Chapter 13: Backstabber

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It's like being punched through the chest; that's the only way he can think of describing it. His heart thrums in his ears as he tears from the lab, eyes searching the corridors widely. Numbers are labeled above each door, and he runs past them, taking in the numbers.






It's becoming increasingly hard to breathe, but his mind has converted to mission mode. He's afraid he'll never lose that, the inability to differentiate real life from a mission.

But Wanda is his mission; his only mission.



Bucky racks his brain, trying to find any excuse, any reason as to why she's doing this. How her ex-husband is alive. Bucky pales because he realizes Vision isn't her ex-husband. He's just her husband, alive again


He needs to hear her say it. Admit that she doesn't have any fucking friends, that she left him to come here. But why? But how?

He reads the letters A7 above the doorway and something snaps in Bucky. He kicks open the door, the hinges breaking partially. Wanda whips around, her face hard in frustration until she realizes who it is.

Please, not tonight. I just need you.

May I give you a hug?

Anyway's Love loves Joe, even though she finds out some dark stuff about him. She loves him no matter what.

More, more, please more.

I love you, James.


She could have messed around with anyone she wanted, but she'd chosen him that night on Wilson's steps. Did she always plan on doing this, going back to Vision?

She's holding her hands out now, saying words that Bucky can't register. Brows knitted together, she stands slowly, arms extended. Behind her, Vision is still on his haunches, eyes starring blankly ahead.

Bucky's face feels electric, his rage bubbling to the surface. Her lips are moving, but he still can't hear her, anger ringing through his ears.

But he can see that her lips are swollen, damp.

Like she's been freshly kissed.

The realization comes over him like a wave, and his heart aches, pounding in his chest as his eyes begin to water. He wants to scream, grab her and shake her, demand for her to explain what the fuck was going on.

Instead, his eyes begin to water. He feels his inner walls beginning to crack, the little palace he'd built for himself that protected him, kept him focused, kept him breathing, was beginning to fall apart.

Wandas shaking her head, face flicking between his and Visions. Vision blinks at her, nods slowly, his head lulling to the side, and Bucky cannot fathom how Visions is able to understand what's happening but he can't. His mind is fuzzy, heart beating way too fast to be considered normal.

She's supposed to be mine now. You had your time with her.


He blinks, finally being able to comprehend her words. "Bucky, I promise I can -"

He opens his mouth, but no words come out, not one. He doesn't know what to say.

And then Vision looks up, blinks once before saying. "Who's this, my love?"

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