The Do'Urden Brothers

By TruthfulNomad

360 6 0

Takes place in an AU version of the book "Starless Night" by R. A. Salvatore. Drizzt learns Zaknafein had ano... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

11 0 0
By TruthfulNomad

The growing party of travelers arrived in the grassy countryside a number of days after leaving the High Forest. Drizzt was glad to leave the High Forest and the dangers that mysterious place represented.

"We are nearing the town of Yartar," the drow announced as he pulled the hood of his large green cloak over his head, pulling it tight to cover his face. Ky'lor glanced at him curiously, not understanding. He sighed as he glanced at his younger brother.

"It is hard to judge how the humans will react to having a drow elf in their midst," Drizzt explained as he glanced toward Dinin who trotted opposite him. "We are feared and not often tolerated on the surface."

Ky'lor frowned as he considered this. They hadn't run into such problems in Silverymoon because Drizzt was well known in the city. But in a smaller trade town like Yartar where Drizzt's reputation wouldn't help them, he'd felt it necessary to be cautious.

"They are fools," Dinin commented. "Humans, they have always been small minded."

Ky'lor found himself agreeing with the older Do'urden son. He knew he was sheltered, growing up with Jarlaxle, but he had gotten a taste of such prejudices in Menzoberranzan. The drow were notorious for not tolerating anyone who was not drow. And Ky'lor was used to having to use magic spells to conceal his half dwarf heritage. And here, it was the half drow that would cause him trouble. What a strange twist of fate.

"The world is wrought with small minded beings," Drizzt agreed as they approached the walled town. "But we require rest. Dinin, you have not quite recovered from your previous injuries and unless you wish to sleep out in the grass tonight, I would suggest we allow Catti-brie to take the lead in this."

"Not a problem, Drizzt," Catti-brie said as she trotted her horse up to them, taking the lead as her wavy red hair fluttered in the wind. She glanced behind her to Legolas and Chandrelle who guarded the rear. "Come on, elves, ye can sweet talk the guards well enough."

They approached the walls and the guards came into view. There was a pair of them, each holding large spears as they stood on either side of the door. Catti-brie approached casually, Legolas and Chandrelle moving up to join her as the three drow stood behind, each of them pulling their hoods over, disguising their dark elf heritage. Ky'lor waited silently, not daring to look up.

Moments later, Catti-brie returned. "They want us to leave our horses. They'll be taken to the stables," she explained. Drizzt nodded and dismounted, still careful to hide under his hood. Catti-brie took his hand and led him through the gate, Ky'lor and Dinin following close behind. They left their horses with the guards and proceeded through the gate.

Ky'lor felt anxious as he passed by the guards who eyed him carefully. Suspiciously. He held his breath, terrified of being discovered.

But somehow, someway, the six of them managed to get into the town unseen. And once they did, they found a bustling, crowded town that echoed with the sounds of commerce and trade. Ky'lor lifted his head. He couldn't help his fascination as he glanced all around. There were people from all walks of life. Humans, mostly, but there were plenty of elves and dwarves and many other races from all over the realms.

"Yartar can be a dangerous place if you don't keep your wits about you," Drizzt explained as he walked beside Ky'lor. "We are only staying long enough to replenish our supplies and rest before continuing on to Waterdeep."

"Will we have to hide ourselves there too?" Dinin asked. Ky'lor heard the scoff in his voice. "Or has everyone heard of Drizzt Do'Urden."

Drizzt only shrugged. "Perhaps one day they will hear of the deeds of Dinin Do'Urden," he suggested. "And you will be able to pass through cities of the north without my presence."

"His past deeds leave much to be desired," Legolas commented as he narrowed his eyes at Dinin. To everyone's utter astonishment, Dinin said nothing. His expression softened, though it was mostly hidden under his burgundy red cloak.

By now, they had all gotten used to Dinin's insufferable attitude. He always seemed to have a quip on the tip of his tongue. But what was that in his eyes? Was it regret? It lasted only a second before his expression hardened again.

"That's enough," Catti-brie warned before Dinin could decide to respond. They moved along the cobblestone roads until they came to the inn, a sign adorning the awning of the shadowy inn.

"The Wink and Kiss?" Drizzt raised his brow as he glanced at Catti-brie. "Are you suggesting we stay at a brothel?"

Catti-brie sighed. "Not the best, I know," she said. "But we aren't likely to be bothered here."

A whiff of perfume permeated the place as they entered. It was a large open tavern area, a clutter of tables and chairs, and a pool table in the far corner. The bar counter was large and various types of alcohol adorned the shelves behind it.

The tavern was sparsely populated, many patrons gathered around the pool table where a pair of players moved about suavely. Female bar maidens and cocktail assistance moved about, taking orders and tending to guests.

As the six of them approached the counter, the woman behind it turned and gave them her full attention. She was a petite woman with yellow blonde hair arranged in a poof around her head, and she wore a tight fitting black and red lace corset, one that revealed much cleavage. She smiled as she eyed her guests.

"We'd like to stay at the inn," Catti-brie proclaimed. "Two rooms for the next few days if ye don't mind."

The woman regarded them, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. Drizzt sighed. "Now is as good a time as any," he said as he pulled back his hood, revealing his white hair and ebony skin to the entire room.

A cascade of gasps followed suit as Ky'lor and Dinin did the same. Ky'lor felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment as he felt the eyes upon him from all over.

"What is this?" the woman demanded. "Is this some sort of a joke?"

"We won't cause any trouble," Drizzt said, stepping forward as the woman eyed them nervously. "We are only here to get supplies and we will be on our way."

The woman looked skeptical, glancing at Catti-brie. "I don't want patrons to think we harbor evil here. We are a small establishment."

Catti-brie scoffed. "Yer city has been a bastion for criminals and unsavory sort in recent years," she retorted. "If ye will allow murderers and thieves in yer midst but throw out a few dark elves without even a thought, that'll make ye a hypocrite."

The woman thinned her lips as she regarded them carefully. "Fine," she relented. "They can stay. But you'll pay double for them. And I'll hold you personally responsible for any damage their presence causes."

Catti-brie rolled her eyes but tossed a few coins at the woman who handed them keys to their rooms. Ky'lor watched the entire exchange curiously, and as he glanced around the tavern, he saw eyes watching them carefully as the atmosphere in the room became tense. He shrunk in on himself, feeling self-conscious with so many people watching his every move.

Those eyes followed them all the way up the stairs and only when he managed to get into the safety of his room did Ky'lor relax. He hoped this wasn't going to be the norm for the rest of their journey. 

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