from her smile. The thin lace doesn't cover her nipples well, but it hugs her figure, the curves beckoning for him to lick them. He wants to bruise them, claim them as she makes him breathe heavily.

She sees him watching, and smirks again. He glances down, watching as she takes him. "Like what you see?" Her voice is dark, her eyes nearly glowing.

"Yeah," he gulps, hands moving to her hips. She raises her hand, fingers twisting, and suddenly his hands are snapped back to the sides of the tub, a red streak holding him down. "I really do, sweetheart."

Her eyes are indeed glowing.

A strip of the same red streak snakes around his neck slowly, before yanking his head back.

"Make me come soldier," she demands, her hips moving unbearably fast. He feels her flutter, grinning. Bracing his feet on the edge of the tub, he begins to meet her bounces, thrusting up into her. It's hard, trying to move while tied down, but the expression on her face makes it all worth his effort. Soon she's moaning, eyes squeezed shut and he can almost feel the dynamic shift. The tendrils fiz, dissipating, and he's able to move freely. He sits up, grabbing her hips harshly, and smashes his mouth onto hers.

She cries in frustration at not finding release, but kisses him back nonetheless, her hands in his hair, pulling. He stands, soaking the rug and soaps and candles, bracing her against him.

They've made quite a mess in this bathroom. He could really care less.

Holding her, he loops one foot and then the other over the edge of the tub, dragging her in front of the sink. He takes a hold of her lace bottoms, ripping them off.

"Those were expensive." She mumbles into his mouth. He releases her, before spinning her around and slamming her front against the sink so that they're both looking at their reflections.

Her eyes are shiny with red, lips bruised and the ends of her hair are damp, sticking to her neck and back. Bucky looks wild, his hair sticking up, eyes completely blown.

They look like they've been fucking like animals.

"I'll buy you all of 'em," he growls into the shell of her ear, spitting into his hand before dipping between her legs. She spreads them, knowing what's coming, and braces her hands on the edge of the sink.

Her eyes flutter shut as he sinks into her, and her head leans back against his collar bone. He stills, his cock warm inside her, and grips her face between his metal fingers.

"Open your eyes, beautiful." He seethes as he bucks into her, hips slapping wildly. "I want you to watch as I fill you."

She groans at his words, her knuckles white as she braces.

He's violent with his assault on her neck, his teeth biting so hard he tastes copper, but she doesn't resist. In fact she loves it, she's mewling against his, tears at her eyes as he fucks her harder than he has before, he wonders if it's hurting her.

She begins to tighten, her hands spazzing as she reaches the peak, and he wraps his arm around her neck. He knows he can't hold on much longer, she just looks too perfect like this. "Gonna come with me?"

She nods, tears still in her eyes as she makes eye contact with him in the mirror. She smiles, biting her mouth. "Come with me."

"You're such a good girl." He whispers, kissing her head, and drops his arm from her neck before landing a smack on her ass cheek.

She winces, a wild smile dancing on her features. "I'm always a good girl."

He chokes, turning her head with his hand to meet his mouth. Her lips are soft, but demanding, tongue looking for his.

She's beyond special, his little witch, and the fact that he's allowed to have her like this gives him a hope he thought died a long time ago.

Her hand tangles in his hair, pulling. "Fuck you feel amazing." He groans, his own release steadily approaching.

Her lips part from his, and his strokes slow slightly, but just as deeply. "James." His name coming from her mouth gives him a feeling he can't describe. His chest lightens, like a weight has been removed, birds flying within his ribcage.

His hips snap, hitting a place deep inside her, and she throws her head back, whining, her hand yanking his hair as she comes.

"Such a good girl," he praises, voice tight. "That's right, cum on my cock like the good witch you are."

She's sobbing, the happy, over stimulated kind, and the sight of her plump lips saying his name again tips him over. He spills inside her, holding her hips so hard he believes he should apologize for it later.

A bliss ascends them, both breathing hard, hands and legs shaky. He leans his forehead against her back shoulder, kisses the skin there. Wanda falls into his arms, her limbs overstimulated from the orgasm. She's clinging to him, her face falling to his collarbone, her sweaty cheek sticking to his skin.

He wobbles slightly as he pulls out of her. They're both sore, both exhausted, and he leans against the sink, his feet wet with the spilled bath water.

"Go to bed," she mummers, kissing his chest. "I'll clean this up and be there in a moment."

Bucky doesn't argue, can tell that she wants to be able to do this for him, so he kisses her temple, departing the bathroom, the heavy scent of their fucking following him. He's sweaty but he can't be bothered to shower again, can't be bothered to do anything but collapse in his bed, stretching. A light tune can be heard from the bathroom, and he shuts his eyes as he listens to her hum lowly.

He feels her before he hears her, pressing against him as she slips beneath the sheets. Her arm drapes around his middle, head pressing into his shoulder lightly, and he hooks their ankles together.

"Happy birthday." She whispers.

He won't admit it, but for once he isn't upset about celebrating.

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